A fairytale without name (Ro...

By Graceful2020

49.2K 4K 6.1K

A story of a woman who tries to find herself, overcoming her fears, discovering new passions and interests.Wi... More

Instead of a prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Thank you

Chapter 47

616 49 62
By Graceful2020


"Tell me something about you." It was a cliché question but honestly I didn't know much about him. We were now lying in bed, facing each other and just relaxing after the morning adventures. It was nice for a change to be able to enjoy simple things. My mind was at ease and my heart happy. I was waiting for this for so long and I was planning on enjoying every minute of it. If I knew one thing, it was that you never knew how long happiness could last.

"What do you want to know?" his fingers were drawing imaginary patterns on my arm and his eyes were focused on my face. He was calm and seemed happy, just like me. It was so nice to know that we were on the same page right now, that he felt just like I did. Lying on my stomach, I rested my head on his chest and looked at him. He had the most heartwarming smile. One look from him and I could forget everything. I repeated the question, explaining that he knew everything about me, but I on the other hand didn't even know how old he was.

"I'm thirty two but I guess it's a little late to change your mind now, if you think I'm too old for you." We started laughing and he held me tighter, preventing me from seeing him. Why did he not want to look at me when he spoke? He was so insistent on eye contact always and it seemed a little strange now.

"Let me see. You already know about my studies, my family and my weird obsession with you." He started tickling me and I knew what he was trying to do. He wanted to avoid opening up to me. He had done the same when he came for me in Boston. He didn't want to share anything that thought might scare me away. But it was different this time. I knew the truth, well as much of it as he allowed and we were together. I had told him then, that nothing would change the way I saw him. I understood now how that simple phrase must have affected him. I needed to know all of him, not just the parts he deemed safe for me. If we were going to do this right, I had to see every side of him.

"That's not fair. You know where half truths and lies lead. I won't let that happen to us. I am stronger than you think and I promise I will keep my mind open. Please let me in. I want to know the real Marco. Don't make me question your honesty and don't you say it is for my own good if I knew less." His grip on my waist was tighter now and his expression was serious, almost pained. Please don't go back on your word now. You promised we would share everything. I repeated the words in my head like a mantra. I didn't want to force him but I couldn't afford being disappointed yet again.

"Okay." He whispered, kissing my forehead and started talking. Well that was easy. Good job Rose. "I took over four years ago, when my father stepped down. Despite what many people think, I am not a fan of violent solutions or radical measures. Although I have resorted to them sometimes, I always try to face problems in a more diplomatic way." I smiled at his last comment but squeezed his arm encouraging him to go on. "My father is very different than me and although he has no real power over our people now, he is well respected and I know that my men are loyal to me but if there was a situation where they had to choose between me and him, some of them would follow my father in a heartbeat." That was clearly something that bothered him and understandably so. Who would want to work with someone who was reporting back to their father? I still remember what that guy had told me at the bus terminal. He knew that I was Marco's girl but couldn't go against Vittorio's orders.

I would come across this man sooner or later. I wouldn't be locked in this apartment for ever. What would he say when he saw me? Did I have to tell Marco that it was him who accompanied his father that night? What would Marco do to him? I couldn't live with myself if I was responsible for someone's death. I should keep my mouth shut and see what happened.

"I've learned to listen, observe and analyze behaviors before trusting someone. I may be constantly surrounded by people who are willing to do anything for me but I prefer depending only on my instincts and myself." That sounded very difficult and sad. How could he carry the burden of this responsibility all by himself? How could he live constantly fearing that someone would betray him? How lonely must he feel?

"I'm here now. And I know that you probably don't need my help in anything, but I want you to know that you are not alone." My words seemed to have the effect I was hoping for as he brought me closer to him, whispering thank you before kissing me slowly. I didn't know why I felt the need to do that but I was sure that it was something that he welcomed happily. I couldn't even imagine the decisions he had to make, the people he had to deal with or the danger he put himself in daily but despite everything I was willing to be there for him.

"I can't describe how much your words mean to me baby. You are the only person I want by my side. The only one I can turn to when I feel lost and powerless. I keep trying to be a better man, someone who will make a difference and I know it might seem strange given the things I do but trust me baby, I'm turning my life around. I owe it to myself and now to you too. As long as you have faith in me, I'm not giving up in trying to be someone you will be proud of someday." I had no idea that Marco would be so insecure. He always seemed so strong and I had a very different image of him in my mind. But at this moment, I really saw him for the first time. He was struggling to fulfill a destiny he didn't want to, afraid of being dragged to a darker place he didn't choose and unsure of how I felt about it. I was so used to being the one who held back and question everything that I never noticed how fragile and vulnerable he was from the start.

I turned us to our sides, so our faces were just inches apart. I caressed his cheek softly, watching his eyes close and whispered promises I knew he needed to hear. It wasn't just to reassure him but mostly for me. This was an entirely new world I was stepping in; one I didn't have a clue about and one I was afraid of, to be honest. Being scared and running away all the time didn't get me anywhere though. So, this time I was ready to put my fear aside and hold his hand towards the unknown.

We fell asleep in each other's arms, letting the words sink in and accepting our new beginning. We would be together in everything that came our way. Life was difficult and harsh, but it was always better when you had someone to lean on. I could be his safe anchorage when the weather was rough and he could be my happy place. We would make it.


A week had passed by and I still found it hard being alone when he left for work. He made sure to make me happy when he came back at night but it wasn't enough anymore. The fact that I wasn't allowed to go out, made me feel trapped. He hadn't given me any specifics about what needed to be done before I could return to my apartment and it had started to get on my nerves. I had brought up the conversation again over breakfast yesterday but he had replied the same as always. 'I have everything under control. Give me a little more time and be patient.'

The housekeeper was given the week off, to give me some privacy, as he said. So, I found myself acting like a desperate housewife. I loved that series. I had so much time in my hands before he showed up later and later every day. His place was huge. Apart from the guest bedroom, there was a study, a gym room and two doors that were always locked. When I had asked him about them, he simply told me that he hoped I would never be in need of having to enter one of those rooms. I tried to figure out the passwords once or twice but in vain. Access denied. But was I really denied access to these rooms or to his life too?

Although he kept being sweet towards me and made sure to satisfy me sexually any chance he got, I could discern a shift in his behavior. He was more pensive and moody these days. He excused himself to take a call and when he came back he was either too tired or not in the mood to answer my questions. Since I foolishly kept sex on the menu every day, he avoided my inquiries, distracting me with orgasms. Well played Marco.

Today was the day I drew a line. I guessed the honeymoon was over and it was time I acted before I saw our relationship fall apart. I pretended to be sleeping when he kissed me goodbye this morning and waited until I heard the front door close before I got up. I started packing my things and after writing a detailed letter explaining why I had to leave, I left it on the kitchen counter and left. I knew he would come looking for me once he came home and that the letter was totally unnecessary but I wanted to give a dramatic tone. I should stop watching too much TV.

It took me longer to descend all the stairs and I regretted not using the elevator, but I felt a strange sense of freedom when I reached the entrance of his building. A very polite doorman greeted me and asked if I needed help with my luggage. I declined smiling and when I was about to ask him for the address so I could call a cab, a male voice stopped me.

"It's alright Steve. I'll escort Mrs Marshall to her destination. Thank you." It was him. The same man that had 'escorted' me to the bus station that night. I was in trouble and I couldn't just turn around and run. How was I going to explain this to Marco? Why couldn't I catch a break? Taking the bags from my hands, he asked me to follow him to the car. He told me not to be afraid and that it was Marco's orders to take care of me. How ironic.

"Does Marco know that you are the one who sent me away? Where are you taking me and why should I believe you?" he gently pushed me into the car and locked the doors. Son of a bitch. I started kicking and screaming but he kept telling me to relax and give him a chance to explain. Since there was no escape, I calmed down and let him speak. I was curious to see what he had to say in his defense. He introduced himself as Giovanni but said I could call him Gio. As if I would talk to him again. He had the nerve to tell me that he was Marco's head of security and that I should feel special. Marco had given specific orders not to let anything happen to me and that he was the best of the best. He should really do something about his arrogance. Who says this about themselves?

"You see Rose. I may call you Rose, right?" I saw him watching me from the rear view mirror and I felt disgusted. And here I was feeling sorry for him a few days earlier when I thought about turning him in to Marco. I was so telling Marco everything and not feel any regret about the fate that awaited him. I really should stop being so dramatic today. Nodding, I gestured for him to go on. I didn't have all day and I was anxious to see where he was taking me. "We didn't meet properly the first time, but I want to assure you that neither you nor your family was in danger. Don Vittorio was never going to hurt you." Uh huh. Very believable. This guy was a worse actor than me. "I know you have questions and I'm pretty sure that you'll want to talk to Marco about this, but you should know that everything will be explained in due time."

When the car stopped in front of my building I was relieved but more confused than ever. I had questions and judging from the previous days, Marco wasn't willing to give me answers. "So, what happens now? Am I safe here? Call Marco in front of me and tell him that you've taken me home. Then I'll know you are telling me the truth. And why did Marco's father threaten me if he wasn't planning to do anything?" shaking his head, he asked me to understand that it was not his place to say anything further. He couldn't call Marco either because he was allegedly in a very important meeting. How convenient Gio. The doors were now unlocked and I exited the car quickly, afraid of him changing his mind. I still didn't trust him and nothing made sense anymore.

"Has Marco spoken to his father? Does he know the truth behind what happened? Come on, you have to give me something. If you are to protect me, we have to build some sort of trust, don't you think?" smiling, he got the bags out of the trunk and asked me to lead the way. Yeah, right, as if he didn't know where I lived. To my surprise he headed towards the stairs and I wondered if Marco had informed him about my distaste of elevators. Letting me go first, he followed silently. Somewhere around the fourth floor, I heard him speaking in Italian, cursing for sure judging from his tone. That would teach you a lesson Gio, now move.

I had expected him to leave once I opened my front door, but he stepped inside scanning the place before giving me an all clear. Laughing at his antics, I made sure to remind him that I was actually hiding from him and Vittorio and there was no point in what he had just done. I took a look around and surprisingly everything was in order and clean. Gio didn't waste any time and made himself at home, settling on my couch and switching on the TV. Great. I pretended he wasn't here and I started unpacking in my bedroom. Fresh sheets on the bed, fresh towels in the bathroom and new products in the cabinet. I had to thank Marco or better the woman Marco had paid to do everything. It was thoughtful and I was moved that he did that. No, Rose, you are still mad at him because he is deliberately evading things from you. Don't fall for his kind acts, it's a trick, my sweet subconscious reminded me.

The state of the kitchen was no different. Both the fridge and the cupboards were stocked and in a much better condition than when I actually lived here. I should change that too now that I was back. I decided to be polite with Gio with the hope of making him talk to me. He was my only chance to find out what had really happened and I was ready to try anything. "Can I get you something to drink? A beer maybe? I won't tell your boss." I joked but he didn't even smile. Asshole. He asked for some water instead and I faked a smile while placing the glass on the table. He seemed focused on something he was watching and I had to turn it off in order to gain his attention.

"Are you here to watch sports? Really? Look, I may not have told Marco about you because honestly I didn't know who you were. You know that this can easily change, right? I don't think he would be very happy with the news and I'd hate it if something bad happened to you." My lame threatening tone of course didn't work and I only caused him to laugh. I stared at him laughing his heart out while I tried to think of a way to get rid of him. Since he wasn't of any use to me, I wasn't just going to have him sitting on my couch all day. Plus, I was mad at Marco and I wanted to get out of the apartment before he came for me.

"Okay. I am hilarious. I get it. Can you stop laughing now and do me a favor?" that shut him up for good and I found the opportunity to put my plan in motion. I asked him to grab some things from the supermarket and the drugstore. He refused at first of course, but after I explained that I needed some ingredients to prepare a very special meal for Marco and some medicine for a terrible migraine which was torturing me all morning, he gave up and asked me to write a list. Handing him a list with whatever would take him more time to find, I tried to think of a place Marco wouldn't look first. I wanted him to understand that it wasn't okay to keep things from me but not worry him too much.

After Gio left and reminded me to stay put until he came back, I lied about getting a shower and waved goodbye to him. Maybe it was time I paid a visit to Sam. I could use some time with an old friend and perhaps ask him about a job vacancy in his firm. He was a partner, he knew people who knew people. Something good might come out of it. Not wasting any more time, I made the call and Sam happily agreed to meet me for lunch in a place near his office. After hailing a cab, I switched off my phone and smiled wickedly. It was time to play!

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