Frerard Oneshots

By GerardIero-Way

60.6K 1.1K 192

Started this on my last account but it unfortunately got deleted More

The Letter
You're Too Good To Me
Happy Birthday Gee
Caught In A Skirt
Mr Iero
I Meant Nothing
Left Out
Saviour (part 2)
Lazy Boy
That's Messed Up
You're Mine Now
Daddy's Home
Coming Home?
Hurt Feelings
Scraped Knees
Sneaking Around
Alone Forever?
Stripper Husband
Dyed Hair
High School Reunion
Brat (part 2)
Bad Past
Slut Shamed
Sugar Daddy
You're back?
You Can Run If You Wanna
Sexy Nerd
Gamer Boy
Gamer Boy (part 2)
Fuck Boy and Slut
Calling Your Name
You're Home
Teenager Father
Heart Break
Prom Night
Flowers (part 2)
It's Wrong But Right
You're Fucking Cute
After School Cuddles
Shy Gee
Someone Else
Fight For You
Can We Meet
Please (part 2)
Late Night Cuddles
Took So Long
Good Time
Daddy! (part 2)
Rich and Poor
Rich and Poor (part 2)
Rich and Poor (part 3)
So In Love
Up Late
Please Stop
Please Stop (part 2)
Cozy Night At Home
What Happened To You
Make Up Make Out
Drunk Night Out
I Choose You
First Meet
New Book

Teenager Father (part 2)

417 7 1
By GerardIero-Way

It was 3 AM and Frank had given Jasmine a bottle but she won't settle.

Out of desperation Frank called Gerard and asked him to come over, Gerard was there 2 minuets later.

"Ok, I am here to see the princess" Gerard said making Frank roll his eyes "she is the princess of keeping me awake at the moment" he said as they walked up stairs.

Gerard chuckled and they went into Franks room, Gerard pouts and picks her up "I gave her a bottle, isn't that what she needed"

Gerard held Jasmine to his chest "have you burped her" he asked, Frank sighed "yeah, she was sick on me, hence the reason I do not have a shirt on"

Gerard chuckled and shook her softly in his arms, after 5 minuets she had calmed fully, Gerard put her back down and pulled the blanket over her chest.

Frank smiled at Gerard as he caressed her cheek, when Gerard turned to Frank he put an index finger over his lips.

Frank nods to the door, hinting he wanted to talk to Gerard.

When they got back downstairs they sat on the couch with loud sighs "I should have called you to come change the diaper earlier"

Gerard rolled his eyes "I done it all before I left so you can fuck off"

Frank chuckled "well thank you for everything" he said with a smile, Gerard smiled too.

"Since Jamia left, I've realised something very important, part of me will always love Jamia, I mean we were together since we were 13 but I-I wasn't fully happy" he said with a sigh, Gerard sat up at looked at Frank "what are you trying to say Frank"

Frank sighed and looked at Gerard nervously "I-I'm gay"

Gerard nods his head slowly, Frank bites his lip "p-please don't stop helping me Gerard, not because of this, please I still need your help" Frank was now panicked.

Gerard chuckled "hey, don't panic, I'm not gonna stop helping you, I'm gay too if that makes you feel any better" he said with a smile.

Frank smiled and sat closer to Gerard he he could hug him better.

They pulled away slightly, they looked deep into each others eyes, Frank gulped and out his hand on the side of Gerard's neck.

They leaned closer slowly until their noses were touching, Gerard turned his head slightly and leaned forward until their lips were almost touching.

Frank didn't even realise what was going on, he was too caught up in Gerard "why aren't you kissing me" he asked, Gerard sighed "because you're child is crying, I don't want out first kiss to be when she's crying"

Gerard quickly got off the couch and when he did Frank heard the crying "fuck I'm so shitty" he whispered to himself.

Gerard soon came back and sat down right next to Frank "she lost her binky" he whispered as he wrapped his arms around Frank.

Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard too and leaned closer "now, where were we" he said making Gerard smile "right around here" he whispered as he turned his head slightly and pressed his lips to Franks.

*10 years later*

"Daddy, Papa" Jasmine yelled out from her room, Gerard and Frank rushed upstairs so see Jasmine cuddling her stuffy.

Frank panicked "what's wrong sweetie" he asked, Jasmine pointed over the wall "there's a spider"

Frank gasped and picked his daughter up "don't worry darling, dad will get it for you" he said as he slowly backed out of the room with Jasmine.

Gerard turned around and gasped "oh my gosh seriously" he asked in fake shock, Frank half his daughter "yes seriously get it"

Gerard chuckled "oh and why can't you get it" he asked, Frank gasped in fake shock "because I have to take care of my princess"

Gerard scoffed and grabbed some tissue and crushed the spider "don't you mean our princess" he asked.

Frank chuckled "well more mine than yours" he said as he put Jasmine down and she ran away to play with her toys.

Gerard crossed his arms across his chest "why is that" he asked, Frank shrugged "well, you know" he said with a chuckle.

Gerard furrowed his eyebrows "say it" Gerard dared making Frank groan.

"She's not got your DNA"

Gerard sighed and leaned closer to Frank "yeah and who was the one that helped you the first year and a half because you couldn't be a real father"

Frank gasped and Gerard walked away, he went into the bedroom and slammed the door.

Both men were upset with what they said, Frank laid on the couch while Gerard laid in bed, they both reflected on the situation and they knew they were both in the wrong.

"Daddy, papa! Come tuck me in"

Gerard left the room and Frank walked up the stairs, they got to the door at the same time.

Gerard stepped back and holds his hands behind his back, yes Gerard was being childish but he didn't want to apologies first.

Frank sighed and grabbed Gerard's hand before opening the door and pulling him into the room.

"Hey sweetie" Frank said with a large smile, Gerard grinned and they sat on ether side of Jasmines bed "what stuffy do you want" Gerard asked, Jasmine smiled "can I have all of them"

Gerard and Frank chuckled "you can have three"

Jasmine hummed "Mr Unicorn, porky pig and fluffy"

Gerard gave her the stuffies and smiled "good night sweetheart" he said as he kissed her cheek softly.

"I love you daddy"

"I love you too sweetheart"

Frank leaned over and kissed her cheek "goodnight princess"

"I love you papa"

"I love you too princess"

The two men left the room and shut the door, they both looked at each other before pulling each other into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Frankie, you weren't a bad father at the start you were just learning" he whispered, Frank shook his head "no I'm sorry Gee, I shouldn't have said you were less of a father to our little angel"

Gerard smiled and pecked Franks lips softly "I love you babe, there's a reason we got married 5 years ago, I'm not letting that go to waste"

Frank smiled "I love you too, fuck I love you so much"

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