Frerard Oneshots

By GerardIero-Way

60.6K 1.1K 192

Started this on my last account but it unfortunately got deleted More

The Letter
You're Too Good To Me
Happy Birthday Gee
Caught In A Skirt
Mr Iero
I Meant Nothing
Left Out
Saviour (part 2)
Lazy Boy
That's Messed Up
You're Mine Now
Daddy's Home
Coming Home?
Hurt Feelings
Scraped Knees
Sneaking Around
Alone Forever?
Stripper Husband
Dyed Hair
High School Reunion
Brat (part 2)
Bad Past
Slut Shamed
Sugar Daddy
You're back?
You Can Run If You Wanna
Sexy Nerd
Gamer Boy
Gamer Boy (part 2)
Fuck Boy and Slut
Calling Your Name
You're Home
Teenager Father (part 2)
Heart Break
Prom Night
Flowers (part 2)
It's Wrong But Right
You're Fucking Cute
After School Cuddles
Shy Gee
Someone Else
Fight For You
Can We Meet
Please (part 2)
Late Night Cuddles
Took So Long
Good Time
Daddy! (part 2)
Rich and Poor
Rich and Poor (part 2)
Rich and Poor (part 3)
So In Love
Up Late
Please Stop
Please Stop (part 2)
Cozy Night At Home
What Happened To You
Make Up Make Out
Drunk Night Out
I Choose You
First Meet
New Book

Teenager Father

504 10 0
By GerardIero-Way

(Mikey is also 1 in this story)

"You can keep the kid Frank, I don't want her, I wanna live my life" Jamia yelled as she walked away from Franks house.

Frank watched her walk away as he held his baby daughter in his arms, he sniffles and caressed her cheek "it's just me and you baby girl, I'm gonna try to give you the best life I can"

Just then Gerard Way was walking home, he walked past Franks house and his eyes widened as he saw Frank standing there with the small child.

Frank and Gerard weren't the best of friends but they were neighbours and spoke ever so often "Frank" he said as he walked up the drive.

Franks head snapped up "h-hey Gerard" he said sadly, Gerard looked down at the child in Franks arms then back up at him "ok so, question, where did the kid come from"

Frank sighed "I accidentally go Jamia pregnant, she said we'd stick together and have a family but...she turned up, she acted all sweet, when I was holding this little angel, she stood up and told me that's she's leaving, I-I have no help, as you know my parents aren't around as often, so it's just me and my baby" he said making Gerard sigh "ok let's go inside" he said.

Frank nods his head as they went inside, Frank sat down as did Gerard "fuck Gerard I dunno what to do"

Gerard sighed "I dunno ether Frank, what's her name anyway" he asked, Frank smiled "her name is Jasmine, Jamia picked I had no say" he said as he caressed her cheek "she's only 2 weeks old"

Gerard smiled with Frank but their smiles faded as Jasmine started crying loudly, Frank started to panic "oh my god what do I do"

Gerard stood up "give her to me" he said as he held his arms out, Frank placed her softly into Gerard's arms as he went through to the kitchen, Frank followed "do you have any formula, if so give it to me"

Frank made the formula and handed it to Gerard, once he gave it to him Gerard's sighed "you need to cool it down"

Frank groaned "how to I do that"

Gerard sighed "give it"

Gerard put the bottle under running cold water, Jasmine was screaming at the point and it was freaking Frank out "oh my god, why is so screaming" he asked.

Gerard shushed him before he chest the temperature of the formula "you better be watching carefully" he said, as he put the bottle in Jasmines mouth, her screaming and crying calmed down as he drank the bottle.

Frank smiled "oh my gosh Gerard, this is amazing, how do you do it"

Gerard smiled "I used to do everything for Mikey, I still do, not that I had to do it I just wanted to"

Now this surprised Frank, Gerard was the badass that didn't care or wanna do anything.

But here he was teaching Frank.

Jasmine started whining causing Gerard to take the bottle away, Gerard rests Jasmine in the position for her burping.

Gerard rubbed and pats the baby's back until she finally burped.

Frank chuckled "oh my god this is amazing" he said with a smile.

"Ok where's her crib"

A question Frank could not answer "uh, it's in a box, still not built"

Gerard groaned "ok, does she have a stroller" Frank nods his head and they go back to the living room where her stroller was, Gerard put her down and put her binky into her mouth.

"Ok, we need to have a proper talk" Gerard said as they sat down, Gerard pulled out his sketchbook from his backpack and flipped to a blank page.

He pulled out a pen and turned to Frank "ok what do you have for her"

Frank bites his lip "a few onesies, a blanket, formula, stroller, binkys and bottles"

Gerard sighed "ok we might be here for a while"


"Fuck this is gonna cost so much" Frank whispered, Gerard put his hand on Franks shoulder "I just want to give my daughter the best life and I'm already a terrible dad"

Gerard shushed him yet again "you have had a kid for 2 weeks, you just need to learn and I'll help you with that"

Frank hugged Gerard tight and whimpered "thank you"

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❝ @geeway commented on your post: damn baby you looking hella fine @frnkiero replied to your comment: sleaze ❞ {started 2 july, 2017. finish...
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I have been reading way too many of these books lately. So here we go.
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Please god i wrote this as a sad 14 year old who projected everything onto her characters. Keep your expectations LOWER THAN ZERO GUYS PLEASE
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The original version is still up and will remain up. But this is me trying to make a better story<3