The Other Summoner Fairytail...

By Gladecavalier_16

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There is a Universe called Imen but it is been destroyed by a phenomena called the "DOOMED" the whole univers... More

Nathaniel's Past
Welcome to Fairytail
Nathaniel's Profile
Nathaniel's Profile ver. 1.5
Special Chapter


382 12 4
By Gladecavalier_16

As soon that all the contestants woke up they all get ready for the Games. Everyone is anticipating all the tensions taht might happened this second day of the GMG. All of the people cannot erase their mind that the new Wizard Saint surpassed Jura without putting all his might. They have been talking about it lately which make the other Guilds keep their guards up to Fairy Tail Team B. But for the Team A not everything is chill. Lucy and Gray are being mock by some people due to their performance on the first day. But this just make the Fairy Tail Guild fired up on kicking the Raven Tail.

Chapati: "It is now the Second Day of the Grand Magic Games and the stands is booming with excitement! Joining me again is Ex-Councilmen Yajima and Sorcerers Weekly's Jason!"

Jason: "SO COOOL!!"

Chapati: "Let's get back to the action already in progress as the wizards take on the Chariot Race! The rules are as follows, make it to the finish line without falling off the chariot! Simple Right?"

Everyone watched the event through Lacrima Vision, but... Natsu, Gajeel, and even Sting were all motion sick because of their DragonSlayer abilities.

Gray: "Why did we have to pick him for this event?"

Lucy: "You would think the name Chariot would be a dead ringer for him."

Erza: "Well, he was insistent on participating in this event."

Nathaniel: "I guess that caused Gajeel and Sting to join in too..."

Laxus: "Well that is what he gets on being such an air headed, fool"

Nathaniel: "Says the guy who puke up in a important part on a lot of jobs that we had"

Then Mirajane and Juvia tries to contain their laugh but they busted out. Since Nathaniel did tell them about their jobs and for playing it safe if was kinda dark and also funny.

Laxus: "Cmon now babe dont say it out loud"

The Chariot Race was going well enough for the others. Raven Tail's Black Snake was in the lead, followed by Yuka, of Lamia Scale, Ichiya, of Blue Pegasus, and Risley, of Mermaid Heel. Yuka attempted to negate their magic, but Risley used her magic, Gravity Control, to run ahead along the side of the chariot, and Ichiya, stuck some parfum up his now and speeded ahead of Yuka. Bacchus, who was also running in the event, was in 5th place and eventually broke the chariots and threw everyone off balance before quickly overtaking everyone and getting first place, shocking everyone in Fairy Tail. These are the current placings for the race so far.

1st - Bacchus Groh (Quatro Cerberus)
2nd - Black Snake (Raven Tail)
3rd - Risley Law (Mermaid Heel)
4th - Yuko Suzuki (Lamia Scale)
5th - Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki (Blue Pegasus)

Natsu, Gajeel, and Sting were pushing as hard as they could through their Motion sickness to at least finish the race. Sting quickly gave up, but Natsu and Gajeel showed their determination to everyone in the crowd. Their conversation could be heard over the Lacrima Vision.

Sting: "Hey, Fairy Tail... tell me something..."

They stopped and turned their heads slightly.

Sting: "Why did you guys even join the games? You guys are nothing like the Fairy Tail I remembered from 7 years ago. You guys didn't care about reputation, or strength, you just did what you wanted to..."

Natsu: "We're doing this... because of our friends! They waited for us for 7 years! They lost nearly everything, they were made fun of, but they still stood strong! They kept everyone together until we came back! They had faith that we were returned, they didn't abandon us! So that's why... we're not abandoning them here! We're going to show everyone, that Fairy Tail was never gone in the first place!"

Fairy Tail: "Oh Natsu...!"

Natsu's speech caused some of the members from the 7 year wait to cry.

Nathaniel: "That's it Natsu, show them all."

Laxus: "Looks like he grew up a little"

Nathaniel watched Natsu with a smile as finished in 6th place, and Gajeel finished in 7th, leaving Sting in last. The crowd finally started to cheer for Fairy Tail's victory.

Chapati: "What a speech! Now, the Chariot Race is done! Now on to our long awaited Battle Matches!"

The first battle match of the day was between Lamia Scale and Raven Tail. Toby, versus Kurohebi. At some point along the match, Toby and Kurohebi made a bet between each other. Kurohebi wins, Toby tells him a secret, Toby wins, Kurohebi reveals his actual name. However, almost right after Kurohebi beat the dog-like man with ease. Right after, Toby confessed that he couldn't find one of his socks for the past three months, and Kurohebi pointed out the sock around his next. What happened next was simply awful, Kurohebi and Toby were going to shake hands, but Kurohebi yanked the sock from Toby's neck and ripped it to shreds, leaving Toby on his hands and knees crying as the Raven Tail wizard walked away.

Everyone did get a good look at Kurohebi's magic, Mimic Magic, especially because he used one of Max's spells.

Nathaniel: "At this rate Raven Tail is going to end up making an enemy out of everyone here."

Gajeel: "Tell me about it."

Chapati: "And here is the next battle match of the day!"

The lacrima vision showed off pictures of Elfman and Bacchus.

Chapati: "Fairy Tail Team A's Elfman Strauss! Versus, Team Quatro Cerberus' Bacchus Groh!"

As Nathaniel comes to check up Wendy to see how she doing about the Daring curse that is put on her and Carla. Then she met up with Erza.

Erza: "Nathaniel, Natsu's busy resting right now, why don't you go and check on him?"

Nathaniel: "Hmm? Sure, make sure you tell me the results of the match!"

He then went into the hallways of the Domus Flau, encountering Lucy on the way to the medical bay where Natsu and Wendy were.

Lucy: "Hey Nathaniel!"

Nathaniel: "Ah, Lucy, what's up?"

Lucy: "I just finished checking out Natsu, what about you?"

Then Nathaniel makes a face like happy when she is making fun of Lucy then Lucy blushes when she realize what other sense of her sentence has.

Lucy: "NOT IN THAT WAY!!!"

Nathaniel: "I was just going to check on him. By the way, Elfman's about to fight Bacchus, go ahead to the spectator area and watch."

Lucy: "Sure! I'll go cheer him on!"

Nathaniel: "You do that."

They continued their conversation for a while before Nathaniel went back on his way to the medical bay. By the time he got there, due to his conversation with Lucy delaying him, he arrived just in time to see Natsu dashing out of the room and looking around.

Nathaniel: "Natsu! Already got your second wind I see!"

Natsu: "No time for chit chat! Wendy, Carla, and the old hag were kidnapped! Nathan! Hurry!"

Nathaniel: "WHAT?!"

Then, as if planned, the both caught a whiff of an unfamiliar scent in the air.

Nathaniel and Natsu: "They're still nearby!"

The both ran off in the direction of this foreign scent, eventually arriving at the top of the walls of the Domus Flau, and it was there that they caught the said kidnappers, carrying away Carla, Wendy, and Porlyusica on their shoulders as they ran away, there were 4 of them in total.


Kidnapper 1: "I'll hold them off!"

Kignapper 2: "I'll help you! Go on! Get away from her-"

Natsu: "Out of our way!"

The two kidnappers were quickly knocked flat by the DragonSlayer, the last two continuing to run away, but it was useless, they were still caught and beaten into unconsciousness.

Nathaniel: "That will teach you to kidnap others for no reason..!"

Natsu: "Let's tie them down."

Nathaniel: "Yeah..."

The would lean the three females against the wall before tying the kidnappers up, noticing that the match was still going on.

Nathaniel: "Barrier, Natsu take over real quick."

Natsu: "Huh? Yeah sure."

Nathaniel would walk over to the stone wall of the Domus Flau, looking down into the arena to watch the continuing fight between Elfman and Bacchus. Managing to make out that Elfman had struck out a deal with Bacchus. Not to mention, it was clear who had the advantage in the fight since Elfman was covered in bruises and scratched.

If Bacchus wins, he gets a night with Mirajane, Lisanna, and Nathaniel at the same time, and if Elfman wins, Quatro Cerberus would be known as Quatro Puppy for the duration for the tournament.

Bacchus: "Bahahah! Alright! You've got yourself a deal! You really are wild!"

He reached down to his flask of alcohol and downed it all before he threw it to the side.

Bacchus: "I hope you're ready!"

Almost right after his flask hit the ground, he took a crouching position which Nathaniel recognized right away.

Nathaniel: "So he's finally drinking and using "That" huh?"

Suddenly, Bacchus dashed forward at unimaginable speeds and landed seven blows within the span of a second.

Nathaniel: "There it is..."

Natsu: "What kind of magic is that?!"

Nathaniel: "He's using magic to focus energy into his palms, and using it in tandem with his martial arts abilities to dish out lots of damage. And he's only gotten stronger over these 7 years."

Natsu: "No way..."

Nathaniel: "But I wouldn't count Elfman out just yet."

He smirked as he continued to look down at the Arena, Natsu quickly glanced at his older brother, then looked back down at the arena to see that Elfman has transformed into a new takeover, and that Bacchus' arms were damaged.

Elfman: "Beast Takeover: Lizardman! I may not be able to hit you, but you can try to hit me all you want!"

Bacchus: "Wild..!"

Bacchus would lunge at Elfman and continue to land a barrage of blows.

Chapati: "Would you look at that! This is the ultimate clash of Offense and Defense! Who will win! The bulky Elfman, or the fast and wild Bacchus?!"

Natsu: "What are you doing Elfman?! Hit him!"

Nathaniel: "He can't. Bacchus is too fast, and his muscles slow him down too much. This is his only hope, and even then, it's a risky gamble."

Natsu: "What do you mean?"

Nathaniel: "His lizardman scales are the ultimate armor. Trying to hit those barehanded is will definitely do some kind of damage to your fists. Elfman is hoping Bacchus' arms will give out before his body will."

Natsu stared at his brother for a moment, before leaning over the railing and cheering Elfman on, Bacchus' barrage continuing for several minutes damaging his arms severely in the process. The result of the match? It was close, Elfman had reverted back to his regular form, and Bacchus' attacking had ceased. Elfman fell to his knees, shocking everyone in FairyTail as Bacchus celebrated his win, or so they thought. Afterwards, Bacchus' fell onto his back, and Elfman slowly stood back up, coming out as the victor of the bout, earning Fairy Tail Team A 10 points.

Everyone in the stadium cheered, Fairy Tail finally gaining some respect from the crowd that hated them, and put them down when their names were first announced. However, right afterwards, Elfman collapsed, completely tired out after taking so many heavy blows and got rushed to the infirmary right after. Everyone in Team Fairy Tail A and the Thunder Legion went to check on him afterwards.

Raven Tail - 37 points

Lamia Scale - 23 points

Sabertooth - 20 points

Mermaid Heel - 19 points

Blue Pegasus - 14 points

Fairy Tail Team A - 12 points

Fairy Tail Team B - 12 point

Quatro Cerberus - 12 points

When everyone arrived in the infirmary, they saw that Elfman was already wrapping In bandages from head to toe, the only visible part of him was the left area of his face and his nose and mouth. Erza stepped forward from the group and began to shower Elfman with praise.

Erza: "I've got to admit Elfman, we all underestimated the strength of your manly spirit. Your tenacity and uncanny ability to stand even the harshest of beatings is unparalleled in the guild. This was an important win for our team, and you've given us the momentum to keep winning."

Lucy: "I don't think I've ever heard Erza say that much praise before."

Gray: "The big guy deserves it."

Natsu: "You were totally on fire out there today man!"

Nathaniel: "Yeah, I didn't think you would use his greatest strength against him, good thinking."

Elfman: "Thanks guys, but it's starting to feel like I'm at my own funeral or somethin- ow..!"

He was cut off when Lisanna pressed an icepack against his bandaged area on his face to keep his bruises from swelling up.

Lisanna: "I don't really get why everyone is so surprised, taking a beating has always been your strong suit."

Natsu: "That's a pretty bad strong suit Elfman, pfft!"

Elfman: "Oh, shut up! You're the same Natsu."

Wendy: "Still, I think what you did out there was really impressive."

Elfman: "I really do appreciate the kind words guys."

Nathaniel: "All things, considered, I think Wendy should take over for you since you're so injured. Well dont worry you'll be fine on a couple days I gotta say you have some sort of magical resistance sincebmy healing spells didn't work"

Wendy: "Ah, Right!"

Porlyusica: "Now this is nice and everything, but you guys have to get back out there, studying your enemies is key to beating them."

Natsu: "I do want to beat them..!"

Nathaniel: "Rest up Elfman, and thank you for the help Porlyusica"

Lisanna: "Big Bro, I want to go with them too."

Elfman: "Best if you do. Mirajane is up next, and she needs you out there cheering her on."

Lisanna waved goodbye as she went out to the spectator area with Team FairyTail.

Bickslow: "You go watch Lisanna, the Thunder Legion is gonna be here to watch over Elfman while you're gone."

Freed: "I'll set up enchantments in case of intruders."

Evergreen: "Be honored Elfman, the Thunder Legion is guarding you."

Elfman: "Ever... I'm sorry..."

Evergreen: "It's fine, but you might want to overthink your strategy next time."

Freed: "Anyways, you should get some rest."

Bickslow: "Evergreen will rest with ya if you want!"

Without Warning, BickSlow pushed Evergreen right on top of Elfman, flustering the two.

Evergreen and Elfman: "Hey, cut it out!"

While they were walking through the halls leading out to their respective watching areas, they were all having a conversation.

Natsu: "We have to do something about those jerks in Raven Tail!"

Erza: "It's like they're trying to take us out, one by one."

Nathaniel: "We can't do anything about it either unless we prove that they're using foulplay."

Carla: "Actually, I'm not convinced that it's true, I don't think they were after the three of us."

Wendy: "What are you talking about Carla?"

Nathaniel: "I see your point it's kinda not their style of kidnapping"

Carla: "The bandits from earlier told Natsu that Raven Tail tasked them with kidnapping Lucy correct? Not only did they pick the wrong target, but Natsu and Nathaniel were able to catch and stop them."

Lisanna: "What's so strange about that?"

Erza: "We also don't know what they were going to do with Lucy after the fact of the matter."

Lucy: "And I'd rather not know either!"

Carla: "There's a member on their team who can drain every drop of magic from an individual, the same one who attacked Wendy and I on the night that started this event off. If they have someone who can do that, why wasn't he leading the kidnapping?"

Gray: "Well, they would be acting too suspicious at that point."

Nathaniel: "The staff require us to be at the arena at all times since we don't know who's fighting until right before the match."

Lucy: "I don't really think they care how things are done, as long as someone in our guild gets hurt from it they'll be fine."

Erza: "Even then, we have to stay on guard, especially if Raven Tail is targeting us in and out of the arena."

Carla stood their for a moment, before she followed everyone back out. Meanwhile out in the arena, the match between Mirajane and Jenny Realight of Blue Pegasus was going underway, and Team Fairy Tail, along with Carla,and Lisanna, made it back just in time to see... a posing contest? So the judges really wants to have a fan service.

Gray and Natsu: "What kind of match is this?"

Nathaniel: "They're facing off by seeing who can be the better model..Damn it Jason you really requested that."

Laxus: "I mean you're a model too you know"

Gajeel: "Yeah I see your cover I gotta say even as a man i am turned on. In the bondage cover."

Juvia: "I also have a cover of you from sorcerer weekly men's casual and formal clothes"

Then after hearing it Nathaniel is sulking in the corner.

Nathaniel: "When did I become a painted whore"

Juvia: "Since my body is made up of water I can fill up off a bathing suit above everyone else"

Gajeel: "Your gonna do it too?"

Juvia: " A woman will do what ever he can to fight for his true love"

Nathaniel: "Well in that case I will join in as well"

Laxus, Gajeel, Juvia: "For real?"

Nathaniel: "Well my underwear, poster and magazines about me is gone when I was out home either a maniac took it or someone else did"

Laxus just blush in this statements and sigh while Gajeel and Juvia is about to explode. As Juvia and Nathaniel go down the crowed eruputs with joy now men and women are enjoying the show.

Jason: "The Shaman joins the ring THIS.IS.SO.COOOLLLLL. The cover of sorccererr weekly will be so famous."

Then Cahpati explain that even the whole guild is there only Mirajane, and Jenny will be scored. And even the first Master join them. Then the compettition gets really heated when Cana, Erza, and Nathaniel all poses on the same side of the dome.

Meanwhile, Makarov and a few of the other male members were openly gawking at Mirajane's and Jenny's bodies in skimpy swimsuits along with the rest of the audience. In addition, partway through the match, it suddenly escalated to the point where all of the ladies from each guild but Raven Tail and SaberTooth jumped in the compete along with Mirajane and Jenny, despite the votes only going to the two original competitors. Somehow Master Mavis predicted something like this from some uncanny means and prepared swimsuits for the ladies in Fairy Tail as well. Although Evergreen was trying to prove herself as the superior one to Erza still for some reason through this contest.

Chapati: "Wardrobe Change. School swimsuit"

Levy: "This is getting way to creepy"

Mira: "Its kinda normal tough"

Nathaniel: "Yeah if you ever in visting in school this is normal"

Lisanna: "Wendy doesn't seem to be out of place here"

Wendy: "I do feel out of place"

Then it change to Bikini in Tigh socks. and Bikini with glasses

Chapati: "Catty Ear"

Chapati: "Bonnet Gear"

Erza and Nathaniel shows up together and the crowd gone wild since Erza is holding a whip is slap Nathaniel. The boys and Girls are running wild while Laxus is trying to contain his red face from exploding

Chapati: "How about a blushing wedding Ceremony so grab someone in the field."

Mirajane: "I appreciate the help Master Thank you"

Almost right away, everyone changed into a Wedding Dress and grabbed a guy. Jenny grabbed Hibiki, Gray and Lyon were fighting over Juvia, somehow, and Blue Pegasus Ren was with his wife, Sherry. Meanwhile, Nathaniel found himself down there somehow in a pure white tuxedo and a crown that was set lazily on one side of his head rather than right on top. Some of the ladies and man in the crowd swooned at him, since the guys were soo busy oogling the girls.

Laxus: "I guess we should be partners huh"

Nathaniel: "DO you think that we will go to this stage of our relationship"

Laxus: "Well yeah I guess so"

Luckily, before anyone could run up to him to chat, the fun was immediately cut short after Ooba Babasaama, the leader of Lamia Scale, jumped down in a swimsuit, pretty much scarring all who saw it as they retreated back to the spectator areas, leaving just Mirajane and Jenny again. Afterwards the two agreed on an insane wager that whoever loses, had to pose for sorcerers weekly completely nude. The last theme? Combat gear. Jenny was the first to transform, taking a transformation similar to Mirajane's but not quite.

Jenny: "Sorry, but you won't be beating me while I'm in my combat form!"

Mirajane on the other hand, transformed into a she-devil form.

Mirajane: "Demon Takeover, Sitri..."

Gajeel: "What's that?"

Nathaniel: "Just one of Mirajane's Shedevil forms, and her most powerful one at that."

With that, Mirajane turned the match back into a fight and completely knocked out Jenny, thus confirming that Jenny was going to be in her birthday suit for the cover of the next issue of Sorcerer Weekly. Jenny was crying after that match for a moment though.

Raven Tail - 37 points

Lamia Scale - 23 points

Fairy Tail Team B - 22 point

Sabertooth - 20 points

Mermaid Heel - 19 points

Blue Pegasus - 14 points

Fairy Tail Team A - 12 points

Quatro Cerberus - 12 points

Chapati: "What a hot and steamy match! And now, for the final match of the day, SaberTooth's Yukino Aguria, vs Mermaid Heel's Kagura Mikazuchi!"

Yukino, came out in a rather elegant, pure white dress, with a similar colored cape that wrapped around her body to match. Kagura, game out in a White Blazer that had yellow lining on it, and a sheathed katana with bandages wrapped around the area where the Katana entered the sheath, and a seal on top of it all.

Yukino: "It's a pleasure to trade blows with you."

Kagura: "The same for me."

Yukino: "Well, should we do like the others and make a wager for ourselves?"

Kagura: "I'm not interested in such bets."

Yukino: "Are you afraid of losing?"

Kagura: "You're poorly mistaken if that's what you think. But if a wager is made,  I will make sure it is enacted, which is why I don't gamble."

Yukino: "Neither do I, so let's raise the stakes. Let's wager... our lives."

Nathaniel: "Good luck with that"

Laxus: "I hope she knows what she up to"

Natsu: "Betting their lives, seriously?"

Gray: "That's just insane."

Lucy: "Why are they doing something so extreme?"

Everyone watching the two and listening to their conversation over the lacrima vision was shocked by Yukino's statement, but Kagura said nothing for a moment, but then...

Kagura: "If you truly intend to stand behind your wager, then I have not choice but to accept. Now... have at you."

After they agreed, Yukino pulled out a familiar golden key.

Nathaniel: "A celestial mage...Well that's about it"

Yukino: "Open! Gate of the Two Fish! Pisces, come!"

A magic circle appeared and two giant fish came out to attack Kagura, yet, Kagura dodged Pisces' attacks with ease. In response, Yukino brought out yet another zodiac key.

Yukino: "Now Open! Gate of the Balance! Libra!"

A second Magic circle appeared and a very lightly dressed lady holding balances came out. Soon after the Spirit Libra used Gravity Magic to pin Kagura in place while Pisces closed in. However, much to everyone's surprise, Kagura managed to escape Libra's gravity attack by jumping into the air, but soon after, Libra switched up her magic to pin Kagura to the large statues that watched over the arena and allowed Pisces to charge in, yet...! Kagura completely turned around the situation by using gravity magic on Pisces and Libra. Yukino called back her two spirits to prevent them from harm. Kagura jumped back down to the arena in front of the Celestial Wizard. Yukino brought out a dark key after recalling her first two zodiac spirits.

Yukino: "You leave me with no choice, but to unleash the 13th spirit." 

Nathaniel: "There's a thirteenth spirit? I guess you really like this someone old friend."

Lucy: "I've only heard about it, but I didn't think it was real."

Yukino: "Open, Gate of the Snakecharmer! Ophiuchus!"

A magic circle, far larger than the first two she brought forth appeared, and out came a metal plated snake who's size far exceeded that of Pisces, as a result of the summoning, the entire arena was enshrouded in darkness.

Kagura, crouched down for a moment, and charged right as giant snake made a go at eating Kagura whole.

Kagura: "Grudge Sword: Archenemy, Sheathed Longsword Technique."

She dodged to the side of Ophiuchus in an instant and dashed forward, the spirit? It was completely cut in half, and Kagura didn't even draw her sword. The crowd, was speechless, as were the commentators.

Erza: "She... didn't draw her blade..."

It was then that the match ended, with Kagura striking Yukino, and the Celesital Mage falling to the ground, in utter, and total defeat.

Chapati: "Ah, it... looks like... that's the match. The winner is... Kagura Mikazuchi!"

With that, Kagura left the arena into the tunnels, as Yukino laid there on the ground, in tears as a result of having her life in the hands of Kagura now.

Chapati: "And with that, this is the end of the Day 2 Battle Events! Here are the results!"

Raven Tail - 37 points

Mermaid Heel - 29 points

Lamia Scale - 23 points

Fairy Tail Team B - 22 point

Sabertooth - 20 points

Blue Pegasus - 14 points

Fairy Tail Team A - 12 points

Quatro Cerberus - 12 points

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