Chance - Kim Taehyung

By Imagoodgirlwriter

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This is a Taehyung ff. In this ff y/n is a very talented girl with a beautiful voice and amazing dance skills... More

1- The audition
2 - My plan worked
3- The main day.
4 - Run
5 - My dream
6 - My New Home
7 - Whatever.
8 - Jealousy
9 - Party
5 - Dance class
11 - .•..•..•..•.•.•.•..•.•..•
12 - Betrayal
13 - Again.
14 - Chance.
5 - Doomed
17 - ~~~~~~~~
18 - Kiss me
19 - What?
20- Fuck
21 - Traitor
22 - ;)
23 - Peace

16 - Wedding day

93 3 0
By Imagoodgirlwriter

I thought I'll finally be happy now. Away from everyone else and being happy doing what I love.

But life dosen't always goes the way we want it to right?

Nor me neither tae knew we were gonna marry each other. I got to know about it first and then tae.

Neither of us could do anything because we knew we couldn't possibly say no to bang pd.

And now, here I stand in my room getting all dolled up by the makeup artists for my Wedding

I didn't want it to be like this. I wanted to marry someone I love and I am marrying him but why does it feel so wrong?

Maybe because I already know that the hands that will put a ring on my had today has already touched someone else.

The hands which have already made love and have their own little happiness.

The hands which will never be mine to call.......

(your dress)

This dress is so pretty. But I don't even feel happy wearing it.

Maid:: Ma'am your are ready and it's time let's go.

I nodded at her.

As my parents still haven't excepted me yet I don't have my dad to walk with. So namjoon will help me in this situation.

I've called my sister here but she still dosen't know the real situation.

I entangled my hands with namjoon and we started walking towards taehyung.

I couldn't even get a good look at his face because of all the flashlight of the camera.

It is one of the most blockbuster wedding of the season. Kim taheyung marries Y/n.

We reach. Namjoon let go's of my hands and I gave him a smile.

I go and stand towards taheyung . The priest starts reading his vows.

Priest: Do you Mr. Kim Taehyung take Ms. Y/n as your lawfully wedded wife?

Tae: I do.

Priest: Do you Ms. Y/n take Mr. Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband?

I think for a while and look up. He isn't happy no one is happy. But we have no choice.

Y/n: I...... do.

Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

The kiss. He was my first kiss and my last. I will have to give him my wedding kiss too now.

We both knew we couldn't back out because of all the media.

He came near me and whispered near my ear.

Tae: I'm sorry.

And kissed me. It was different. Different from all the times he has kissed me. It had mixed emotions.

He pulled back and looked me dead in the eyes. We both turned towards the cameras and bowed together.

Time skip at night

We had to live in the same house. Nothing would change. I'll be still working as a soloist. I'm happy at least for that.

We are both sitting it the car heading towards our new home. It has a silence in the car that'll be good if it's not broken.

We reached. My belongings have already reached says Taehyung.

My whole body hurts. Wearing that heavy dress on top of the high heels was not very easy.

Taehyung opened the door to the big mansion. As soon as he opened the door an old lady came towards us.

She took taehyung in her arms while giving me the most beautiful smile which I of course returned.

Lady: Taehyungaah I'm so proud of you. You've done well.

She said while getting on her toes and giving taehyung a kiss on his forehead.  I didn't understand what she meant to say but I ignored it..

Then she came towards me and gave me warm hug. It's been such a long time since I recieved a hug like this. It reminds me of mom.

Even though they never treated me like their daughter I still love them and I hate myself for that.

I'm so pathetic loving people who don't give a fuck about me.

Lady: Welcome y/naah. I've waited so long to meet you.  My name is Kyung-hwa.  You can call me the maid as I'm in charge of all the servants here.

Y/n: Oh no.  I can never call you a maid.  You are like my mother.  Please can I call you ahjumma instead?

Kyung-hwa: Sure

She said while looking at me with sparkly eyes.

Kyung-hwa: Taehyung said that you did not eat in the wedding so I made you some food.  I've kept your clothes in your room you can change and come down till then I'll heat the food.

Y/n: Ne khamsammida!

I said while bowing to her.

Taehyung showed me my room. I quickly freshened up and wore the normal clothes.

(your clothes)

It isn't exactly my type but it is very pretty so I liked it.

I went down near the dining room. It was really hard to find it lol.

Kyung-hwa: Oh you're here. Omo you look so pretty!

As she said that my cheeks went completely red.

Y/n: Thank you.

Kyung-hwa: Come here fast.  You must be so hungry. I've made your favourite food.

I went towards her and she gave me the food. I asked her where taehyung was and she said he went to out Nabi to sleep.

I finished eating. I said goodnight to her and went to my room to sleep.

I took my phone and scrolled through my private instagram account.

I saw all the edits made by mine and taehyung's fans. It was really nice. There were some hate edits also but ignored them as always.

Just as I was about to sleep I heard the door opening I saw taehyung coming in.

Y/n: What are you doing here?

I asked in a cold tone.

Taehyung: We are married now so we have to sleep in the same room

Y/n: First I will never sleep in the same room as you and second, I only married you for the sake of my carrier.  There is nothing more to this marriege.

Taehyung: If you don't sleep with me I mean in the same room the maids will think it's fake and they might tell the media

Y/n: I'll sleep on the floor

Taehyung: No it's ok.  I'll sleep on the floor you must've been tired because of all that happened today.

Y/n: But I-

Before I could even say something else he took two pillows and blanket and slept down beside the bed

I gave and decided to sleep also.

In the morning

I woke up and saw that taehyung wasn't there. I went to the bathroom took a shower and went downstairs.

(your outfit)

I decided to wear this because I am not going to go to the company.

As soon as I went downstairs Nabi came running towards me and gave me a right hug which I returned back

Nabi: Good morning eomma!

I looked at taehyung he mouthed a sorry and asked me to play along

Y/n: Good morning baby! Did you eat breakfast?

Nabi: No.. Please can you feed me?

She started making puppy eyes so I had to say yes.

I picked her up and went towards the dining table.  I sat down and made Nabi sit on my lap.

Ahjumma bought me a bowl of porridge and I fed Nabi.

After feeding her I asked her to sit beside me so that I can eat.

Y/n: Now baby you sit here beside me OK?  Let eomma eat now.

Nabi: OK eomma.

??: Y/n??

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