The Devil I Love | Jikook Smu...

By Sincerely_Jikook

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Chapter 1: Big News
Chapter 2: An Angel
Chapter 3: Doe Eyes
Chapter 4: Pose
Chapter 5: A Sultry Look
Chapter 6: A Beautiful Distraction
Chapter 7: Intoxicated~
Chapter 8: An Unexpected Call
Chapter 9: Don't Let Them See
Chapter 10: Sweetheart~
Chapter 11: Touch Me
Chapter 12: Silence~
Chapter 13: Admiration~
Chapter 14: The Director
Chapter 15: In My Thoughts
Chapter 16: Lonely~
Chapter 17: The Sound Of Your Voice
Chapter 19: Tonight's Plans
Chapter 20: We Meet Again
Chapter 21: Alone~
Chapter 22: My Drug
Chapter 23: A New Experience~
Chapter 24: Take Control~
Chapter 25: Clingy
Chapter 26: A Little Peculiar
Chapter 27: A 'Special' Relationship
Chapter 28: Trapped
Chapter 29: My Happiness
Chapter 30: How I Feel About You
Chapter 31: He Knows
Chapter 32: Stay In My Arms
Chapter 33: Those Sweet Chills
Chapter 34: Lost In You~
Chapter 35: Don't Go~
Chapter 36: Paradise
Chapter 37: We Have History
Chapter 38: The Proposal
Chapter 39: I'm All You Need
Chapter 40: In Your Mind~
Chapter 41: When I Think Of You~
Chapter 42: Something Amiss
Chapter 43: My Pain
Chapter 44: A Caged Bird
Chapter 45: All I Know
Chapter 46: Patience
Chapter 47: Playing His Game
Chapter 48: Temporary
Chapter 49: I'll Protect You
Chapter 50: Spending Time
Chapter 51: Prevent
Chapter 52: The Best Distraction
Chapter 53: Spoil Me~
Chapter 54: You Belong to Me~
Chapter 55: A Weak Target
Chapter 56: The Odd One Out
Chapter 57: A Jealous Man
Chapter 58: Crossroads
Chapter 59: My Decision
Chapter 60: Face To Face
Chapter 61: You're a Monster (TW)
Chapter 62: I'm Free (TW)
Chapter 63: I Love You
Chapter 64: The Devil I Love (FINALE)

Chapter 18: An Eerie Man

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By Sincerely_Jikook

      Jungkook arrived at the studio that morning. He was very sure of his day after talking to Jimin just last night. All he focused on doing today was taking care of two new appointments and deleting the footage of himself from the day before. He woke up without stress or confusion weighing him down and was finally able to focus on his work like he always hoped for. Jimin would occasionally come across his mind, but not enough to suffocate him and leave him becoming distracted most of the time. Jungkook did wonder about Jimin, but he was less clingy than he normally would be.

      Jungkook stepped into the lobby of the building where he noticed that the studio was unlocked once again and there sat Kim Taehyung at the desk.

       "Taehyung?" Jungkook called out and stepped in to see the smile over the older's face light up the room quicker than the sun could. "Did... did I leave the door unlocked again? I was sure of it, I-"

      "Nope! Yoongi dropped me off here and gave me the key. He will be here later, he just had to make a trip back home. He said it was important. But until then, I am the new person who works at the front desk! It's way better than being the editor, the only work I was given was for the magazine and a few lighting edits on photos. Oh, boy I can't wait for that magazine to get published and a crowd of people could run in and keep this business going! So please, hire more people before it happens...  how many times should we say this before you do it?" Taehyung asked and sat up. "Anyway, you look like you've slept well~ did you call him and clear up that cluttered head of yours?"

      "Yeah... sort of..." Jungkook said before walking over to the desk and dropping his head over it. "I feel assured now, but he also wants to see me again... and I'm not against it at all," Jungkook mentioned as Taehyung only tilted his head.

     "You're going to see him again? I thought you liked Yoongi... I guess you don't, right? I don't get it," Taehyung said into a laugh. "How do you like someone but let another man named Park Jimin; the devil himself, fiddle your holes?"

      "Fiddle my ho- Taehyung! What are you talking about? If anything, I fiddled his holes- ah, look, you got me speaking nonsense already!" Jungkook began to laugh and cover his red face over the desk. "Why would you even say it like that? And why would you think I would be the bottom?"

      "You can't blame me, Jimin looks a bit intimidating. Cute at first but I bet there's horns hidden in that fluffy, blond, hair of his. He's the embodiment of Lucifer. He may not be a mean person, but he could be one in bed and that's where you confirm-"

      "Alright, enough with that!" Jungkook laughed and couldn't help but to continue hiding his red face. "Is it hard to believe I'm the top here?"

       "Eh, a little... you get very shy and turn red even with Yoongi! You're just a cute little guy, boss! You don't have to act all tough with me, don't worry I'll keep your little secret~"

       "Haha, hilarious!" Jungkook played along and let out an exhale. There, Taehyung smiled and patted the younger one over his head gently.

       "Hey, I'm only teasing! Anyway, if you ever need to relieve yourself from the confusion, we should go clubbing! Maybe after work on Saturday, how does that sound?" Taehyung wondered as Jungkook finally looked up at his friend.

       "That does sound nice... but I also have to find a time when I can go out with Yoongi too. I did say I wanted to see him... but I also want to see Jimin one night."

        "Ah, don't stress about making time for everyone! You have all the time in the world to see what you like best and that includes your feelings towards others too! I think you just want to find out who you like more, then your confusion will be no more! Take your time, but just know that I'll be available Saturday night if you want to let loose once in a while... and also because my clubbing buddy is doing his service in the military so I need someone to party with..."

      "You know, that doesn't sound too bad, I'll take you up on that offer... I can use a break, Taehyung," Jungkook said and once the room fell into silence, he finally looked up at the surveillance camera once more. "Shit... I'll be right back!" He hissed before rushing to the printing room where Taehyung was left standing out at the front desk, hiding his laughter.

       Within seconds of his first day at the front desk, the phone began to ring. As he looked over at the phone, he picked it up and answered without thinking twice.


      "Hi, is this the Golden Closet Studios?"

      "No, this is Taehyung," Taehyung mentioned and suddenly, Taehyung's eyes widened. Recognizing the voice on the phone instantly.

      "I'm going to kill you... This will be the last time I give you my position! I knew I would be disappointed if I called in!" Yoongi's voice erupted from the phone and made Taehyung laugh instantly before hanging up right after.

        Jungkook stepped into the surveillance and printing room where he approached the monitor just like yesterday. He hoped this time the footage wouldn't take forever to crop since he had an appointment coming up soon with another family for a portrait. Jungkook sat over the chair and muted the computer before pulling up the footage from before. As he looked through it, he found the moment and began to crop it, turning red at the screen as he tried not to think about it too much.

      In a way, he found things complicated when he tried his best not to. Jungkook clung onto Jimin and was actually excited to see him one of these days, but he also wanted something with his crush and he became unable to let him go when Jimin was taking over completely. Maybe he just wanted to hold onto the past where everything was calm and he only aspired to be as hardworking as Yoongi. Recently, Jungkook noticed that as Jimin distracted his mind, he slowly came in between his own work too. They had sex in the studio of the workplace, Jungkook forgot to lock the doors that day, still had yet to hire new employees for the rush that was coming soon after the magazine drops, and he was now cropping out footages that were not allowed to stay in the surveillance footage.

      Jungkook knew that this was slowly stripping away his work ethics and making him distracted, but with Jimin... he had a hard time keeping his mind off of him in order to put his business first. So, that's why he held onto Yoongi. To remind himself how hard he should work and aspire to be. Of course, that's why Jungkook admired Yoongi from the start. It was all because of his hard work from the very beginning that made him fall for the older man.

      During the same hour, Namjoon walked down the familiar, long, hallway with a blank stare as he adjusted the cuffs along his white dress shirt with black suspenders, black slacks and matching shoes. As he walked down the hallway, he checked the time on his phone and began to call Jimin on the phone, but like always, the man would never answer. Not that he was asleep, but mornings were always the toughest for him when it came to getting up and starting his day. That's why Namjoon went above and beyond his role as a manager and a friend just to make sure Jimin was able to get out of bed. Yet, he wasn't there at the penthouse in order to do so. He was at the headquarters of Jimin's entertainment company. Called in by the Director himself.

      "Hey, Jimin! I'm leaving you another voicemail...I wanted to make sure you get up for the day. Sorry I'm not there to motivate you or cheer you up, I have a very important meeting, so please... do this for me and get up. I believe in you!" Namjoon said into the call before leaving the voicemail at that.

      Once he reached the end of the hall where the big double doors of oak stood in his way, he rolled his eyes and knocked before letting himself in.

      As soon as he pushed the door open, he looked up to see the Director sitting on his desk. Filling out paperwork as he pushed his round glasses up against his gaze and slid his hand down the same cheek that carried a scar over his pale face. As he wrote a bit more, he finally looked up at the young man standing by the doors.

      "Good morning, Director Sung..." Namjoon greeted his boss with a bow before fixing his posture and walking forward. "You called me in for a meeting, I'm a bit concerned as to what it's about since there wasn't a reason why when I reviewed the forum..."

      "Yes, I guess it's a little unprofessional of me to leave that field empty when it comes to requesting a meeting. Please sit..." the man spoke in his uneasy voice as Namjoon looked over at the chair he recalled just yesterday Jimin was sitting against and crying. He was concerned but in no way was he afraid of this man before him. Just thinking back at the memory of Jimin crying, only made his blood boil. Wondering what really happened.

      Namjoon sat down at the chair and looked up at the man. Keeping his glare at his boss as he only dared to keep it up. "I have a tight schedule today with Jimin, so please... let's make this quick."

      "Namjoon, you know I respect you and your time... and I highly respect my little Jimin's time too... so I won't take long. I was only curious, that's all."

       "My little Jimin? What the fuck?" Namjoon thought before clearing his throat. "Curious about what?"

       "I wanted to know if Jimin is happy..."

       "Why would you ask that?"

       "Just yesterday he was uneasy and sad. You know, after that incident he had that one night... you know it's been difficult to make that boy smile..."

        "Yes, I wonder why. Maybe he was like that yesterday because of something you said. After that incident he had in the bathtub, he's been very sensitive... he's been very different and closed off. Lately he's been making some progress but somehow, yesterday morning was a step back after your meeting... what did you tell him?"

        "Nothing serious. It's a personal thing between me and him. You wouldn't know."

       "Personal isn't professional, Director Sung. If it affects the way Jimin lives, it's not right."

       "Whatever it is, it doesn't have anything to do with me."

      "Bullshit... he knows something... but what is it? Is he telling Jimin to pick up the act more or is he cutting his pay? What else can scare Jimin from this man? Why did he cry?" Namjoon said in his head and only remained silent as he looked at the man. Not really knowing how deep the iceberg went by just seeing the tip of it on the surface.

      "I realized Jimin requested to have a photoshoot twice at the same place, and someone in the team mentioned that they have never seen him that happy in a workplace when he was at that studio. I wanted to know what made him so happy and how we can bring out more in him... I just want him to be happy that's all~" he continued as every word just didn't seem to rub off the right way in Namjoon's mind. "Now, I'm different from the man he sees when he looks at me... so, all I want to do is see our little angel smile, wouldn't you want that too?"

      "I do... I can't help but to say I want the same. But, he doesn't have to be as perfect and made into this image you want the world to see him. He has feelings, he has thoughts... you can't control that... you can't make him happy, I've learned that by now. The more you try, the worse he will get."

       "Maybe there's a way I can make him smile even after he went through so much... maybe this studio is important to him... maybe the studio or a certain someone...? Would you know anyone in particular?"

      Namjoon listened to the man ask these questions and the only person that popped into his mind at the moment was the indie photographer Jeon Jungkook. The one Jimin smiled at and gave roses to when he never did the same to his other photographers. This one was different and Namjoon caught onto it. But was he going to tell the Director at the end of the day? No, of course not.

    It was written all over the director's eyes that something wasn't right and when it came to Jimin, Namjoon made it his top priority to protect his friend. Based on the way Director Sung made Jimin cry just the day before, there was no way Namjoon was going to say anything about Jeon Jungkook to the eerie man before him.

      "No... no one that I know of..." Namjoon denied and watched the older man let out a sigh right after. Leaving the room to drown in tension and silence.

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