Starting Over: rewrite

By Vampirediaries1996

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I thought I knew all there is to know about Ella Bass, but I was just getting started. The underestimated it... More

Old Friends
Ruined Party
To Brunch or Not
Ostroff and Ivy Mixer
Getting Back to Normalcy
Masquerade and Clubs
Disappointed Birthday
Thanksgiving and Past Romance
CeCe's Games
Trouble in Paradise
Coming Back From a Scandal
The B in Brooklyn
Judging Books
Weddings and New Beginnings
Summer Gossip
Duchess and Her Pawn
Open Mind and Heart
Senior Year Storms
Sharing Some Truths and Jail
Taking Charge
Fake Brady Bunch
It's Just Getting Started
Big Talks and Yale
Not so Little J
Eighteen and Fabulous
Thanksgiving Prep
Prep and Misstep
Snowflake and Funerals
Last Words and First Holiday Alone
A New Generation is Born
Brunch and New Teachers
Opera's and Yale
Miss Iowa vs Blair
Goodbye Ms. Carr and Hello van der Bilts
van der Bilt's and Humphrey's
Weddings and Prom Oh My
End of High School Drama For Now
Polo Match and Business Deals
Auctions and Movie Premieres
Weddings and Bye-Bye Baizen
Endless Knights and Politics
Blurred Lines
Giving With No Thanks
Do I Shed a Tear?
Breakup and New Found Mom Blues
Can You Trust Mother?
Lost Empire and Lying Mother's
Birthday Surprises
Empire Bought Back
Wedding's and Traditions
Sinners and Saints
Paris with Love
A New Baby and Chuck's Missing
Monsieur Bass
You're Chuck Bass
New School Same Gossip
Hi, I'm Eva
Martini's and Keys
A Jealous B
Don't Mess With a Bass
Cherry Pie and Nothing Nice
Nice Scarf
Who's Telling the Truth?
Hello Professor
Mom I'm Dating My Professor
Peace or War
Dan vs Blair and Chuck
Happy Birthday Miss Blair!
That Was the Last Time
Temptation and Liars Oh My
Ballet Nights
Bye Bye Juliet
Dan, Nate, or Will?
Here's the Plan
Saints vs Sinners
Turkey Day and Cheap Motel Stays
Involuntary Hold
Affidavit's and Lies
Missing Judges and Lying Mothers
More of Lily's Lies
Internship Wars
Party Likes It's a W Party
Dan's New Roommate
Searching for a New It Girl
True Hearts and Hurt Feelings
18th Birthday's and Blackmail
Second Chances and Hard Truths
Blackmail vs Telling the Truth

Yale or Hell

1.1K 34 0
By Vampirediaries1996

This by far one of my favorite chapters I have ever written. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Sorry, ex...Dan hey!" I greet my friend I've barely seen.

"Hey wow it feels like..."

"A long time since that awkward dinner you and Serena had." I joke with him.

"Yeah, that was not my finest moment." He admits.

"What happened to Amanda? She just seemed to have left."

"Yeah, I didn't get any closure with that and...probably for the best." I notice his file in his hands with Yale written on it.

"No more Dartmouth?" I question.

"Well Yale just poached their whole writing staff so this was the more obvious choice."

"Wow you never saw yourself anywhere but Dartmouth." I comment.

"I know. I can be so..."

"Stubborn." I finish and he laughs.

"Which school are you touring this weekend?"

"Yale." I answer.

"What no way. That means we're going to be touring together." Dan exclaims.

"Yeah, I got a handwritten note from the dean. He read one of my recent articles in Teen Vogue about inequality in fashion and how it relates to real life. He found it riveting and personally invited me to tour the campus."

"Are you applying to Yale?" I shake my head.

"Never really been that interested and if I plan to continue my career I need to be close to the city so Yale would be too far away." I explain.

"Speaking of work why have you decided to take the year off? I mean you were working so much and still kicked everyone's ass at school."

"Personal reasons." I answer not wanting to dive deeper into it.

"Oh that...yeah that is wonderful they invited you." He has some hint of jealousy in his voice.

"It's an invitation to tour a school I was already going to tour Dan. No need to sound jealous."

"I was not..."

"Dan you're a horrible liar. I can see right through your whole facade that I'm okay but I hate the elite." I mock him.

"I do not sound like that at all." He argues. I give him a look.

"Jen said she ran into you at Eleanor's fashion show." I stiffen. I had hope Jenny kept my secret but I never know. I tell my brother everything why would I assume she would keep something secret from Dan.

"She did. What did she say?"

"Uh just that you have always been an inspiration to her and always encouraged her to go for her dreams." I feel like I can breathe again.

"Jenny is very talented."

"Yeah we think so too but my dad is wow he is so mad with her."

"Because she was skipping school?"

"Yeah, and lying about it. She's grounded until I don't even know how long but she's always gone for what she wants."

"Talent like her's has to be showcased. It can't just wait until the world is ready for her." I explain.

"Is that how you feel? You know with modeling?"

"It's not the pretty clothes or designer brands I get to wear Dan that makes the job fulfilling. It's the people, the places, and the experiences I get doing that job."


"How else am I able to write about all the things I do? Modeling has opened so many doors for me that...I know firsthand the long hours it takes for a designer to not only come up with a design but make it come to life. I know it's not just their hands bleeding as they sow every last stitch. It's the people who support them. The people who made the amazing fabric they bought or the cultures they are inspired by. I know you may see fashion as something so contrived and worthless but...people can speak volumes about themselves by what they choose to wear. I love the story that goes behind the clothes more than just the clothes themselves." I explain.

"Wow I understand why they sent you an invitation."

"That and I do have amazing grades." I boast about myself.

"Speaking of grades. How did you make last year work when you were out doing jobs all the time?"

"I had to have special permission from Headmistress Queller to have all quizzes and tests administered to me by someone from the school. They would travel with me and we would set out a day for me to take the test and they proctored me and graded it and sent it to my teacher. It was a lot of work but worth it.

"I know we haven't spent that much time with each other this year but do you want to ride together to new Haven?" I spot Blair and Serena ignoring each other as well as my brother and Nate joking around.

"I would love it. I even brought snacks." I state holding up my giant bag of goodies.

"Where is your luggage going to fit?" Dan jokes with me.

"Chuck and our driver will have that all for me plus snacks are more important."

"Yes, they are. All I have is peanut butter and jelly sandwich." Dan holds up his sad sandwich.

"Which will pair nicely with..."

"Cheetos." He exclaims.

"The very best but I will have to be very careful not to get any of the orange-gold on my skirt but if it happens oh well." I joke.

"Wow, there is really no one like you Ella Bass." I wink at him.

"And don't you forget it."

"This weekend concludes college visits. The schools you will be visiting Harvard, Yale, and Brown are among the best in the world. You are ambassadors of Constance Billard and St. Jude's'as well as your own families. We urge you to present yourselves in the best possible light. Good luck." Prescott greets us and then we all scatter off.

"I wonder what lucky school will the subject of the next nursery rhyme penned by Brooklyn's lamest fiction writer?" Chuck insults Dan.

"Chuck be nice." I order.

"Never." He responds.

"Actually, Chuck. I think the Dean at Yale would be very interested in my ability to write about damaged characters." Dan boasts.

"Looks, like we'll be spending the weekend together. How nice." Chuck states.

"You never told me that your brother was coming too." Dan says to me.

"I am not in charge of him." I respond.

"Ella let's go." Chuck orders.

"I'm going to ride with Dan actually."

"What?" Nate and Chuck ask shocked.

"I thought you were riding with us?" Nate asks a little hurt.

"I was but Dan made a more compelling offer."

"He's an insect." Chuck insults.

"No that's Uncle Jack." I clarify. "Actually he's just a dick but a bug nonetheless." I smile sweetly at my brother. "Behave yourselves." I order. "Dan let's go I even brought a book to read."

"Well say hello to the characters on public transportation for me." Chuck calls out at us.

"Kiss my ass, Chuck!" I yell back and my brother just smirks at me. "Hey, I have to grab one thing. Save me a seat." I instruct Dan.

"Sure no problem. I can take your bag if you want."

"Thanks." I hand it over and watch him almost fall to the ground.

"Ella much did you bring?" He asks as he struggles to pick it up.

"Not that much."

"How were you carrying this with ease?"

"Please. Dan some of the clothes I've had to wear weigh more than this. Carrying that is nothing." Dan hobbles away with my bag and I spot Serena and Blair in what looks like a tense conversation.

"An enclave of trustafarians and children of celebrities who major in drum circles and semiotics whatever that is." I hear Blair mocking Serena. "I can't wait for you to come home next Thanksgiving a militant veganista, anemic and proud."

"How is it going ladies?" I greet them.

"E you look immaculate as always." Blair greets me.

"Hey E." Serena and I hug.

"You two still going at it?" I ask.

"Blair is just insinuating Brown isn't good enough. Despite it being an Ivy League school." Serena reminds Blair.

"Everyone knows that the only real Ivies are the Holy Trinity. Harvard, Yale, and Princeton." Blair continues bashing Serena's choice of school.

"Rise above." I whisper to Serena.

"I know you may find this hard to believe, but not everyone wants to go to Yale." Serena responds.

"Very good point S."

"Because not everyone wants to be Blair Waldorf." Serena says.

"And now you lost it." I mutter.

"Not everyone can be."

"Blair be nice." I instruct her.

"Since we're not friends anymore. Let me speak frankly." Blair looks Serena straight in the eyes. "You're not that smart. You lack focus and discipline."

"Blair!" She shrugs my hand off her shoulder.

"Charm is all well and good but in the real world knowledge is power. You wouldn't make it past the first round of admissions at Yale, no matter how hard you tried. Have fun in Providence. E are we riding together?" Blair asks me.

"I have my own ride thanks."

"Alright. I'll see you there." She turns but stops and gives one more look at Serena.

"You're really riding with Nate and Chuck the whole way?" Serena questions me.

"I'm actually riding with Dan."


"Yeah we've been meaning to catch up and a nice ride to Yale seems like the best time."

"Does he..."

"No he does not but Jenny does."


"Yeah's a long story but she found out at Eleanor's Fashion Show and...I guess she kept her promise of not telling anyone. Which I am thankful for." I admit.

"Well, you and Dan...he needs a friend like you."

"Thanks, S."

"So are you going to apply to Yale?" She asks me. I shake my head.

"Somewhere in the city. Or I may not even go to school next year. I'll just have to see how this all pans out."

"E, I just can't look amazing." Serena compliments me.

"I'm going to tell everyone soon. I can't hide it for much longer and..."

"What will your dad think of this?"

"What he thinks and what I know I have to do are two separate things. He's been disappointed before so it's no different."

"I'll be here for you every step of the way. You're going to be amazing."

"Have fun at Brown it's going to be beautiful there."

"Hey." Dan greets me. "I snagged us some good seats."

"I can see that nice work, Dan." I compliment him.

"I had to fight a kid from my fourth period but it was worth it." We get settled into our seats. "So anything new and exciting I should know about Ella Bass?" I just look at him.

"I mean you've always had something going on that was amazing. How is that guy you were...Carter right?"

"Yeah he's...we're no longer together."

"Oh, I'm sorry. When did that happen?"

"A while back." I answer.

"Well, his loss."

"That's what everyone keeps telling me."

"Because it's true. You're an amazing person Ella. You just need to see it for yourself."

"The same could be said about you, Dan."

"What? No. I'm nobody. I'm like the definition of nobody."

"Being invisible to the world isn't always the bad thing." I comment.

"Really? Because during Fashion Week all anyone could talk about was where is Ella Bass? Where is It Girl Ella Bass?" Dan mocks the media.

"So you want to be in the spotlight?" I ask him.

"Well no I just...sometimes it would be nice to be noticed once and a while."

"And I just want to blend in." I admit to him. "Fame and fortune come with a price Dan. When you have an announcement to make it's not just to your family you have to make it to the whole world. While your family may love you no matter what in the end the world will judge you so harshly." I look down.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" Dan asks concerned.

"Nothing it's just I have a lot of expectations on my shoulders."

"I'm sure that..."

"Having money doesn't solve all of your problems Dan. Sure my dad could buy me a whole island comes with a price I'm not willing to pay."

"Like what?"

"My freedom." I answer.

"I'm sure that's not true. Your dad has to love you."

"The only true unconditional love I've ever known is from my brother. My dad, he sees me as more of an obligation and something he has to deal with. But I damn represent his image right." I say with anger in my voice.


"I don't even know if I want to go to school next year but I know if I choose not to the world I live in will judge me harsher than if I was an outsider. Taking a gap year is normal in the world but in high society, it's frowned upon. I don't want my life figured out by the time I'm eighteen."

"I want nothing more than to have my life figured out." Dan says.

"Even if later on you change?"


"People change Dan. Some in subtle others in big noticeable and undeniable ways. I want to continue to evolve as the world does around me and...I don't know if that can happen if I do everything people expect of me."

"Then do something that will shock them all. Something so unexpected for the perfect Ella Bass." He encourages me.

"If it was only that easy."

"Hey, you're always the one telling me to branch out. Now take your own advice."

"I wish I could do something dad may seem like he's not involved in my life Dan but that's just from an outsider's view."

"What do you mean?" I look at Dan with sadness in my eyes.

"He knows Chuck and my every move. As much as I think I surprise him with  things deep down I know he already knew."

"Bart Bass can't know everything."

"He has his eyes and ears everywhere Dan. My life is not my own. It is exactly what he wants it to be."

"It's not a bad life." Dan comments.

"As much as your dad is trying to control Jenny from giving up on school in exchange for a career in fashion at the age of fifteen he's not trying to change her. He just wants her to mature a little before she has to face struggles in life."

"Is your dad trying to change you?"

"Every day. Sometimes they're subtle and others they are just a slap to the face." Dan looks at me wide-eyed.

"Not literally Dan." I correct him. "My dad wants me to give modeling and go to Harvard, Yale, or...anything that could give the Bass name some more notoriety. He came from nothing and to the world we belong to his money while it may be a lot is not worth much."

"How could being a billionaire not be worth much?"

"There's a difference between old and new money Dan. Old money like the one Serena's family comes from and...Blair, and Nate's that money comes with the prestige that the Bass name will never have. Serena can do horrendous things and it will be overlooked more than my own indiscretions because of her family name. Any tarnish on the Bass name could easily take us down and to my father, that is worse than death." I explain.

"But Chuck does all of his things and..."

"And to the world, he's a miniature Bart and he's a guy so they get away with a lot of things I cannot."

"That's not..."

"My father and brother and men in general in society can sleep with whoever and be thought of as Gods but in mine and every situation will be seen as sluts, whores and tasteless."

"Well I mean that's..."

"How sad that it's true. I want to be seen as strong, intelligent, and powerful."

"You are all of those things."

"No, because in reality the world sees me as bitchy, overachieving, snobby, and thinks she's better than everyone."

"Do people really think that?"

"That and more."

"Then change their mindset."


"You have the social power and platform to make society see you differently. Stop playing by their rules and make your own." I look at Dan in shock.

"You continue to surprise me, Dan." He smiles as he passes some Twizzlers over to me.

"I tend to do that with people."

"Well, Miss. Bass, I must say your application is one of the finest I've ever seen." Dean Berube exclaims to me as he continues to interview me. "How are you liking Yale?"

"It's a beautiful campus. Very welcoming."

"Yale could really benefit from having a student like yourself. You're self-driven. Have excellent grades and above all else already making a name for yourself." I pick up what he's hinting at. It's not my grades that got me noticed by Yale it's my modeling career and what they want to do with it. "We did notice though you didn't participate in Fashion Week this year. Was there too much stress with school?"

"School has been just fine Dean Berube. In fact, taking a step back from my modeling career allowed me to focus on bigger areas in my life. Like my scholarship and outreach program, I developed last year."

"Yes, your fashion show for underprivileged youth." The dean says.

"It was so much more than a fashion show. I have made so many connections over the years with designers and I have learned if they do not like how a collection is going they will scrap the whole idea and start new. I suggested that instead of throwing away perfectly good designs we would repurpose them by engaging students in the city to have a creative outlet."

"And you raised over 20 million in scholarship for these kids."

"I understood early on that we all value the way we express ourselves. We have a certain way we like to dress, look, and appear to others. Expression through fashion, food, and other forms of art need to be celebrated. And these kids needed a safe space that allowed them the chance to explore things they wouldn't otherwise have had access to." I explain.

"Your charity work is amazing Miss. Bass. So amazing that our admissions committee and I were profoundly moved by your writing from your young writers camp and your articles you've written for Teen Vogue and The New Yorker just to name a few."

"Thank you for reading my work. Yes, writing has always been a passion of mine. It's where I can really express myself."

"And it shows. Yale has the best writing department you could do anything you want here."

"It is amazing here."

"We would like to issue a press release saying you came by to visit our beautiful campus." He passes over a form to me.

"Oh, I don't sign anything without my father's attorney looking it over." I decline and see the hurt look on his face.

"Oh yes well of course. I hope the rest of your stay here is wonderful and that you will keep Yale at the top of your list."

"Most defintiley Dean Berube."

"It was an absolute pleasure to finally meet you, Miss. Bass. What are your plans for the evening?" He asks me.

"I have none at the moment."

"Well please feel free to join me at an intimate gathering at my house with wonderful company. I know everyone would love to meet you." He hands me a card with an invitation. "It would be our honor to have you as a guest."

"I would love to." I take the card and he leads me out of his office. "Serena." I say stunned seeing her.

"E." She looks stunned to see me.

"Oh, you two know each other." The dean states.

"Yeah, we're stepsisters." I clarify for him.

"Oh, that...that is wonderful." He has this glimmer in his eyes that seems like he's found a jackpot with us. "Miss. Bass please don't be a stranger. And welcome Miss. van der Woodsen." Serena passes me as heads into her meeting with the dean and I'm just trying to understand what just happened.

Chuck's POV

I knew the moment that sack was placed over my head my plan was working. "Chuck Bass, heir to Bass Industries'" I fix my hair as I take a look at the exclusive club I wanted to infiltrate this weekend. Everything is going as planned. "Champion of the legendary Lost Weekend. Rumor has it you've slept with more Maxim covers than John Mayer." The President of the organization says to me with arrogance in his voice.

"And better, I might add." I boast about myself.

"If our intel's correct, you're our prime candidate from next year's class, but we don't take anything on hearsay. We need to know firsthand if you're as good as your advertising." I stand up and take my moment to show them who Chuck Bass really is and what they'll get with having me in their group.

"Well, I come prepared. How about a little private party to kick things off?" I offer.

"What do you have in mind?" He asks me and I just smirked back at him.

"Gentlemen welcome to the world of Chuck Bass."

"You gentlemen wanted a Chuck Bass party. Well, your party has arrived straight from..." The girls I procured for the evening come out and I see the group impressed with my skills. "I can't tell you where they're from actually, but they're the best money can buy. Before you ask they don't speak English. And they don't care." The girls go over and work their magic. "By the way that's not one for each of you. They do their best work in threes." I explain.

"Not bad Bass, but you're not done. The girls are alright, but they're just girls." The President stands up and strides towards me. "You still need to prove your loyalty. Your sister is touring Yale as well isn't she?"

"Why do you care about my sister?" I question.

"I mean dude we know she's your sister but damn have you ever taken a real look at her." I go to punch the smug look off his face but multiple members come to hod me down.  "Calm down Bass no need to get upset. We all appreciate a hot ass sister." He reassures me.

"We have a weekly meeting just dedicated to your sister." Another member speaks up. "She is smoking."

"Yeah, we can't wait for her to come next year." Another speaks up and I see the disgusting look they have on their faces.

"But besides your sister, we want Nate Archibald." Now they surround me. "We know you're tight with him. We know he's on campus."

"Archibald's not worth your time." I urge him to reconsider.

"Yeah, we think he is."

"My family lost our compound in Newport because of his father." Another member chimes in.

"Pull him in. Take him down. You've got one hour." The President instructs me.  "If you want in, you'll bring us, Archibald."

"Let me make a call." I stop and look at them. "None of you are touching my sister."

Ella's POV

"You're here too?!" I literally jump out of my skin when Blair sneaks up on me.

"Nice to see you too Blair."

"Yale is mine. You have no interest even attending."

"The dean invited me and I'm being polite." I explain to her.

"Are you applying to my school?!"

"I know you have always dreamed of going to Yale Blair, but it's not your school."

"Yes, it is! I am the only one who has done everything to get in and I am perfect Yale material." She declares.

"Blair, I am here just out of respect to the dean. I am not interested in going to Yale." I reassure her.

"Well even if you were you wouldn't get in."

"Really Blair?"

"I mean you have good grades but we all know where your talents really lay."

"I would watch yourself, Blair."

"All you and Serena do is just get everyone's attention and suck the oxygen out of the room."

"You know what I don't have time for this bullshit." I exclaim. I excuse myself and head over to find Dean Berube.

"Ah, Miss. Bass how wonderful it is to see you. Please let me introduce you to..."

"I am sorry Dean Berube, but I have to go."

"Go? You just got here."

"I know and I would not normally do this. Thank you for the invitation. Your home is lovely." I try to leave.

"Miss. Bass. Will I be expecting you next fall?"

"I'm keeping my options open." I answer and head out.


"Uh hi Serena, I was just heading out."

"But the night just started."

"I know but I'm not even looking into coming to Yale. There's no reason for me to be here."

"You were invited. You deserve to be here." She tries to encourage me.

"Why are you here S?"


"From what I know you don't like school. And if you have any inkling towards it you've always had your heart set on Brown. Why are you here?"

"I was personally invited."

"Or was it just to spit Blair who said some hurtful words."


"Don't act like you don't throw some harsh blows too S. Just because someone makes you mad or hurts your feelings that doesn't mean you have to get even with someone."

"She had no right to insinuate that I was not smart enough or..."

"And because she said that you have to come and take her shot at Yale away?"

"It is no different from you."

"I was never going to take Yale away from Blair. Me touring a college doesn't even mean I would be attending."

"Please, all the dean could talk about was how amazing you are. Everything you've done and how lucky Yale would be to have you. I mean I had to tell him a lie just to get him to laugh. It was you he was thinking about. Yale is yours."

"I don't even want to go to school Serena!" People around us stare at me but I ignore it.


"I...I'm about to have some major life changes happen to me in a few short months and school is not on the top of my list of things to do."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I know one thing I'm not going to do is watch you and Blair go tit for tat with one another over childish bullshit. You two call me when you've grown the hell up."

Nate is not answering his phone as I have Arthur drive back to campus to look for him. "Has Mr. Archibald answers Miss. Ella?"

"No, he has not." I state as I keep looking for him but I see someone else who catches my attention. "Arthur."

"Yes, Miss. Ella?"

"Pull over I think I spy myself an idiot." I comment. He helps me out of the car and I stroll towards an undressed tied-up Dan Humphrey to the school statue.

"Oh aaaahhh!" He screams seeing me. "What are you doing here?"

"I feel like I should be the one asking questions." I look at his predicament. "Piss off some seniors?"

"No. I don't know. Some guys jumped me and took my clothes and...tied me to this statue.'s really cold."

"Well let's see what we can do about that." I start to undo his knots.

"How was your meeting with the dean?" Dan asks as I work on the knots.

"He was a kiss ass."

"Pardon me?"

"On paper, I am nothing if not Yale material but that's not what he saw in me. He saw a chance to add a pretty face to his roster of students and...getting in here would be just based on my looks and nothing else."

"Oh, Ella you want to come here? I mean you said you wanted to stay in the city and maybe school wasn't going to happen right away." He reminds me.

"I would like the choice to be mine. If I wanted Yale then I wanted to have the chance to decide that for myself and not have the dean think of me as just a feather in his cap so he can brag to other schools he landed Ella Bass model to his list of students. I felt cheap when he was talking to me."

"Well, you're not cheap."

"Seriously Dan who did you piss off?" I ask as I am struggling to get him untied.

"I mean this is getting worse by the second. Can someone die of embarrassment?" He asks me.

"Dan? Ella?" Nate calls out to us. "How you at least bought the statue a drink first." He jokes but Dan doesn't find it all that funny.

"Do you still have your pocket knife?" I ask him.

"Sorry I left it back home."

"Damn well this is going to take a bit." I continue to untie the knots.

"I really don't feel comfortable with you two helping me." Dan says.

"And it would what be better for a stranger?" I question him.


"Well, you might want my help if you knew the only reason you're here is because they thought you were me." Nate explains.

"How is that even possible? I...I didn't lie about my name."

"Yeah, but I have a feeling someone else did for you." Nate answers.

"You lied about your name?" I question Nate.

"Just to talk to some students here. backfired on me."

"Why would anyone want to hurt perfect Nate Archibald?" Dan mocks.

"Apparently my legacy at Yale involves a lot of people hating my father's guts. It turns out he killed a lot of trust funds around here."

"So because of that you lied and said you were Dan?" I ask him.

"Yeah, not my finest moment." He admits back.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the dean's house for some event?" Dan questions me.

"I was and I left."

"You left? I would have killed to go and socialize with the facility. Your future would be made." Dan exclaims to me.

"I prefer to make my own future."

"Oh could you...try and free me a little faster." Dan begs me.

"Trying our best Dan."

"I see something that is another female and...I'm not entirely proud of my choice of boxers." Dan tries to hide himself but it's too late.

"You two again?" This unknown woman walks up towards us.

"Hi." Nate and Dan greet her.

"Ella Bass." I introduce myself.

"Ella B..." Her mouth hangs over. "You are all the Lit department talks about. They are really hoping you are going to join us next year. Jordan Steele." She introduces herself.

"That's what I hear." I smile back at her.

"Is this some performance art piece your new plan to get my attention?" Jordan asks Dan.

"Uh...would it work if it was?"  Dan teases.

"Here." She pulls out a pocket knife."

"Yes!" I exclaim as she hands it over so I can free Dan. "How do you know these two idiots?"

"Walked up to Nate pretending to be me." Dan states.

"And you must be the girlfriend." Jordan states.

"Girlfriend?" Dan asks shocked. "You two are dating?"

"Yes, we are." I confirm for him.

"Oh, I had no idea."

"Yeah, we haven't told everyone yet." Nate admits.

"Why do you need someone to write you a letter? I thought you had all of your recommendations." I state to Dan.

"Yeah those did not work out and now I'm in a bind to find someone to read my work and write me a letter." Dan states with worry.

"I will see what I can do." Jordan speaks up. "Give me some time and I am sure I can find someone who will write you a letter."


"But first you need to put some clothes on."

"Oh right. Yeah, I should definitely do that."

"You should exchange numbers." I suggest to Dan.


"Well, I'll see you all around hopefully next year." Jordan waves us off.

"I have seen way too much of you Dan. More than I've ever wanted to see." I state.

"I don't know if I should be offended or...worried."

"Both." Nate answers. "Let's get you some clothes."

3rd Person POV

Arthur is carrying Chuck's bags out to the limo when they are both approached by the members of Skull and Bones surround them. "Here he is." One of the members keeps Chuck from leaving.

"It looks like someone messed up last night. You sent us after the wrong guy." The President states to Chuck.

"He may have been the wrong guy for you. But he was the right guy for me." Chuck corrects.

"You'll pay for this when you get here next year."

"Oh, I'm not coming here next fall." Chuck responds.

"Hey, Chuck did you take my bag or..." Ella stops as she sees her brother surrounded by a bunch of guys. "Am I missing something or..."

"Ella, please meet the members of Skull and Bones." Chuck introduces his sister.

"That lame organization you infiltrated last night?" She asks and Chuck nods his head.

"And by the way those girls I brought to the party last night." Ella hands over some photos to Chuck as they were both in on the blackmail of the Skull and Bones members for their hate towards Nate. Chuck shows the incriminating photos to the members. "They witnessed some pretty incriminating acts with their lipstick cameras." Chuck passes the photos over. "You may be the future leaders of America..."

"But now you're under the control of Chuck and Ella Bass." Ella says to them.

"We own you." Cuck adds.

"Oh and..." Ella sends a jab to the President's throat. Not enough to break his windpipe but enough to get the message across. "There may have been a little rumor sent to every woman and man on this campus that each of you suffers from erectile dysfunction. They were just informed you can still get it up with some help of those little blue pills." Ella is smirking at their embarrassment. "And to answer your gross question. I would never go for any of you. I like real men and not little boys pretending to be what they're not. Chuck." Ella calls out and Chuck makes way so they can walk out. "Oh, and do be a real gentleman to ladies or other men. We don't judge. Because if you do anything wrong..." Ella holds up a flash drive. "Your lives will go up in smoke." She threatens. She tosses the flash drive to one of the members.

"Keep it. We have plenty." Chuck informs as he leads Ella to the limo.

Nate is waiting for the Bass twins at the limo with a stern look on his face. "Missed you last night." Chuck pats Nate on the shoulder as Arthur opens the door.

"Did you?" Nate questions.

"Of course he did Nate." Ella stands up for her brother.

"Or was it your plan all along just to get me out of the way?" Nate questions.

"What?" Chuck questions.

"I know what you did." Nate motions to Dan who is waiting for his train.

"You should be glad. Those guys were coming for you. I saved your ass." Chuck defends his actions.

"You didn't have to send them after Dan."

"It was a harmless prank, Nate. Dan got Jordan to see him again and now she's going to get some Yale professors to read his work. That wouldn't have happened if..."

"If he wasn't tied to the statue naked?" Nate snaps.

"When do you care about Humdrum Humphrey anyway? He's nothing." Chuck adds.

"Chuck." Ella scolds him.

"He's less than nothing." Chuck continues.

"Well, I actually think he's pretty cool."

"We can figure this out in the car. There's no reason to fight about this now." Ella states.

"No. I think ah, I think I'd rather take the train."

"Nate!" Ella calls out.

" could come with." Ella looks between the man she's falling in love with and the one man who has always loved her. Chuck looks hurt that his best friend is trying to take his sister away from him.

"Have fun on the train." Ella plants a light kiss on Nate's lips.

"Are you sure?"

"I am." Ella answers. Nate is disappointed but grabs his things and heads over towards Dan's direction.

"You didn't have to do that." Chuck states.

"You're my brother Chuck. I will always side with you." Ella laces her fingers through her brothers.

Are you going to watch the reboot of Gossip Girl? I hope they don't try to make them like the previous characters and just come up with original characters. No one can replace the original characters.

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