Izuku: Principal's Kid

By IceQueenXXI

17.1K 424 192

( Don't own anything unless I say I do, like PLOT) What will Nezu do if he find's a baby swaddled in blankets... More

Principal Teacher Combo?
Hold up, what? (Lightly Edited)
New People and a friend? (Partly Rewritten)
Exposing ones self
The Park
Training and Friends
Two holders
Entrance Exam (lightly edited and fixed)
First Day
First Official Day
Quirk List
A time unto itself. (Lightly edited)
Just Before the Sports Festival

After the Half First Day

623 15 3
By IceQueenXXI

(This is mostly just a filler and I couldn't think of any other way of getting the thing later in the filler)
  (PS: Sorry this sorry is kind of choppy and fast. This isn't really the way I like to write. But this is a sort of filler, so I figured it would be okay)

     Izuku sighed softly with a little bit of sadness gripping at her heart as her friends walk to their train.   A stray thought crosses her mind about her father 'I wonder what he's up to'.

   So with a new goal in mind for now, the greenette begins walking back towards the school, lightly loosening her tie as she steps back into the air conditioned building and making her way to the Principal's office.

   Upon reaching the door she knocks lightly, a cheery high pitched voice answering to the sound. "Come in please!" Opening the door, a smile spreads across her lips as does one on his "Ah! Little Mouse! What is it that brings you back into the main building?"

   Izu chuckles softly as she sit down into the chair across from his desk. "What? I can't worry about my own pa? Like I would like to know about what you do after school ends".

   He nods and scratches at furred neck for a moment "Well I typically make myself a pot of tea an proceed to go through paperwork on various things. However I have been called upon the Hero Commission to participate in a meeting about something or another".

  Izu tilts her head "May I come with you? I don't get the opportunity to leave campus very often, seeing as school has started and we live here".

    The rodent chuckles "Yes, I suppose you do have a point there, you may join me".

  A bright grin spreads across her face "Thank you! An I get the chance to hang out with my Pa!"

  "Yes I suppose that is true. Well then! Shall we get going?" Getting off his chair, Nezu slips on the goggles and jacket he had when he first found Izuku in front of the school.


The ride to the Hero Commission building was without incident, getting into the building took a few minuets due to paperwork and the such.  Upon the 45th floor is where they parted ways.

    Izuku now has time on her hands, she didn't think this far. Walking around the floor she's on, the sight of a Balcony brings a smile to her face, the thought of fresh air and her notebooks brings her joy.

Opening the doors she sits against the railing with the wind playfully pulling at her hair and clothes. Reaching into her pocket dimension, she pulls out her notebook and pencil. Opening it, Izu begins writing about the quirk she noted the receptionist having, it seemed to involve bubbles, based on her hair and how they would detach and gently float about the lobby to provide the pleasant atmosphere.
Could the quirk be used for offense? Defense? Maybe support?

   However... her mumbling and brainstorming doesn't last long as a sudden shadow followed by a light metal thunk brings her out of her mind. Brining up her gaze slowly, the sight of brown leather boots first make an appearance, followed by baggy tan pants, with... red feathers on either side? Looking up further, the red feathers increase and soon tan but furred jacket sleeves enters her vision with a black and gold accented shirt. Bringing her vision up to the individual's face is ... HAWKS!?
(A/N: This all took a second of time)

  His dirty-blond hair ruffles in the wind, a curious yet amused smile gracing his features. "Hey there! What are you doin out here little bird?"

   Izuku closes her book and hastily stands up on the small balcony "H-Hawks! H-hello! I-I, Uh..." she takes a quick breath to steady herself. "H-Hi.. I'm visiting here with my father, he's in a meeting and I thought this w-would be a good place work on my note book".

   He nods thoughtfully with a hand on his chin, stepping down onto the balcony itself and leaning over, he gazes down at the pages. "So... you study quirks? That's based on the pages that is".

  Grinning, she offers him the notebook to look at. "Yes, I tend to study quirks of hero's sense they are shown off in public so often, it makes it easier to take notes. Not to mention my quirk deals with other quirks".

  The feathered hero nods thoughtfully as he skims through the pages. "Theses are well done kid. Tell me, what's your quirk?"

    Thinking on the spot, she feeds him a lie close enough to the truth to be considered real. "I can copy someone's quirk for a week, which gives a day or two in order to figure it out and the rest of the week to use. Then poof!"

   He nods with a hum as he stands back up rubs his chin. "Alright, well" he's silent for a few more moments as he ponders something. "Well, would you like to copy my quirk? I need to preen my feathers, and I wouldn't mind someone to preen with. Bird mentality and all".

   A big grin spreads itself onto her face "yes I would Hawks. And I've always wondered how you managed to manipulate and harden your feathers".

  He chuckles warmly and offers a hand to pull her to her feet. Taking it, he passes the notebook back to her once on her feet.
"Right, I usually preen in my own room, but that's a little intimate. Especially with a minor... so how about the front room space instead?"

  Izuku nods "yeah, that's fair, I'll send my pa a quick message" pulling out her phone, she shoots him a message of her whereabouts. Receiving an okay but to be careful. She nods to as they walk down the hall to Hawks space.

   "So kiddo, how many quirks can you copy at once?" He looks down at her for a few moments before turning back to the hall ahead.

   Izuku shrugs "I've copied up to four at one time. Some seem to linger longer than a week, but that's rare".

   He nods again "impressive. How does the copy process work?"

   "It's most efficient when the other user consents and I touch their forehead. But I can do it without, however that leads to a migraine on both sides... even after so many of them, it's still unpleasant" her nose scrunches. 

  He chuckles again "Yeah, that makes sense ... somehow. Anyway, here's my door" unlocking it, he waves her in. To which she bows lightly and walks in.  Taking stock of the room at a glance, it has a light mess to it with decorations loosely strewn about. Seeming to contribute to his carefree attitude. Something she notes is that are no pictures of his genuine smile, just his laid back one. It makes her sad.

  He chuckles awkwardly "sorry about mess. I wasn't expecting company, uh- take a seat an make yourself comfortable" Izuku chuckles a little as she takes a seat.

  Hawks wonders off to his room for a few minutes to change and get his preening tools. While waiting, she organizes his coffee table nicknacks.
Hawks returns after a bit in a white T-shirt and pants, while carrying another shirt just like his and preening items in hand.

  He tosses the shirt to her "go put this on in the bathroom, don't want you to ruin your clothes with the transformation".

  She smirks at him, he's more clever than she gave him credit for "Alright then". Returning from the bathroom, the shirt is quite big on her.  Her school jacket and shirt are folded neatly and set on the coffee table.

    There's a warm smile on his face "well then, come copy my quirk if you would be so kind to do so".

   Without a word she placed a hand on head, copying his quirk with nothing but a flash of green between the skin. Pulling her hand away, his gaze sends the non verbal question.  "I managed to learn to copy quirks discreetly. Important if there's a particular quirk I want to study but don't have time to observe them".

  He nods and sits back in the couch "impressive kid. So how do mutant transformations go typically?"

  She cringes a little "ah.. they can be ... a little bloody sometimes, I see this one being a little bloody as well".

  He waves off her concerns "nothing I can't clean up later".

  With a nod, Izuku places herself in a more open space of the room, closing her eyes she feels for the quirk. Finding the new one, it feels soft on the surface while being pointy deeper into it. Activating it, there's a sharp pain between her shoulder blades, leaving a short gasp to escape. Dropping to her hands and knees, Izuku's skin bubbles as new muscles stitch up and make themselves present.

   After a few moments of this, Izuku clenches her jaw shut as bone bursts out of her skin and darkening the white shirt with blood. Taking the extra bone mass stored in her bones from deactivating Shoji's quirk. Infact it takes all the organic matter to make the new rings and hollow her bones for flight.  The first parts being built are the bone structure first, and quickly practically in a flash the rest of the nerves, blood vessels, and skin form on the new limbs. However the feathers grow in slower, coming in mostly green with some black highlights. 

   Although messy and in dire need of preening. Their shape are different from Hawk's. Being in that are smoother in their decent to the end. Being more along the line of falcon and a crows wings instead of a Hawks. The wingspan a fair twenty feet compared to Hawk's twenty three foot wingspan.

    Izuku's wings slowly fall due to new muscle fatigue. Standing up, Izuku is a little wobbly on her feet.

    Rushing over, Hawks moves his hands to steady her if should so need it. "Hey Kid! You doing okay?"

   Izuku doesn't respond for a few moments only to shake her head to clear it and look at him with her typical excited and sparkling eyes. "Yeah! Was just recovering from the transformation! So! How do we go about this preening business?"

He laughs softly and goes back over to the couch "get over here, I'll teach you how to preen your feathers first and then we can Rock Paper Scissors for who preens who first.

Izuku laughs softly "Yeah, that sounds like a deal" walking over to him, he instructs her on cleaning her feathers, how to apply the preening oil an where one can get it, and how to move them into optimal flying position.

A little later, Hawks is sitting on the floor with his left wing up as it gets preened by ... he never asked her name. He face palms, causing Izu to stop.
"What's wrong Hawks?"

"I forgot to ask you, your name. An Keigo Takami is my name. Call me Keigo". He seems embarrassed. "Uh, what's your name?"

Izuku smiles softly and continues preening his feathers, while working on her wing muscles as well by lifting them often. "My name is Izuku Nezu. But please call me Izuku, Nezu is my father's name".

Keigo looks over his shoulder with surprise written on his face "You're Nezu's kid!? Well hot damn! I get to finally meet the individual who caught his attention!" His smile is that of his laxed personality.

She chuckles "Yeah, that's me! He's a good father though, thoughtful too" a relaxed look flows over her features.

Some more small talk passes before they switch to him preening her feathers. As he touches the feathers with the tool she flinches. "What's wrong kid?"

Izuku's covering her face with her hands in embarrassment "th-they're sensitive. Like n-not pleasure, but sometimes akin to uncomfortable..".

He nods in understanding "got it, I'll try to be quick but thorough".

As he starts again, Izu can't help the little squeaks she makes. An if someone were to walk in and hear the noises Amd see the look on her face. They definitely would think it be sexual.

In general her preening while thorough, was much quicker than his. After it all, Izuku sits on the floor s little longer, her wings twitching every so often.
"Damn kid. I hope I didn't hurt you" he gets a head shake of no in return. "Good... anyway, I guess... if you're gonna be using my quirk for the next week. I guess you should train those muscles huh?"

    Her voice is softer now after the preening like a gentle snow fall. "Yeah I should. Um questions though, how do you make your feathers blade like?"

    A soft thoughtful hum emanates from his throat "I sort of select which feathers I want to use. Imagine it becoming sharp and pull them out, though it might be different for you kid. Play with your feathers, you'll figure it out, I'm sure".

   Izuku is about to ask another question, only for her phone to buzz. Pulling it out of the pocket of her skirt, a disappointed sigh leaves her lips as she gazes upon the text. "Looks like my father wants me to head to the lobby and wait on him, he's almost done".

   Keigo chuckles saddly "be glad you got a childhood kiddo, I certainly wasn't that lucky". His gaze becomes far off.

    Izu's brain marks this as red flag, turning to him, another thought comes to mind to add on to her temporarily fake quirk. "Hey Keigo, a thing I didn't mention this about my quirk. But if I copy a quirk again before the timer fades, the timer resets. And... if I copy a quirk enough, it becomes permanent.

  "Sooo what I'm proposing, is if you can manage a few hours on one of the weekends. I could come over and we can preen our feathers, I can bring some games if you'd like and well..." she nervously messes with her fingers. "We can get a few of those childhood experiences you missed out on".

    His gaze rests upon her face with a flat expression for a few moments before before it brights into a gentle smile and hopeful eyes. "Yeah, I'd like that. I'm off Sunday afternoons".

  Izuku beams excitedly "awesome sauce!" He chuckles at her comment as she gets up and goes back to the restroom to change back into her school uniform. Having to deactivate the quirk first however. It was painful... the feathers had to be absorbed back into her body which hurt. The limbs of the wings however was just fine, feeling like deactivating Shoji's quirk.

  Walking back out of the small room, a phone is tossed at her which she catches with grace "put your number in it, that way I can contact you if the board happens to say no and my time off is cut" his expression is amused but sadness lurks behind his eyes.

   She nods and puts her number into his phone and memorizing his. Only so she can send him a few memes. Passing the phone back, he gives her a written note.

"Permission Given to Izuku Nezu to come up to me on Sunday afternoons -Keigo"

   Chuckling she puts the note in a little pocket of her phone case. "Funny, a permission slip" smiling at each other they bow and Izu departs.

Meeting back up with her Pa, she keeps the knowledge of meeting the number 2 hero to her self for now.

{WordCount: 2723}

   (Not the best chapter I've made, but then again I am quite excited for the next to chapters.  Also wasn't expecting this fic to gain so much traction! Geeze... 😅 
    But so you all know! I will be working on art for Izu in her hero costume and with different quirks active too!
   I'm also trying to get my tumbler set up further too, it's based on the early years of Nezu and Izuku! :) it's mostly an Ask page with little plot. But work and being generally exhausted has not helped with my writings and art works at all... Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Side note... Izu found the preening somewhat pleasurable ;3 )

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