By AuthorEthanDeJonge

179 18 16

Alred is on his way home, more running back home when he is stopped by someone he never imagined. Now he has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 1 p2
Chapter 2 p2
Chapter 3 p2
Chapter 4 p2
Chapter 5 p2

Chapter 25

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By AuthorEthanDeJonge

Luke throws his shield off to the side. He whirls his sword. Forcing his body to stand up straight. He grunts a little.
“Well boy, seems like I’ll get one last chance to put you in your place.” Luke takes a large step forward. Swinging his sword from the side.
Frank blocks the attack. Twisting forward, his fist slams into his fathers throat. His sword falls from his hand. Gasping for air, he grabs at his throat.
“You have be-little me for the last time. We lost the war. Yet, you held on to your pride. We’re you going to lead our men to death for your pride?”
“Yo… Worthles… child…” Frank punches him in the face. Bones crunch. Luke falls to the ground. Blood dripping from his mouth.
“You only hate me because I look like her. I look like your mother. I have no control over this.” Frank gesture to his body. “I was a boy and you use to drink and beat me. BEAT ME!” Frank slams his foot into his father’s side.
Luke doesn’t move this time. His groans in pain the only sign he’s alive. Frank runs forward, stopping just before him.
“Dam you! Why did you have to ruin my life?” He reaches down, picking his father up by his collar. Holding him up above his head. “I use to fall asleep praying when I woke that I had hair another color.”
Tears now stream down his face. His muscles failing him, he falls to his knees. While his father bounces off the ground. Luke rolls on the ground. Pushing himself up.
Luke stumbles a little taking his first step towards Frank. He pulls a dagger out. He reaches Frank and thrust the dagger into Franks chest. Franks eyes snap up, looking his father in his eyes.
“I hate you because your weak. You never had a backbone. A disgrace to the Havrick line. I will honor you as my son and you can die fighting.”
Luke pulls the dagger out, swings the dagger to cut Franks throat. Frank ducks under the blade. Slamming his shoulder into Luke’s stomach. Luke gasp for air. He tries to catch the dagger as it falls.
They slams against the ground. Frank feels Luke’s ribs crack under his weight. Frank stands up. Looking down at the old man squashed on the ground. Frank turns around to pick up the dagger.
“You know father, I can’t tell you how many time I imagined this moment.” His fingers curl around the handle. The old leather grip molds in his hand. “Every time you raised your voice. I’m done with you, Father.”
Frank steps over his fathers body. He hadn’t moved at all. His chest barely moving. Frank places the blade against his throat. “Good-bye father.”
The dagger slices through the skin. Blood gushes out. Luke’s hands shaking try to reach for his throat.
Frank drops the dagger, turns around and walks for the gate. For the first time in his life, the weight on his shoulder is gone. The moment the dagger went through. Freedom. He’s no long bond by the name Havrick.
“Stand down, shoot three white flares. The Kings army is there and they will destroy you. Thank you for your service.” Frank walks over to a horse and mounts it, then races out of the gate.


“Are we ready to go?” Alred swings himself a top his horse. Laena and Jep already mounted their horses. Agis, stands there looking down the tunnel towards his village.
“Agis?” Alred calls quietly.
“Sorry, the past couple weeks have been rough and I’m about to leave and travel the farthest I have ever traveled.” He turns, walking to his horse.
He pulls the reins back, readying his body to jump on, the horses spook. Agis fights to keep ahold of his while the other three fight to stay on.
Alred looks down the tunnel, four black figures standing in the entrance with a fifth one larger then the rest. Fire erupts from the middle figure. Alred jumps off his horse, pulling his staff off his back.
“Everyone stay behind me.” He slams his staff into the ground. “Wall.” The ground in front of him raises up just as the fire reaches them.
“What in the hell is going on out here?” Abby calls from the egg chamber.
“We're under attack. Wake up Master Lake.” Alred calls out. The wall Alred just made shakes, cracks crawling all over. The wall explodes throwing all of them across the room.
The dust starts to settle and the five figures walk through. Valmock is standing in the middle. His eyes glaring down at Alred.
He looks to the right, a man and a dark elf, to his left a figure wrapped in black clothing, with a midnight winged viper staying close by.
Alred pushes himself off the ground, he drags his new staff across the ground. The rocks gathering around it.
“You used a branch form the World tree to complete my staff. That was so nice of you. Now hand it and the dragon egg over.” Valmock spits.
“You’ll have to kill me first.” Alred holds his sword up and ready.
The dark elf steps forward. Her bright red hair spiked and gold piercings standing out on her almost black skin. She pulls a red sword off her back. The blade curves back into two points.
“You’re going to look great when I get done craving you.” She licks her lips, her eyes never leaving Alred. She jumps forward with her sword above her head, she swings down. Alred stands there as the sword races down at him.
‘Clank!’ Sparks shower the floor. Jep is now standing in front of Alred, the red blade only inches from his face. He twists his blade away from hers. He swings the sword at her abdomen, she hurries to jump. His blade cutting through her vest.
“Sorry for the late response Master. Please forgive me. I will take care of this one.” Jep walks forward.
Arrows whizzing over Alreds head, each one striking the viper in its eyes. The large snake hisses then launches forward. More arrow rain down on the large snake.
The figure dressed in black jumps on the snakes back riding it. Black whips roll off his back, he starts cracking them at Laena.
“Alred, I…” Agis walks forward.
“This isn’t your fight. I will clear a path and you can escape.” Alred lifts his sword aiming at the man next to Valmock. The blade shoots off Alred staff like a phoenix reborn. Both the man and Valmock jump away. As the man jumps a spear slams into his stomach. Agis lifts the man above his head then slams the man’s head into the ground.
“Ha, haha. You dirty bastard. You killed my apprentice. Hehe, doesn’t matter, I’ll find a new one. Come here boy, I want to skin those scales off your body!” Valmocks tough is hanging out of his mouth as he laps at his lips.
“Agis, if your staying to fight, please help Laena. I will handle the mad man.” The large elf rips his spear from the dead man’s body. He charges the large viper.
“You sure you can handle me? Little ol'me? Oh, did you mange to finish a master crystal?” Valmocks eyes grow larger looking at the staff, almost drooling. “It doesn’t matter, I’ll show you want a true master crystal can do, hehe.”
He holds his hand up, black fire races across the tunnel. The rocks on the ground burning then crumbles. Alred drives to the side, then rushes pass the flames. More rocks collecting around his staff.
He swings his new sword with everything he has. Valmock turns, aiming the flames back at Alred. He slams his foot down launching and earth boulder at the flames. The two collide cause the boulder to explode. Large rocks shoot out everywhere. Alred slices through the few coming his way.
Valmock jumps back, pulling up his other hand, murky black liquid floats around his fist. It starts to spin faster and faster. It forms a sphere. Valmocks throws the black ball in Alreds direction. The ball explodes in mid air, the explosion throwing Alred across the tunnel.
His body smashes through the wall until his back slams into the a tree. His body slides down to the ground. Warm blood rushes from the multiple large cuts. His eyes though, locked forward, never leaving Valmock.
“Hehe, kid I have got to tell you, you’re one tough bastard.” Valmock mocks as he walk through the new opening.
“This…” Alred uses his staff to help him stand. He tilts his head to the side, spiting a bloody lugooIe. “is nothing.” He forces his back up right.
He holds his sword out to his side. More rocks gathering around what is left. Fire dances down the blade. The fire so hot even Valmock steps back. With a poof the fire goes out, the blade of the sword now shines like metal sword. The smoke still steaming off.

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