Penguins of Madagascar: Movin...

By CharaDemonChild

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(Will be humanized just to make my life easier) Moving house for most people? Rather normal and arguably mund... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter One

355 4 2
By CharaDemonChild

So before I start I'll clarify a few things.
1) They're humanized because that'll make the backstories work and I can't write animals.
2) Rico will talk...I hesitate to say 'normally' as that implies people who talk differently to the average aren't 'normal' but yeah...He'll talk average because again it'll make my life easier. So sorry any Rico fans...
3) There will be some ooc because their lives would have been different as humans who didn't grow up together
4) It is based on the show more than the film as I can do a mega rant on the film
5) The cover of the story is  by HunterShaz and it is awesome!!! Anyways! On with the story!

Today is going to be shit, or at best not great, that is obvious from the get-go. It is 7am and incredibly last minute as I begin to pack the last half of my stuff. Now, admittedly, I don't own too much stuff so I will get it done in time but maybe listening to Kowalski who finished packing his vastly expansive stuff days ago with the majority done weeks ago. Then again whenever I don't listen to Kowalski about things like this I end up thinking the exact same thing but still don't listen. Not all of us can be organised, especially to the degree of Kowalski. It is lucky that most of our furniture is being replaced because, from what we are actually taking, Kowalski did a week ago and we barely thought about our stuff until a few days ago. Hence the start Rico, Private and I had at 5am opposed to 6am. You'd think that the genius would use the opportunity for a lie in but annoyingly Rico and Private roped him into helping them. That isn't helping with my 'today is going to be shit' mindset because Kowalski has certainly earnt a lie in for once.

There's a knock on my door and I roll my eyes. Both Rico and Private have already bothered me multiple times, all of which were things they could have figured out themselves. Should I pack the cutlery in a bag so we can use it later or a box? Either could work. Do you know where I have left... It belongs to you so how am I supposed to know? Should I pack the saucepans and such? Well it would be nice if someone other than Kowalski would do something useful, yes.
"Rico, or Private, I'm busy!" I call, trying to sound annoyed given that would make the long car journey awkward. "Can't you figure out whatever it is yourself?"
"It isn't Rico or Private..." Kowalski's usual quiet voice says. I look up from where I was trying to fit more into my suitcase in surprise.
"Oh," I say, even sounding surprised. If he needs help then I am definitely not going to complain given he asks for help so rarely. "Come in!" The door opens and he comes in holding a mug, dark hair falling even more in his eyes than usual and sticking up in every direction. "Do you need some help with something?"
"I came to see if you did," he says, passing me the mug, and I smile seeing it is a steaming coffee.

I sigh again though. I should have predicted that really though because the odds of Kowalski admitting he needs help is unlikely. Him going out of his way to help someone else though? That sounds more like him.
"Can you bubble wrap my laptop for me?" I ask, he nods and pushes up his too loose glasses and sits cross legged as he does so. "How is the rest of the packing going?"
"Pretty well," he replies. "I have finished loading the moving van and loading the car: there is just enough room for your stuff."
"Did you also load Private and Rico's stuff?" I ask, disapproval colouring my tone.
"Yes," he admits, expression somewhat sheepish. "To be fair though I managed to organise it pretty well so everything would fit. What would happen if someone else did it?"
"Fair enough," I agree with a grin. It does pay to have someone organised here. "Had breakfast?" He doesn't answer that. "Kowalski! I get that you always skip breakfast but we have a long day ahead of us."

I don't say it but I do sometimes worry about his constantly small appetite. Admittedly not too much given he hasn't lost any weight but he stays very slender. Despite all the training he never seems to gain any muscle and his whole frame normally seems fragile. Him being quite tall makes that more apparent. It would be good if he could gain at least a little weight or muscle: he is the easiest to beat in a fight out of all of us given he isn't particularly strong and, if they're near each other in a fight, most people can hold both his wrists together in one hand out of the way. Plus there is little to no force behind any of his punches.
"Not hungry," he says, pushing some of his hair out of his face, making his large blue eyes more apparent.
"When are you?" I ask with an eye roll. He frowns slightly but not an annoyed one. More of an adorably perplexed way as his nose scrunches slightly in thought.
"I don't think it is set," he says, putting the very bubble wrapped laptop in the open box. The only way that would break if someone threw it down the stairs with a lot of force. "Should I put the box in the van? It is heading off soon. Or would you rather it was in the car?"
"Vans fine, I'll put my other stuff in the car," I say. "I can do it though, you go do something fun before we go. It isn't fair we keep using you to help us just because we're unorganised."

Despite that statement he picks up the box, giving me a small smile.
"I don't mind, Skipper," he says. "I'd feel mean if I just sat there."
"Well don't," I say with a chuckle. "We should have just listened you about packing earlier." I reach over and take the box off him. "We still need to leave at nine, right?" He nods. "Think we should get some stuff for lunch now or should we stop at a sevice stop?"
"I vote service stop," he says. "It is a seven hour journey. Two half an hour stops would be nice." As usual he's right and I nod in agreement.


"I called dibs first!"
"I'm older than you!"
"And? I have better music taste than you!"
"Private, I am not listening to Lunacorns soundtrack for seven damn hours!"

I am stood next to Kowalski as Private and Rico bicker over having the front seat, both seeming completely unwilling to back down. Kowalski isn't bothering to get involved in the argument that keeps going, and is instead fiddling with a loose thread on his jacket.
"Don't you want the front?" I ask, quietly.
"It would be nice, yes," he says with a loose shrug. "But they seem to care about it more so one of them can have it." I roll my eyes again.
"Okay. Rico! Private!" I say, raising my voice slightly getting both their attention. "Kowalski is having the front seat."
"What, why?" Private protests.
"One, because he is the only one being mature about it," I reply, crossing my arms. "Two, he's taller so he could use more room." To be fair he does always fit into small areas and such but that isn't the point. "And three, I said so."
"Skipper, I don't mind having the b-"
"Ssh," I say. "You are having the front. No protesting, stop being so nice to everyone and be nice to yourself."

We all get into the car without any more arguing and I put on the CD.
"If anyone has any objections to my music tough," I say, somewhat jokingly but I mean it as well really. "Driver chooses the music, everyone else deals with it." I hear someone from the back huff but ignore whoever it is. I got Kowalski to download some of all of our favourite songs to be fair but as I read the back in Kowalski's extremely neat swirly handwriting I see he didn't put a single one of his favourites.
"Seriously? Not one of your favourites?" I ask as one of Private's annoyingly happy ones come on. He shrugs. "What happened to all of our favourite songs?"
"I didn't feel like anyone else would like listening to soundtrack pieces," he says and tucks some of his hair behind his ears. He always seems to be fiddling with something and I have noticed often it goes hand in hand with confrontation or doubt. "My taste in music sucks."
"Subjective," I murmur. "I don't exactly like this song warbling on about happiness but here we are."
"What's wrong with being happy?" Private protests.
"Nothing," Kowalski says. "But overly in your face happy which is at best annoying? Not so much."

"Well if you were choosing the magic it would either be boring or just sad," Private retorts, rather unfairly. Kowalski falls silent and as we stop at a red light I briefly turn around to give Private a glare, mouthing 'apologise now'. "Okay, sorry, I should have put that differently." Yeah that is an understatement and a half. An awkward silence settles in and I'm not sure if that is worse or the annoyingness.


Yet again I glance at the Sat Nav hoping we're nearly there. This has been a far too long day. Ugh. Now I get along with the entire group but seven hours (even with two half an hour breaks) is too much. With Kowalski it would be fine, the only annoying thing about him is his lack of considering himself important. On a long journey though? He is fairly quiet but if it was just the two of us we would have nice conversation. With everyone though we have me, Rico and Private bickering about anything and everything. Private keeps asking 'are we there yet'. Whinging, arguing...I have a total headache. I'm not going to say I am being perfect, I started arguing too and snapped at Kowalski when he tried to intervene so he put his headphones on about half an hour ago to probably tune us out.

We pull into a long driveway and my jaw drops slightly as we pull into the driveway. This is more than I thought. I double check the address and this is definitely the right place. 

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