
Oleh lillian_02

68.3K 2.5K 1.1K

At 14 he took something from me and no one cared. I tried telling my mother what happened but she brushed of... Lebih Banyak

1 month 3weeks and 6 days
1 month 3 weeks 3 days
The night we met
Maybe this is different?
This is my story
Are you ready?
5 minutes
3 days later
Happy birthday
I love you
Angry too
Something new


1.8K 71 10
Oleh lillian_02

The US senator Jason Millard aged 43 was found dead this morning in a hotel room hours after the homes for children fundraiser.
Police have no current suspects.
There have been furrow searches this morning, finding anyone with possession of weapon that lead to his death.

I bit my nails, sitting on the couch watching the news. Nerves crawled inside my skin as I listened to every word the report woman had to say.

"Maybe you should stop worrying and help me pack" Ronan yelled in the background.

I turned and watched him carry his suitcase to the front door.

He was dressed in a plain grey sweatshirt and some pale blue jeans. His hair was ruffled like always, due to the amount of times he runs his fingers through them.

"Aren't you at least concerned" I said lowing the volume.

"We did our job and now it's done, I'm not worried. We did it well" his lip twitched.

I let out a loud huff, getting up to head to my room. We would be going home in a couple of hours. Relief swept over me.

The thought of my small apartment and seeing Lilly again made me giddy, being my only motivation to change as fast as possible and head home.

A couple of moments later, I was fully changed, my suitcase in hand ready to leave.

Ronan stood in front of the door his brows furrowed together "I've kinda enjoyed this" he let a low laugh.

"I might be coming down with something. Did I just hear you laugh" I teased, my eyes locked with his.

"Don't tell anyone about that" he carried on.

"And give everyone a heart attack, never" I said placing my hand on my heart.

He let out a louder laugh, the tension in his body slowly easing. I have never seen him more relaxed then I do now, the imagine in front of me making me smile.

"Shall we go" he gestured to the door.

A gave him a nod, moving out.

He locked the hotel door. Also locking the memories that we made. Memories we had shared.

We'll be back to normal. I repeated in my head, trying to cheer me up, but nothing seemed to work.

My heart was doomed.

Once we landed in Michigan an abundance of exhaustion swept over me. I couldn't wait to return to my bed and cat.

"Sebastian called" Ronan announced after hanging up. " he wants us to head straight to the warehouse"

I inwardly groaned "do we have too" I whined "I'm tired".

"I'm afraid so, come on our cars here" Ronan nudged, heading to meet the driver.

I dragged my feet all the way to the car.


We arrived 2hours later at the warehouse, as we entered nothing seemed to have changed from the weeks we had been gone for.

We walked to the small box Sebastian called his office and greeted him before we took our seats.

"Well" he arched a brow.

"It's done" ronan simply clipped his expression a cool focus. The same stare I had seen when we had been given this assignment.

"Very well" Sebastian nodded. He reached down, grabbing two duffel bags.

"For your work and time" he threw those words at us. All he cared about was money, he didn't care about anything else.

Why would he?

"Kiera, I need a word with you" he announced. "Ronan you are free to leave".

I saw Ronan slightly hesitating, he didn't get up the first time he was asked. It was the first time I had seen that.

He turned to face me, his hands gripping the side of the chair, the look of concern began to grow.

He turned his gaze back to Sebastian, giving him a slight nod before getting up to leave.

Once we heard the click of the door, Sebastian spoke. " that number doesn't exist" he casually said.

"That's not possible" I returned " surely you can get someone to track it".

"We tried"

"Try harder" I shot up from my seat, my eyes stung with tears that threatened to fall.

"Don't raise your voice at me" he looked unbothered.

"If I say I've tried, then I've tried and there's nothing else I can do"

"Fine" my teeth ground together. I grabbed the bag with the money inside and stormed my way out of his room.

My body halted at the site of Ronan leaned against the side of the entrance door, his body stiffening at the site of me approaching.

"What wrong" his voice slightly broke.

"Nothing, I'm tired" I replied making my way out the warehouse. I could feel Ronans presence behind me.


"RONAN" a female screeched in front of me. Her walking turned into a run as she headed our way.

She jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist, hugging him close.

"Sophia, what are you doing?" He said, confused on what to do with his hands.

"Why didn't you tell me you got back?" She pouted.

I wanted to gag.

"Sophia, can we talk later?"

"But" she frowned.

"I'm leaving now anyways" I mumbled. " goodbye, Ronan" I said without looking at him. Making my way to my car that I stored here while I was away.

Only when I entered my car did I let my feelings out.
How stupid were you to think that you would stay 'together' after the trip.

You did nothing for him after all, he did most of the work when it came pleasuring each other. What made you think that he'd stay.

You have someone who's threatening you. You think he'd want to stay and deal with your shit.

Thoughts clouded my car. I should be happy I'm back home, back to my familiar surroundings

But why do I feel worse, why do I feel that I'm back to square one, back to being the frightened girl who couldn't do nothing to protect herself.

A buzz came from my phone. I lifted my head to see the message.

my heart dropped to my stomach as dread swam my body.

Unknown: the senator too? My aren't you a murderous thing.

Unknown: welcome home dear by the way.

Kiera: leave me alone.

Unknown: give me what I want then I will.

Kiera: go to hell.

Unknown: oh I will and I'll drag you there with me.

Unknown: you have 2 weeks princess. Tik tok.

Kiera: FUCK YOU!!

But no replay came.

The only person who could do this was me and I would, I would make that fucker pay for ever threatening me. I would make Sebastian pay for ever bringing me here.

This time I was going to fight. I was going to fight to live.

I didn't need a man or this job to tell me what to do I was going to claim myself and until I had done that, I was going to plan.

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