last love | vsoo rosekook

By zephyrpyree

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"take my hand" "no!" "look, i'm not asking you to marry me. i'm just trying to help you." - "will you be quie... More

last love
bonus chapter
thank you!


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By zephyrpyree

(Author Pov)

"What are you both doing?" Eunwoo asked them. Chaeyoung and Jaehyun let go of each other.

"Nothing.. We... We just fell down. " Jaehyun said and put forward Chaeyoung's phone to her. She immediately grab it.

"But how did you both fall at same time? And like this? Huh?" Eunwoo asked and smirked at Jaehyun. He glared at him. Chaeyoung looked up to Jisoo who was already looking at her with a blank expression.

"I.. I have some work. See you all soon." Jaehyun said and escaped from the awkward situation.

"Yahh.. Wait. I'm also coming. See you later Jisoo and Chaeyoung. " Eunwoo said and ran to him.
Chaeyoung looked up to Jisoo again. This time Jisoo was kepting a teasing smile on her face.

"Yahh.. What are you laughing at? Huh?" Chaeyoung asked annoyingly.

"Nothing.. I was just thinking about the scene which I discovered few minutes ago." Jisoo said and smirked at Chaeyoung.

"Stop your teasing smile. That's pissing me off. " Chaeyoung said placing a loud smack on Jisoo's arm.

"Ouch." Jisoo rubbed her arm.

"You are here for Taehyung Sir's schedule chart. Right? So go and take it. " Chaeyoung said pushing Jisoo forward to Mr Yang's office room. But Jisoo didn't give up. She still kept a teasing smile.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo get their schedule Charts and they are now walking back to their cabins.

"Chu, I guess they are really workaholic. Look how many meetings. Ughh" Chaeyoung said running her eyes through the schedule chart. Jisoo was also stucked in the chart.

"Dae. Chaeg.. Don't they get tired?. " Jisoo said amazed by their hardworking.

"Only human gets tired Chu. Not monsters." Chaeyoung said and chuckled. Jisoo also laughed at her words.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung headed to their bosses rooms. Jungkook and Taehyung have a meeting now so they have to be there.

(Eunwoo Pov)

Jaehyun ran to his office room and I followed him to there. He was sitting in the Chair facing me back . I walked to the couch and sat down then I started to tease him.

"Hmm.. So you just fell down. Right? But I'm still wondering how you both fall like that. " I looked up to him. I was startled first seeing him killing me with his glare.

"Why are you giving me that look? Huh? No-one will accept that you both fell down like that accidentally. " I stated. He sighed and I walked up to him.

"Tell me Jaehyun. Why are you being so pink. Hm? " i asked smirking at him. He looked at me with widened eyes and covered his cheeks.

"Ohoo.. Jaehyun. Don't be like girls. Shy type. Tell me the truth. You have a crush on Chaeyoung. Right? " I asked widening my smirk. His eyes was wide like going to burst.

"What?.... N...No.. I....I don't have any crush." He standup from his chair and completely denied it. But I'm sure he is lying. Look how much he is stuttering.

"Are you thinking that I'm dumb? Why are you then stuttering this much to say that. And why your cheeks were pink when she was on your top. Huh? " I asked him.

"W..a..e...? You were also pink when I saw you with Jisoo. What is your opinion about it? " He asked me. My eyes widened hearing those words. He was now crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at me.

"N... No.. I were not. You are lying because you want to change the topic. And I will not allow it Jaehyun. "

"Wae? Why should I do that. Eunwoo, You and I know that I'm not lying. So don't make yourself a fool and spill the tea Man." He said to me.

"What is your problem? Huh? I asked you first so answer me first. Then I will think about it. " I said to him.

"No. I'm not telling. " He said and rolled his eyes from me.

"Jaehyun. I promise. If you tell me about it I will surely tell you mine. " I said to him. I know that he has a crush on Chaeyong but I want to sure about that.

"Ok. Fine..." He stopped and sighed softly.

"Yes. I like Chaeyoung. No I love her. I don't know how and when. But I really love her. Her presence makes me happy at the same time nervous . I'm afraid that if she will find out my feelings. I can't take it if she rejects me Eunwoo. I do really love her. " He confessed. I can clearly see his love for her. So I didn't waste my time and I shared my most precious secret with him.

"You are right Jaehyun. I feel the same way. I also don't know how I fall for her. But now I can't help, i really want to tell her about my feelings but I don't know how she will react. Jaehyun, We fall in love. At the same time, with-"

"What? You also like Chaeyoung? No Eunwoo. I can't give up on her. I will not let you to snatch her away from me. " He said cutting me off and with a serious face. And I'm being completely confused. What is he talking about. I like Chaeyoung. Is he drunk or something.

"What are you saying Jaehyun? "I asked him.

"Are not you going to say that- At the same time, with same person. "

"What? NO! I don't like Chaeyoung. No. I like her .But I don't love Chaeyoung. I was about to say with different persons. Why are you so impatient?" I asked him more like yelling. He smiled at me awkwardly and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ehee.. I thought here is going to happen something dramatic. Like love triangle. Sorry. " He said and smiled widely.

"Then who were you talking about? Is that Jisoo? " He asked.

"Of course that is Jisoo. I love her. More than anything. I want to make her mine forever. But I'm afraid that anyone will take her away from me." I said with a annoyed face and he dragged me for a embrace.

"Eunwoo. I know how you feels. Because I feel the same way to Chaeyoung. We met them a few days ago. But I guess they are our destiny that is why we fall for them this quick. But we don't want to lose them. Right? " He asked me. I broked the hug.

"No way. I don't want to lose my Jisoo. " I stated.

"Your Jisoo? " He asked and I looked at him. He was smirking at me. I slapped his arm hardly making him growling in pain.

"Yes. She is. Do you have any problem? " I asked glaring at him.

"No. I don't have. " He said surrendering his hands up.

"But if we propose them. How will they react? " He asked. And I also don't have the answer.

"I don't know Jaehyun. But I guess we should tell them as soon as possible. "

"Yes. You are right. But before that. Don't tell anyone about this. "

"Dae. I was about to tell you that. Not even kookie and Tae."

"Dae. We will tell them after we propose them. Ok? "

"Hmm. Jaehyun. Do you know. I'm now really happy that I shared this with you. "

"Me too Eunwoo. Afterall we are best friends. " He said and we hugged.

"I wish. Tae and Kookie forgive us to keeping this secret from them. " Jaehyun said and we sighed together.

(Author Pov)

Like this a whole day passed. This is now 8 o'clock at night. Taehyung and Jungkook are walking to the entrance for go home. Jisoo and Chaeyoung are following them for their permission that they can leave for home.

"Why are you both following us? " Jungkook asked turning around making Jisoo and Chaeyoung sudden break themselves in their path. Taehyung also turned around to face them.

"Didn't you hear me? Huh? " Jungkook again asked.

"Sir, can we go home? " Chaeyoung asked him.

"Ahh.. Jinjaa.. " Jungkook said with a annoyed face. Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Dae. You both can go home. Don't forget to complete the work Jisoo. " Taehyung said and walked to his car without waiting for her answer. Jungkook also followed him leaving them behind.

"They are being so innocent hyeong." Jungkook said while walking.

"Innocents can be more dangerous too." Taehyung said to him as he nodded his head. They both get in the car and drived away.

This time Chaeyoung and Jisoo are watching them going.
"They didn't greet us a good night. " Chaeyoung said and pouted at Jisoo.

"And you expect that from them. Waahh" Jisoo said and hitted her backhead.

"Whatever we can go home early. This is only 8. Chu, finally We can get a good sleep." Chaeyoung said rubbing her backhead.

"That is the only thing I like now. Come we should take a cab. " Jisoo said dragging Chaeyoung with her. They both got a cab from infront of the company. And headed to home.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung reached their home. They quickly got off the and Chaeyoung paid the cab. And they walked to the door and pressed the door bell.

"Chae.. I guess Appa and Samchon are home. " Jisoo said pointing at the two pairs of shoes placed in the shoe stand that she identified as her father's and uncle's. Chaeyoung looked up to there.

"Wae? Everyone is home early today. " Chaeyoung said and they giggled together.
Suddenly the door opened showing Ji-won and making Jisoo and Chaeyoung jump on their places.

"Welcome.. " Ji-won said smiling widely seeing her daughters home early.

"Ughh.. Eomma, Why didn't you make noise before opening the door today. Otherwise you will make our ears bleed. " Chaeyoung said rubbing her chest. Jisoo went inside rubbing her chest and breathing heavily. Chaeyoung followed her.

"What is your problem? Huh? If I made any voice, my fault. If I didn't make any voice, still my fault. Ughh.. Jinjaa... What will I do with this girl. " Ji-won said with a annoyed face after closing the door and walking to them. Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes.

"Ohh.. Jichu and Chae arrived early. Did you both get fired?" Ji-eun asked coming from the kitchen.

"Wae? We can't come home early without any reason?" Jisoo asked raising an eyebrow at her Mom.

"Mianeh. I didn't say anything. " Ji-eun said and actioned zipping her mouth. Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Ji-won chuckled.

"Ohh.. Our princesses are home hyeong. We can do that later. Come here. " Jin-goo said coming out from the kitchen and called Seo-joon. Seo-joon also does the same.

"What are you all were doing in the kitchen?Everyone is coming out from there. Hm? " Chaeyoung asked them and Jisoo nodded her head as a approval of the question.

"Oppa and Jin-goo were trying to make a dinner for their lovely daughters" Ji-eun said with a teasing tone. Seo-joon and Jin-goo was already looking down in embarrassment.

"What? Appa? And what do you mean by 'trying to'. Huh?" Jisoo asked. She and Chaeyoung were surprised. This is their first time hearing something like that. Seo-joon and jin-goo never tried cooking before. So this is normal for them to be surprised.

"But ended up fire the whole kitchen." Ji-eun stated.

"WHAT?" Jisoo and Chaeyoung asked in a unison.

"Aniyo. We didn't fire the kitchen. Why are you making things big Ji-euna." Seo-joon said with a annoyed face.

"Didn't get fire because we noticed the pancakes burning. " Ji-won said making Seo-joon speechless.

"What is the exact situation guys. Can anyone tell us? " Chaeyoung asked.

"Chae listen, Your Appa and Jin-goo reached home early. And when they noticed that me and Ji-eun going to make the dinner. They had a wish to make you both dinner by their own. "

"Me and Eonni tried our best to stop them. But you know they are so stubborn like you both. And also they said that we can't enter the kitchen before they say. "

"And we waited for them here at the living room. Sometimes later I smelled something burning. Seo-joon tried his best to stop me but I don't stop and we went inside. "

"Our eyes widened seeing the kitchen like that. The pancakes are burned like hell and the smell was from that. And the kitchen was decorated with kimchi. The rice was cooked for more than a higher level. " Ji-won and Ji-eun explained everything one by one. Jisoo and Chaeyoung's gaze automatically turned to their fathers. Who were still looking down.

"Appa..... " Jisoo and Chaeyoung called in a calm voice. As Seo-joon and Jin-goo looked up to them.

"We just wanted to make you both surprise. Our wish was make your both's favorite pancakes. But failed. " Seo-joon said in a disappointment. And jin-goo nodded his head.

"It's okay Appa. We are glad that you both at least tried. " Chaeyoung said smiling at him widely.

"Jinja.. " Jin-goo asked again. Jisoo and Chaeyoung nodded their heads. And they four hugged each other.

"Ohh.. Now we are out. So rude.. " Ji-won said pouting. Ji-eun was also pouting because of their jealous.

"Ohh.. Your jealous Eommas.. " Jin-goo said. And the four started laughing. Ji-eun and ji-won smirked at them.

"Then we should go and buy something for dinner. Come Jin-goo" Seo-joon said after broking the hug.

"But what about the burned items. Who will clean it. " Ji-eun asked raising an eyebrow.

"We will clean it later Ma'am " Seo-joon said in a joking tone. Ji-eun chuckled.

"But Appa Wait. We can go for buying the dinner. Right Chu?" Chaeyoung asked Jisoo. She nodded her head.

"An-dae.We can buy it. Don't worry. And also you both will be tired. " Jin-goo stated.

"Aniyo Appa. Actually we want to take Dalgomie for a night walk. We didn't taked him for two weeks. And also we can have a night walk too. You know how much we love it. " Jisoo said and Chaeyoung nodded her head.

"Ok then fine. Come back before 10 o'clock. Arasso? " Seo-joon said patting Jisoo's hair. She smiled brightly and nodded.
They both went to their rooms and take a quick bath. After shower they take Dalgom their petdog and went for a night walk with him. Night walking with Dalgom is Jisoo and Chaeyoung's favorite habit. So their parents allows them to go for a short-time.

(Taehyung's Pov)

Jungkook and I reached home after 30 minutes of driving. We parked the car and went inside the house. We got greeted by Loona Ajumma. She is one of our servants. She is really old. For me, Kookie, Noona and Lisa she is our another Eomma. But she like us to call her ajumma. Examining her for sometime I can clearly see that she wants to say something. I didn't wait, straightly asked her.

"What is it Ajumma?"

"Ah.. Mr Jeon wants to meet you both. He is in the library. " She said and walked away. I looked up to Jungkook who was already staring at me. We placed our bags on the couch and headed to the library.
When we reach ,there was already Noona, Eomma and Appa sitting. We entered the room.

"Appa? " I called him. He looked up to us.

"Oh. You both arrived. Come sit-down. " He said pointing at the couch as we followed his order.

"What happened Appa? Is everything okay? " Jungkook asked him.

"Dae. Everything is fine. I called you all because i wanted to discuss about the family party which is happening 4 weeks later. " He stopped and we nodded our heads.

"Jen told me that she invited all business friends of us and her. So we don't have to worry about it. And also shin-hye invited our relatives and friends. So that's clear too. " He said and looked at us.

"But she can't invite the most important guests. Sana and Tzuyu. " He said. And my mood suddenly changed. I clenched my fists and looked at Jungkook who was rubbing his hands aggressively. I softly sighed and tried to look calm.

"She said that you both were in charge of it. Did you both informed them? Will they come? " He asked us. I looked up to Noona. She was telling me to calm down. Which I can't be after hearing their names.

"Ani. We forgot. " i was about to answer. But kookie answered. I can see that how he's controlling himself from doing nothing.

"What? Forgot? Is that how you both will handle with your soon to be wifes. Huh?" He asked us. That's where I lost my calmness and get up from my chair.

"What is the importance of them there? Huh? They are busy. We can't disturb them." i said avoiding eye contact with him. I tried my best to not sound like rude.

"I don't guess they will reject my invitation. Hand me their numbers. I will inform them. And also we didn't see them for more than a year. " He said making me lose more control.

"But I guess Appa they are really busy. We should not-"

"Don't give me orders. Do what I said. Call them by your own and inform them about the party. Or give me their numbers. Choose yourself. " Appa said cutting off Kookie. I was getting more angry, not on Appa. On myself for keeping the truth as a secret from Appa and Eomma.

"We will... We will inform them. " Jungkook said and I looked at him. He was completely mad. He is trying his best control himself. Noona was looking at us with a concerned look.

"That's good. This time no forgetting. tell them as soon as possible. Arasso. " Appa said. Jungkook nodded his head. I can't take this anymore. I just wanted to get out from this room. I walked to the door but stopped when Appa called me.

"Where are you going Tae. " Appa asked and I turned around. Jungkook was looking at me with a blank expression. Noona was with saddened eyes. Eomma was confused and Appa were the same.

"I just want to have some fresh air. I will be back in one hour. " I said and walked out without hearing a Word more from Appa. I aggressively dragged my carkey and got out from the house.I take my car and drove to the same bar where I started to go recently. After the broke up with Sana I started drinking. Only Jungkook know about it. Don't even Noona. Sometimes me and Kookie are glass mates too.



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