Once upon another Eden: Lilith

By TUT_Stories

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TUT_Stories presents Once upon another Eden: Lilith BOOK 1 of the OUAE series (Long Lister for the @NAromanc... More

Prologue: 2013
Chapter 1: 2015
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
♪┌|∵|┘♪ Epilogue♪└|∵|┐♪
BOOK 2 preview ADAM
2K reads

Chapter 17:

87 11 3
By TUT_Stories

Sort of EDITED

A/N another message from your beloved Dodelia Reene.

hi! how you doin'?


Avery joined the mafia.

Let's use the mirrors & tie – she's a major pervert too.

When Mira pulled up to the building Avery had sent the location to, she was sure it was the wrong place.

A man, who she assumed was the doorman since he was dressed like a butler, opened her door and offered a hand. She sat in the car and stared at his hand for a while before eventually taking it. She glanced over at him and he reminded her of Albert from Batman.

Once she was out of the car, he put out his hand.

'Does he want a tip?'

He gave her a once over and his eyes fell on her HunterXHunter shirt, which he probably mistook for some cartoon. He realized she didn't know what to do in this circumstance. He cleared his throat and spoke, revealing his thick Greek accent.

"Your keys please, Madame Lilith?"

She gave him a surprised expression as she handed it over. "Um, you know who I am?"

"Madame Avery said their friend would most likely be dressed in something that made her stand out."

There was no sense of judgement in his voice, although, Mira sensed a tinge of amusement in his tone. He got into her tiny car, obviously too small for him, and drove off.

He gave her henchmen vibes.

Mira gazed after him driving off.

"Madame Eden?" She repeated quietly.

Well, at least she knew she was in the right place, perhaps just the wrong dimension.

She glanced around nervously and suddenly, felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. She turned around to face Avery.

"What is all this?"

"A surprise."

Avery leaned down to peck Mira on the lips but she ducked out of her grasp.

"You could have told me to dress up. Also, how did you find this place? Just a warning, I doubt I can split the bill with the allowance I get."

She looked at Avery, whose arms were crossed, watching her in amusement.

"But before you answer those. That suit?!" Mira gasped.

She gulped as she glanced over at Avery; her hair was styled back, now dyed platinum blond, with black highlights and wore a three-piece, royal blue suit, studded with Azure gems that caused her blue eyes to pop.

Avery had gone all out for this surprise.

She smirked, puffing out her chest knowing damn well how good she looked in the suit and that it had made Mira lose her train of thought. Though, instead of getting Mira's praise, Mira glared at her.

Avery's face dropped.

"You're mad at me."

She didn't answer, just whirled around and stalked her way into the entrance of the building. She made her way inside and Avery followed close behind her.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but you wouldn't have come if I did."

Mira turned around to object causing Avery to halt before her but she knew Avery was right.

"Did you use this trick on the other girls?"

Avery straightened up and pulled her close. She used her hand to bring Mira's doe eyes to her own.

"Believe me when I say I've been saving this for you."

Mira wanted to melt into a puddle of joy there and then from the heat coursing through her veins, except she couldn't let Avery off the hook just because she was a smooth talker.

She broke away from her, pursing her lips.

"You could have told me to dress up a little."

Avery's eyes sparkled dangerously as she grinned like a wolf.

"We're going shopping for that."

Mira raised an eyebrow at her.


Mira's jaw dropped as they entered the boutique Avery led her to.

The entire building was a hotel, with its own private shopping/restaurant area on the next three levels. Each level is more extravagant than the other. Mira wondered how exactly Avery could afford to take her here. Even though the Edens were well off, she didn't think this was the type of place they would ever come to.

"Pick anything you want. It's on the house."

Mira ran her hand through a rack of dresses as she spoke in awe. "How did you get into a place like this?"

Avery shrugged. "I made some connections in Greece."

"With who? The Mafia?"

Avery burst out laughing. "Not exactly. My grandfather's family friend owns this place. Someday you should meet the heir; she's pretty crazy. Your mom would love her."

"What's her name?"

"Lennadriya O'Mystikó."

Avery then flagged down one of the assistants.

"Morning Madame. Is there anything we can help you with?"

Avery pulled Mira out from behind her. "Anything in her size?"

Avery flashed a dazzling smile at the assistant who giggled.

"I think I may have exactly what you're looking for. Please follow me."

Mira followed the assistant from a distance glancing nervously at the dresses.

Avery walked behind her and silently chuckled. She'd let Mira have some fun for a while. As they walked around Mira's eyes drifted to some of the dresses, as well as their price tags, which immediately made them lose their appeal.

Mira gulped.

She tried looking for the plainest dress she could find and her eyes fell on a simple pink one, hoping the price tag was manageable to pay back. Well, more manageable than the rest. She stopped walking, wondering if they accepted buying clothes on credit.

"Do you see something you like?"

Mira pointed to the pink dress just ahead of them. "Could I try on that one please?"

Avery frowned knowing exactly what Mira was doing but remained silent.

As the assistant pulled out the pink dress for Mira, Avery leaned down. "Pink suits you but I think blue would be better."

Mira giggled. "The pink one seems reasonable for today."

Avery let out a loud exaggerated sigh as Mira took the dress, which could probably stretch to fit her size but the chest area looked a bit small.

Mira pouted, blaming her breast size for being the reason she may not fit into the dress.

She looked at Avery, watching her sadly. "What's wrong?"

Avery shook her head. "It's just strange, I've never actually seen you in a formal dress. Usually, you wear an eastern outfit to formal events. I remember for prom in the tenth grade you wore the purple and lilac sari."

Mira shrugged, as she recalled going to the dance but couldn't recall Avery being there but she did remember being mocked by Evelyn, who ruined her mother's sari by ripping the fabric.

She scowled at the memory. Not all the memories were as pleasant as she wanted them to be.

"There are no saries here. Plus, sometimes it's good to spice it up. I'm gonna try this one."

Avery sulked as an assistant led Mira towards a changing room. Mira tittered because Avery reminded her of a little puppy, anxious to play a game – it was the same look they gave you before they would chew up your shoes if you refused to.

Mira got into the change room. It was a box of mirrors and was half the size of her room. No matter where you looked, you saw yourself. At least the floor was a red carpet that brought you back to earth.

Mira undressed, dumping her clothes in a pile in the corner. She wrapped her hair up into a temporary knot and slipped on the dress. It already held on snug to her body and she got it over her waist with a bit of effort. When she was done she realised she needed to do up the zip. She slid open the fitting room door a bit, calling for an assistant.

"Umm, sorry, is someone there?"

When no one responded, Mira closed the door.

Suddenly, Avery opened it and stepped in. She indicated for Mira to keep it down as she drew the door closed.

Mira gaped at her. "Avery, get out."

"You called for help?"

Mira huffed turning around to look at herself in the mirror and try to reach the zip once again.

"I can't get the zip."

She paused, feeling Avery's cool hands take her own.

Avery placed them at her side. "For starters, you need to take off your bra to wear this dress." Avery's finger trailed up Mira's back, causing her heartbeat to gradually increase. Avery unhooked her bra.

Mira clutched the front of the dress to cover herself as Avery drew the straps off her shoulders. "I'm just trying it on so I didn't want to." She groaned and tried to take off her bra without dropping the front of the dress as Avery watched her fascinated.

"What?" she demanded with a shrug.

"You know it's fine if the dress falls, I've seen it all."

She beamed smugly at her little rhyme causing Mira to stare at her.

"No, you haven't. The shower incident doesn't count and last night I was wearing clothes."

Eventually, Mira got the bra off and looked at Avery, in the mirror, to zip her up.

Avery stepped closer, her breath fanning the back of Mira's neck. Her cool lips grazed the surface of Mira's hot skin and Mira watched her in the mirror in front as she slowly treaded the zip up her back. Avery stopped when the zip wouldn't go any further. She glanced up at Mira in the mirror and grinned like the shark she was.

"Looks like your breasts are too big for it."

"I'm starting to think you're a major pervert."

"Who me?" Avery battered her eyelashes innocently.

Mira rolled her eyes as Avery loosened her tie and took it off.

Mira was about to face Avery but felt her arms, which were keeping the dress up, pegged to her chest. She hadn't realized Avery had latched onto them. Avery then pulled Mira's arms back and tied them behind her, causing the front of the dress to fall exposing Mira's upper body. She gasped and tried to move her arms to cover it up but they were stuck behind her, being held down by Avery.

Avery sniggered as Mira bent over trying to hide. She wrapped her arm around Mira's waist and used her other hand to pull her up so she was positioned up straight. Her hand on Mira's chin forced her face to look up into the mirror.

"Lilith," Avery whispered in her ear. "Open your eyes."

Mira vigorously shook her head, biting her lip. "Fine, then I guess I'll just have to tease you until you open them."

Mira felt Avery's arm leave her waist and slip into the slit of the pink dress as she rubbed her sensitive spots, the lacework of her undergarment intensifying the sensation.

Mira gasped and bit down on her lip to prevent any sounds from escaping. She gritted her teeth keeping her voice low. "Avery! What if someone –"

"I told you to open your eyes and then I'd stop."

The second her eyes fluttered open they locked with Avery's, which watched her intensely in the mirror.

Her legs tremble and if it wasn't for Avery's hold on her, she would have slipped forward.

The blue flames dancing in Avery's eyes only made things worse for Mira as she watched their reflections.

"Avery, you said you'd stop."

"Only if you to tell me to stop."

She smirked, and moved her hand faster, causing Mira to clamp her mouth shut so no one would hear them as her body arched against Avery's begging for relief.

"Madam Eden, your parcel has arrived," the assistant's voice called from down the hall.

She felt her heart pound anxiously. "Avery, please!''

Mira heard the assistant get closer. She half-heartedly tried to twist out of Avery's hellish touch.

"Please what?" Avery whispered, excitedly, in her ear, "You better hurry up, Lilith, or someone's gonna catch us."

"Make me feel good."

"Your wish is my command," Avery whispered as she kissed her moving her hand faster.

The assistant stopped outside the door. "Madam Eden?"

Mira broke away from the kiss and saw the door handle move ever so slightly and that was all she needed to release into Avery's touch. She felt a feverish shiver pulsate through her body leaving her breathless.

She felt the entire body clench up, before feeling a wave of pleasure ripple through her. She nearly fell to the ground but Avery steadied her. "I'll be out in a minute, Cassie. I'm just assisting Mira... with her dress."

Mira cursed how calm Avery was able to respond, whilst she was a writhing hot mess.

The assistant, Cassie, walked away and Mira finally took the chance to breathe properly and let out the breath she had been holding. She couldn't believe she just gave in to Avery like this.

It was on a whole other level than anything she'd thought she'd ever do. She glanced up at her in the mirror. Avery seemed just as excited as she was.

"Looks like someone enjoys being caught."

Mira stared at Avery in disbelief. "You are a pervert!"

Avery chuckled as she took her tie back and wrapped it around her neck. "I never denied I wasn't one." She winked.

Mira wobbled her way to the ground. Avery glanced down at her curiously. "You okay?"

Mira glared at her. "No, I'm utterly embarrassed. What if she heard us?"

Avery crouched down to Mira's level as she ran her thumb over her lip. "It still doesn't change the fact you enjoyed it and this is only the beginning for us. Now, I have a surprise for you, let's get you dressed." Avery got up, offering her hand to Mira.

Avery was right. That moment with her was stuff she had only read in books until then, so Mira was still a bit dizzy from the high. She never thought something like this would happen in reality. It was as if they were in their own world.

She smiled, taking Avery's hand. "You owe me big time for that."

Avery's eyes flashed. "I think we're about to get even."

Mira changed out of the dress into her original clothes following Avery out of the change room where Cassie stood. If she suspected what Avery and Mira were up to, she showed no signs.

Mira gasped once her eyes fell on the bedazzled blue sari in her arms. It was royal blue, with silver designs that matched Avery's suit. The assistant brought it up to her and Mira huffed in disbelief. "Avery this ... it's too much. We can't get this."

"Too late. I already had it fit your size."

"Does this mean that I tried on the pink dress for nothing?"

Avery chuckled giving Mira a sultry look as she stared down at her. "I wouldn't say for nothing."

The images of her staring at Mira in the mirror played on repeat at the back of her mind. She smirked. "Now hurry, we have a noon reservation."

Mira disappeared into the changing room again, this time Cassie went over to help her get ready.


Avery's brunch reservation was on the rooftop of the hotel, overlooking a view of the beach. They had made their way to the table and sat down. Their first dish arrived simultaneously. Mira glanced around the place, feeling like a fish out of water. Avery leaned on her elbow which rested on the table.

"Is it too much?"

Mira smiled at her. "No, it's wonderful. But why go to all this trouble?"

Avery placed her utensils down nervously, extremely fidgety, something Mira never thought she'd see.

"Well, this all happened so fast but I wanted to prove to you that this time I'm serious. I've had the date planned for years. I just never dared to ask you."

Mira stopped mid-bite.

'Did Avery just confess?'

She dropped her fork.

Avery-Azure Eden just confessed to her of all people that she had a crush on her for years.

Mira shook her head. She had to be dreaming.

"I thought I was the only one who had feelings for you all these years. What about all those times you mocked us or let Evelyn get away with something? I always assumed you liked her because –" She couldn't bring herself to finish the thought without choking up. "And the pictures you spread at the beginning of tenth grade?"

Mira shut her mouth as a memory of Avery profusely apologizing popped into her head and them sitting on the bleachers with Aiden as she explained the situation.

Mira furrowed her brow; there's no way that that happened.

Avery stared at her, in shock.

"You liked me?"

Mira frowned at her. "Is that the only thing you picked up?"

Avery chuckled slightly, easing the tension. "No. Gods, no. Mira, I explained to you back then that I didn't spread those pictures. Evelyn did. She came over to my house with Adam and stole them. When I figured out she did, I was beyond pissed. At the same time, Adam was pissed with me because of Líla so the whole scenario got blown out of proportion when he started defending her."

Mira began to get overwhelmed with all this information since it matched the flashback she just recalled word for word.

She took a deep breath feeling tears sting her eyes as she clutched her necklace.

Several memories rushed through her mind like never before. As if the pictures had been some of the puzzle pieces that had been missing and she only now realized how much she was missing.

"So all this time you were against Evelyn?"

It clicked.

"You were the one who messed with her every time she picked on me, weren't you," Mira said hesitantly as she recalled it.

Her head felt fuzzy as if the puzzle pieces began to join in her mind of what had happened that year. She sat back. She had forgotten a lot more than just how she lost her necklace.

Like how Avery had been her date to prom in tenth grade and after Evelyn ruined her sari, Avery had poured the punch all over her as payback and got suspended for 3 days.

She felt nauseous. "Avery?"

A tear rolled down Mira's face.

Avery got up and crouched next to her cupping her face. She gently wiped her tears away.

"What's wrong?"

"Did something happen to me, between us, two years ago before you disappeared?"

Avery turned solid under Mira's touch, and Mira watched as if a shadow washed over her. "I need you to tell me about Líla. I need to know what exactly happened. For some reason, I can't remember it. I can't remember nearly an entire year of my life and I want to know why. Why did I suddenly wake up one day at home with Aiden saying 'she's awake' when I thought everything was normal? I went to bed and woke up... months later and I can't remember what had happened. How did I not notice before?!"

Avery reluctantly nodded. "Okay," she said, almost as if she was out of breath.

She knew Mira was finally too far gone to keep any more secrets. This was it.

"Okay," she repeated, convincing herself. "I'll tell you but we're going to go home first."


A/N Talk about a roller coaster, am I right?

Well hold on tight it's about to get worse!

Forgive me TUTs.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share so we can share this roller coaster with others.

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