Choosing Home

Bởi Ginnyrules27

34.6K 1.3K 1.4K

Auradon was at peace. Their King was engaged, and relations between the mainland and the Isle were being rebu... Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Seventeen

513 24 19
Bởi Ginnyrules27

Ben sighed as he sat down in his chair. He wasn't hiding, no not in the slightest. He knew he had calls that he had to make. Aurora and Phillip needed to be informed, and his dad needed to know it was safe to come home.

Not to mention what kind of friend would he be if he didn't call to check on Chad? He should at least see if Chad got back to his castle safely, with how he almost sprinted out of Fairy Cottage.

Plus...there was something telling him that it might be a good idea that he should recuse himself from running the trial. The last thing he wanted was to give Freddy a chance to argue that the trial was biased against him due to Ben being a factor.

Right, okay, he thought with a small sigh. He needed to make these calls. He needed to stop dragging his feet on this. So all I have to do is call the mother of the woman I used to be in a betrothal contract with and tell her that not only was her daughter apprehended with the stolen scepter and Queen's crown but that there is a likelihood that her daughter would need to be tested for a possible pregnancy to say the least. Thank Gods that Aurora's not like her mother.

There was no point in dragging his feet though, he just needed to grit his teeth and make the call.

"Queen Aurora? I hope I'm not bothering you, I know it's a rather late hour."

"King Ben! I was hoping you'd call," Aurora stated. "I've been hearing the rumors about Audrey, Phil even texted me before he arrived home from young Jane's party. Are the rumors true? I'd rather hear it from you than anyone else, you're one of Audrey's oldest friends."

Ben couldn't help the small sigh that escaped his lips. "Sadly the rumors are true your highness. Audrey stole Maleficent's scepter and the Queen's crown from the museum and is the one responsible for the kingdom wide sleeping curse. And...forgive me but may I speak bluntly?"

"Of course King Ben," Aurora said, her voice soft. "Please...I want to know the truth."

"She also broke Fred Frollo out of custody, he was the VK who attacked Cotillion, to assist her in her are...suspicions that Audrey and Freddy partook in...forgive me Aurora, I wish I could tell you this under happier circumstances. Actually I wish Audrey could be the one to tell you but...there is a chance where Audrey may be pregnant."

Aurora sighed. "Thank you for telling me King Ben. Her father and I will be there momentarily but we will definitely need to have Audrey tested for pregnancy. Can...can you tell me if it was at least consensual?"

It was clear that, by the way Aurora's voice halted near the end of the question, that she wasn't sure if she even wanted to know.

"I can only assume it was consensual," Ben told her. "The only evidence we have that an encounter like that exists is..."

"Ben?" Aurora asked as Ben faltered. How could he tell Aurora that the bed in question in Fairy had been her's?

"It's speculation that the encounter occurred but we would still need to have Audrey tested for the possibility of pregnancy to err on the side of caution.

"Thank you for informing us. Phillip and I will be there soon," Aurora said. Ben could hear her call to Phillip to have Henri bring the limo around and he felt his heart clench. Soon he would have no choice but to watch his friend be tried.

Please Audrey, please have something related to regret, he thought once more.

"King Ben?"

"Yes Queen Aurora?" Ben said, pulling himself out of his thoughts.

"Audrey...she'll be sent to the Isle won't she?" Aurora asked, and Ben's heart broke for her. This wasn't a Queen asking about one of her subjects but a mother asking about a daughter.

"In all honesty, it depends on how the council votes," Ben told her. "But...more than likely, yes, she will be sent to the Isle."

Aurora sighed. "We'll be there soon."

"Yes your highness. I'll let my staff know so they'll be awaiting you."

"Thank you," Aurora said and Ben ran a hand through his hair as they disconnected the call.

That's one call done, he thought as he looked at his phone. I call dad or check on Chad? Do I do my duty as a son or a friend?

He shook his head. Checking on Chad was more pressing, in fact with how he had been when they found him, one could argue that not checking on Chad could impact the trial if it came out during it.

There was no point in putting it off any longer. Quickly dialing a number he knew by heart, Ben sighed as he listened to the ringing on the other end. He knew at some point he'd have to go and check in on Mal and the others; see if anyone needed to be relieved for the night.

But he just...if he saw Freddy there was a chance he might kill him and if he saw Audrey...

"King Ben?" Cinderella's voice called out from the other end and Ben smiled slightly.

"Queen Ella, I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. I was just calling to check on Chad. See how he's doing...after everything..."

"You know what happened Ben? He won't tell us anything," Cinderella said and Ben held back a sigh at hearing how soft her voice was.

" seems as though Chad was held captive by Princess Audrey and Fred Frollo during their onslaught and...when we found him when we seized Fairy Cottage, he had...Queen Ella, he had been shoved into a closet and left there for I don't know how long."

Cinderella gasped upon hearing that. "Alex—she—she came home in near hysterics...but all we could get out of her was 'Chad' and 'trouble'..."

"From what Jane and Carlos told me, Freddy was targeting Alex and Chad ran up to defend her," Ben said, not seeing any reason to use Freddy's legal name in the discussion anymore. "I am so sorry Ella..."

"It's not your fault Ben..." Cinderella told him.

Ben sighed. "Audrey and Freddy have been apprehended and are due to stand trial if that's any comfort."

"It is actually...or it would be if Chad would say anything...he hasn't said a word since he came bursting into the castle as if he'd run all the way there."

He probably did, Ben thought as he remembered how Chad had nearly sprinted out of Fairy Cottage.

"When we found him, the first thing he said was that...that he wanted you, Ella," Ben said, figuring it would hurt the gentle hearted Queen less to hear that than to be told that Chad was curled up in a ball, and had uttered the phrase 'I want my mommy'—something Chad hadn't said since he and Ben were four.

"Ben...would it be alright if I send Kit in my stead to the trial? I—I can't leave Chad right now and it wouldn't be fair to ask the girls to watch him..."

"Of course Ella. Whatever you need, please let me know," Ben told her.

"Thank you."

Ben nodded. "Of course Queen Ella. Like I said, whatever you need. We'll be expecting Kit and hopefully we can soon put this all behind us."

"Of course Ben, thank you...I'll let you know if there's anything..."

"There's no thanks needed Ella," Ben told her.

"It may not be needed but it's given all the same." Cinderella told him. "Kit should hopefully be there soon. I'll need to tell him about the trial but other than that he'll make his way there."

"Understood," Ben nodded. "I'll keep you updated if there's any change to the trial."

"Appreciated Ben. I'll...I'll keep you updated if Chad's condition changes."

"Thank you Ella." Ben said. "Have a good night."

He disconnected the call and leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair as he let out a sigh. One more call...he needed to let his dad know he was alright...he needed to let his mom know it was safe to come home...

I want my mom, Ben thought as he leaned forward, absentmindedly playing with his phone. I...I want her to wrap me in her arms and tell me this is all a bad dream. That I'll wake up and it's the day of my wedding instead of the night of the trial of one of my oldest friends...

He shook his head and punched in the number for his dad's cell. One more call and all this was over, one more call and he could go be with Mal.

"Dad? I hope I'm not disturbing you or mom."

"Ben! Oh thank Gods! Is it over?"

"It's over dad," Ben nodded. "We caught Audrey and Freddy at Auradon Prep. Thankfully there was no one injured but there is an...unforeseen complication."

"How severe are we talking about Ben?"

Ben sighed. "Dad...there's a chance that Audrey's pregnant. When we stormed Fairy Cottage, the bed covers were messed up in a way that didn't make it seem like the bed had been slept in."

"Forgive me but Audrey doesn't seem like the type to do something like that," Beast said.

"Well apparently she is now," Ben said, shaking his head. "I saw that bed personally Dad."

"Got it. Your mom and I will pay for any therapy you need if you want Ben. Even if you didn't see it yourself, the very image that produces...have you called your council yet?"

"Not yet dad. I called Queen Aurora to inform her of everything since I don't trust Freddy one bit not to spring that possibility on them in the trial to try to gain sympathy for either himself or Audrey, Queen Ella to check in with Chad and now this call with you."

Beast sighed. "Ben, the thought occurred to me. You and I are too connected to both Audrey and Freddy for anyone to argue we can fairly run the trial. Especially after what Freddy did at Cotillion."

"Right, right," Ben nodded. "What about asking King Eric to run the trial? He's on the council but he's not remotely connected to Audrey or Freddy."

"You're not going to ask Kit?"

"Dad...they shoved Chad in a closet and tried to go after Alexandria. Kit would run a fair trial if it hadn't been for that. Knowing Freddy from what Mal's told me, he would try anything to get under Kit's skin and get a reaction, thereby being able to argue that the trial's been biased against him."

"Smart, that's some smart thinking Ben. That's your mom's brains right there."

"You're smart too dad, don't sell yourself short. I'll see you when you get here okay?, Audrey's probably going to try to bring up the betrothal contract during the trial. She tried to argue that she was the rightful Queen when we captured her."

Beast sighed. "I'm not going to lie Ben, it's been hard having nothing to do but actually grieve your sister for once rather than bury myself in my work. Especially seeing that locket you gave your mother. But...I think I'll be okay if Audrey does bring up the betrothal contract. Mainly because Leah won't be in attendance."

"Oh Gods, if Leah was there, it definitely wouldn't be pretty."

"I'm almost certain someone would lose their hearing because of it."

Ben snorted in amusement. "You've spent too much time with Chip haven't you?"

"You know how you said you didn't think you could order Chip to come with your mother and myself to the safe castle? Well he appointed himself our guard and kept a close eye on both of us. I swear Ben, the only respite I got was in the bathroom and there were times I was unsure about even then!"

"Who do you think trained Akiho and Emir? I swear, nine times out of ten I'll just be thinking about them and then they'll appear out of nowhere. But good, I'm glad you're okay dad and so's mom. Once this is over, the two of you take a nice long vacation."

"As long as you do the same Ben. Even Kings get breaks you know."

"I know dad," Ben nodded. "But I'll make it a few years and then Mal and I will go on a really nice honeymoon."

"And that's where we'll table this conversation because I'd rather not think about my son on his honeymoon. I still remember you as a little boy clutching that plush dragon of yours."

", you're not going to bring up Flamey around Mal are you?"

"Well I wasn't before..."


"Ben, what does it matter? She's your fiancée and I'm pretty sure your friends have already told her about your old dragon obsession. I think Chip's still got that old thing somewhere if you want it."

"Maybe if I have kids," Ben said with a small smile pulling at his lips. "Now I should go and call Eric before it gets too late and he retires for the night."

"You're calling your council Ben, he'll be up regardless."

"Right," Ben sighed. "See you soon Dad. Love you."

"Love you too Ben."

The call ended and Ben sighed once more, shaking his head. Despite wanting nothing more than to curl up under the covers and pretend like he wasn't the King of Auradon, he knew that wasn't something he had the luxury of doing.

It was time for one more call and then he had to move forward. For the trial. Gods, was there a time when his life was easy?

"Hello King Eric?" Ben asked as Eric picked up the phone.

"Oh hello King Ben. What can I do for you?" Eric said. One of the things Ben loved about Eric was that he always seemed laid back yet always made you feel as if he only wanted to talk to you.

"Actually...i was calling to ask for a favor. I was hoping you might be able to preside over the trial?

"Trial King Ben?"

"Oh that's right. I'm sorry, in all the excitement I forgot that I haven't called my council together yet. Princess Audrey and Fred Frollo will be brought before the council to stand trial. Due to who we're sentencing, my father and I are too closely affected."

"Of course King Ben. I understand and I want to help where I can."

"Thank you," Ben said, holding back a sigh of relief.

"You're welcome sire," Eric said, making sure to keep his voice gentle. "Do I need to know anything? Charges?"

"Right, right," Ben nodded. "Um...Princess Audrey is being charged breaking and entering into the Museum of Cultural History, theft of the Queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter, breaking a convicted criminal out of his cell, throwing a coup against the kingdom of Auradon and its royal family, using metic without permission, attempting to curse the King and succeeding in cursing the future Queen of Auradon and last but not least, aiding in the physiological torture of an heir to a royal family."

"And Frollo Jr.?"

"Fred Frollo is being charged with escaping imprisonment, aiding in a coup against the kingdom of Auradon and its royal family, aiding in the attempted cursing of the King and successful cursing of the future Queen of Auradon, physiological torture to the heir of a kingdom's thrown and everything that occurred at Cotillion."

"Understood your highness," Eric nodded.

"Thank you for this King Eric," Ben said. "I would have hoped to run the trial myself but..."

"Ben, you may be the King of Auradon but even kings need assistance," Eric told him. "I'll be there soon."

Ben couldn't help but smile as he heard that. It was nice to know that his council was in his corner after all of this, or at least just one member of his council. Ending the call and hanging up, Ben stood up and pulled down his shirt before grabbing his jacket and buttoning it up.

It was time to finally get this taken care of.

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