Choosing Home

By Ginnyrules27

34.5K 1.3K 1.4K

Auradon was at peace. Their King was engaged, and relations between the mainland and the Isle were being rebu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Eighteen

678 21 39
By Ginnyrules27

Ben sighed as he made his way toward Audrey's dorm. He knew he should head straight to the council room and greet the members as they arrived, but he wanted to check on Mal.

Plus...there was a question that only Audrey could answer.

Lightly knocking on the door, he slipped in after hearing Mal's voice. Ben bit back a sigh as he looked around the room of his former girlfriend—it truly hadn't changed at all since they had dated. The walls were still that same shade of perfect princess pink, the array of photos on the mantle still showing the progression of their love as Audrey used to call it.

And then of course there was Audrey, sitting in her bed and glaring at Mal, Uma, and Estelle.

How can anyone glare at Estelle? And for that matter, when did Audrey wake up? I thought we knocked her and Freddy out back on the quad? Ben thought as he walked over to Mal.

"Hey," she said as she lightly wrapped her arms around him. Ben smiled as he gently kissed the top of her head. He couldn't help but sigh into her hair, this was his second trial as King and the second one that involved the family of one of his friends.

Though, if he was honest, Ben wasn't entirely sure he could even call Audrey a friend.

"You okay?" Mal asked him, having heard the sigh.

"...I don't know."

"Okay, it's okay Ben," Mal whispered. "It's understandable, she was one of your oldest friends. Hell, she was someone your parents thought would be a good spouse for you judging by that bloody contract to steal a phrase from Harry. You don't have to do this you know. No one would think any less of you if you abstained from this questioning."

Ben shook his head slightly. "I would think less of me. I'm the King, I can't just push my responsibilities onto other people. If nothing else, she's still one of my subjects and I have to see this through."

"Ben, she's also your former girlfriend and one of your oldest friends. Plus I don't think you've rested since we got the news that the scepter had been stolen. You need to sleep."

"I'll sleep when this is finished." Ben promised and then turned to look over at Audrey as Mal gently took his hand, as if to remind him that she was going to be by his side no matter what.

"What. Do. You. Think. You're. Doing. You. Filthy. Half. Breed?" Audrey snarled as she saw Mal's hand in Ben's.

"Comforting my fiancé who just had to deal with your and Freddy's reign of terror, Audrey!" Mal snapped back. "And really? 'Half breed'? At least get an insult that applies to me. There isn't anything 'half' about me!"

"Audrey, think about your next words very carefully. You're already in a lot of hot water for what you've done," Ben warned. "I'd advise that you execute your right to remain silent unless you want to answer our questions."

Audrey rolled her eyes as Mal gently rubbed Ben's back.

"It's okay Ben," she said, keeping her voice soft. "I can take whatever she throws at me. I've dealt with much bigger fish than her. And if you can't handle mere insults on the Isle, can you really call yourself a VK?"

"Of course not," Uma scoffed as she shook her head and even Estelle snorted as in in agreement. Ben couldn't help the soft smile that pulled at his lips.

I love you Mal, so so much. Even though you've been through so much, you're comforting me rather than getting that arm checked out.

"Bennyboo! You can't seriously be willing to let her talk to me like this!" Audrey exclaimed, pulling Ben out of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry Audrey but you're the one who called her a 'half breed'," Ben stated. "Also, we talked about the nicknames back when we were together. I didn't like them then and I don't like them now."

"Benny, unfortunately it's not going to matter how many times you tell her that. Humanoids like her lack the organ known as their brains to comprehend simple requests," Uma said, rolling her eyes.

"Bennybear! Are you seriously going to let her talk about me like that?!" Audrey exclaimed. "I am a Princess! Well I should have been more than that but you saw ft to throw away our contract!"

Ben sighed. "I didn't 'throw it away' Audrey. If you remember, I did try to talk about the fact that I wanted out of it with you calmly and in private but you were the one who brushed it off as 'my nerves before the Tourney game' and didn't take it seriously."

"Why would I take it seriously Bennyboo? You never indicated that you wanted to break up before then!" Audrey cried. "In fact you were so happy with me until she came and ruined everything!"

"Audrey, think about it. Do you call me having to constantly ask you not to call me a nickname 'happy'? Do you call me arguing with you when you insulted my best friends 'happy'? Can you truly say I was happy in our relationship? And even if I had never said anything before, the fact that I was saying it then should have logically let you know we had our issues. Blame Mal all you want but she was just the final straw."

Audrey rolled her eyes. "Honestly Bennyboo, I never insulted your best friends. Calling them by their lot in life isn't an insult, it's a fact. They are half royals and honestly you could do so much better as the King. And what's wrong with my nicknames for you? Grammy always said they were cute! But all the years with that teacup and the half royals spent poisoning you against Grammy and me wore you down huh? Otherwise, why would you break up with me?"

"Audrey, I am a half royal. If you take offense with Emir and Akiho's bloodline, then you take offense with mine," Ben said, his voice growing hard as Mal gently squeezed his hand in comfort.

" were the Crown Prince Bennyboo and now you're the King! You don't get more royal than you!"

"My mother was a commoner before she became Queen. Just as Emir and Akiho's dads did. I have as much 'royal blood' as they do. You were always quick to comment on that fact but always wanted to ignore my bloodline. It's clear to me that what they said was true. You only wanted my title—not me."

Mal squeezed his hand once more. She knew she should probably stop him, with the way Audrey was sting nothing would get through to her. long had Been bottled these things up? And honestly, when would he be in enough of an emotional state to say them again? He needed this.

Ben sighed and looked at Audrey. "I tried. Honestly Audrey I tried to stick out our contract because I considered it a promise made by our parents in our names. But honestly? The 'relationship' was one hundred percent about you. Our 'dates' were shopping dates where I was your glorified pack mule—even after I got a concussion in Tourney. You complained about barely being able to see me when we were a month away from the coronation. I don't think either of us was happy in that relationship. You were one of my best friends Audrey and for the sake of that, I really did try but our relationship was doomed from the start."

He shook his head slightly and straightened his back, his emotional walls coming back up as he slipped back into his role as King. "But now is not the time to talk about that. Now we need to talk about your crimes, both against the Kingdom of Auradon and against Uma, Mal and myself. Do you understand what you're being charged with or do I need to go through it?"

"I'd go through it just so she can't claim she wasn't informed of her charges," Uma spoke up.

Ben sighed but nodded. There was no denying the fact that Uma had a point. "Princess Audrey, your charges include breaking and entering into the Museum of Cultural History, theft of the Queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter, breaking a convicted criminal out of his cell, throwing a coup against the kingdom of Auradon and its royal family, using magic without permission, attempting to curse the King and succeeding in cursing the future Queen of Auradon and last but not least, the physiological torture of an heir to a royal family."

"You can't charge me with that last one. Fred's the one who shoved Chad into the closet and honestly, with how much of a wimp he is, he probably just couldn't handle the fact that my attention was on another man. He's faking it," Audrey said with a scoff.

"You still aided and abetted the crime so we can charge you as an accessory to it," Ben stated. "As well, Chad was not faking. You can't fake the state we found him in that closet."

"Oh please! Chad's such a drama queen he could fake anything! Besides, Mal and Uma hate Chad just as much as they hate me! You really think they don't want to pile on the charges?"

"While Chad Charming will never be my favorite person Audrey, no one deserves what you and Freddy put him through," Mal stated.

"Seriously?! You turned Fred into a dragon chew toy and yet you're all in a tizzy about Chad being in a closet for a few hours? If anyone needs to be charged, it's you Mal!" Audrey exclaimed.

Ben opened his mouth to step in but Uma shook her head slightly, as if to say Mal had this.

"Charged with what? Protecting the King when Freddy was about to kill him? That's a charge I'll gladly take," Mal shot back.

"What about spelling the Crown Prince? Or performing magic twice without permission since you transformed at Ben's coronation and Cotillion! Oh and endangering a member of a royal family of Auradon when you threw that dagger at me before Cotillion!" Audrey growled.

"Fine," Uma said just as Mal opened her mouth. "If you're so sure he's under a love spell, kiss him. If he is spelled and he loves you and you love him just as much as you say you do, it'll work no problem."

Ben frowned, not liking the idea of kissing anyone other than his fiancee. Not to mention there was the likelihood that it would give Audrey the wrong idea.

"Wh—Uma, I really don't think—."

"Sorry Benny, of course we're not going to force you but I'm trying to make a point here. If Ms. Pink is so sure you're spelled even though you can't be, why has she never thought to try and kiss you to break it if you truly were so in love with each other?"

"Ben, you don't have to and like Uma said, we're not going to force you," Mal said. "Honestly I think Audrey's argument is reaching at best. After all, it was Merryweather who gave you that gift so if she honestly doesn't know you can't be love spelled, then that's on her."

"Right," Uma nodded. "I'm just saying that if her brain is so full of pink glitter to think about things like that, it's on her as Mal said."

"And I understand that Uma but I'd rather not kiss anyone I'm not engaged to," Ben said as he kissed the top of Mal's head. "That's going into territory I think none of us want to think about."

Mal smiled slightly as she leaned into Ben's touch.

"You throw Freddy's dribble out of your mind and burn it to ash okay? We're going to get through this trial and then we can focus on more important things. Like starting to plan our wedding."

"Excuse me?!"

"What, Audrey? Did you think that by doing this and pitching a fit, we suddenly wouldn't go through with the wedding? Frankly the only thing you are is a very annoying roadblock," Mal said, her voice cool. "Trust me Audrey, the wedding will still happen. Right now the bigger hurdle to our getting married isn't you or Freddy. It's our age but I'm fine with waiting because I love Ben. Or do you really think you're that important that the whole world has to stop when something happens to you?"

"Newsflash Brat, you're no more important than anyone else. In fact, by throwing your little coup, you probably just lost the limited number of people who would have cared," Uma scoffed. "I wouldn't be surprised if people think of you as a villain now. Any friends you thought you had are going to flee to the hills and if Freddy stays with you longer than a month, it'll be a miracle."

Ben shook his head. "Alright, alright Uma, that's enough. We're not here to goad her."

"We're not?" Uma asked and Ben bit back a chuckle.

"Honestly Bennyboo, you're looking to make someone a bad guy here when you should be looking at yourself!"

"I think this is her using her right to remain silent," Mal sighed.

"Audrey, you know the council will ask for you to explain yourself, as will your parents when they—."

"Audrey. Stephanie. Rose!"

"—get here," Ben said, finishing his sentence as Aurora and Phillip stormed into their daughter's dorm room. "King Phillip, Queen Aurora...I wish this was under happier circumstances."

"Thank you King Ben," Aurora nodded. "As do I."

"Oh hello mother, I'm doing fine thank you for asking. Wonderful weather we're having," Audrey scoffed.

"Don't be smart young lady, do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?" Phillip stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"All I did was try to secure my birth right!"

"Your birthright is the throne of Auroria, Audrey, not Auradon. And I wasn't just talking about that. There's a possibility that you're pregnant?!"

"Father, you signed a contract stating I was to be married to Ben and be Queen of Auradon. That is my birth right yet no one asked me if I wanted to be removed from it. You all were fine dropping it like a hot potato as soon as Mal came along and I'm sorry but I don't see how my body is any of yours or mother's business!"

Ben sighed. "We'll let you discuss this in private. I should go and greet the rest of the council."

"Appreciated King Ben," Phillip nodded. "We'll be in there soon."

Ben nodded his head slightly as he, Uma, and Mal made their way to the council room; Mal's hand firmly grasping Ben's.

"Ben!" Belle exclaimed, rushing over to him as Persephone did the same with Mal and Uma.

"You girls alright?"

"We're fine mom," Mal promised.

"Mom, I promise, I'm okay," Ben said even as he smiled at Belle. Beast walked over and rested a hand on Ben's shoulders. They made their way into the council room where the rest of the council had already been seated.

Ben gave a comforting smile to Kit before speaking. "Thank you all for coming at this late hour. I know we'd all rather be asleep in our beds but this is the most pressing issue we need to address."

"Of course," Aladdin nodded.

"Due to the...personal nature my father and I share with one of the defendants, we will be recusing ourselves." Ben said. "King Eric will be running the trial instead."

"Thank you King Ben," Eric nodded as he stood up, Ben taking his seat next to Mal. "I've informed the council of the charges so we should be brought up to speed."

"My son has informed me of all that's happened," Aladdin spoked up.

"My nephew has as well," Elsa nodded.

"Same with my daughter," Shang added.

Eric nodded. "Very well. Bring forth the accused."

"King Eric, I would advise that they be kept on separate sides of the room," Mal spoke, gesturing to Estelle to get under the table. "As well, I'd like permission to be able to silence Freddy Frollo at least. He's not known for his filter."

"Permission granted Lady Mal. I only hope they're not needed," Eric nodded as Freddy and Audrey were led in, Phillip and Aurora sliding in and sitting down while Jay and Harry went to stand next to Uma. Mal bit back a sigh as she saw the scratches on Jay's arms; clearly Harry had tried to kill Freddy while the boys were on guard duty."

Honestly Harry, don't you know that Freddy might try to use that to his advantage? He shows up with bruises, he can argue that we tortured him and that his confession should be thrown out, Mal thought with a small sigh.

"You know I find it interesting that I'm being charged with attempted murder and yet *Mal* is getting off scot free for what she did to me," Freddy spoke up. "After all, I'm pretty sure it was by the grace of God that I survived my encounter with that dragon. Whats more I'm pretty sure the little witch didn't have permission to turn into the dragon so we can just go ahead and throw that charge out. But then again, I forgot, King Eric here has always been pretty good at falling under a witch's spell. It would make sense Mal would pick him to run the trial since it appears Beastie Jr. is too afraid to face me and answer for the hypocrisy both he and his family face. You say I escaped imprisonment? What about the unjust imprisonment the children of the Isle faced for *twenty years* because of royals like you and Beast?"

"No one needs permission to save the King's life, as King Ben's main protector Lady Mal has automatic permission to do whatever she deems necessary when his life is under threat including her dragon transformation," Aladdin stated.

"And we'd be saying the same thing if it had been Fairy godmother who had injured you with a spell in case your next argument is going to be that she receives special treatment due to being King Ben's fiancee" Elsa added. "What's more is the fact that angering King Eric is somehow a good defense, I'm not the most familiar with being on the defense side of a trial but it doesn't seem like it would be the best course of action for me. Furthermore you talk of 'witches' yet I seem to remember hearing charges of you being an accessory to the attempted cursing and successful cursing of King Ben and Lady Mal respectively."

Freddy shook his head. "Honestly, how is assisting a royal in cementing her birth right a crime? Mal should be the one on trial. Not us. Just because Mal decided that a legally valid document was no good because of misplaced jealousy toward her highness. Then again, witches are known for holding their grudges. Her mother cursed a baby after all because she wasn't invited to a party."

"Are you sure I can't kill him?" Harry whispered to Jay.

"Clearly this is getting us nowhere," Eric spoke up as Freddy opened his mouth once more. "If we listened to you try to argue out of every crime-"

"Oh but are some of them even crimes or just trumped up charges? After all, can one really aid in the physiological torture of someone if they don't *know* it's torture?" Freddy asked with a smirk. "Then again, Charming's such a wimp it wouldn't surprise me if he thought that to be torture. He certainly didn't seem all that up for letting that blonde experience a real man."

Kit's hand curled into a fist and Mal had to admire the restraint he had. She knew she wouldn't have been as skilled.

"Prince Chad and Princess Alexandria's father is here Freddy and he doesn't need to hear your filth," Mal stated, her hand glowing as she cast the silencing charm. Thank Gods Maleficent deemed it evil enough—probably so one could torture their victims and not risk help barging in from hearing them scream.

"Shall we move on? It's clear he has no remorse or defense for his actions and we don't want to be here all night," Mal asked, looking at the council.

"Right, thank you Lady Mal," Eric nodded. "Princess Audrey? Do you have any defense for your actions or is it safe to assume you feel the same as Mr. Frollo and we can move on to sentencing?"

"As Fred said, I fail to see how it's a crime to want my birthright, to be treated with the respect my station deserves and demands but no heaven forbid we go against something Mal wants. It's clear that your minds are made up anyway."

Eric sighed. "Very well. The floor is open for suggestions for sentencing."

"Ten minutes in a room with me, ten minutes in a room with me," Harry muttered as he glared at Freddy.

Aurora spoke up. "King Eric, forgive me, but I believe the council is missing a piece of information."

"Of course Queen Aurora," Eric nodded even as some of the other council members muttered amongst themselves.

"There is a...possibility that Audrey is with child," Aurora stated. "Her father and I will not contest her sentencing but we ask that if there is a child involved—."

"The child is not their parents. They did not commit their crimes," Eric said. "I know we messed up in that respect with the Isle before but not again. If there is a child, he or she will be left in your care Queen Aurora unless another party expresses interest."

"Thank you," Aurora said as she sat back down.

"In light of the new information, should we postpone a sentencing for Princess Audrey?" Phoebus asked, Esmeralda sitting by his side. Normally spouses wouldn't be attending a council meeting or a trial but no one saw any issue with Esmeralda seeing the sentencing of the son of Frollo

"Not necessarily," Eugene stated. "She can be remanded to the care of her parents until we are able to determine if she's with child. If she's not, then she'll be sent straight to the Isle and if she is she can stay with her parents until the child's born."

"Since we're to send her to the Isle, is it safe to assume she'll be stripped of all royal titles?" Elsa asked and Mal bit the inside of her cheek to prevent a smirk from forming.

Evie's going to love this, she thought as the memory of their first encounter with the Brat replayed in her head.

The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you.

"It's time Audrey learns that there are consequences for her actions," Phillip stated. "Something I thought she knew but I was apparently wrong."

"Apparently they're things you don't have to face if you're Mal or Ben," Audrey muttered.

"I also think that if she receives one, some of her allowance should be put into a fund to help rebuild the Isle while another part of it should go toward any therapy Prince Chad and Princess Alexandria require unless there's any objection from King Kit and Queen Ella," Aladdin spoke up.

"Thank you Sultan, you'll find no objection from me or my wife," Kit said, his voice soft. "Ella would have been here as well but one of us needed to be with Chad and we weren't about to leave the girls on their own in case something happened."

"How is he?" Snow White asked.

"Chad...he hasn't said a word since he came home," Kit said with a small sigh. "But now's late and with no disrespect, as much as I enjoy spending time with you all I'd rather much go home to my son."

"Understandable King Kit," Eric nodded. "Shall we vote? All in favor of sending Fredrick Frollo and Princess Audrey to the Isle, her to be stripped of her titles and her allowance donated partially to the Help the Isle Fund and partially to any therapy that Princess Alexandria and Prince Chad need, raise your hands."

Hands began to rise as Harry sighed in disappointment. Ben counted them in his was an unanimous vote!

"And, while it seems pointless to ask, any opposed?"

No hands rose.

"Right. Fredrick Frollo, you are to be sent to the Isle immediately. Audrey, you are stripped of your title as princess and are remanded to the custody of your parents until it is determined whether or not you are pregnant. At which point you will either be sent to the Isle or sent to the Isle after the baby is delivered and your allowance to be donated to both the Help the Isle fund and to any therapy Prince Chad and Princess Alexandria need," Eric stated, banging a gavel. "Guards! Please escort Mr. Frollo back to the Isle. Immediately."

Ben sighed as the guards came in and, after Mal reluctantly removed the silencing charm, dragged Freddy out of the room. It was over.

Or so I thought, Ben thought as he saw Mal's eyes flash in irritation.

"We need to talk," she hissed in his ear and Ben nodded, though he wasn't going to deny his confusion. Freddy was going back to the Isle. Audrey was sentenced. Wasn't...wasn't this a good thing?

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