Falling for Chris Evans

By chrisevanswifey613

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Y/N just got casted for her first Marvel movie. Y/N has starred on other TV shows but for never more than an... More



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By chrisevanswifey613

"Come in" I said to whoever was knocking at my door. It was Chris.

"Oh hey" I said excited.

"Hey beautiful" He said making me blush.

"So where do you want to go" I said referring to dinner, I was starving.

"I'm really hungry right now so maybe a fast food? If you want to go to a restaurant that's fine to, it's up to you doll" Chris said smirking at me.

Doll? Did I just get a new nickname? I wasn't mad.

"No, I was actually thinking fast food too, I'm starving" I said smiling at him.

"Good minds think alike" He said.

"Let me go grab a hoodie" I just had leggings and a t-shirt on and it was getting late so it was going to be cold, even though we will be in the car.

I grabbed a hoodie and we left. We decided to take Chris's truck.

"So where are we going?" Chris said pulling out of the parking garage.

"Um, I was thinking In-an-Out?" I said, I was really craving a burger and fries right now.

"Yes, that sounds amazing" Chris said smiling at me.

We listened to the radio some before we got to the fast food place. As we pulled up I told him I just wanted a regular burger and fries, with a pink lemonade.

"Hello, what can I get for you today?" The fast food worker said over the intercom.

"Hello can I get a number 1 with a pink lemonade and a number 5 with just a regular lemonade please" Chris said.

"Sure thing, your total will be $15.00 at the first window please" The worker said.

I offered to pay but of course Chris wouldn't let me.

We paid and got out food.

"Wait before you eat, we are almost there" Chris said, knowing I was starving.

"Almost where?" I said confused.

"You'll see when we get there" He said smiling at me.

The whole ride my stomach was growling, the food was mocking me at this point. I was so hungry. Finally we got on a dirt road and arrived at our spot. I didn't see where we would be going but Chris said to follow him.

We walked for about five minutes until Chris said to close my eyes and follow him. I reached out and grabbed his hand and he led us to what seemed like the top of a mountain. I was so hungry that I just wanted to be there.

"Okay you can open your eyes" Chris said to me.

I opened my eyes and my mouth dropped. We were on a little hill that over looked the city of LA. It was beautiful, the city was the most alive. And we had an amazing view of the stars, I loved looking at the stars as a kid.

*The view*

"Chris, this is amazing, its so beautiful" I said still with my mouth wide open.

"Come on, we are almost to the flat spot where we can eat" Chris said reaching out his hand for me to grab.

We arrived to a little flat spot and sat down right there. I sat there for a second and just looked at the city, it was so beautiful.

"I come here to think a lot" Chris says handing me my burger.

"This place is beautiful, it reminds me of a place I used to go to when I still lived in New York" I said not taking my eyes off of the city.

We ate our food and talked for a while. Chris was so sweet, not like any other boyfriend I have ever had. It was also a plus that he was so handsome.

"So, let's talk" Chris said looking at me.

"Haven't we been talking?" I said looking at him confused.

"No, like about us" Chris said turning towards me.

"Okay, talk" I said looking at him.

"I just really like you a lot, and it scares me" He said looking down at the ground.

"Why does it scare you?" I said picking his chin up to look at me.

"Because I just don't want to ruin anything, I just want to be perfect for you." Chris said grabbing my hand and holding it, rubbing his fingers against mine.

"Hey stop that, you are perfect" I said smiling at him. Chris was always hard on himself and I don't know why the man is the definition of perfection.

"I like you to Chris, a lot. I hope this isn't about me wanting to keep things low key" I said putting my head down.

"No, hey look at me. I agree with you, the media messing everything up and I think we should see where things go before making anything public. I just wish I could tell everyone to back off." He said looking at me.

"Same here" I said

''I'm all yours" Chris said looking at me.

I smiled and felt the butterflies in my stomach. Chris makes every moment a dream. How could anyone not like this man?

"So what are you wearing to the premiere tomorrow?" Chris said looking at me. We were not laying down looking at the stars, trying to make shapes out of them like I used to do when I was younger.

"I think I have a cute white dress picked out" I said looking at the stars.

"I can't wait to see it on you" Chris said holding my hand.

"I bet you look amazing in whatever you wear also" I said squeezing his hand.

"Who are you going with?" Chris said.

"I think Lizzie and Scarlett, you?"

"Seb and Mackie"

Scarlett and Lizzie told me the other day that when Chris, Seb, and Mackie were all together they all acting like children, drinking all the time and partying. This kind of scared me because when men get drunk they do dumb things.

"Oh nice. Are you going to Chris Hemsworths after party after the premiere?" I asked Chris.

"Only if you are going" He said sitting up and looking at me.

"Yea I think I'm gonna go, I'm gonna see what Liz and Scarlett are doing afterwards first" I said sitting up and looking at him.

"You guys are really good friends huh?" Chris said smirking at me.

"Yea, they are super cool and it's nice to have friends that are girls. When I first started filming Tom was my only friend and I can't really tell him girl stuff" I said laughing.

"I always thought you two were a thing" Chris said.

"What? Tom and I? No. We just had to become friends fast because we both knew it would be less awkward to kiss as friends than it would be to kiss as strangers" I said pushing Chris's shoulder playfully.

"I'm still mad he got to kiss you before I did" He said looking down.

"Yea but his kiss was staged and ours wasn't. Ours counts more" I said giving him a smirk. Which it wasn't a lie, kissing someone for a movie or show is completely different from kissing someone you actually have feelings for.

"I guess that's true." Chris said smiling and looking at me. 

"We should get going it's pretty late and we have a big day tomorrow" I said grabbing my drink and wrappers.

"True, it's your first premiere" Chris said helping me up.

"Well, I guess it is" I said as we headed back towards Chris's truck.

"Would you consider this a date?" Chris said completely out of the blue as we got into his truck.

"Would you?" I said back to him as my face turned red.

"Yes, yes I would" 

"Well, I guess we just had our first date then" I said smiling at him. 

Chris drove me back to my apartment and I was on a high all the way there. I wish I could show this man off but at the same time I like what we have right now. 

"All right I'll see you tomorrow beautiful" Chris said helping me get out of the truck and opening the back door for me.

"I'll see you then" I said kissing him on the cheek. 

I walked up stairs and immediately passed out on my couch.

*Chris's POV*

I got back into the truck and made sure no one saw me driving out of y/n's apartment parking. 


"Hello" I said picking up the phone.

"Hey man what are you doing right now?" It was Sebastian.

"Nothing, you?" I said trying to hear him over the loud music in the background

"I was wondering if you could give me a ride home? I'm too drunk to drive" Sebastian said slurring his words. 

"Yea man, send me your address and I'll be right there" I said hanging up the phone.

Sebastian sent me the address and it was only a couple miles down the road coincidentally. 

Once I arrived I knew he didn't want to be here. There were dozens of paparazzi people standing outside the house. 

I got out of my truck and made my way inside. Once I got inside I tried to find Sebastian among all of the people that were in this small house. 

"Hey Chrisss" I heard from behind me. It was a girls voice. Oh, great.

I turned around and it was Lizzie. She was so drunk.

"Hey Liz, what's up?" I said catching her before she fell over. 

"Nothing, drunk. What are you doing here?" I think she knew about y/n and I just I didn't want to be the one to tell her if she didn't know. 

"Picking up Seb" I said back, she was looking at me like I had 5 heads.

"Hey, where's your boyfriend?" I said after, wondering if I should ask him to take her home. 

"He broke up with me" She said getting upset.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that" That would explain why she is here. She never parties. 

"Yea, are you single?" She said, she couldn't even talk without slurring her words.

"No" I said back to her. I pulled out my phone to call y/n and pick her up. 

"Come here" She said leading me towards the outside porch.

"Where are we going?" I was so confused and just wanted to get Seb and take him home so I could go home and sleep. 

She stopped when we were at the back deck. 

"What are we doing?" I said looking at her confused.

Before she attempted to answer she grabbed my face and kissed me. WHAT. THE. HELL. I thought to myself. I quickly pulled away but not fast enough because I heard the paparazzi's cameras clicking a hundred times. Shit. This is going to be bad.

"What the hell?" I said to Liz after I pulled away from her. 

"I can explain, I wanted to get my ex mad." She said still slurring her words. 

"Are you serious, do you know what you just did" I said storming off to find Sebastian.

I know y/n is going to see this and never want to talk to me. I need to get Sebastian, drop him off and get ahold of y/n as soon as possible. 


I felt like I had been sleeping for only 5 minutes when my phone starting ringing. Ugh. I let it ring because I didn't want to wake myself up to talk to anyone. Once my phone stopped ringing I closed my eyes to go back to sleep. 


"Seriously?" I said out loud. I picked it up and it was Scarlett.

She was talking a hundred words a minute and I could not understand a single one of them. 

"Slow down, I am just waking up" I said into the phone, obviously it was important because it was 12 in the morning.

"Have you been on your phone y/n" Scarlett said to me anxiously. 

"No, I just woke up why?" I said rubbing my eyes, I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to bed after this. 

"Um you might want to look" Scarlett sounded pissed.

"Is it bad? Is it about me?" I said my heart started to race trying to think of something that someone might of found out about but I couldn't think of anything.

"Just go look" Scarlett said.

I put the phone on speaker and opened my phone. I opened an app the cast had me get called, Drama Alert, the first thing that popped up made me want to puke. 

Marvel star Chris Evans seen kissing other Marvel star Elizabeth Olsen at party earlier tonight. Are they the new couple to watch for? Tune into E! News tonight. 

There was a picture attached to the article of sure enough Chris and Lizzie kissing. 

I started to cry and I forgot I was still on the phone with Scarlett, so she heard me sniffling. 

"I know, I'm pissed too. Liz texted me earlier and said that Brian had dumped her so she was going to a party with Mackie and Seb, but she never mentioned anything about Chris" Scarlett said lightly trying to make me feel better, which was not helping. 

The tears were flowing down my cheeks steadily. I didn't want believe it but there was no denying that Chris was the one in the picture. I was more heartbroken that Lizzie would do this to me. We were such good friends, I was just telling Chris earlier how I liked having Liz and Scarlett as friends. 

I didn't say anything to Scarlett, I didn't know what to say. She knew I was hurt. 

"How could she do that" I finally said to Scarlett through the tears.

"I don't know hun., do you want me to come over?"She said.

"No, I think I'll be ok. I don't want to go tomorrow" I said crying more now that I will have to face Chris and Lizzie tomorrow at the premiere. 

"I'm sure we can figure something out so we can avoid them all together, maybe I can ask what time everyone is coming in the group chat, I'll add you to it right now, and then we can go earlier than Chris and Liz so we can avoid them" Scarlett said coming up with this brilliant plan.

"Ok, good idea. Thank you for being such a good friend." I said, knowing I was lucky to have her. 

"I'm always here for you. I just added you to the group. I'll send a text right now asking when everyone is going." Scarlett said as my phone buzzed notifying me that Scarlett just added me to the "Marvel"  group chat.

Scarlett: What time is everyone going tomorrow? :) 

RDJ: Around 6 I think. 

Hemsworth: 6:30 we planned on leaving but with the wife it will probably be 7.

Tom: Around 6:30 as well. Hey y/n welcome to the group. 

Mackie: Chris, Seb and I pan on leaving at 6:30 and get there around 7.

Lizzie: same^.

Scarlett called me back immediately.

"Ok, looks like we have our answer. I will pick you up at 5:30, so we beat the crowd" She said referring to Chris and Lizzie. 

"Ok, see you then" I said to Scarlett before hanging up. 

As soon as I hung up someone had texted in the group chat. It was RDJ.

RDJ: what's with the news right now Evans and Lizzie?

Hemsworth: I was wondering the same. I didn't know you two were a couple.

I immediately swiped out of the group chat, because I started to cry again. 

I hear a knock on my door and I was hoping it wasn't Chris or Liz. 

"Who is it?" I yelled just loud enough so they could hear me and not too loud so I woke my neighbors up. 

"It's Tom" 

Why was Tom here right now? I threw on a hoodie, grabbed a tissue so he didn't know I was just crying and went over to unlock my door for him to come in.

"What's up?" I said walking towards my island that was in my kitchen sitting on a bar stool. 

"I know we aren't 'girl' close but I know you have to be hurting right now love so I came to Mae sure you were alright" Tom said as a tear fell down my cheek. 

"Thank you Tom" I said rubbing the tissue on my face. Tom kind of knew about Chris and I but not as much as Scarlett and Lizzie did. He knew that Chris and I liked each other and that Lizzie and I were best friends.

"A glass of wine?" Tom said pulling out a bottle of my favorite wine

I nodded and grabbed two wine glasses from my cupboard. 

"So I hope you are still going tomorrow" Tom said looking at me with a awkward smile on his face.

"Yea, Scarlett and I are leaving early though so we beat those two there" I said referring to Chris and Lizzie. 

"Good idea love" Tom said drinking his wine.

We talked for a while and Tom had put me in a better mood. He had the best jokes. 

We were in the middle of talking about the new movie when I got a text. 

I just stared at my phone. 

"Who's it from?" Tom said looking at me.

"Chris" I said looking up at him. 

Chris: can you please call me this is not what it looks like. I promise

I ignored it and shut off my phone.

"Ok, I better get going. We have a big day tomorrow. I will go to the premiere with you and Scarlett. I won't tell anyone when we are going I promise" Tom said laughing.

"Thank you Tom, for everything." I said going up and giving him a hug. 

Tom left and I went back to bed. I didn't think I would be able to go back to bed but I had cried so much that I could barley keep my eyes open. 

I fell right asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow. 

*The next day*

I'm not sure if it was because I went to bed around 2am but I didn't wake up until 1pm. 

Shit. I thought to myself. I had to start getting ready soon. I got up and hopped in the shower. 

Once I got out I went into my kitchen and made myself some waffles. I wasn't hungry but I knew I probably wasn't going to eat all day or night so I should eat something right now. 

I sat in my kitchen and eating my waffles as I scrolled through instagram. I stumbled upon the picture of Chris and Liz and immediately almost lost it. I shut off my phone and turned on my tv. As soon as I turned it on all I would hear was a entertainment tonight host.

"Last night Marvel actor Chris Evans was spotted out at a party kissing another Marvel actor, Elizabeth Olsen. Sorry ladies, Captain American seems to be off the market. More to come tonight straight from Chris Evans and Elizabeth Olsen at the premiere of Avengers Infinity War."

I turned off the tv half in tears. I was hoping I would wake up and this would of all been a dream.

I heard my phone ring and I was hesitant to answer it but I went over and looked, it was Scarlett.

"Hey Scarlett" I said answering the phone.

"Tell me you aren't watching tv right now" She said knowing I was.

"I just shut it off" I said upset.

She continued to tell me that there was probably some reasoning behind it (the kiss), but to not let the news get the best of it. She always had the best advice. 

"I'm starting to get ready now then I will head over to your place, Tom said he is riding with us too" Scarlett said.

"Ok, I'll see you then" I said hanging up. 

I got up and started doing my hair, I slicked back my hair and put it in a low bun. I put on some cute makeup to match my white dress. 

*My makeup*

After I finished my makeup I started getting my dress on. It was a pain because it was white so I was scared I was going to get something on it, that's why I waited until the last minute to put it on. Before I could get my dress on there was a knock on the door. 

I got up and threw my robe on before going to answer. 

"Hello is this y/n, y/l/n's apartment" A guy said holding a bouquet of the prettiest flowers. 

"Yes it is" I said with a smile on my face. He handed me the flowers and also handed me a card that went with them. He walked away after handing me the card and I walked inside. 

I set the flowers down on the kitchen table and opened the card to read who they were from.

"These are the prettiest flowers for the prettiest girl. I hope you have a good time at your first movie premiere. Please call me, even you know the media messing everything up. Love-C." 

He makes it hard to stay made at him but this one was unforgivable, on both Chris and Lizzies parts.

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