Avalon Isn't What It Used To...

By A_L_untold

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My mother says my endless curiosity and my need to venture is a curse. Though, I know she only says that beca... More

Chapter 1: Avalon to Otherworld
Chapter 2: Stupid Squirrels
Chapter 3: Fae-Ri
Chapter 4: What are 'Shoes'
Chapter 5: Ori-gon?
Chapter 6: Coin
Chapter 7: 2 Months
Chapter 8: The limb
Chapter 9: Grounded
Chapter 11: Moss
Chapter 12: 6 months
Chapter 13: Countdown
Chapter 14: Dancing Hearts
Chapter 15: Too Small
Chapter 16: I Missed You
Chapter 17: Broken Promises
Chapter 18: Secrets
Chapter 19: Recalling the First
Chapter 20: I love you
Chapter 21: Heaven
Chapter 22: Returned
Chapter 23: Consecration
Chapter 24: Sweetheart
Chapter 25: Twitterpated
Chapter 26: Intertwining Worlds
Chapter 27: Coming Clean
Chapter 28: More like, Peter Pan.
Chapter 29: Alm
Chapter 30: Rob
Chapter 31: Thanksgiving
Chapter 32: The Great Christmas Mage
Chapter 33: Trapped
Chapter 34: Tripped into the Past
Chapter 35: Emotional
Chapter 36: Shrunk
Chapter 37: The Dress
Chapter 38: Meeting Maya
Chapter 39: Vows
Epilogue: 2 Years Later

Chapter 10: Grounded

229 7 0
By A_L_untold

The next morning, I woke up with a stretch, and before I could turn over to tell my tree good morning, I realized I wasn't at home. I sat up slowly on my makeshift cloth bed and looked around Owens room. For the first time, his room seemed... too big.

The light from Owens window told me it had to be late morning, which would explain why Owen wasn't there. I reached over the side of my makeshift bed, I grabbed the spirit elixir from my pack. I took two sips before plugging it and putting it back in my pack, and then taking out my canteen for a sip of water.

I sat there on the bed, still half covered, looking down at my canteen. What would I do if I didn't get my wings back? Would I have to live with Owen forever? How could I even ask that of him? I knew that some Fae who exhausted their magic weren't able to get it all back. And the thought of losing my new sense of freedom frustrated me. 

"AWGH"! I groaned plopping back on the bed and covered myself with my blanket, then kicked my canteen off the bed.

"AWGHAHFH- AHH-RRGAGWH"! I thrashed around my cloth bed, and when I stopped, I could feel that one leg was completely exposed and the other, partially, though thankfully my face was still covered. Suddenly, I heard a breathy chuckling, followed by the thudding of human footsteps growing louder before the sound ceased altogether. Owen.

"That good huh"? He chuckled out.

"Sensational", I said holding up a finger before plopping it back on the bed, the blanket still covering my face only barely muffled my words. I heard fabric ruffling, and figured Owen sat down on his bed next to me.

"Do you want to talk about it"? He pried gently.

"Never again", I retorted monotonously.

I could hear him laugh to himself, when I felt a heavy pressure on my thigh before my blanket lifted from my body. I laid still but turned my head to the large brown eyes that always seemed so concerned with me.

"Aren't you supposed to be working, or something? You don't have any plans"? My intonation stayed even and low.


I peered at him, "You canceled to babysit me didn't you".

He bobbed his head back and forth, "I pushed some errands out for work, but as far as plans go... I was hoping I could take you somewhere".

I turned my head back towards the ceiling in mock contemplation, "Mm, No", I said and turned back to him.

He laughed harder, "What do you mean, 'No' ? Normally you beg me to take you places".

I just stared at him and blinked slowly a few times. The kindness in his eyes pulled at my heart and the thought of somewhere new made my stomach flip; but, I remained stoic. I was so upset with myself; as if losing my magic and wings wasn't pitiful and demeaning enough, I had to go and have a breakdown in front of a human.

"Come with me... please", he pleaded gently.

I peered at him again, "You think you can win me over just by fluttering those big brown eyes, and say please and I'll just do whatever you want"?

He rolled his eyes, and when his gazed returned to mine his expression showed his indignation. His jaw tensed as he breathed harshly. "Ri, either you come willingly, or I will force you to come with me".

My eyes grew angry, and I glared at him, "You wouldn't dare".

His lips tensed and the storm in his eyes matched the fire in my own. I flinched as he reached forward and pinched my ankle between his thumb and index finger and began to drag me off my bed, "want to test me"?

"Alright! Alright!" I yelled as he pulled me down my bed, the venom in my voice quickly turning into laughter. "Alri-ght! Al-ri-ght"! I laughed out, and sat up at the foot of my cloth bed to see his expression softened again. Truthfully, I thought the pressure of his grip would have been stronger.

"Fine, Owen", I chuckled out. "Where are we going"?

"You'll see", he smiled, "Now change or whatever you need to do. We are leaving in.." he looked down at the 'clock' on his wrist, "8 minutes".

"Okay, okay", I waved him away. I took another sip of my water and braided my hair but decided I didn't want to change out of my silver dress.

A few minutes later he knocked on the frame, "ready"?

"As I'll ever be", I retorted. He entered the room and walked up to the nightstand I was waiting on. He bent over, as I prepared myself to be lifted like the last few times. I was taken completely off guard when he simply scooped me off the table.

"Owen"! I screamed clutching onto his index finger. My breath was nearly lost in surprise as he brought me to his chest. I just stayed quiet, hoping that if I didn't complain, he wouldn't do that again.

"Sorry", he chuckled apologetically.

He walked us down stairs, and grabbed the chunk of clanging metal, before taking us out the door and toward the truck. He opened the door to the truck, and looked down at me in warning.

"Hold tight", he said and I obeyed. He leaned in and lifted me over to a small padded pit in the truck, "Go ahead", he said softly.

And I realized he wasn't going to loosen his grip until I did. I slowly released his finger and he loosened his grip just enough to allow me to climb into the hole myself.

He disappeared and after some brief odd banging noise, he climbed into the truck closing the door behind him, and inserted one of the metal sticks into a matching slot which brought the truck to roaring life.

"What is that"! I shouted and covered my ears. Suddenly the roaring died down to a more amiable level and I slowly uncovered my ears looking up at Owen with wide eyes.

"It's called an engine".

"For the love of Fae", I cursed, "Why is it necessary"?

"It's what makes the truck move", he chuckled and then looked out the wall of glass in front of him as he pulled a lever down.

He held the wheel in front of him constantly, and as he turned it, I swayed to the opposite direction. I sat down, in my whole, and wished I could fly away. I didn't want to talk or go anywhere. Though I know that I agreed to it, I still felt as if I had no choice but to agree to go.

Truthfully, I trusted Owen with my life. But what I didn't trust, was that I would be able to keep my resolve around him. I knew that slowly but surely he'd break down walls I had built for a reason; and that  can't happen.

"What is this anyway"? I asked gesturing to the padded hole.

"Its uh," he chuckled, "fairy holder".

My face went blank, "Ha, ha. What is it really"?

He chuckled to himself again and looked down at me with a soft playful grin, "It's a cup holder with a hand towel in it".

"Oh", I giggled.

The movement came to a halt, and I looked up to see Owen pulling the metal stick from the trucks slot. He sighed before looking down at me. As he moved his hand over to me I stood up, and he gently scooped me out of the hole. He brought me to his chest and allowed me a second to adjust before he climbed out of the truck. I saw a dark and dingy building, with rusty metal door, and my anxiety soared. I didn't have magic or flight. Owen was the only protection I had and I realised it was the first time I was truly fearful of an unknown place.

Owen walked us up to the door confidently and began to unlock the large metal door. As he pulled it open, I saw the darkness and turned into his chest burying my face in fistfuls of his shirt as I tried to focus on his heartbeat.

I heard a click, and then the familiar sound of the clanging metal being set down on a surface. I held tight to Owen as I felt his steps slow and then cease.

"Ri, come on. We're here", he said, his warm breath rushing past me with his thumb rubbing up and down my back. Though, initially it startled me. I slowly peaked up to see small dim floating lights along the ceiling, and walls decorated with trinkets and photographs. I released my grip on his shirt and then quickly looked up at him and felt a tingle of worry. 

My Fae empathy is working, that's a good sign

"I'm Okay. You can put me down", I assured him. Slowly and gently he did just that. He set me on a very long tall wooden counter. On one side were about 8 round tables, and on the other, a wall decorated with vastly diverse bottles. He braced himself on his palms leaning against the wood counter in front of the wall of bottles.

"What is this place", I asked spinning around slowly, so many different things catching my eye.

"This is a Bar".

"A bar", I repeated slowly, signaling to him that I didn't know the term.

"People come here to forget their worries, drown their sorrows, or just to have fun".

"Delightful", I chuckled, understanding why he brought me here, "now how exactly do they do that"? My eyes still wandering.

"By getting drunk", he stated playfully.

I belted out a laugh and spun to face him. "I know that  word", I said and walked closer to him.

"Pick your poison", he gestured to the wall of bottles behind him.

I sighed, "I'm going to guess you don't have honey-wine".

He looked mockingly offended, before he disappeared into a hallway by the front door. After a minute he returned with a green bottle in hand.

"NO"! I shouted, "You actually have it"?

"I'm not sure how good it is, but it says its Honey-wine". He opened the bottle, grabbed a small glass, and poured some into it. Though the small human glass was still clearly way too big for me. He grabbed a knife as well as a rectangular piece of metal from under the wooden counter.

I watched him open the metal quickly, and a flame appeared that he used 2 heat the metal surface of the blade. After a minute he grabbed a plastic tube and placed the heated part of the blade onto the tube which not only cut the tube, but sealed it as well.

The realisation hit me like a raindrop. "Are you making me a cup"? I laughed out.

"Of course I am", he said proudly and smiled down at me. He funneled the honey wine from glass, using a smaller red tube, and then funneled it into the makeshift cup. He reached toward me, and I gladly took the offered cup of honeywine from between his fingers.

"Thank you", I said, my heart warming at the familiar scent. And I watched him pour himself a glass of brown liquid. I took a sip, and he followed suite. This was not Avalonian honeywine, but it was close enough.

"So why are we here? Drink to forget? Drown our Sorrows? Or just for fun"?

"None of the above", he smiled at me and I watched him walk over to the other side of the counter, and sit on a stool in front of me. "I brought you here, because it's my favorite place".

He looked around with pride.

"And why is that", I said and took another sip before sitting down in front of him.

"This was my moms bar", he smiled, and then looked down at his glass. Outwardly, his smile looked the same, but I could see the pain behind it. I took another sip as he continued.

"If you think you have wonderful magic, you should have met my mom." His smiled brightened immediately, "She had this way about her... And it wasn't just me that saw it", he looked at me briefly with wide eyes, "Anyone who would walk in here would find exactly what they need".

"Like honeywine", I smiled.

"Like honeywine", he laughed softly with a nod. "I would do my homework by the back window and watch people... change. They'd come in here ready to fight or cry, or whatever the issue... And then they would leave a completely different person".

"...Incredible", I noted softly.

"And when things went south with my company, I spent nearly every night here", he looked into his glass again watching and the liquid drift from side to side as he tipped his glass.

"And", I asked eagerly.

"And I haven't found my answers yet", he looked at me with soulful eyes. "My mom left me the bar, and the house when she passed away", he spoke softly still searching his glass, "and I basically let them fall apart because the memories were too painful at the time... I pursued meaningless goals, like wealth, and corporate success. And... it all came crumbling down on top of me".

I breathed out softly, completely taken with how easily he could talk about something so painful for him.

"But, this Bar.. the house.. everything my mom loved, was there to pick up the pieces".

I took a huge gulp of honeywine trying to hold back tears, as I looked around the bar with new respect. He took a large sip of the strong smelling liquid, and hissed briefly after he swallowed.

He looked down at me, "I brought you here because, maybe you'll find answers... maybe it will help you pick up the pieces..or maybe... maybe you just needed a drink". A playful grin grew on his face.

"I really think I did", I laughed. "I also think, I could use a refill". I held up my cup with a smile. He laughed and got up from his seat and grabbed the large glass of honey wine with the red tube and brought it closer to our seats.

"What are these tubes called anyway", I asked as he refilled my cup.

"Straws", he answered, handing me the full cup.

"St-r-aw", I pronounced before I took another sip.


I woke up the next day, to the sight of small pieces of orange on plastic next to my cloth bed. I got up and started eating almost immediately, but after a few bites I set the slice back down.

I chugged some water from my canteen, and then put that back in my pack. I tried to conjur my wings... nothing. I looked at the pile of orange that Owen had left me, but the sweet gesture left a bitter taste in my mouth. I was restless and discontented over the fact that I felt powerless.

"Awgh"! I groaned. Am I just supposed to wait here for Owen?  I asked myself. I grabbed the bottle of my Spirit Elixir and was about to drink it when I stopped myself. I put it back in my pack and stood up angrily. 

I don't need help... No. I am Ri-ae-ya Marshely... I left Avalon for freedom and adventure, and by the Fae, I SHALL HAVE IT! I stormed over to the edge of the nightstand. 

"Even if it's just figuring out how to get off this table", I mumbled to myself looking over the edge.

Maybe... No. No Ri, I told myself, You're necklace is for dire emergencies only. I huffed in annoyance. I turned to my left and looked towards Owen's bed and tried to think about how I would go about this... "Bed. Pillow to ground. Jump"? I spoke to myself.

OR, bed, blanket-rope, ground.

I nodded, and pushed my cloth bed backwards to give myself a good running start. I walked to the end on the table, and took off running, and then launched myself onto Owens unmade bed.

"Not bad Ri," I said to myself as I sat up on his bed. I stood up, and walked to the opposite end of his bed, and grunted as I pulled the heavy blanket giving the it more slack on the other side that was already close to the ground. I jogged back over to the ledge and saw that I had indeed, pulled it enough.

I laid down on the blanket, and shimmied my way over the ledge and continued all the way down. I looked up the blanket, completely pleased with myself, before I turned to walk off the blanket. I was just about off Owens blanket when my footing gave way, and I tumbled with a grunt.

"Oh-k", I grumbled nearly knocked out. "That hurt the pride", I grunted to myself as I slowly stood up and stepped of the blanket. I released a large breath, and then walked along the floor and out into the hallway. I made my way over to the stairs and looked down.

"8", I said to myself after counting, and bobbed my head back and forth. "Doable, maybe if only for me", I convinced myself. I laid on the ground and slid myself over the edge allowing my arms to lower myself down as far as I could.

"Okay Ri, test of strength. 1,2,3—". I allowed myself to drop to the stair, I hit my feet and then rolled with fluidity.

"Alright". I huffed quietly and stood up checking myself, "Not bad...now 7 more". Following the step's I took on the first stair, I repeated myself; 7 more times. Though winded, I made it to the bottom without a scratch, but I knew I'd feel sore later.

Alright, I thought to myself as I slowly caught my breath while I walked toward the door; trying my hardest not to hobble. How in Avalon am I going to open this door. I huffed and put my hands on my hips, as I looked around. I peered at the wooden chair nearby.

"I think that will work", I said to myself and looked at the door handle, "Knowing Owen.. it's not locked". 

I looked around one more time, not seeing, or liking any other option. I made my way over to the chair nearest the door at the end of the table. After a second of deep breaths, I pushed the chair leg as hard as I could. And it moved, if only an inch... Maybe if I pull. I walked around to the other leg and pulled with everything I had. It moved a bit more. I went around to push again, and alternated between push and pull when finally, after 10 minutes, I got the chair close enough and facing the right direction.

Thank the Fae we are stronger than we look, I huffed.

I walked to the edge of the middle support of the chair and pushed up as hard as I could, trying to tip the chair so that the backrest would catch the lever and open the door. I pushed again and it barely moved.I breathed deeply a few times, knowing I would need to use every ounce of strength I had.  One more time Ri and jump on the last push, I told myself. The chair, slowly, tipped over, and then crashed down to the floor on its back, just barely missing the handle.

"OH FOR THE LOVE OF—oh—I guess that will do". 

I climbed up the middle support and pulled myself onto the leg just under the door handle. On my second jump I was able to reach the lever that just barely moved under my weight. I swung myself back and forth to pull the lever down just enough allowing the door to open just a sliver. I swung myself one more time and froze as the door creaked open slowly, stopping as it hit the chair leg just below me. Releasing the handle, I dropped to the chair leg, and then slid my way down the way I had climbed up. I was beaming with accomplishment as I I walked outside with my arms raised in victory and swore all of the surrounding trees were cheering me on.

I proudly walked the length of the house and turned the corner, only to see Owen at the other end of the house walking in my direction.

"Oh for Fae's Sake", I turned and bolted towards the brush behind me, but it was too late. I was spotted.


I made it safely into the brush just before he passed the corner of the house, slowing his jog to a halt. I breathed hard and silently as I watched his feet turn and walk off towards the house.

I giggled at the sound of chair scraping the floor, "What the..". 

A moment later, Owen quickly came back outside his thudding steps growing louder as he neared the thick bush that was hiding me.

"Ri"? I could hear the confusion almost to the brink of worry in his tone, but I was way too proud to come out. I did not work that hard, just to get brought back inside.

"Ri, I know you're out here, come on".

I giggled quietly, enjoying my game of escape.

"Seriously, Ri", he waited, but I just giggled into my hand as I watched the large shoes turn from side to side in front of my hiding place.

"Did I do something wrong"?

Oh-h, not that again, I could feel the shame growing in my chest. "NO"! I shouted and watched the shoes turn towards my bush. I thought for sure he would dive into the Bush to retrieve me, so I hid behind the base of the Bush not yet willing to give up my taste of freedom.

But, nothing. I heard the rustling of fabric and peaked around the base of the bush to see that, in true blue Owen fashion, he had just sat down on the concrete in front of my hiding spot.

"Are you 'gonna come out and talk to me"? He asked with a brief light chuckle.

I shouted quickly, "Are you going to take me back inside"?

"Not if you don't want me to", he said slowly in confusion, nearly sounding wounded by my rebuttal.

It took me a minute as I walked through a few bushes to the right, toward the stone bench in the brush across from the front door. I walked under the bench and around its stone leg to see Owen sitting with his arms propped on his legs, as he staired at the ground patiently. I tried to bury my smile as I crossed my arms and leaned against the stone next to me.

"Well, its nice to know you wouldn't if I didn't want you to"! I shouted. His head turned towards me immediately, though it took his eyes a few seconds to find me.

When his gaze met mine he released a sigh, "Ri, what's going on"?

"Nothing. I just wanted to go outside", I shrugged, and thankfully was far enough away to where he couldn't see my amused grin.

He raised a brow. "And you couldn't just wait for me"? He chuckled out.

"Nope", I said loudly pushing off the stone with my arms still crossed. I could hear him laugh softly as I meandered my way towards the orchard.

"Where are you going"?

"Are you not coming"? I shouted back at him as I continued walking.

"Where are we  going"?

"Does anyone ever  know where they are going"? I said loudly. After a second of silence, I stopped and turned around to see he was still in the same seated position, shaking his head at me with a grin. I put my hands on my hips, and watched him laugh softly as he scratched his head.

"Alright," he breathed with another shake of his head as he stood up. I turned back and made my way into the Orchard as Owen followed me slowly. The walk took us 10 minutes considering my fae sized strides. A cherry, I want a cherry...

I paused under the cherry tree looking up when I heard Owen laugh. I looked back to see he him proceeding to sit down against the orange tree.

"What are you laughing at"? I peered at him.

He shook his head light-heartedly, "It's just nice to see your lack of wings hasn't changed your spirit".

My head bobbed back and forth as I turned away to hide my proud grin and made my way towards the wheelbarrow against the dead tree neighboring the cherry tree. As I made my way towards the wheelbarrow I looked up into the canopy and carefully mapped my path. When I made it to the wheelbarrow, I climbed atop the 'tire', and stepped off onto the tires side bracket. I ran up the side piece of wood on the wheelbarrow and jumped up to reach the ledge of the red bucket.

I swung my leg around and pulled myself up, and carefully crawled along the ledge all the way around the wheelbarrow to where it touched the trunk of the dead tree. Using the trunk for support I pulled myself up right and looked up the trunk. I mapped my climb carefully and quickly; I only had to climb 12 inches to reach the first branch. Grabbing hold of the bark I began my climb, and reached the first branch within a few minutes.

Surprisingly, the climb wasn't as tiring as I thought it would be, so I continued my climb to the second branch that was maybe 24 inches from the first. As I pulled myself up on to the second branch, movement and the sound of rustling caught my attention. I turned towards Owen to see that he had stood up from the ground. I looked towards the Cherry Tree and then to the branch above me.

If I climb up one more branch, I'm 90% sure I wouldn't miss.... I wiped the sweat off my brow and immediately started climbing again, noticing but dismissing Owen's discomfort. I was a Fae on a mission!


"Owen"? I mimicked his concerned tone as I climbed last 4 inches. I pulled myself up onto the last branch that was about 6 ft from the ground. I dusted off my hands and noticed Owen creeping closer.

After stealing a quick glance towards the slowing approaching human, I assumed he figured out what I was doing. But, I had come this far without magic or my wings; I needed  that cherry. Maybe he was hoping I'd back out and ask him for help... Not today.

I took off sprinting along the limb towards the cherry tree and launched myself into its foliage.

"RI"! The booming voice nearly made me lose my grip on the branch I was pulling myself up on. I crawled onto the thicker part of the limb and stood up grabbing the nearest cherry, my ears ringing a bit from Owens volume. My sense of accomplishment was cut short when I turned around and was met with enraged brown eyes.

"Yes"? It was probably the worst response to his concern I could have had, but in truth, the fury in his eyes rattled my nerves.

He rolled his eyes fiercely as all concern for his volume and tone vanished, "Do you have a death wish? You could have killed yourself"!

My fingers pierced the skin of the fruit as I flinched, fully feeling his voice reverberate through my core. If I hadn't just worked so hard to retrieve the cherry in my grasp, I would have dropped it to cover my ears. And it was the first time since we had met that he frightened me.

"Hey—", I said softly.

"What"! This time, my flinch caught his eye.

"I-I just wanted a cherry".

"And you couldn't have asked me"? Though his soft volume returned, his tone was still sharp with fury.


"—Why not"!

"Because that's too easy". Another terrible response. And this one left him speechless. My nerves rattled and I walked into the coverage of the leaves for a breath, reminding myself that he wouldn't hurt me. After a minute, I peeked out from behind my coverage and saw Owen looking down with two fingers on his temple. I knew that look... I felt a hint of his worry but I'm sure if my fae magic were fully restored, I would have felt a tsunami of his fear.

I took a deep breath and walked back out setting the cherry down on the limb. "Owen"?

"Yes". His vexation was nearly palpable, which made me start to fidget with my fingers. He sighed noticing my apprehension and made an effort to soften his features.

"Please don't be angry with me".

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes momentarily, "I'm not.. angry. You fucking scared me". He rubbed a hand down his face, "I understand you feel helpless right now, but that doesn't mean you have to almost kill yourself to prove your still you... or whatever this was all about".

I giggled a bit trying to lighten the mood, "Owen, you sound like my mother".

He chuckled, most likely in disbelief, "I have the upmost respect for your mother if this is what you put her through for 700 years".

I shrugged with a guilty grin. And he responded with another sigh. "Can I please take you back inside now"?

"Yes, yes", I conceded and gestured for him to put his hand out for me, as I picked up my cherry.

He held up two cupped hands, and I tossed the cherry in before hopping in myself. 

"Thank you", He said softly as he walked us back toward the house.

"Just so you know, if you do that to me again, I'm going to lock you in a cage until you get your wings back", he chuckled and raised his brow.

"Yeah, Yeah. But what does fucking  mean"?

"Oh-ho-o-o uhm—it's a curse word meaning.... Ha, you know what, I'll tell you in 100 years".

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