Frerard Oneshots

By GerardIero-Way

60.6K 1.1K 192

Started this on my last account but it unfortunately got deleted More

The Letter
You're Too Good To Me
Happy Birthday Gee
Caught In A Skirt
Mr Iero
I Meant Nothing
Left Out
Saviour (part 2)
Lazy Boy
That's Messed Up
You're Mine Now
Daddy's Home
Coming Home?
Hurt Feelings
Scraped Knees
Sneaking Around
Alone Forever?
Stripper Husband
Dyed Hair
High School Reunion
Brat (part 2)
Bad Past
Sugar Daddy
You're back?
You Can Run If You Wanna
Sexy Nerd
Gamer Boy
Gamer Boy (part 2)
Fuck Boy and Slut
Calling Your Name
You're Home
Teenager Father
Teenager Father (part 2)
Heart Break
Prom Night
Flowers (part 2)
It's Wrong But Right
You're Fucking Cute
After School Cuddles
Shy Gee
Someone Else
Fight For You
Can We Meet
Please (part 2)
Late Night Cuddles
Took So Long
Good Time
Daddy! (part 2)
Rich and Poor
Rich and Poor (part 2)
Rich and Poor (part 3)
So In Love
Up Late
Please Stop
Please Stop (part 2)
Cozy Night At Home
What Happened To You
Make Up Make Out
Drunk Night Out
I Choose You
First Meet
New Book

Slut Shamed

656 13 0
By GerardIero-Way

Gerard Way was the slut of the school, he slept with most of the guys in his school but he mostly slept with Frank Iero.

Soon the two boys couldn't stop seeing each other and they fell in love.

Gerard and Frank have been together for 2 months now and everyone hated it.

Gerard was at school by his locker waiting for Frank to come along, all of a sudden he was pushed to the floor by a group of girls "you're a slut"

Gerard looked up to see Jamia, Lindsay, Jess and Tiffany "leave me alone" he said as he stood back up, the girls laughed and pushed him back down "you don't deserve Frank, you don't deserve his love, sluts like you don't deserve anything"

Gerard sniffles softly and tried to hold back the tears, everyone in the halls started chanting 'slut'

Gerard pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his head into his knees.

Soon the bell rang and everyone went to classes, some people kicked Gerard as they walked past making him groan in pain.


Frank ran over to Gerard and fell to his knees "baby don't cry, I'll take care of them"

"I wanna go home" Gerard sobbed out, Frank nods his head "ok baby, I'll take you home and I'm gonna stay with you"

Gerard nods his head as Frank helped him off the floor "come on, I'll make your favourite pancakes huh"

Gerard smiled and nods his head.

When they got back to Gerard they went to the kitchen where Gerard sat on the counter.

Gerard fiddled with his fingers sadly causing Frank to frown and stand between Gerard's legs "baby please don't let those people get to you"

Gerard sniffles "but I am a slut and I don't deserve you or your love" he whispered, Frank put his hands on Gerard's thighs "you deserve everything that's good baby, so what if you were a slut, who did you sleep with the most before we got together"

Gerard bites his lip "you" he replied making Frank smirk "exactly, I'm a slut for you and you're a slut for me, we're both sluts in this relationship"

Gerard giggled a little "you always know how to make me feel better Frankie" he said as he ran his fingers through Franks hair.

Frank whined "baby you're messing up my hair" he said as he flattened it back down, Gerard pulled Frank closer "shush, I can make it even worse" he said with a smirk.

Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard's waist "you can mess it up later" he said as he pressed the side of his head against Gerard's chest.

Gerard kissed the top of Franks head and caressed his cheek "I love you Frankie, I really mean that" Gerard whispered as he buried his nose into Franks hair.

"I love you too Gerard, you're my whole world" he replied.

Frank lifted Gerard over his shoulder making him squeal "Frankie what are you doing" he asked through giggles "gonna make you my slut baby" he said as he walked up to Gerard's room.

When they got there Frank placed Gerard on the floor before wrapping his arms around the boys hips and grabbing his ass roughly "my good little slut"

Gerard leaned forward and pressed his lips against Franks desperately, he moaned and whined as he pulled on Franks hair.

Frank growled and pushed Gerard back onto the bed "I'm gonna fuck you like a whore" he said before pulling his shirt over his head.

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473 1 99
the unholyverse completed :]
41.1K 1.9K 33
The original version is still up and will remain up. But this is me trying to make a better story<3
3.1K 154 111
Please god i wrote this as a sad 14 year old who projected everything onto her characters. Keep your expectations LOWER THAN ZERO GUYS PLEASE