Devils and Mercenaries (TF2 x...

Par Cmonkey512

46.8K 688 1K

Teams vs Peerages... that's really all there is to it. Plus

Angel has fallen
The Saints and The Sinners: Part 1
The Saints and The Sinners: Part 2
The Saints and The Sinners: Part 3
Peer Presure
DxD Chapter 1: Unfamiliars
A.N. #1
DxD Chapter 2: A place to live and Training Montage
DxD Chapter 3: $#*% just got real!
DxD Chapter 4: More Training
DxD Chapter 5: Back in the game
A.N. #2
DxD Chapter 6: Forever hold your Peace
TF2 Chapter 2: Devils, Meet the Team, Pt.2
A.N. #3
A.N. #4

TF2 Chapter 1: Devils, Meet the Team Pt. 1

2.2K 41 40
Par Cmonkey512

Nate and Asia's home...

Nate woke up like he did every morning... despite having spent all night fighting in 2fort inside his head with the rest of Team Fortress, minus Rick and Fender.

Nate opened the door to his room and stepped out. Then the door next to him opened, and out stepped Rick.

"Mornin', Rick." Nate said.

"Mornin', Nate." Rick replied.

The two then went downstairs. Nate to fix some breakfast, and Rick to do... whatever constitutes as breakfast for robots.

When they both got downstairs, they were both greeted with the sight of... the whole Peerage waiting around in the living room.

Rias then looked up at the two.

"Good morning, Nate. Rick." She said.

Nate sighed heavily.

'What now?' He thought to himself.

"Morning, Red. What, uh... what's going on?" Nate asked.

Paul and Fender then looked at Nate. And Nate noticed that Paul's hand was shaking tremendously.

'What the hell has him so spooked?' Nate wondered.

"Evidently, Ms. Gremory has decided to grace us with one last surprise." Paul said with a nervous smile.

"And that is?" Rick asked.

"I've decided to move in." Rias said with a smile.

Nate sighed heavily again.

"I-... I only let this one slide because it's too early to argue." Nate said.

Nate then realized why Paul would be uneasy. If Rias was living with them, one  little slip up would be enough to give away his identity. That said, Paul was more than nervous. He looked more like someone threatened his life.

"We'll, that would explain why Ms. Gremory is here. And Ms. Asia was already living here. But why are the rest of you just sitting in living room?" Rick asked.

The tone in the room became slightly serious.

"Well, Nate, if you recall the moments just after your fight with Riser, you had correctly guessed that Fender had told us of your team and what happened to them." Rias explained.

"And I told you I'd explain everything. I remember... okay." Nate finished.

He then sat down on a couch across from the Peerage.

"Alright... Rias, remember when you asked if I believe in the supernatural?" Nate asked.

"Yes?" Rias replied, wondering where Nate was going with this.

"Well, allow me to ask a similar question..." Nate began.

This caught the Peerage's attention.

"Do you believe in parallel universes and time travel?" He asked.

Needless to say, the Peerage was shocked to hear this.


"So you're telling us that not only are you from another dimension, but you also somehow went forward in time and that you and your team are from the 60's? And on top of that, you're somehow 24 in your world, but 17 in ours?" Issei elaborated.

"In a nutshell, yes." Nate replied.

"So... how long have you been in our world?" Kiba asked.

"Uh... what day is it?" Nate asked.

"I believe today is Tuesday." Akeno answered.

"We've been here for three months." Nate said.

"Three months?! Wait, that's longer than any of us have known you!" Issei exclaimed.

"Yes it is." Fender said nonchalantly.

Asia then looked to Paul.

"How long have you known?" She asked.

"Oh, I've known them since they arrived in this world." Paul replied.

"What?!" Rias exclaimed.

"I'm more surprised at the fact that you believe his story." Koneko said.

"Well, I was kind of inclined to believe them after I witnessed them fall out of a green wormhole in the sky." Paul explained.

"Wait, you saw the thing they came out of?" Rias asked.

"Yes. Couldn't tell you what it was, though." Paul admitted.

The Devils then looked to Nate, Fender, and Rick. Nate sighed.

"Yes, we know what it was. And it's not a natural occurrence." Nate explained.

"What do you mean?" Rias asked.

Nate, Rick, and Fender looked at each other, then back to the Devils.

"Okay... to explain how we got here, we'll need to explain a few things about our world. Our dimension also has magic, but it's not like what you guys have. Ours is more chaotic and... wacky. And not many people use it. In fact, we only know of one person who uses it. And he's not the biggest fan of ours. Which is why every Halloween, he gives us shit. And that's kind of how we got here." Nate explained.

"So, this guy you fight every Halloween trapped the rest of your team in your head and then sent you to our world?" Issei asked.

"Yes. That's pretty much what happened." Fender replied.

"And they posses you from time to time... huh, that explains so much." Rias chuckled.

"I'm sure it does." Fender commented.

"Now I kind of want to meet the rest of your team." Kiba said.

"Well, you kind of met them when I trained you guys for the Rating Game." Nate said.

"I know. But I meant meet the real them." Kiba specified.

A light bulb suddenly went off in Nate's head.


He was cut off when a bright light appeared beside everyone in the living room. When the light died down, it revealed...

"Ms. Grayfia?" Nate asked..

"Please forgive the sudden intrusion, however Sir Zechs Lucifer requests an audience with Mr. Navarez and his accomplices." Grayfia explained.

"Now, when you say accomplices..." Paul started.

"Yes, Mr. Hugo, that includes you." Grayfia answered.

Paul stiffened a little, but nodded and complied. Nate turned back to the Peerage.

"Ok, uh... in my room are some film reels. Just look for those and put 'em in the old projector I got tucked away in that closet over there." Nate said, pointing to a closet in the living room.

He, Rick, Paul, and Fender then followed Grayfia into the teleportation sigil. Then the five disappeared from the house, leaving the Peerage all by their lonesome.

"Projector?" Issei asked.

"Film reels?" Koneko wondered.

"Well, it kind of makes sense. He did say he was from the 60's, after all." Kiba concluded.

Asia then went to the closet and got out the projector that Nate was talking about. After setting everything up to watch whatever it is Nate wanted them to see, the Devils then went to Nate's room to find the film reels he was talking about. They opened the door and went inside... and were quite shocked to see a room with weapons lining the walls, strewn about on the floor, and stuffed under the furniture.

"Wow... I don't think I've ever been in here." Issei said.

"I don't think I have either." Asia said.

"I doubt any of us have been in his room." Koneko said.

"I've been in here once, but I didn't really look around." Rias said.

"If you don't mind me asking, President, why were you in his room?" Issei asked.

"I don't think Nate would want me talking about it. It was a bit awkward for both of us." Rias replied.

The rest of the Peerage didn't question it and looked around. Another thing that the Devils found in abundance was photographs scattered around the room.

Asia noticed two.

'Well, they seem nice... and kind of familiar...' She thought.

Meanwhile, Koneko took note of two more.

'Well, they seem professional.' She thought to herself.

Kiba noticed another.

'I feel like me and him would get along.' He thought.

Akeno was more interested in a photograph of what she assumed were two lovers.

'Aw, how wholesome.' She thought with not a hint of sarcasm.

Issei noticed three that, for some reason, screamed subtle insanity to him.

'Why do I get the feeling these people aren't all right in the head?' He wondered.

Rias, however... there were two photographs on the nightstand next to Nate's bed. One was a picture of a young woman that looked about as old as he said he was in his world.

(A.N. This was the best picture I could find. I'm aware that it's a bit out of place)

In the bottom corner someone, Rias assumed Nate, drew a heart with an arrow. Written the middle of the heart was N+A. Then, beside that was a picture of a little girl.

Beside the girl, someone, Rias once again assumed Nate, wrote Mi Pequeño Mercenario.

'Who are these two? They're clearly important to Nate. And why does that little girl remind me of-'

"President! I think I found those reels Nate was talking about." Issei said.

Rias looked and saw Issei looking under the bed. He and Kiba moved a few weapons around, then pulled a box of old film reels out from under the bed. When the Peerage looked at them, they noticed that the reels had labels on them.

Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, and Spy.

"I wonder what these are?" Asia wondered.

"If I had to guess, these could be interviews with Nate's teammates." Akeno guessed.

"So that begs the question: did Nate film these?" Kiba mused.

"That's possible." Rias said.

"Maybe we should watch them to get a better idea." Koneko suggested.

The Peerage agreed, then took the film reels downstairs. After setting up the projector and pinning a white sheet to the wall, Rias took out the reel labeled Heavy. Rias noticed that there was a sticky note attached to it. She plucked it off the reel and read it.

Ah, yes. The big lovable butterball from Soviet Russia. Land of backward stereotypes.

Rias wondered what it meant. She placed the note to the side, then placed the reel onto the projector. The lights were then shut off, and Rias started the show.

Meet the Heavy

A large man carrying a large gun walks up to a cardboard box, on which he places the 'mini' gun.

"Whoah... that's a big guy..." Issei said.

"Well, at least we know where Nate got that minigun." Kiba chuckled.

"I am Heavy Weapons Guy... and this is my weapon." The big guy says while grabbing his gun.

'I suppose that explains the name.' Rias thought.

"She weighs 150 kilograms and fires $200 custom-2 cartridges at 10,000 rounds per minute... it cost $400,000 to fire this weapon... for 12 seconds" The Heavy said.

"That sounds... very expensive." Akeno said.

"It also gives a hint as to just how strong Nate is." Koneko noted.

The film suddenly cut to Heavy laughing.

'He must have been told a funny joke.' Asia thought.

The film then cut to Heavy examining his weapon. He then notices something about it... and he doesn't like it.

"Oh my God, who touched Sasha?" He said.

He then turned to someone off camera.

"WHO TOUCHED MY GUN?!?!" He shouted.

"He must really like that gun." Issei said.

"Some people think they can outsmart me... maybe... *sniff*... maybe..." Heavy said.

He then leaned closer to the camera.

"I have yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet." He said, holding up a bullet.

The film then cut to Heavy firing his gun into a full on war zone.


The film then cut to black.

"Hehehe... cry some more."

And just like that, the film was over.

"Well... that just happened." Issei said.

"He seemed to have a similar mentality towards fighting as Nate." Koneko observed.

"But, Nate made it very clear in his explanation that his view on combat was his own." Akeno noted.

"But, then, if this film was any indication, then..." Asia began.

The Peerage then slowly looked at the box of film reels.

"Oh God..." Rias said.

Continuer la Lecture

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