The Missing Sloan

By gilllgirl123

41.3K 692 18

Eden Abbott is in the last year of her internship at seattle Grace hospital, in her head she would finsih thi... More



284 6 0
By gilllgirl123

On her way to the ward she was working on today, Eden cut through the ER as it was quicker, she could see the Er wasnt busy but one patient caught her eye, she looked familiar, with long brown hair, she was scrolling on her phone the out of no where she suddenly was coughing up blood, without hesitation Eden ran over to the patient placing a bucket to catch the blood.

"Has any doctor spoken to you?" Eden asked wondering if she needed to talk to anyone to get caught up on the case.
"No just got here" The patient said breathless.

"Well Im Doctor Abbott i will be your doctor" Eden smiled quickly thinking how she was going to expalin this to Mark.

"Your Eden" the patient smield
"Umm yeah" Eden slowly said listening to glthe patients bretahing and hearing very worrying.
"Im Daisy, Rorys youngest sister" Daisy explained further.
"Oh hello, i thought you were all coming together later"

"I have a friend in seattle so i came down earlier to see her and now im here"
"Im going to send you for an CT scan as your breathing is pretty laboured and the blood not good, does Rory know your here?"
"Its back" was all Daisy answered catching Edens attention.

"I had cancer when i was 2. Then it came back when i was 13 and now its back again" eden stood there shocked at this news something she didnt know.
"He didnt tell you?"
"Dont worry, he doesnt tell anyone. His Ex McKenzie he was with her for 7 years and never told her"
"7 years?"

"Ahh yes, probably shouldnt have said that but he loves you so much more than her he never proposed to her" Daisy said trying to fix what she had said.

"I'm going to get an MRI so we can see if the cancer is back but let's not panic, I will get Rory" Eden explained as she started to walk away.
Daisy grabbed Edens wrist pulling her back to her bedside.
"Please dont tell Rory it killed him the first time he literally lost himself, i cant watch him do that again please dont tell him" Daisy begged, Eden didnt say anything or promise she just smiled walking away.

"Hey Lexi, Doctor Grey, I need you to page Doctor Matthews for me and then come with me" Eden instructed as Lexie followed the instructions she was given.

Eden watched daisys toes in the MRi scanner hoping that whatever came up in that screen  wouldnt be what she feared.

"Doctor Abbott the scans are up?" Lexie told her moving out off Edens way.
"Ahh Crap" eden snapped.

"What is it?" Lexie asked trying to look over her shoulder.
"Its a tumor in her bladder look and its spread to her lungs and by the size of them Daisy probably knew before today, did you page Rory?"
"Yes i have been paging him every 10 minutes"

"He will respond hes probably in surgery or on a big case. We need to get Doctor Webber, Bailey and Altman to have a look at the scans then probably surgery" Eden told Lexie who went off to get the doctors they needed.

Eden walked out of the scan room to be meet with Daisy on her bed waiting for Eden.

"You know already" Eden sighed crossly with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Yes yes i did, I have bladder cancer" Daisy admitted.
"Thats now spread to your lungs, your not here visiting a friend are you"

"No, Rory told me how good you are that you come from a family of surgeons so i thought"
"Oh Daisy" Eden sighed.
"I know its stupid but if i went to a doctor at home and got treated at home my parents would just panic again"

"Daisy i cant do surgery without an attending but we are going to find the surgeon thats can help you okay"
"Thank you Eden. You know Rory was right" Daisy smiled as Eden started to gently push he rbed to the ward

"Your kind, you havent judged me once, If i went to McKenzie she would have yelled at me while i coughed up blood telling me how stupid i was, how insensitive i was being but you even when you knew i already knew youve been gently and im guessing Rorys been paged because you cant keep this from him" Daisy guessed.
"He has been paged but not answered"

"I know you two have only been together a short while but i think your perfect for each other and cant wait to call you my sister in law"

"Hey i was" Rory started to say to Eden as she walked out of a patient room then he caught sight of the patient "Is that... that cant be... why is Daisy in a patient bed. Eden please dont tell me her cancers back" Rory begged scared and confused not really a good mix of emotions.

"Yes that is Daisy i found her in the ER, she coughed up blood, its back, her cancer" Eden told him, each word she spoke his face changed it started off scared and confused then listening then thinking then fear then his face was hidden behind his hands.

Eden didnt carry on she  just wrapped her arms around rory pulling him close to her as she placed the scans in his hands for him to have the answers he needed.

"Its bladder cancer thats spread to her lungs." Rory read
"Webber, Bailey and Altman are looking at the scans now deciding the best surgical plan" Eden explained further.

"Im sorry i never told you" Rory apologised as the hug was broken
"Why are you apologising, Rory you didnt have to tell me, i dont expect you to tell me every single part of your life toll you met me" Eden smiled sweetly.
"How did i get so lucky" rory kissed Eden embracing her.
"I ask myself that question every day about you not myself" Eden laughed at her mistake as a smile grew on Rorys face cheering him up.

"Go go in and see your sister. Give me your phone i will ring your family and tell them whats happened" Eden smiled as the couple shared a small kiss as they broke apart.

The surgerical plan had been made, the tumor was coming out they were sure they could get it all, when Daisy woke up she would have her whole family waiting for her seeing her through this together as they always did.
Daisys surgeons had requested Eden but she felt that Rory needed her more than she needed the surgerical lesson.

"Hey hows it going?" Eden smiled as she fell in the chair next to Rory in the gallery.
"They have just started, Ooh you bought me coffee" Rory smiled wrapping his arm round Edens shoulder needing the comfort.

"I dont tall about, Daisys cancer because its not my story to share even though she is very proud of it" Rory explained.
"I get it, Rory you really dont need to explain yourself"
"Eden we are getting married, most soon to be married couples know most things about each other" Rory said in even more detail.
"If i knew everything about you then we would have nothing new to talk about. Rory you only know roughly what living with my mum was like, i have never told you the details" Eden reasurred him.
"Rory, if you ever want to tell me i will always listen" Eden continued.

"She was 2 when she was first diagnosed, she hadnt yet started walking concerning my parents, they took her to the doctors to find out Daisy had bone cancer, it was intense all the treatments. We didnt see her months at a time when we saw her she was always skinnier and paler. When ever we went to the hospital the doctors were always so nice to us and Daisy that is when i wanted to be a doctor. Daisy thought bravely and fiercly for 5 years. When she was cancer free mum and dad pulled us out of school started to home school us, bought a camper van and we travelled around the country in our classroom making memories that we missed out on in the 5 years. When daisy was 12 her balance became rubbish, she was able to stand on one foot for ages and do somersaults but over night that ability was gone, she suffered from chronic headaches so bad that she would spend her time in her bed not wanting to join in with the family time that she loved then came the siezure out of no where she was rushed to hospital and we found out the cancer was back but in her brain. It was unimaginable to think that cancer could be more intense and aggressive than the bone cancer but the brain cancer was, we were given a time frame after a year of brain cancer, the doctors pulled our parentsnout of the room we knew it was bad when we heard both our parents sobbing she was given 6 months but i wasn't going to let that happen so i researched best cancer hospitals thats how we ended up in San fransico and  i went to college there they got her in a trail and she lived. You know Daisy is one of yhe most strongest people i know, even through the cancer she always tried her hardest to smile at us not to scare us. Im a doctor because of her because of her cancer."

Eden didnt say anything she just laid her head on his shoulder, watching Daisy become cancer free.

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