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Clara Chelten West. A CEO. Untouchable. Unlikeable. Dangerous. Tyler Jasmine Brooks. A Former Mechanic. Inter... More



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Tyler's POV

I've calculated that I have been in here for nearly a month. It's been beaten, left to heal a little then beaten again. This is healing time, I have been observing everything. The time they guys come in helps me know what time of day it is, as well as the food. The nurse lady has a watch on whenever she comes in, the others don't. I try my best to look at it, I also try to charm my way to talk to her. It's working.

As it's healing time, I have three days of rest and medication. I'm pretty sure my ribs are broken. Rib six, seven and eight are broken, the rest are bruised. God I should have gone to medical school instead, or become a detective...that would have been pretty cool!

I expect the nurse to be here in a couple seconds, they put me on a bed when it's healing time. They built it a couple days in. The beds surprisingly comfortable. I hear the door open and close.

"Maria. Nice to see you again" I say with a smirk, she smiles lightly. I've realised she's very different from the others. She seems scared when the guys come in, yet they respect her to a point. The camera's off nearly all the time except from when I'm getting beat, so I know it's safe to talk.

"Nice to see you too Brooks. Let's see what needs to be done" She checks my body, I wince occasionally when she touches sensitive areas. "The stab wound is nearly healed, quite surprised by that. Medication must be working" She looks around then opens her back.

"Yeah I guess it is, so how's your evening?"

She looks at me with a brow, "How'd you know it's the evening? I don't see any windows?" She says with a smirk.

I laugh slightly, "Just a guess" My hands are restraint and for the first time I've had my right one injured, which I was hoping for. "My arm...can you check it?" She looks up and nods without hesitation. She unties it and check it, I watch as she nods self consciously and grabs something in her bag. In the process I use the opportunity to grab the scissors from her pocket. I smoothly put it under the pillow and lay back down.

She turns around with a smile and cleans the wound on my arm then puts some kind of cream on it. She does the same with the other wounds then injects me with the medication she uses. I feel so much better once I get it, and instantly fall asleep.


As I wake up, I turn to my side to see food. A ham sandwich, chocolate, an apple and water. It's the same everyday, I tend to prefer breakfast. They usually untie an arm, this time it's the right one...the injured one. I take the opportunity to check if the camera is running, it's not. I start eating the food, the scissors are still under my pillow.

The thought of Clara and Elijah comes to mind. I've been trying not to focus on them or else I get emotional, the best thing I can do is stay strong and figure a way out so I can be home with my family...with my girlfriend. Clara.

I shake it off and finish my food by drinking the last of the water. My hairs grown out a fair bit so I have curtains, shaggy hair. I grab the scissors and cut the other piece of rope. Once I'm out I run my wrists and stand up, my legs feel like jelly. It's been a while since I've walked, I sigh and try to regain my balance. They won't come back here for at least an hour. The cameras won't turn back on, so I take the opportunity to walk up and down the room.

I also realised that the door hasn't got a lock.

Stupid right?

I never hear one but I could be mistaken. Unfortunately I can't hear anything upstairs, the ceiling is thick concrete too. They took my clothes, but they do change my underwear. Well the nurse does. They take me upstairs to pee, I've never actually seen up there as they put a bag over my head and carry me.

My dad taught I and Marco how to fight, I also took lessons later on. I know my way around combat and guns so I'm pretty prepared. Except I haven't got a gun...I have scissors. Brilliant.

I hold onto my side as pain spikes up when I walk, the medication has helped but only a little. I know only one guy comes downstairs, he looks weak. Short with dark hair. He seems stern but I can see the weakness in his eyes. I move around a little longer then wait patiently for him to come down. My backs to the wall, by the entrance of the room. I hear the door and wait until her walks down. When he does he goes towards the bed and I used that to sneak behind him and put him to sleep.

I put my strong arm around his neck and choke him slightly, it makes him lightly headed and then knocks him out. His body drops and I search his pockets. I see keys and a gun. I take both of them. Unfortunately his clothes are too small for me so I just grab his jacket and put it on. I creep up the stairs and open the door. As soon as I do I hear silence, I'm assuming there isn't a lot of people here. It's definitely a house, I see a table with ornaments then to my left it's the door to the kitchen. I walk slowly out and straight to the kitchen, it's empty so I explore it. There's a back door, I look into the garden to see there isn't anyone in there.

Luckily the door hasn't got a lock so I open it as slow as I could so it doesn't make noise. I slide out and feel the cold breeze, my eyes nearly get blinded from the sun. It's been a while. As I move into the garden I feel the grass on my feet. I see there's a gate, it's locked though. "Looks like I'm climbing...great" I whispers and put the gun in my bra. My right arms still painful but the ribs are worse. I breathe in and then climb it, when I get to the other side I breath out.

I look around to see two cars parked, houses all over the street. I don't recognise the area at first but then I see a library at the distance. I've driven passed there before. I look at the car key to see it's a BMW, when I look up there's just one of them here. I get to the car and unlock it. I put the gun in the compartment and start the car, I feel my head banging but try to breathe it through. I reverse out and start the journey. Pretty sure I'm around half an hour away from home.

As I look at the car I see the petrol is still full which gives me relief. I'm tired...even though they let me sleep it was never enough. My main focus is to get to home to my family. Then I'm killing Mark and Rachel with my bare hands.


Clara's POV

A month.

It's been a long month. My aunt has been helping me as much as she could, Elijah's birthday is next month and work has been hell. We've had no news, the videos have still been coming. I stopped watching them after a bit...they were too much. Melanie would get one step closer and then we'd some how be two steps back. Patrick, Hannah and Marshall have been doing whatever they can but it's been hell with them too. It just seems like Tyler and her location is a ghost. I'm currently in the office, I've been using work to distract me but it doesn't help. Every night I'd sleep in one of Ty's clothes, and I'd cry myself to sleep.

Elijah has cried more in the past couple weeks than since he was born. He hasn't gone back to day care, instead he would be in the office with me. The Handerson's are here today for the meeting so I have Terry watching Elijah. He has been great with Eli, which has helped me trust him a lot. I sigh and give Eli a kiss on the head and then make my way to the conference room with Natalie and Lee. My blood is already boiling, I can see them through the glass. Their sitting there with smirks. As I look opposite them, Bailey and Jade are sat with frustration. Jade rolls her eyes and I nearly burst out laughing. I walk in and sit with them.

For the next hour I have Jade and Bailey handing my hands down as I'm on the verge of killing the two idiots.

Ben and George, twins with blonde hair and blue eyes. They are both cocky as fuck, Bens supposed to be the smart one but I'm pretty sure he just bought his education. We are nearly finished.

"Finally we won't the next Gala to be held in London, during March" My ears perk up as I hear this.

"What are the dates?" Jade asks with a fake smile. Bailey, however, has been giving them a bored face the entire time. Same as I.

George smirks, "March eighth to March twenty first" I swear I heard a low growl from Bailey.

"You do understand that's when our family gala will be? Can't you pick other dates for your family to have it?" I ask sternly.

Ben leans forward, "We want it then. Can't YOUR family change the date?"

"It's been tradition for decades for us to do it in London, around those days. You both know this?" Jade says.

"Well that's unfortunate, I expect it booked" Ben says with a grin.

Nah fuck this.

I point my finger at them and lean forward, "Listen here you little bastards. We aren't changing the date! This is a family tradition! And if you can't respect that then fuck off!" I rip my hands off of Bailey and Jades hold,  slamming my hands on the table. The two boys look shocked. They slowly nod. I sit back down. "I have somewhere to be. Say hello to your father for me" I get up and leave the room. Instantly I feel myself breathe.

I hear the door open and close to see Lee and Nat smiling widely, I nod at them and we all go back to my office.

Once we finished what the idiots wanted to change, except for the gala, we separated as it was time to head home. Everyone's coming over tonight so we can do another look over and get some updates from everyone. I pick up a fast asleep Eli and make my way downstairs into Lees car. I haven't been able to drive since Tyler's kidnapping. It just didn't feel right to do a lot of things.

When I get in the car we immediately drive home, I walk in and out Eli into his bed then walk back downstairs. As everyone's coming I decided to order food. Eventually one by one, everyone came and we all spoke. Hannah says that they have a list of properties that they are planning to raid. Patrick said that his sources have put a bounty on their heads. As for Marshall said he has a team looking into it at the precinct. Melanie has the area of where the video has come from but it's too broad and she couldn't get any more into it as the person who is sending it is an expert.

As I pour myself some water I feel a hand on my back, "When's the food coming?" Lee asks with a pout. I hear a car pulling up sharply and assume it's the driver, "Damn, those poor wheels" I nod in agreement then hear the knocking of the door.

Patrick stands up, "I'll get it" He walks away to the door.

"Missed me?" That voice...I turn around to see Tyler clinging onto Patrick while looking at me. I completely freeze.

Am I dreaming?

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