How To NOT Be Straight✓

By salemmiles_

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🏆Featured on Wattpad ×4 ************** "She's weird." "She isn't the same person she was years ago." "She's... More

Author's Note
1: All-White, You're Not Invited
2: Meet Cute...Kind Of
3: Rules Baby
4: Rule 1: Stand your fucking ground.
5: Daddy Dearest, Don't Worry
6: Rule 2: Make Sure You Look Normal Though
7: Okay
9: If You Want A Change, Be The Change
10: A Stone
11: Run It Up
12: Rule 4- Be Strong
13: Clubbing...Right?
14: Ha, Best Friends For Life!
15: Seems Rosy
16: All Roads Lead To..
17: Falling For Ya'
18: '#Camis!' Really People?
19: Rule 5- Not Everything Needs Your Attention
20: Confessions of A Black Lesbian
21: Let's Wrap It Up
22: Rule 6- Always Be Kind
23: Flowers Make Me Sick
24: Wish They Knew
25: Bullying Awareness Campaign
26: Rule 7- Help them understand that we're all human
27: I wouldn't have done it to you
28: Hark The Demons... Sorry, Did You Mean Angels?
29: Rule 8- And that humans make mistakes
30: The Fool
31: Rule 9- Then take time to process your feelings
32: Rule 10-make a conclusion based on your emotions/intellect
33: I Don't Heart(Hate, I mean)You
34: Cruel summer
35: So It Was You
36: What Would You Do?
37: Fuck you and your cruelty
38: Justice Is Served...Kinda
39: Tell them
40: 'Support'
41: Pain
42: You aren't alone
43: #Camis is Real... I'm not Kidding
44: I'm Still Your Daughter(Part 1)
45: I'm Still Your Daughter (Part 2)
46: Fake It Till You Make It, I guess
47: Rule 11- Remember Your worth
48: Prom Problems?
49: Rule 12- And Remember To Always Be Yourself.
50: My Chance at An Okay Ending
Final Author's Note
BONUS CHAPTER: Have A Holly Jolly Christmas
BONUS CHAPTER: Have A Holly Jolly Christmas (Part 2)
Author's Note

8: Rule 3- Don't be afraid

423 50 21
By salemmiles_

The next day, I was called into the principal's office. There were no snarky comments from Mike this time, and I was partly relieved, but what happened next was something I wasn't ready for.

"Ms Jones, tell me what happened yesterday," Principal Smith said, organizing his papers before setting his eyes on me. "I'd like to hear from your point of view."

"Well, I was in homeroom, minding my own business, and as soon as the bell rang, I went over to my locker." I shrugged, trying to keep my tone neutral. "I opened it, and I was met with racial slurs scrawled everywhere, and even homophobic slurs too. I was so confused, so I thought that..." I trailed off, not sure if I should mention Mike or not. "It was probably another student. That's what happened."

"Has this happened before?"

I shook my head. "Usually, people rather say what they want to my face instead of being a whiny human and going to go write it in my locker. I always encourage those that have issues with me to say it to my face and we'll deal with it there."

"So this has never happened before?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you realize that this is an offense that can't go unpunished?" Principal Smith asked me.

"I do, sir."

"Do you have anyone in mind that could've done something like this?"

I wanted to say Mike, I desperately wanted to, but after Daniel confronted me yesterday, and how sincere he seemed, I was having doubts. Why would one of his friends come and apologise for him? Why did Mike look confused if he did it? Wouldn't he be smug about it? There were so many questions running through my mind, and very little answers.

"No, sir, I don't." I finally settled with that answer.

"Would you like us to do some investigating?"

"It's alright, sir, I'll handle it," I muttered. "If I find the person I'll let you know."

"Alright, Miss Jones. We want to ensure that all our students are safe here at Plata, so if something like this happens again, let us know," He concluded. "You're free to go off to your next class."

I stood up, walked out, and locked eyes with Mike. He looked away and scurried over to the next class.


" didn't tell him it was Mike?" Blake asked, eating her food.

"I really didn't. I mean, it could be anyone you know." I shrugged, watching Mike from the other table. "It's probably him but I don't have any hardcore evidence."

"True, but you did harass the man," Alexis pointed out.

"Physically, he's always trying to harass me emotionally." I shook my head. "Probably sick of me getting more girls than he can."

"Have you ever even had a girlfriend?" Blake playfully teased, and I threw a chip at her.

"Doesn't matter," I huffed, drinking my lemonade again. "I'm planning to go out this Saturday, wanna come guys?"

"Free food means I'm there," Terry quipped, making us all laugh.

Mike suddenly stood from his seat, and walked over to us. I wasn't ready for any confrontation today, but I certainly wasn't ready for Blake to stand up and stop him in his tracks.

"Where are you headed, Mikey?" She asked.

"To talk to your friend over there." He swiftly pushed her out the way. "About yesterday, everyone is talking about it."

"Bummer." I took my burger. "So that's what brings you to my table? Telling me something I already know?"

"You know, I'd beat the absolute shit out of you if you were a guy," He sneered. "You don't just slap me like that."

"Oh but I did, Mike. Might as well learn to deal with it." I gave him an evil grin before turning serious. "You don't just break into lockers."

"I didn't do it, you twat." He grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me up. "Do you want a beating?"

I slapped him again and kicked in the balls. Watching as he fell to his knees, I turned to everyone else, standing straight. My eyes looked around for any teachers, and I motioned for Terry to go and close the doors. When he did, I acted.

"Oh that's it." I stepped onto my chair. "Everybody, listen up!"

The entire lunchroom got silent and I decided to take my juice and take a swig.

"I'm getting kind of tired of everyone treating me like I'm an outcast. I'm just like you, and I don't think I need to be harassed daily just because I like girls." I pointed at Emily in the corner. "I don't think it's right to treat socially anxious people like they have a disease either. And I most certainly don't think you should judge someone because you don't like something about them. 'Oh, she's such a fag cause she dresses this way. Oh, she's a dumbass because she can't get the answers right. Oh, she's this, oh she's that.' Why don't you shut your huge ass mouth and focus on your own life because you're far from perfect? Jesus Christ, if I could list everything wrong with this school I would. But one thing I will do, is say this; mind our own business, and stop judging humans. You're not God, you're far from God, so stop acting like you are."

"But you're a faggot!" Someone yelled.

"And you're a dumbass bitch who can't even shower properly." There were gasps, my confidence rising by the second. "Your friends were afraid to tell you that, weren't they?"

When the silence resumed, I continued. "And so what if I'm a lesbian, at least I have the balls to even admit it to you instead of hiding in the fricking closet like I'm some shy baby. I'm not, and this is why I'm here. That's why I'm standing in front of all of you, telling you that what you're doing to those that have distinct traits from the social standards is wrong. Like, who are you?"

Mike finally recovered, and I pointed at him. "You don't need to treat me like he treats me. No one deserves that kind of treatment, even if they're bold enough to stand against it. So, sincerely, fuck off. All of you, and go fix your goddamn attitudes, be kind, and stop being idiotic homophobes." I jumped off the chair, picked up my bag, and walked to the doors, kicking them open.

As soon as they opened, I found the guidance counselor standing there, staring at me intensely. I shrugged, and walked away from him.

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