The Freedom I Wanted {Dream S...

By The_Smiling_Paradox

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Tommyinnit, a boy who lived in Dream Smp. He had been exiled by his best friend Tubbo. He lived in exile with... More

I. Phoenix Drop
II. A New Family
III. A House
IV. The Party
V. Guard Training
VI. The Shadows
VII. Twilight Forest
VIII. Strangers
IX. At Our Gates
X. An Accident With Malachi
XI. Phoenix Alliance
XII. The War
XIII. Dream Smp
XIV. The Afterlife And A Visitor From Home
XV. Brother
XVI. Back Home
XVII. The World Outside Phoenix Drop
XVIII. Family
XIX. A Night Talk
XX. Cats? In Scaleswind
XXI. The Wind at Sea
XXIII. Ranboo's Worry
XXIV. New Enemies And Friends
XXV. Clementine And Missing Brothers
XXVI. The Lost Family And A Request
XXVII. Ranboo's Research Begins
XXVIII. A Wedding
{Act 2}
I. Meeting The Family
II. Looking For An Old Friend
III. The Travel Begins
IV. The Darkness Will Make Us Run Out Of Time
V. The Unspoken Truth
VI. The Female Astronaut
VII. Building Begins
VIII. The Choice
IX. The Pain Hits Like A Train
X. His Sacrifice
XI. He Has Done WHAT?!
XII. One Is Never Enough
XIII. Clementine & Shroud
XIV. Tubbo's Discovery
XV. Oh Fuck-
XVI. The Watchers Ruin Lives
XVII. Nighttime Visitors
XVIII. Promises
XIX. The Odison Family & Henry
XX. Mysteries
XXI. Stories
XXII. The Dreams Will Turn To Nightmares
XXIII. One More Night
XXIV. To Hermitcraft
XXV. Worry
XXVI. The Ghost Stroking His Hair
XXVII. November 16th
XXVIII. In O'Khasis
XXIX. End Of The Travel In O'Khasis
XXX. Looking For A Wolf
XXXI. The Wolf
XXXII. More Tragedy
XXXIII. The Nether
XXXIV. Plans And Past
Author's Note
Rewrite Out Now

XXII. The Other Side Of The Story

1.5K 59 25
By The_Smiling_Paradox

     Tubbo bit his lower lip, trying to hold his tears back as he watched Tommy walk through the portal with the male he had called his brother.

He had just lost his best friend, his adopted brother. He had noticed the way Tommy had acted around the male Tubbo didn't know, they're relationship was something completely different from Tommy's and Tubbo's. They were like brothers, but way more closer than Tommy and Tubbo had ever been. It was like the other understood Tommy better than Tubbo.

     Tubbo glanced around. Everyone was starting to leave back home, but they all looked sad. The Dream Smp wasn't going to be the same without Tommy, and Tubbo was definitely going to miss his brother more than anyone else.

He looked at Techno, who tried to hide his emotions, but Tubbo knew he was hurting, a lot. Techno had been really close with Wilbur and Tommy after their mother had died and now both of his brothers were gone, it was going to be hard.

Phil didn't look so hurt, his face was emotionless, blank, empty. But Tubbo knew that Phil had always had an uneasy feeling about Tommy since he had been the reason his partner died. It disgusted Tubbo how Phil tried to show Tommy that he cared, but it was a lie.

Tommy's friends looked all hurt. Tubbo understood that, they all had loved the little gremlin child, who was no longer a little gremlin child. Tommy had actually acted like a grown adult when his new brother had arrived, and that had definitely shocked everyone.

     "Tubbo..?" Ranboo called his (platonic) husband carefully and took his hand.

"I can't believe he's gone..." Tubbo whispered and turned to face the taller with his teary eyes.

"I know it's hard, I'm not going to just ignore the fact that you were his brother and best friend, but we have to get back to Michael.." Ranboo spoke quietly.

Tubbo bit his lower lip and nodded, "Yeah.. I know.. Michael needs us.. And I want him right now.."

"Of course.. Let's go home, maybe it'll make you feel a bit better.." Ranboo mumbled and started leading the shorter male back to their house.

     Around a week later Tubbo was sitting on his bed, glaring out of the window where Ranboo and Michael were playing on the snow together.

He smiled as Ranboo fell on and got snow all over his face while Michael was making a cute little snow angel next to him.

He moved his eyes away from the window and noticed a book on the table. He picked it up and realized that it was empty, which made him get an idea.

Biting his lip he slowly raised the quill and placed it on the paper. He wanted to write Tommy a letter, even if he wouldn't ever read it.

Dear Tommy,

It's been a week since you disappeared through that portal with that male, Malachi, was it? It's been a hard, but I've managed.

I have really seen everyone lately. Only Ranboo and Michael, who's our son! I haven't been outside Snowchester after you left, I really should go see everyone, but I'm just afraid that it'll make me miss you even more.

I still can't believe you're gone. Every morning I wake up, I hope that it had been just a bad dream. I'm waiting every second for you to come back, but I don't think you'll ever come back..

Everyone misses you.. Expect Phil.. But Techno really misses you too, Ranboo told me after he came back from a meeting with him. We all miss you and can believe that you're gone, it hurts.

I can't even describe how I feel right now. You can probably see the tears on the paper, I cried.. I hate admitting it, but I'm crying, because I really miss you. I know you would say that it's stupid, but I just want to see you again someday..

I don't know how much time has passed in your dimension, but I'm pretty sure it's been way more longer than a week, maybe around half a year, based on everything I heard from the conversation between you and him back when you left.

Please come back, or at least stay alive!

Yours, your Tubbo.

Tears fell down on his cheeks as he squeezed the book against his chest. It hurt so much to write to Tommy. He couldn't even describe the storm tha was going inside his head.

He felt someone place a hand gently on his shoulder and turned to face Ranboo, who looked worried.

"It's been a week and I already feel like I'm going to die without him!" Tubbo laughed sadly and Ranboo wrapped his arms around him.

"He seemed really happy when he left.. I know it hurts, but maybe you should focus on how he's better there than here.." The enderman hybrid whispered sadly.

"I just want to know that he really is happy.. I don't want him to suffer anymore.." Tubbo sobbed and buried his face on Ranboo's chest.

"He mentioned that he has an actual mother now, he seemed so happy when he talked about her," Ranboo pointed out quietly.

"I hope she treats him better than Phil ever did.. Tommy deserves someone who actually cares 'bout him and loves him no matter what..."

"He wouldn't have returned if she didn't care. Ever since he returned from the exile, he looked a bit sad. Now I understand why, he missed his family we didn't even know existed."



"Do you think we'll see him ever again.?"

"That's something we can't know yet, it's not something we can decide ourselves, but I really hope we do."

Tubbo nodded quietly and slowly closed his eyes. He was getting really tired after all the crying, and the sun had already set. He wanted to get some sleep and worry about Tommy later. He knew his brother would be fine, or at least that was what he told himself.

     "Tubbo! Tubbo!" Ghostbur exclaimed and floated around the brunette boy.

"Hey Ghostbur, how's everyone doing?" Tubbo asked and glanced at the ghost.

"They're fine, I think! I have been giving away a lot of blue!" Ghostbur answered happily.

Tubbo nodded and stopped in front of the prison. He looked at the building and bit his lower lip.

"Tubbo? What brings you here?" He heard a familiar voice ask and turned around to see Sam.

"I came to talk to you," Tubbo answered hesitatedly.

"About?" Sam tilted his head.

"I came to ask you if you could promise me something," Tubbo explained.

"What do you want me to promise exactly.?" Sam asked raising his eyebrows.

"I want you to promise me that you won't let anyone else to the prison to visit Dream. He's clearly dangerous like Tommy told us!" Tubbo spoke and glared at the older male.

Sam's face didn't change, which made Tubbo feel really uneasy.

"I can't do that.." Sam hummed coldly.

"But Dream's dange-" Tubbo began exclaiming.

"I can't do that and you have to believe me!" Sam growled.

"Can't you see what Dre-" Tubbo shouted, but Sam pushed him on the ground.

"I'm not going to do that and that's the final!" Sam growled and stepped away from the boy. "You better get lost!"

Tubbo bit his lower lip and slowly stood up. He didn't want to give up, but he was sure Sam wasn't going to listen to him. He slowly turned around and began walking away.

"Stay away from the prison Tubbo, I don't want to see you here.." Sam growled before walking away.

Tubbo glanced at the prison as he got to the prime path. He knew what he had to do. He had realized that Dream was a villain of the story and he had to be killed. Tommy had wanted to do that, now Tubbo would make sure it happened.

He needed a plan and some help. He couldn't do it all alone. Ranboo would help, maybe even Techno. Techno didn't like Tubbo because he had led a government, but Techno would hopefully understand that this was what Tommy would have wanted.

Tubbo reached for something in his pocket and picked up a small pendant with a picture inside it. A picture of a family, a father and two boys.

He bit his lip and looked up from the picture to look at the prison. He had to kill Dream, he had to. No matter what.

Dream was a villain, almost a God, and wouldn't hesitate to take over the whole server. If someone got an idea to free him, it would lead into chaos and Tubbo didn't want that.

He glanced at the picture again. They all looked so happy, but that was just a lie after all. Tubbo knew it was a lie, it was his old family after all.

No one on the Smp knew about his past, or even his family members. The only knew him as Phil's son, but that wasn't the whole truth. He had been abandoned on a side of a road in a box when he was 8.

His mother had died when he was 2 and his father had made an unpleasant friend, alcohol. His brother had always protected him from the hits their father would give them with the bottles. His brother had been strong and Tubbo had loved him, a lot. But their ways had separated when Tubbo was thrown out.

     "Tubbo? Tubbo?" A worried voice called for him from the door.

Tubbo peeked out of the bathroom and saw his brother in the living room. He quickly hurried to him and started crying.

"Did he hit you again?" His brother asked worriedly.

Tubbo just nodded sadly and continued sobbing.

"I'm sorry... I should be stronger.. I promised to protect you!" His brother sounded so broken.

"I-it's okay.! You already do so much f-for me.!" Tubbo exclaimed and hugged his brother tighter.

"But it isn't enough! He still hits you!" His brother cried.

"But it's not your fault.!" Tubbo whispered sadly.

"I wish we could already move out and escape from this hell, together.." His brother whispered with teary eyes.

"One day," Tubbo smiled tiredly.

"I promise that I'll save you, us, from him and we'll move to a place where he can't hurt us!" His brother smiled sadly and placed a kiss on his forehead.

     Tubbo stared at the picture with tears of anger and sadness falling from his eyes.

His brother had lied when he had promised that. Tubbo understood that there hadn't been anything to do when their father had thrown him out of the house, but his brother had allowed their father to come to the Dream Smp years later and hadn't given a shit when their father had hurt him and destroyed the nation Tubbo and his new family had built together.

"You're nothing else than a liar... And you'll pay.. I'm so tired of your lies..." He whispered and closed the pendant before putting it back to his pocket.


Tubbo turned around to see Ranboo behind him. He looked worried.

"Ranboo, we need to kill Dream," Tubbo's voice was cold.

"W-what.?" Ranboo hesitated.

"We have to kill Dream. He's a selfish liar and he has powers no one has ever seen! You heard what Tommy said 'bout him!" Tubbo exclaimed.

"But are you sure it's the right thing to do.?" Ranboo inquired carefully.

"Ranboo, I know Dream better than anyone else!" Tubbo whispered. His voice was dead-serious and cold.


"Ranboo, Dream is, no, was my brother.."

Words: 1948

(I just realized that I never mentioned about Tommy speaking to the Smp about what Dream had done, but well basically he just told the same than in the actual lore :D)

(Also now this story will also have Tubbo's perspective, but it will still mainly focus on Tommy!)

(Also, also the picture on the top is taken by me from a beach nearby :D)

(Also, also, also this chapter was pretty long, almost 2000 words!)

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