my girl

By ogstunner

2.5K 184 45

ayla-jade has recently moved out of her family home in hopes of getting her life together, with her main focu... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 27.

Chapter 26

48 3 5
By ogstunner

It's been weeks since I've spoken to her and I was quite content with it, even though a small part of me wished she would just apologize and clear things up I knew that I needed to stay as far away from her as possible for the sake of my own sanity.

It's not like I didn't see her at all, we work in the same building obviously. I see her once in a while sometimes I even catch her staring at me.
There was this one incident I remember when they were having a brief meeting in the lobby discussing employee conduct and I was trying to focus on what was being said but I just felt like someone was piercing me with their eyes.
It was a feeling I couldn't shake and when I looked down infront of me it was her. She had absolutely no shame when staring, she didn't even catch herself and look away she just kept blankly staring at me...I felt the tension rising so I just looked away not giving her the attention she always craves.

Other incidents were very short lived, I would be trying to get documents for filing and walk past Vanessa's desk catching a glimpse of Alex slouched over her desk indulging in her exposed cleavage, typical. When I walked by she would look up at me, which wasn't very pleasing to Vanessa to say the least.. Her scoffs and childish attitude made it more enjoyable.

Work hasn't been the best for me sadly, I've been really stressed and using work as a coping mechanism so I wouldn't have any time to think about my current issues.
I've also started coming in earlier and leaving later, even though I get paid for the overtime It still doesn't feel right, but I've already settled into it so there isn't much I can do now.
Persons around the office have voiced their concerns to me, one of the sweetest ones came from Lilly, a very small Asian girl who works at the front desk. She's always asking if I'm okay and has suggested that maybe I take some time to rest, she has even invited me out multiple times just to relax but I've been passing them up, I just might be ruining my chances of getting an actual friend. I haven't completely rejected her offers though..just said I would get back to her, which I definitely will.

All hasn't been bad. By coming in early and leaving late I've been putting out an extensive amount of work in which I was rewarded with a promotion. I was really happy to see that all my hard work wasn't going unnoticed plus who could be sad when there's extra money involved?.

There's also this new guy around the office, I think his name is Marcellus? I'm not really good with names. Almost all the women in the building are swooning over him and I don't blame them, he is really attractive. We've only had one full conversation and it was because he needed help with something in his office, anything other than that was just basic exchange or pleasantries. I have noticed however that when he asked me for help a certain someone seemed to have been fighting demons at the sight of me talking to someone who wasn't her, a bruised ego I presume.

I didn't pay her much attention since I wasn't even attracted to the guy, I mean he was really sweet and good looking but he just wasn't for me. The extreme jealousy radiating off of her however, was priceless.

Lunch had passed and it was a good two hours before we would be let out today, we have an entire week off because they're having back to back board meetings and they're also doing some remodeling on our floor.
I didn't have any plans for the free days I mean I don't really have friends here..James and Aria have been getting really close lately and are spending a considerable amount of time together. I'm not jealous of their relationship or anything, I like that they're doing well together plus he does have a life outside of our friendship and I think it's time I start finding some friends myself.

Before I knew it the time had passed and everybody was packing up to leave. Because of how early it was nobody was in much of a rush and luckily for me there were a good amount of busses running at this hour, I would be home in no time.

I started packing up and neatly stacked my papers then placed them in the cabinet behind me and grabbed my bag making my way out.

Walking through the lobby I kept on overhearing people talk about how they're going to spend their little break..most of them said they had plans with friends and a huge part of me wished I could get to experience that..I let out a deep sigh and kept walking. I think my next big life challenge should be learning how to make friends, this life is currently lonely and sad.

Before I was able to step into the elevator I heard a voice call out from behind me, "wait!". I turned around quickly wondering who it was and if they were even calling to me. I saw Marcellus coming up to me, I clutched my purse under my arm waiting for him to fully approach me.

"Hey, uh I'm not sure if you remember me.." he trailed off

"I do" I stopped him.

He gathered himself and tried again. "Okay so you do remember me..great". he seemed a bit nervous which made me smile slightly

"I was um wondering if you would like to maybe go out with me sometime next week? You don't even have to call it a date..we can just..hang out?" he finished. I could tell his heart was in his mouth right now.

I glanced over his shoulder and my eyes met her. She was braced on a wall with her hands in her pockets and a toothpick in her mouth. I knew she heard him ask me out and I knew that no matter how 'together' she looked she couldn't stand the sight of it.

Knowing she was there boosted me up even more, I wanted her to feel exactly how I felt that day and the days that followed. For once I had full control over my emotions and I was loving every minute of it.

She hasn't moved. Not even flinched. I could tell she was waiting for my answer, so I gave it to her.

"How about tonight?" I answered Marcellus.

He looked completely shocked as if he wasn't expecting me to say yes at all. I won't lie maybe I wouldn't have..especially going out so sudden, I would much more prefer to go home and sleep but knowing the anguish going out with someone would cause her I simply couldn't pass it up. Plus this could be a good first step in completing that make new friends challenge I set for myself.

After I answered I peeped over Marcellus' shoulder once again. I knew she heard me and I knew it was tearing her apart. This time she was no longer leaning nonchalantly, she had the toothpick in between her fingers transferring it from one hand to another eventually breaking it. Her hair covered most of her face but I could definitely see her jaw clenching. She was losing it.

"Okay um tonight?..even better" Marcellus' shaky voice pulled my attention back to him.

"Yeah..tonight" I adjusted myself.

"There's this club I wanted to go to maybe we should go?" he asked.

I looked over at her again then back at Marcellus.

"Yup, sounds good" I said bubbly.

I heard a thud coming from in front of me, Marcellus turned around to see what it was and sure enough a very angry Alex was walking away with her hands in her pockets. I'll really be enjoying myself tonight knowing how it's tearing her apart.

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