Changed Since Texas / Post Ma...

By postylove74

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Charlotte (Charlie) Roman and Austin Post have always been great friends, but will his fame change who he is... More

Authors Note


319 10 2
By postylove74

"What was that you were going to say about rushing things?" Austin asked me with a chuckle, our sweaty bodies still laying against each other as he slowly started to ravish my sticky neck with several sweet kisses as I moved strands of my hair from my forehead that was littered with drops of sweat.

"I don't remember" I laughed as I slowly drug my fingers down his naked back. "You seem to have made every logical thought drift from my head" I said, his face lifting from my neck as he smiled down at me, his gorgeous baby blues making my heart flutter as he pressed a soft and sweet kiss to my lips.

"That was the goal you know," he said, his eyes glinting with laughter as he was gauging me for my response. "And don't look at it as rushing things baby girl, I don't know I just feel like Austy needs a playmate and I would love to do the Daddy thing from the beginning" he said, my eyebrows raising as I looked up at him.

"So that's what this is" I said with a chuckle as I playfully pushed him off of me as I scooted to the end of the bed pulling on my shorts and throwing my top over my head so I could make my way down the hall without having to worry about being caught with no clothes. There was already a close call for that today, I didn't need for it to happen again.

"What?" he asked as he propped himself up on his left arm to look at me with a coy smile on his lips.

"Nothing," I laughed, shaking my head as I started to head towards the door before thinking twice as I walked back towards him and sat on the bed. "Baby, I know that you missed out on so much with Austy as far as being there for him and helping me raise him" I paused, my hand reaching out as I pushed the frizzy hair that was framing his face back on his head. "But we have the rest of our lives ahead of us to grow our family, and believe me I want to grow it with you so bad" I smiled, his face looking sad even though he managed for a smile to spread across his lips.

"I'm not trying to push you into having a baby before you're ready Charlotte. I guess I was just looking for clarification that if it happened that you wouldn't be upset about it" he said, his eyes looking down at the pile of sheets that laid before him, his fingers carelessly pulling at a string on my comforter. I reached out my left hand putting it under his chin as I tilted his head up to look at me.

"Austin, I love you so much. You never have to worry that I would be upset if we had another baby. I'm sorry if I came off harsh or making it sound like I would never want to do that with you again. I'm just trying to take things one step at a time here" I laughed, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he nodded his head.

"But you're right, if it happens it happens and I know that I would be elated" I smiled, his eyes getting that familiar glint back to them as he leaned into me placing a delicate kiss on my lips.

"I love you Charlotte" he said with a smile, his arm reaching up to pull me down on the bed as he hovered himself over me, my body automatically ready to succumb to whatever he wanted, but my brain telling me that it was time to pump the brakes.

"Austin" I laughed, my hands coming up to cover my face. "I can't do it again" I said peeking at him through my parted fingers as I felt his hand slide down between my stomach and the waist of my shorts, his fingers slowly sliding through my dripping folds as I took in a sharp breath.

"But your body tells me different Charlotte" he whispered into my ear before grabbing my lobe between his teeth and tugging hard, a low moan leaving my lips as I started to drag my fingers through my long hair.

"Fuck, fine. Just one more time" I said, my hand wrapping around the back of his neck as I pulled him into me, crashing our lips together as I quickly became unclothed beneath him, visiting the world of beautiful sin one more time.


"So what time do you guys need to be at the airport?" my Mom asked as we were finishing up dinner.

She had thought it appropriate to go all out and cook my favorite meal before I walked out of the door, leaving the old life I knew as I headed into a new life filled with surprises behind every door. I took a bite of the juicy pot roast she had cooked, savoring the moment knowing that I would never get anything that was home cooked like this for a long time-unless of course I made it myself-before grabbing my water and taking a long drink.

"We have to be there by 8:00. My manager has it set up so that we can get through security quickly and board the plane" Austin said, his hand resting on my thigh as he started to rub it slowly.

"You're not in private jet status yet?" my Dad asked, his tone slightly cheeky as I shot him a gaze across the table. It was very clear that he was still not happy that I was leaving to go be with Austin and my Dad being my Dad he was doing everything in his power so we both knew that without coming right out and saying it.

"Uhm no sir not quite yet but soon" Austin said kindly as he flashed him a smile, my Mother also gazing down at my Dad as if she was appalled he would say something like that.

"What are you two looking at? I was simply asking a question" he said shaking his head as he started cutting into his pot roast again.

"Daddy, can I have more carrots please?" Austy asked Austin as he held his lion plate out for Austin to fill.

"Sure buddy" Austin said happily as he grabbed the plate from him and threw a few carrots on it before cutting them up into toddler sized pieces and handed it back to him. "Is that good?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you" he said as he flashed a smile at Austin before continuing to eat his food. I couldn't help but smile at the interaction, Austin seeming to step right into the role he seemed to be made for without even thinking twice about it. I knew that LA was going to be hectic and that Austin was going to be busy, but I also could see how much he loved his little boy and I knew right there that he was going to do his best to give Austy as much time as he possibly could.

We finished up with dinner a few minutes later, the tension starting to escalate after my Dad's last comment about Austin not having a private jet just yet. Needless to say I was glad when I saw my Mom start to clean up the dishes from the table as I was all too eager to assist.

"I'm going to go out to the garage, call me before you are leaving" he said, his tone half sad as he pushed his chair in and headed outside, Austin's eyes following him until he quietly closed the door behind him.

"Mrs. Roman I know that the both of you are really skeptical about all of this," he said as he put his arm around me and pulled me close to him, "but I promise that I've changed. I know it is hard to believe after some of the stuff that I've done to Charlotte but I promise you that isn't me, not anymore" Austin said, as if he was pleading for at least one of my parents to give him a fair shot that didn't imply heavy skepticism.

"Oh Austin" my Mom said as she tilted her head to look at him, her hands resting on the table top as she gave him a sweet stare. "Like I've said to you before honey, I promise to give you a fair shot at this. Just from watching you since you've been here you do seem that you are taking all of this very seriously and it seems like Austy has already really taken a liking to you" she said as she continued to pick up things from the table.

"And I think Tim is willing to give you a fair shot too, he just has a weird way of showing things" she said as she stopped in front of us on the way to the refrigerator.

"Yeah, Dad hasn't changed much" I said to Austin as I looked up at him with a smile. "He's like this with me too. You should've seen him when I decided that I didn't want to finish with school" I laughed as I stood on my tiptoes and put a quick kiss to his lips before pulling away to help my Mom with the dishes.

"Austin, I think you and Charlotte are going to be just fine as long as you are there for each other, are open with each other and make time for each other. I think that that is the only way that this is truly going to work" she said with a smile as she wrapped her arms around Austin giving him a quick hug before she came over next to me.

"Thanks Mrs. Roman I really appreciate it" he said as he leaned up against the island. "Charlotte, I am going to put the bags in the car and switch over Austy's seat and then maybe take him to the park if that's okay" Austin said to me, his eyebrows raised as I turned around to look at him.

"That sounds great baby. Do you want me to go to the park with you?" I asked him with a smile, half impressed that he felt like he was ready to take that step on his own, but also half worried that something was going to go wrong.

"Uhm no I think we'll be okay. Plus I think you should spend some time with your Mom before you leave" he said with a shy smile as I nodded my head, my eyes following him as he started to make his way towards our bags that were sitting at the end of the stairs.

"So are you really ready for this Charlotte or are you doing this because you feel like if you said no you would never get this chance again and you would have to live without him for the rest of your life" my Mom said when Austin was safely outside and out of earshot, Austy following behind him as I watched him trying to help his Daddy in the same way he always tried to help my Dad with things.

I quickly shook the soap off of my hands and grabbed the striped blue and white towel that lay folded neatly on the counter next to the sink, wiping my hands clean of any water or left over soap as I leaned against the counter.

"A bit of both I guess" I said quietly, afraid to look at her knowing that I was going to break into a fit of tears if I did.

"Have you talked to Austin about this?" she asked, her hand coming up to rest on my shoulder as she tried to catch my gaze that was still focused on the sink.

"Yes and no. In a roundabout way I kind of told him that I was worried our life together wasn't going to be what I've wanted but I never really hinted towards taking this leap because I was afraid I'd never get another chance" I said as I dared a look at her before quickly turning my gaze away again. "But I do want this Mom, I feel like we need this. Not just him and I but Austy too. What I did was wrong and I never should've kept him from Austin" I said, feeling tears start to brim over my waterline as they ran a few inches down my face before falling to their end on the fabric of my shirt.

"Honey you thought you were doing what was best" she said rubbing my back as I started to cry.

"But after seeing the way they are with each other Mom, how they instantly clicked I know that it was wrong. Austy could've had this connection so long ago and things may have been so different by now. I took his Dad away from him and now that I have a chance to give him back to him I am going to take it" I said looking up at her as I threw myself into her arms.

"And what if things don't go right? What if when you are back and Austin goes back to working after taking the first week off to spend with you guys, Austy starts getting sad and asking questions as to why his Dad isn't spending time with him" my Mom said, still holding me as I cried heavily on her shoulder.

"Then I'll explain it. I'll do my best to make him understand what Austin does and how he still loves him. His job just demands a lot from him" I said, the thought sounding better in my head than it did coming out in words.

"And what are you going to do when the time comes and Austin has to go to this appearance and go to this club and you can't go" she asked me, as I pulled away from her shaking my head.

"Your implying what am I going to do when he goes alone and ends up cheating on me" I said, a look of hurt and disbelief on my face as I continued to shake my head at her. "After what he just told you, you still think that that is going to happen" I said as I backed away from her.

"Honey please don't be upset with me" she said as she held her hand out for me that I didn't take. "But you just need to understand where you're dad and I are coming from with all of this. I want to give him a clean slate but I can't wipe it completely clean after the days I saw you broken in two" she said, her look pleading as I continued to shake my head.

"I can't believe it," I said, shaking my head as I folded my hands across my chest. "I mean I didn't expect you to be my cheerleader, but I thought you would think better than that. But you're just like Dad, always letting the negative thoughts lurk inside your mind" I said letting out a breath as I continued to shake my head.

"Charlotte I just want you to be careful, I don't want you to let your guard down completely. I want you to go into this happy but also with a bit of hesitation" she said.

"Well Mom you're right about that. I am going in happy, happy that I am finally giving my son his real family, happy that I'm finally letting his Dad be a part of his life and happy that I'm finally getting to be able to take this step with Austin" I said before letting out a disbelieving chuckle. "And I'm also going into this with hesitation but not for what my life is going to be like but hesitation that my parents really aren't on my side, they are just pretending to be happy because I'm 22 and deep down they know there is nothing they can do to stop me" I said turning around as I headed out the side door, running quickly as I made my way towards the park, being with Austin and our son the only thing I wanted to do.


We pulled out of my parents driveway just a few minutes after the three of us returned from the park. It was a little bit of an awkward goodbye after the conversation my Mom and I had in the kitchen and the childish way my Father was acting at dinner. I was most worried about Austy however, but he seemed to take it surprisingly well as he gave them a happy wave from the back of the window and told them that he loved them. It wasn't a surprise to see my Mom cry as she watched us drive away, not knowing if the tears were because she was losing Austy, losing me, losing the both of us or over the way we ended things before I left. Regardless I knew that I wasn't going to be mad at her long and all would be forgiven after the first call I gave her while I was in LA.

We pulled up to the first stop sign, Austin grabbing my hand in his as he gave it a small squeeze before looking over at me, his head tilted to the side as he started asking me what appeared to be a very serious question.

"It isn't too late for me to turn around baby girl. I can take you back home and we can figure out how to make this work between us. I don't have to take you away to be with you" he said as I shook my head at him with a laugh.

"Austin are you trying to give me an out? Are you getting cold feet!?" I asked him with a chuckle as he quickly turned his head away from me before returning my gaze, his teeth resting between his lip.

"No baby girl. To be honest that would be the last thing I want you to do. I don't want to live without you anymore but I also don't want to be selfish. I want you to do what you feel is right not what you think I want you to do" he said as I gazed into the crystal blue eyes that I have missed so much, a horn beeping behind us bringing me back to reality. "Well Charlotte now or never" he said.

The car horn beeped another time as Austin held his hand out the window, patiently and anxiously waiting for me to answer.

"Baby there is nothing more for me to want then to start our life together like we should've done three and a half years ago" I smiled, as he couldn't contain his excitement. He flipped on the right turn signal that would take us to the highway as he slowly pulled away from the stop sign, our new adventure lurking on the horizon waiting for us to tackle it head on as we welcomed the good and the bad things that came along with it.


A/N: There's no turning back from this point forward.... Or this there? What do you think their relationship has in store for them? As always thanks for reading, liking and commenting!

5-1-21: I Know You're Scared of the Unknown
5-2-21: What happens In Vegas

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