π•Šπ•’π•—π•– & π•Šπ• π•¦π•Ÿπ•• (𝔸𝕝π•ͺ...

By carterradams

22.8K 1.3K 570

{TW: Mentions and contains homicide, suicide, rape, sexual harassment, gore, violence, etc} We call ourselve... More

twenty eight


3.6K 82 27
By carterradams

"Wow, nothing feels better than this!" Gale shouts walking into the room. I tear my eyes from the screen, glancing to the nineteen year old. A wide smile forms across his lips as his emerald eyes pear around the room, till they land on me. "Why do you have that face?"

I shrug, shaking my head looking away from him. "No reason-" I pause momentarily looking to the screen to find the girl slipping into bed.

"She's going down," Tessa says sitting in the chair in front of me. I nod and drop my arms from my chest.

"We should round everyone up. Ducky's got something for us," I say, keeping my eyes on the screen watching the Australian girl lie down. I bite my lip and gently tear my eyes seeing below me Tessa stand up. I take a step back and connect eyes with Tessa's as she nods briefly before walking to where Gale is. The two of them talk as they turn and head out the door. I, on the other hand, stay where I am a moment intrigued by the young girl on our screen. We've come a long way, somehow managing to do this. A low sigh escapes my lips hearing my walkie go off.

"Y/N, everyone's here," Ducky speaks through the walkie and I nod briefly, reaching up my hand and clicking the button to my walkie that stays attached to me like they do on firefighters.

"Yep, on my way," I respond back then drop my hand. My eyes linger a few moments later seeing the girl's eyes close in the dark and know we're good to go. I nod my head and a small smile forms on my lips as I turn on my heels and head for the exit.

I walk into the big overall meeting room. Inside sat our members, not including the tacteam. Gale, Tessa, Ducky, Billy, and Cherry. They talk amongst themselves as I enter and walk around the long table. They don't break their conversation till I get to my seat and slowly sit. From there the chatter that filled the room was long gone. All eyes were on me as I leaned back and placed my ankle on my knee looking to each of them. As the silence became almost unbearable Ducky clears her throat and stands.

"So in our last meeting we talked about having some uniforms, well I spent some time and I came up with these," Ducky says beginning to walk around the table and placing a picture down in front of everyone. Once she places one down in front of me I pull my leg down and pull my chair closer to the table glancing down to the image. "It's not much, but you said we should go...basic but also know what and whom we are." Silence fills the room. My eyes scan the image, taking it all in.

"Well, I think it looks great," Gale speaks up causing me to glance up and to him. He leans back in his chair, placing his hands behind his head.

"Yeah I agree-" Cherry chimes in, my eyes flicking to her. Her head was down, her flowy auburn colored hair falling in front of her face hiding it, but I know her eyes were glued to the image. "It has our colors, it has our name. I especially like the angel wings."

"I thought that'd be a nice touch," Ducky happily spoke. "Tessa?" My eyes slowly wonder to Tessa who looks at the image. She says nothing but the way she shifts in her position tells me she's nervous.

"I um-" She pauses a moment, picking up her hand and running it through her hair.

"It's great, Ducky," Billy spoke instead, but my eyes remain on Tessa.

"Oh thanks Billy. That's like the first time you've liked one of my designs," Ducky responds, shockness but happiness in her voice.

"Well I like simple-"

"Simple? Billy, you know this whole organization, operation thing is far from simple," Gale speaks up his chair squeaking.

"Well if you had let me finish numb nuts I would have said I like simple clothing," Billy responds. A snicker coming from Gale and a small chuckle escapes Ducky.

"Tessa, your thoughts?" I ask, causing the room to fall silent. That's when Tessa nods her head up and down.

"Yeah, no, I like it...I like it," Tessa finally gives an answer. I nod briefly confused at the way she's acting, but decide to let it go for now. Instead I tear my eyes from her and look to everyone while leaning back in my seat. Everyone's eyes now back on me. I nod my head up and down slowly.

"Good job Ducky. I like it. Place an order," I say looking directly at the olive skinned girl.

"Well...I already did!" Ducky spoke, a smile from ear to ear spreading across her face. "I ordered a ton two weeks ago and they came in last night!"

"Are those the boxes I helped you with?" Gale questions. Ducky nods her head up and down, still wearing her signature smile. "No wonder you was acting weird."

"Well, I wanted it to be a surprise!" Ducky exclaims walking over to a box and picking it up. I stand from my seat and walk over as the rave colored haired girl placed the box on the table. She opened it fast and pulled one uniform out at a time. She handed them to me and I helped distribute till everyone had one. I picked up my hand and pat Ducky's back. Her head turns our eyes locking.

"Good work," I whisper causing her smile to widen. I smile back at her, nodding before getting everyone's attention. "Alright, let's change and get back to work!" I speak up. Everyone nods and gets up from their seat before going to the exit. I stay where I am watching everyone leave before looking down at the uniform. A small smile forms on my lips. My mind swirling not actually believing this is happening. That we're actually doing this. What once started as me and Daisy online to us getting this hidden place, our headquarters to getting people on board with the idea to now getting uniforms and growing.

I shake my head, the smile still across my lips as I begin to slip off my shirt and pants as I slip in the uniform pants. They felt right. Good. I then slipped on the uniform top and couldn't be more pleased. It looked amazing, from what I could see. It was comfortable. That's all we need.

"Y/N?" A voice speaks as several knocks appear at the door. I pick up my head to find Tessa. I quickly stand up straight and motion my hand to let her know to come in. The girl nods, walking into the room and closing the door behind her. She walks over to the table and leans her hands against the back of one of the seats. I tilt my head to the side and cross my arms over my chest looking at the girl.

"Everything alright Tess?" I ask eyeing her closely. Her eyes avoid mine but she nods her head slowly. "You telling me the truth?"

"Um..." She lets her voice trail, shifting where she stood. I bite the inside of my cheek waiting patiently but she won't spit it out.

"Tessa come on. You know you can trust me. Talk to me."

Tessa nods her head up and down. "I know...I just feel...Like you're going to hate me."

"Why would I hate you?" I drop my arms from my chest and make my way around the table.

"Well you see..." I stop at foot away from the girl as she turns and faces me. "I brought in a new recruit and she's sort of flipping out. Like she's having a full on breakdown, panic attack type ordeal." The girl's eyes finally meet my own looking panicked. Gently, I close my eyes for a second or two before reopening them and looking to the girl. Carefully, I reach up my hands and place them on Tessa's shoulders looking back and forth between her eyes.

"Okay one- We all need to be informed of new people. Two, where is she?"

"She's in my room." I nod dropping my hands from the girl's shoulders. I say nothing else, only motioning my arm for her to lead the way. She quickly turns and heads for the door with me following behind her and through the halls.


"Y/N?" Tessa turns looking at me, right before she was about to push the door open. I take a step back meeting the girl's eyes. "This girl she really likes Alycia. She found this organization and said she was down to help but with the last missing I think it scared her."

"Where there was a guy with a gun?" I question tilting my head. Tessa nods her head as my eyes close. "That was a scary moment, but she knows Alycia's okay right? Rovvie and the tacteam made sure of it. We all did."

"No yeah no she knows, but Y/N...She's sixteen." My eyes pop open and it feels like they're going to pop out of my head at any given moment. "Don't freak out-"

"Don't freak out?" I raise my voice, feeling my eyes go a bit wider. Them burning a bit. "Tessa, no one under 18. That's what we all agreed on. Daisy was the one to put that rule in motion!"

"I know, I know but you don't-"

"She can't be here Tessa," I cut the girl off briefly, shaking my head. "I'll talk-"

"It's Daisy's kid sister!" Tessa shouts over top of me. My lips separate but no words escape. Shock fills me as I look at Tessa before I tear my eyes from her and look to the ground. While closing my lips together. "It's Daisy's kid sister, Y/N. I couldn't just let her walk away. It wouldn't be right."

"No, no. I get it. You did the right thing." I bite my lip and pick up my head, my eyes flicking back and forth between Tessa's eyes. "Go help out the team. I'll talk with her." I point to Tessa's room seeing Tessa nod. She slowly turns on her heels and begins walking away. I, on the other hand, turn to face the door. I grab a hold of the knob and gently knock three times before twisting the knob and walking in.

Inside I peak my eyes around the room, stepping in. I close the door behind me finally seeing almost an identical yet younger version of Daisy. A small smile spreads to my lips taking in the dirty blonde haired girl, but a sort of sadness also took over. Part being I missed Daisy, second her kid sister was curled up in a corner crying. A low sigh escapes my lips as I slowly make my way over to her. Once I'm near her I get down to my knees immediately causing the girl to pick up her head. From that my eyes take in her teared stained face, her red puffy blue eyes. I bite my lip and before I can say anything the girl gets up to her knees and wraps her arms around me. Confused, I hesitantly sit there a moment not sure what to do.

"Daisy told me all about you," the girl whispered into my ear, her voice hoarse. "She said...said the two of you started all of this." I nod my head and wrap my arms around the kid giving her a gentle squeeze. Before long we pull away allowing our eyes to lock again.

"My name's Y/N," I speak gently, the girl nodding.

"I'm L-Lily," the girl answers causing me to nod with a welcoming smile spreading against my lips.

"Hey Lily. It's good to finally meet you-" I pause watching the girl reach up one hand and wipe at her face. "You're in good hands here, you know? This organization, while we're there for Alycia Debnam-Carey we're also one big happy, supportive family. But considering your sister was Daisy then you know the rules, you know how things work."

Lily nods her head briefly dropping her hand from her face. "Daisy dreamed of this place. Wh-When it finally happened she called or te-texted me every night to let me know what everything was."

"That's good, that's good-" I pause briefly then continue. "Then you know normally we'd turn people under eighteen away...However, we can't turn you away. Not ever." A ligh flashed over Lily's eyes as I spoke. I nod and placing my hand on her knee. "Daisy was our family which makes you part of that...And know that this organization was created because of your brilliant sister."

"She was quite brilliant."

I nod, smiling softly. "She sure was...But hey-Not every mission will be like that last one. We have this team here and our tacteam out there. All eyes are on our girl."

"I-I know. Tessa was showing me-" Lily pauses as I remove my hand from her knee. "Just scary to see something like that."

"I know it is, but we're not going to let anything happen to her. Ever." Lily gently nods wiping at her face once more. I nod too standing up before holding out my hand to the girl. She grabs a hold of it and stands. Once we're both up we walk to the door and take a right. Down the halls, then down the stairs and soon we make it to the main room.

"Welcome to your new home Lily," I whisper letting go of her hand and opening up the two big doors. I walk in before her looking straight ahead to see Alycia still asleep in her bed. A small smile spreads to my lips before I see, out of the corner of my eye Lily standing beside me. Slowly I look to her seeing her eyes on the big screen. We stand there for a moment before I look away and to everyone else. I take a step forward and grab a hold of the railing before speaking up. "Everyone! This is our newest, most youngest member Lily! Let's make her feel welcomed and show her the ropes!"

Everyone's eyes were on me and Lily as I spoke. But as soon as I stopped everyone stood and began clapping. A bigger smile spreads to my lips as I step back from the railing and turn to face Lily beginning to clap my own hands together. Her eyes brighten followed with a bright smile spreading to her lips looking to all of us even after the fact Gale shouts, "Welcome to GTADC or the full name, Guardians of the Alycia Debnam-Carey!"

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