Choosing Home

By Ginnyrules27

37.6K 1.4K 1.4K

Auradon was at peace. Their King was engaged, and relations between the mainland and the Isle were being rebu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Twenty One

756 28 31
By Ginnyrules27

It had been a week since their fight. A week since Mal had entered Ben's office and now she stood outside his door, Estelle by her side; about to enter to say the three words that were burning her tongue yet she knew she had to say them.

She was wrong. She'd put too much pressure on Ben and it wasn't fair to him, especially since he was right. Eric had offered the chance for other suggestions for punishment and she'd kept mum.

Of course, it hadn't really been obvious to her at the time. It'd taken a group effort to get through the brick wall that was her fury and annoyance.


"Seriously? You could have gone to the nurse or even called Apollo down here!" Uma told Mal as she wrapped up her arm. "This tough act thing isn't because you're upset that Ben called you 'Audrey' are you?"

"Of course I'm upset!"

"You were acting like her," Akiho's voice called out and both Godlings whipped their head toward the door to see both of Ben's shadows standing there.

"What do you mean? You weren't even there!"

"Lonnie texted us, told us what happened," Emir said as they walked in. "You went full steam ahead on Ben, Mal. Think about where he's coming from. As much as we despise the Banshee, she was one of Ben's oldest friends and he just watched her get sentenced to the Isle. Now his fiancee is berating him for something he knows he can't change, seemingly not listening to him, and insulting his family?"

"...the Le Be—."

"I. Don't. Care. You didn't have to say Ben didn't care about the Isle kids Mal," Emir stated, crossing his arms.

"You do know Freddy tried to kill me right?"

"He also tried to kill Ben and yet Ben gave him mercy. Because that's what Auradon does."

Akiho sighed and sat down next to Mal. "Mal, I get it. I'd be peeved too if Elle called me by the name of her toxic ex while we were fighting. But you know what my grandparents once told me?"

"That they're rocks and your father should really look into whether or not he was kidnapped as a child?"

"Strangely enough no," Akiho said as Emir snorted in slight amusement. "They taught me that people make bad choices when they're mad or scared or stressed. And I get that saying that Ben was like his father probably came from a place of hurt and exhaustion but Ben's...keeping all that hope in him is not an easy task."

Mal sighed. "He called me Audrey, Akiho. He compared me to the girl who was prepared to marry him solely for his crown. The girl who didn't care about his health, the girl who dragged him on weekly shopping dates even though I'm sure she had more clothes than she knew what to do with."

"If I may?"

The four teens whipped their heads toward the door once more to see Persephone standing in the doorway.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Mal asked.

"Eileithyia reached out, said that you were injured," Persephone said. "She also said that there seemed to be a bit of tension in the room when she arrived. Emir, Uma, Akiho. Do you mind if I have a word with my daughter?"

"Not at all your Ladyship," Akiho said. "I'll go check on Elle."

"And I'll go check on Emma," Emir nodded.

Uma shrugged. "I need to talk to Harry anyway Aunt Steph so Mal is all yours. Good luck breaking through the barrier that is her stubbornness."

"I'm not stubborn!"

"I dragged you through the Isle when we were seven and then again when you were invited to come to Auradon Prep and then again during that whole mess with Natalie, I know you're stubborn," Uma said as she and the boys walked out. Mal sighed as Persephone sat down next to her, taking over the duty of wrapping up her arm.

"Say it."

"Say what?"

"Whatever it is you're thinking," Mal said. "That I never think, that I should trust Ben's judgement, that I let my personal feelings cloud the fact that Ben's got a stressful job and I need to be more understanding of that."

"Hmm, now does that sound like something I'd say?" Persephone asked.


"Exactly. However if I were to say anything, it's this Malinda. You're going to fight with King Ben. It's a fact, all couples fight. Even your father and I have fought a few times. But the important thing is not to drag your feet in apologizing. Now, I want you to tell me everything that happened in that fight."

Mal nodded and did just that, not leaving out a single detail as her mom wrapped up her arm. As she finished, Persephone sat there in silence for what felt like hours.

"You realize what needs to happen now?"

"I go to the Isle and kick Freddy's butt to Tartarus?" Mal offered.

Persephone gave her daughter a small smile. "No dear. You need to apologize. And before you get all riled and say that villain kids don't apologize, just remember this. You're going to be Queen of Auradon. King Ben is King of Auradon. Just like when you're captaining your crew with Uma, you're going to have to appear an united front when governing. King Ben's not always going to make decisions you agree with but you're going to have to state your opinions without hitting below the belt."

Mal sighed as she took in her mother's words.

"Now that's not to say King Ben's not going to have to do the same thing," Persephone said. "You both were wrong but something tells me King Ben is beating himself up over this. I know it's common practice not to go to bed angry but why don't you get some sleep and then talk to him when you're both more level headed hmm?"

She had tried to go to his dorm the next day but Ben hadn't been in there. Figuring he needed his space, Mal checked on the other VKs. She brought Hadie back from Olympus, she checked in on all her cousins...but there was still the pit in her stomach that she needed to talk to Ben.

So here she was.

"Go on in Lady Mal," Dean said, causing Mal to jump slightly. "Apologies, I didn't mean to startle you. It's just...his highness has been in there morning, noon, and night."

"Thank you Dean," Mal nodded, Estelle wagging his tail. Dean nodded and Mal sighed, twisting the doorknob and strolling in as she'd done many a time before. The state of the office nearly broke her heart. Instead of the prim and proper, extremely organized office, it looked like a tornado ran through.

Papers all over the floor, books off their shelves, and one exhausted King napping on his desk surrounded by paperwork.

"Ben, Ben," Mal said softly as she walked over to him, smiling a little at the sight of a plush dragon underneath Ben's head. It was a blue and gold dragon with a missing eye and stuffing clearly missing from one of the wings but that just meant it was well loved. "Come on, you're going to get a stiff neck if you stay like that. You can nap on the couch, come on..."

It was slow going but Mal finally got Ben over to the couch where, as soon as his head hit the pillow, he promptly fell back asleep. How he was able to sleep in his three piece suit was a complete mystery. Mal sighed and shook her head, walking back to his desk to see just what it was he'd been working on.

Prisoner Processing Paperwork for Fredrick Frollo

Prisoner Processing Paperwork for Audrey Stephanie Rose

Oh. It was no surprise that the paperwork for Freddy was nearly done while Audrey's hadn't even been started yet. She was Ben's oldest friend—not to mention they had three months to process that paperwork. Despite Eileithyia informing them of Audrey's pregnancy, Aurora and Phillip had yet to be informed to the best of Mal's knowledge.

Feeling weird just standing in Ben's office while he slept, Mal quickly got to work straightening the place back up. Estelle followed her, dutifully picking up books and holding them gently in his mouth while she put them back on the shelf.

"Mmm..." Ben groaned a few minutes later. "Mal?"

"Hey sleepy head," Mal said with a small smile. "Did I wake you?"

Ben shook his head. "I...I didn't mean to fall asleep. I just..."

"Ben, it's okay," Mal told him, walking over to stand by him. "I...I wanted to come by and apologize. I was out of line last week. I just...seeing you unconscious with Freddy holding a sword over your head at Cotillion just kept flashing through my mind and all I could think about was the fact that he was alive to do it to you again."

She sat down on the sofa and looked over at him. "Still...I punched below the belt in our fight and I'm sorry. Ben, you've done more for the kids of the Isle than anyone could ever think of."

Ben gave her a small smile as he sat up. "I'm sorry too."

"Ben you don't—."

"Yeah I do Mal. I called you Audrey. Even though it just slipped out, I...I shouldn't have called you that," Ben said gently. "I know what you felt about Freddy, trust me. Seeing you plummet down to earth in your dragon's probably going to plague my nightmares until I die. But I can't just retroactively assign punishment. Especially not when I abstained from running the trial in the first place."

He gently grabbed Mal's hand. "I am so sorry Mal. More than you'll ever know. Can...can you ever forgive me?"

"...shouldn't I be the one asking you that?"

"Mal you saved Auradon and you got yourself wounded in the process. And I just went ahead and compared you to my ex girlfriend who had just been defeated in the throws of a coup."

"Ben, you were by my side saving Auradon too and you saw one of your oldest friends reduced to a near quivering mess thanks to said ex-girlfriend and I basically said you were the same as your father.'

Ben gave her a small smile. "So maybe what you're saying is we should forgive each other?"

"You know at some point you're going to have a human reaction to something right?" Mal asked but smiled as Ben gently kissed her forehead. "I hate fighting with you."

"And I hate fighting with you," Ben told her, standing up before blinking in confusion. "Did...did someone clean up?"

Mal nodded and got up to walk around. "I felt weird being in here while you were sleeping so I straightened up a bit. Somethings might not be where you had them before Ben but I think I did an okay job."

" didn't have to..."

"It was something to do," Mal said with a small shrug as she picked up the plush dragon that still sat on Ben's desk. "So...what's the story behind this guy?"

Ben looked over at his desk with a small, slightly sad smile. "That's um...that's Flamey. I got him when I was about three according to the numerous photo albums we have from that time and carried him with me until I was about seven."

"Flamey?" Mal asked, hiding an amused smile.

"I was three," Ben shrugged, walking over and picked up the dragon. "Audrey and Chad were the ones who convinced me to 'retire' Flamey. Audrey liked to say that a prince should slay dragons, not be fascinated by them."

Mal shook her head and gently cupped his cheek with her hand. "Ben, you're fascinated with anything you can find a book on. You taught me that just because I'm from the Isle, that doesn't mean I have to be villainous. You don't have to be this pillar of strength just because you're King."

" always said that you need a gentle heart and a firm hand to be King," Ben said. "Strong, powerful, kingly."

"Your dad's not King anymore Ben," Mal told him. "You are. You decide what kind of king you want to be."

Ben gave her a small smile. "I've got a meeting with Aurora, Phillip, Eric, and Ariel in a bit. You want to join?"

"Sure. Why are you meeting with them though?"

" know how Audrey's pregnant? Well who's heir to Auroria after Phil Jr.?"


Ben nodded. "I hate doing this but I need to talk to them about at least talking about the possibility of procuring an heir on Phil's side."

"Ben, isn't...isn't that a bit hypocritical?" Mal asked. "We fought to get you out of a betrothal contract—."

"Except the kids will be here too. It won't be done behind their backs or without their consent," Ben said. "For starters it won't be necessary until Phil and Melody turn eighteen and if Phil falls in love with someone else he can back out. Same with Melody. I won't hold anyone to a contract, nothing will be signed and Audrey's child will still have their titles. I just...Auroria is one of our greatest trading allies and I..."

Mal sighed before looking at Ben. "Ben, you know Melody's one of my cousins. Same with Ariel. I can't say I'm one hundred percent on board with this. But I can see your reasoning. If everyone's on board, then I'll be by your side."

"Thanks Mal," Ben said.

"Sire? Queen Aurora, King Phillip, Prince Phillip, Queen Ariel, King Eric, and Princess Melody are here," Dean's voice came from the intercom.

"Right, thank you Dean," Ben said, quickly shoving Flamey into one of the drawers in his desk. "Send them in."

The aforementioned royals quickly made their way into Ben's office, Phil and Melody giving Mal a wave while Melody snuck Estelle a dog treat.

"Uma's been corrupting you hasn't she?" Mal asked.

"Maybe a little," Melody said. "But Max loves these treats too so I always try to have them on hand."

Ben gave the younger girl a smile before turning to Aurora and Phillip. "Queen Aurora, King Phillip, thank you so much for coming. I'm so sorry to be bothering you at this time."

"King Ben, really, there's no need for titles," Aurora said, her voice soft. "And we thought we'd be having a meeting though I must confess I'm a little confused as to why we're with King Eric and Queen Ariel. No offense meant of course."

"None taken," Eric told her. "And Aurora, Ariel and I would like to extend our deepest apologies."

Ariel nodded. "Whatever you need, we'll be happy to assist with."

"'s that line of thinking that has to do with our meeting," Ben spoke up. " I'm sure you're all aware, there's a possibility of Audrey being with child."

He couldn't come out and just say it. Not with Eric and Ariel in the room—Aurora had done him the kindness of allowing him out of the betrothal contract, the least he could do was allow her some privacy when she found out.

"Honestly it can't be any worse than finding out you're about a lifetime past due for King lessons," Phillip Jr. muttered. He may have fainted when his father gave him the news, he wasn't ashamed to say.

He seemed to perk up though as an idea came to the forefront of his mind. "You didn't find some long lost illegitimate child of dad's did you?"

"Sorry Phil," Ben said, giving the younger boy a small smile as Phillip Sr. shook his head slightly in amusement. "But the subject of kids is why we're asking you here. With the increasing likelihood of Audrey being with child until we know for there an heir after you? Official or otherwise?"

"Ben, I was the heir," Phillip Jr. said. "I don't think there was anyone after me."

"Which is why we have a proposal," Ben said. "With your parents' permission, Melody, Phil...would you consent to having an agreement put in place that if Phillip Jr. needs an heir by the time he is eighteen... if Melody would be willing to carry that child?"

"Ben! You can't be serious?!" Ariel exclaimed.

"Unfortunately Ariel, I am," Ben said with a small sigh. "We have to act as if Audrey is pregnant and if Phil doesn't have an heir, the next in line in the line of succession of Auroria is—."

"Frollo's grandchild," Phillip Sr. whispered.

"So I'd...I'd be married at an early age?" Melody asked softly. "Because otherwise that child would be illegitimate wouldn't it? And an illegitimate child falls down in terms of the line of succession giving Audrey's child an argument for inheritance despite being illegitimate themselves?"

"No one is forcing you two to marry or even be together if you find other partners. This idea is not a betrothal contract we want to make that clear. This may not even be necessary. But we know you two are at least good friends" Mal says gently, despite the fact that she knew it would be.

Phillip Jr sighed. "If we don't agree to this, then Audrey's spawn becomes heir after me. And knowing her she'd name it after Grandmother if it's a girl...I'll pass at having another Queen Leah thank you."

"Phil, can say no," Aurora said gently.

"You too Melody," Ariel nodded. "No one will be upset or outraged if you do."

Phillip Sr. nodded. "Of course not. None of us are Leah after all."

"Phillip!" Aurora scolded as the kids chuckled.

Phillip Jr. shook his head. "The best option is for me to agree to this. What's to stop Audrey from using this hypothetical child as a pawn to worm her way off the Isle? Or worse Freddy? He did it once, he could do it again and as future King I need to make sure Auroria's protected. By all rights I shouldn't be the future King but that's a topic for another time."

Turning to Ben, Phillip Jr. said, "my grandmother told me all my life that I was a spare. That all I'd be good for is finding a match to produce an alliance for my kingdom. If I can help protect that kingdom and help protect Auradon by doing this, I will. I can't speak for Mel but I agree to this King Ben."

"Thank you, and know this Phil, you have the right to back out at any time."

"Melody?" Mal asked.

Melody bit her lip. "If...If this helps protect our kingdoms...and makes Elle's job easier when she's Queen of our kingdom...I'd be a pretty horrible sister if I said no."

"No, you'd be human," Mal told her. "We're asking a lot of you, something we shouldn't even be asking if the world was fair."

"Your highness I hate ask this but what happens if this comes into play and Melody gets pregnant and Gods forbid she miscarries or the child is stillborn what happens then?" Eric asked.

"If, Gods forbid, Melody miscarries or delivers a stillborn child, it would be her decision if she wanted to try again," Ben said. "No matter what, both Melody and Phillip have the right to say they no longer want to partake in this."

Eric nodded. "Thank you your highness. I know it's the kids' choice but, as a father, the last thing I want Melody to have to go through is the loss of a child."

Melody nodded. "If...If it's truly my choice then...then I choose to do it. If it's needed. And really, I could do worse in terms of the father of my future children."

"Back atcha Mel," Phillip Jr. said with a small smile.

Aurora sighed. "Audrey's pregnant, isn't she?"

Ben and Mal froze, Ben looking over at Aurora. "I...I don't know..."

"Ben, I appreciate you doing me the courtesy of letting me find out in private but I've known you almost all your life. Forgive me for being so bold, your highness, but I've changed your diaper a time or two. I know you. I know you wouldn't be thinking about this if this was just a hypothetical situation."

Ben sighed. "Yes...Audrey's pregnant. Lady Eileithyia informed Lady Mal and myself about it a week ago. I apologize for the misdirection but—."

"Apology appreciated but not necessary," Aurora told him. "And...we would like to raise the child. The baby shouldn't be subjected to the Isle."

"Of course," Ben said. "Audrey's child is innocent in all of this."

" I'm going to be an uncle," Phillip Jr. said, his voice soft.

Ben nodded but frowned as Mal latched on to his arm, a thought hatching in her brain.


"Phil's comment, it reminded me," Mal told him. "Freddy's got a sister on the Isle...Claudine."

"So?" Phillip Jr. scoffed. "I'm sure she enjoys having her brother back."

Mal shook her head. "Claudine's probably as decent a sort as you can get on the Isle. She may be Freddy's second in command but that's just because she's his sister. According to some of my crew, confrontations between Freddy's gang and ours usually end with one of Freddy's members using the phrase 'damnit Claudine' because she beat them to the punch with a nonlethal shot. If Audrey joins him on the Isle...he'll have no use for her anymore..."

"She's in danger," Ben said, realization flooding to his face.

"Exactly," Mal nodded. "Freddy's already proven he'd kill us. You really think he'd stop because it's his sister if need be?"

Ben sighed and looked at Phillip Sr. "I seem to be asking a lot out of you today. If I arrange for Claudine to get off the Isle, can she have temporary housing? At least until I can reach out and help her get her own place?"

"...I'm not going to pretend like it's easy," Phillip Sr. said, his words coming out slowly as if they were being forced out of him. "But I know...if it was Audrey needing shelter, I'd want someone to be able to provide it for her. I also can't justify keeping her from her niece or nephew if she's truly like how Mal described."

"Plus family doesn't mean you're identical to them," Aurora spoke up. "I'm not similar to my mother."

"Not to mention my sisters and I are probably as different as you could get," Ariel added, causing them all to jump; having forgotten about the other royals. "Sorry, I thought I'd add my two cents."

Ben sighed and grabbed Mal's hand. While it didn't seem like it'd be over any time least he knew Mal was on his side. He had a team now—it was a lot easier to seem hopeful.

There was light at the end of the tunnel. He knew it.

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