True Alphas

By Trouble-neglects-me

23.2K 463 59

A fan fiction based on my favourite TV show called Teen Wolf. About a true alpha who comes back to her home t... More

True Alphas
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Not an update. But is the trailer!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chatper 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 19

563 11 2
By Trouble-neglects-me


It's been 2 weeks now since I escaped the werewolf hunters. I've managed to put some weight back on so I look some what health again.

After the building collapsed they police search the remains and they didn't find the bodies of Sophie and her son, Luke. They must have escaped. Of course they bloody escaped. How? And will we being seeing them ever again?

Today was my first day back at school since I was taken. I've been off for 2 weeks to regain my strength and to put some weight on so I actually look some what healthy. Scott was off school with me for the first week as he refused to leave my side. Then the second week he was forced to go back to school by his mum. He didn't put up a fight as he knew I was a lot better since he got me back. This past week i've been pretty much working out none stop, apart from friday and saturday. I decided to go out with everyone those days to try and get out for a bit. I've been working out with Derek, uncle Peter, Malia and Scott. 

It was a surprise to see Jackson, but it was a shame that I was to weak and tired the whole time to actually be able to speak to him much or spend anytime with him. He said he will come back soon and visit. 

I've decided to move back in with uncle Peter and Derek and they both said sorry for what they did and how they spoke to me. 

Everyone decided to meet me at school. I quickly got changed into my white crop top with my leather jacket, black jeans and my black vans. I applied my usual make-up, mascara, eye liner and foundation. Then got on my bike and went to school.

I arrived at school and saw Scott and Stiles waiting for me. I get off my bike and grab my bag. "Hey guys," I say. "Hey you okay?" I nod and we walk towards our first class, Econ. 

"SURPRISE!" What the hell. I laugh. There was banners saying Welcome Back and We Missed You. Ahaha. I can't help but laugh. "Nice to have you back Colleen, and I hope you are feeling better." Couch says. People keep coming up to me and telling me how worried they were and how they are happy i'm back. I didn't realise I was liked by that many people. 

We didn't really do much in Econ we just sat there, ate food and spoke to each other. At one point everyone want me to explain what it was like. So for about 10-15 minutes I was sat there telling everyone about it. Everyone seemed really into it, even Couch. 

Soon Econ finished and we went to Chemistry. I really enjoyed Econ. Couch brought food in for us to eat and we had like a like Welcome Back party. 

We arrived at Chemistry. As always the lesson was dull as fuck. The teacher did the register and when it came to my name he just said. "Oh you're back." and continued. 

School finally finished and we headed back to my house. Both Derek and Peter were there. "How was your first day?" Derek asked. "Yeah it was fine. We're just going to revise for the maths test coming up." He nods and lets us go up stairs. 

~3 weeks later~

Nothing much as happened over the past few weeks. Well apart from Malia and I finding out we are cousins. 


We all decided to go and see a film together. Even Liam decided to join us this time. We went to watch Mocking Jay part 1. It was amazing. I was so shocked at the ending. 

After the film we decided to find somewhere to eat. "I vote KFC!!" I shout out. Withing seconds Stiles, Malis, Scott and Liam agree. Lydia takes a while to decide if she wanted KFC. In the end she agreed. Stiles gave Malia his jacket for her to keep warm. She reached into his pocket and found a piece of paper. "Stiles what is this?" She says as she reads. "No don't." He went to grab it but missed. You could tell Malia wasn't very happy with what she was reading.

"Malia I was going to tell you but didn't know when." Stiles says.

"Scott what's going on?" I whisper. "I'll tell you when we go inside and get warm." I nod and watch Malia. She looks at Stiles. "I don't feel so good so i'm going. I'll see you tomorrow." With that she gives the piece of paper to Stiles and leaves. I go to walk after her but Scott grabs me. "Theres no point. I'm sure you to will be speaking about it at some point. Just let here have some space especially with what she just found out." 

We all go into KFC, order our food and sit down. "So tell me whats going on." I ask. Scott and Stiles look at each other. 

"Well basically, we recenlty found out who Malia's real Dad is. This was all due to a deadpool that happened. I think Scott already told you about this right?" Stiles explains. I nod. "And well her real name is Malia Hale." Hale? "Peter's her dad." I look at the four of them with my mouth open. Lydia closes my mouth. "Close your mouth sweetie." If she's uncle Peter's daughter then that means she's my, "She's my cousin!" Scott and Stiles both nod. 

~Next day~

I invited Malia over so we could talk about it. She was upset that Stiles had kept it from her, but she knew that he was waiting for the right time. We couldn't believe that we were cousins. It was amazing. We were close as it is but now we are even closer now that we know this. She hasn't yet spoken to uncle Peter about it. 

After two days she finally spoke to him. She didn't want to, I forced her to. Apprently it was really awkward. 

End Of Flashback

Tonight Scott, Stiles and Liam are playing their rivals in Lacross. We were going to cheer them on and give them all the support they need. The boys are at the school getting ready for the game while we were all at mine getting ready. I put on a pair of white jeans with a blank tank top with black hoodie over the top. I wore my black vans with it. 

Half an hour later we were at the school finding out seats. The game starts in 10 minutes. I just realsied I haven't wished Scott good luck yet. "I'll be back in a minute." I get out my seat and head for the boys changing room. 

I peek through the window and the boys are having their pre game chat. I wait outside for them to come out. 

After 2 minutes of waiting the boys finally leave the changing room. Everyone passes. Scott finally comes out and I grab him and throw my arms around him. "I forgot to say, Good Luck!" He thanks me before putting his hands on my cheeks and pulling me into a kiss. "I love you," he says. "I love you too, Scott." He takes my hand and we walk out together. We get to the pitch, he kisses me on the head and gets into position. 

I go and find my seat by Lydia and Malia. The game starts. Within 5 minutes Scott's team scored a goal. The game goes on and Beacon Hills is losing 2:4. "Come on Scott, WOOO!" We all shout out to Scott, Stiles and Liam.

It's half time. I run to see Scott. "You okay?" He nods. "Yeah but we're losing." I smile. "Why you smiling like that?" he asks. I lower my voice and whipser in his ear. "Well I may have a surprise for you after this game. So I suggest you win." I smile, kiss him and walk away. I look back to see a massive smile on his face.  

The second half of the game begins and within minutes Scott scores. Again and again he scores. Liam also fits in a few goals as well.

1 minute left of the game. Stiles grabs the ball and runs around aimlessly. 'Face palm'. "STILES SCORE. SCORE STILES!" We all shout out to him. He runs towards to goal and scores!!

Everyone cheers as the game finishes. Beacon Hills Win!! The audience run onto the pitch to congratulate the winning team.
Malia and I made it to the pitch first being how we are faster then humans. Malia jumped into Stiles's arms and I jumped into Scott's arm. I wrap me legs around his waist, put my arms around his neck and plant a huge kiss on his lips. "Well done baby boy." I say.

We let the boys go have a shower and go change while we head back to Lydia's house. "So you going for the whole weekend?" Lydia asks. "Yeh, we come back Sunday night."

"Does Derek and Peter know you are going away for the weekend?" Malia asks.

"" I reply. "Later on when I got to get my stuff I was going to tell them I was going to stay at your house this weekend Lydia. If that's okay with you?" I ask.

"Yeah that's perfectly fine." She replies.

"Thanks Lydia."

Soon the boys arrive. After half an hour of celebrating. I take Scott and leave. "Where are we going?" He asks.

"Your'll find out soon but first we need to pop to your house and my house. I just need you to grab 2 sets of clothing, wash gear and swim stuff." I say.

We arrive at Scott's and he goes and gets his stuff ready. "Hey Melissa."

"Hey Coll, how you doing?" She asks.

"A lot better now thanks. I've planned a weekend away for me and Scott as he won his game tonight, is that okay with you?" I ask.

"Yeah that sounds great. I hope you two have fun, but...not too much fun." She responds, as she waves her hands around her head trying to remove the image that may have just popped into her head.

I laugh at what she said as Scott's comes down the stairs. "I'll see ya later mum." He says.

"Okay, like i said have fun, but not too much fun." She waved us off as we left to go to mine. 

We get to mine. We both go inside so I can go and get my stuff. I already packed my stuff so I just had to run upstairs and grab my bag. I come back down to see Derek and Peter walk through the door. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Peter asks.

"I'm going to Lydia's for the weekend with Malia." I respond quickly.

They nod and let me go.

"So where are we actually going then?" Scott asks.

"Your'll find out." I say.

A/N- Heya hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Can't wait for season 5 of Teen Wolf. It sounds amazing. Anyway please vote. :)

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