Choosing Home

By Ginnyrules27

34.6K 1.3K 1.4K

Auradon was at peace. Their King was engaged, and relations between the mainland and the Isle were being rebu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Twelve

610 20 56
By Ginnyrules27

Meanwhile, in Fairy Cottage, Freddy glared as he watched the 'Charming' Prince ramble on to Audrey about things that in all honesty didn't matter one bit. Who cared about online shopping? And really, what did the spoiled little Prince think he was doing? Didn't he know his station? He was talking to a Queen yet he was acting like he was talking to his latest fling!

"Audrey, come on, I'm serious," Freddy heard the blond said. "You love online shopping. What could be better than buying something you really don't need but think looks good?"

"Hmm, maybe claiming my birthright Chad?" Audrey shot back. "I swear, it's almost like you want to be saying Queen Mal in a few years. Don't you remember what she did to me?!"

"...made it so you and I could go out by getting Ben out of his contract with you?" Chad ventured. That was apparently the wrong thing to say as Audrey let out a groan of impatience and threw the fruit bowl at him.

Freddy couldn't help but smirk at the scene. For someone who prided themselves on being the perfect Auradon Princess, Audrey acted more like a VK than she cared to admit.

Maybe it's the 'witch' factor? Then again, with how the mindless drones acted over at the lake, I'm guessing she's not normally a witch? I can save her then and Boreadon will be ruled with someone not tainted by magic!

Freddy was so deep in thought that he almost missed Chad shaking his head and making his way to the door.

Almost being the key term.

"And where are you going?" Freddy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Chad froze, clearly having not expected anyone to notice him. "I was...going to get a pizza? You can't exactly plot evil deeds when you're hungry!"

"I don't think so," Freddy said with a smirk and went over to grab Chad's wrist.

"Okay, pizza and a salad for Audrey! Salad for me? No food for Chad at all! I'm good with that!"

Freddy shook his head and dragged Chad toward the nearby broom closet. "Honestly if you're going to do such a pitiful job escaping after her highness has been so courteous to you by allowing you to roam around freely, maybe we should rescind that offer."

"What do you—Audrey! No! Audrey please!" Chad exclaimed as his eyes landed on the closet. "Audrey, come on! I swear, I'll be good! You can have my phone! I won't try—!"

Whatever Chad was going to say got cut off by Freddy shoving him into the closet and slamming the door in the Prince's face, but not before taking Chad's phone and tossing it on the table. The last sound Chad heard before the door closed was Audrey cackling at his reaction.

"There, that ought to hold him," Freddy smirked as he lowered the board meant to lock the door. As Chad continued to pound on the door and knock tirelessly on the window of the closet, begging Audrey to let him out, Freddy stalked over to her.

"You're plotting something," Audrey told him. Freddy didn't answer but roughly grabbed her shoulders and smashed his lips into hers. She was his—and he didn't share. Not with the people of the Isle. Not with spoiled Princelings. Not one bit.

As they separated, Audrey looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. "And I thought you didn't like witches?"

"And I believe I said, your highness, in your case I could make an exception," Freddy told her, a small purr audible in his voice.

Audrey smirked. "Keep kissing like that and I'll let you have the first shot at Mal."

Freddy couldn't help but returned the smirk, claiming her lisp again in the same slightly rough kiss as before. Only this time Audrey returned the kiss, despite it being rougher than a Princess or Queen should kiss. She wasn't going to lie, her new wicked side kinda liked it. After all, it was rather refreshing to have someone unafraid to make decisions. He wasn't Ben but Fred would work for now—a girl had needs after all.

Besides, Ben had kissed someone else. Wasn't it only fair that she got some enjoyment from someone willing to give it to her? It didn't hurt that Freddy seemed to hate Mal and see how evil she was just as much as Audrey did!

"What are you—this isn't proper—" Audrey gasped as Freddy's lips started to trail down her neck.

"But you won't stop me will you darling? I can tell you like it," Freddy told her, his dark chuckles vibrating against her skin.

Audrey bit her lip slightly, all of her lessons at war with her new wickedness. It was true; she didn't know what he was doing but each kiss to her neck sent mini shockwaves down her back. She couldn't help but mewl softly, her nails digging into his shirt.

"I told you, you liked it darling," Freddy said, chuckling once more. "Let's move someplace a little more...comfortable shall we?"

"What do you mean...?" Audrey asked, her voice soft as she panted slightly.

"Well I'm fine torturing Charming like this," Freddy said, a slight growl to his voice as the pounding on the closet door continued in the background, "but I believe a Queen such as yourself should enjoy her privacy. Even a witch Queen. If memory serves, there's a bedroom in this cottage isn't there?"

"Up the stairs, second doorway," Audrey said, her voice soft as a small shiver of anticipation went through her.

"Then let's go," Freddy said with a smirk as he stepped to the side and held out his arm, as if gesturing for Audrey to go first. "After you, your highness."

Audrey couldn't help but smirk back at him, walking forward and grabbing his hand as she led him up the stairs. Finally, there was someone treating her like the Queen she was. Arriving in the room, she couldn't help but sigh softly.

"This was my mother's old room," she said, her voice low as Freddy walked in.

"Hardly worthy of someone of her station," Freddy said as he looked around. "She should have been raised in a castle, no thanks to that witch Maleficent."

"It runs in the family. Maleficent ruined my mother's life and her daughter ruined mine," Audrey told him, a growl audible in her voice.

Freddy shook his head. "If there's one thing my father taught me, it's how to punish the wicked," he said with a smirk. "You'll get your revenge your highness. I guarantee it."

"Oh I know," Audrey said as she stepped closer but leaving a gap between them. "But for the moment...revenge can have a back seat to pleasure."

"Then where were we?" Freddy smirked, pulling Audrey closer to him as if to close the gap she had left. He began to resume trailing kisses down Audrey's neck—smirking as he felt the shivers shoot through her skin.

"What you're about to experience your highness, those pampered princess wouldn't even dream of giving you," he purred against her neck.

"I think the real question is why are you still talking when you could be showing me exactly what you mean?" Audrey asked, a playful growl to her voice. Freddy growled back as he kissed her possessively once more, practically shoving her onto the bed. Just as Audrey landed on her back, Freddy climbed on to the bed and on top of her.

Shudders streamed through her body once more and her nails dug into the fabric of his shirt. She fought the urge to rip it, she had never done this before. She couldn't help but gasp as he pulled away from her neck to bite at her collarbone.

Freddy smirked at the sound of her gasp, continuing to bite and enjoying the feeling of her nails through his shirt. "I'd say tear it off your highness but I haven't another shirt," he whispered. "Unless you think I could fit into Charming's?"

He had to admit, the thought of the prideful Prince being stripped of his shirt was a rather amusing one.

"It might, but I don't feel like letting you stop to get it," Audrey growled, playfully shoving him back slightly and sitting up to yank the shirt firmly off of him. Somehow, it remained rip free.

Freddy smirked. "As my Queen commands," he growled playfully before leaning forward once more to bite on Audrey's collarbone and neck. Claiming her as his for everyone in Auradon to see.

"God, you're so pure," he purred as shivers shot through Audrey's body and she mewled once more. "From the way you're reacting, had you ever even been kissed before me?"

"Not the way you're doing it," Audrey told him. Sure Ben would kiss her on the cheek when they were together and Chad was good for chaste makeout sessions but it was nothing like this. She dragged her nails down his back once more, animalistic instinct taking over rather than any innate knowledge.

Audrey couldn't help but smirk as she felt the shudder down Freddy's back. "You like that huh? I can feel it."

"Careful your highness, you're playing a very dangerous game. I'm not a pampered Prince," Freddy said, the playful growl on his voice.

"No, you're not. I've been with pampered Princes. You're better," Audrey growled playfully before leaning up a little to nip on Freddy's ear.

Freddy looked her up and down. "How much do you care for this outfit?"

"I don't," Audrey purred. "Just don't be too rough on it—I can't steal Chad's clothing like you can. And we still need our revenge on Mal."

"One thing the Isle does teach you, how to keep ripped clothes wearable," Freddy told her before he started to careful tear her outfit off of her.

Audrey smirked as her clothes began to fall off of her, landing off the bed onto the floor below. "And what else does the Isle teach you?" She growled, her nails trailing down Freddy's back once more.

"This, for starters," Freddy purred with a slight smirk as he reached his hand down and started to stroke her skin, just stopping right above her bellybutton. It wasn't something he normally did, most girls were more than willing to enter a fling with him after all. But for the few who were more...shall we say resistant?

They were normally the ones that came for their first 'Flings for Food' but it helped get them relaxed in a way that Freddy wouldn't have to deal with their nerves.

"What—what are you doing?" Audrey gasped.

Freddy resisted the urge to shake his head. How was she so pure? It was honestly almost insulting if the idea that he was the first VK to take a bit of an Auradon kid's purity wasn't so enticing.

"No need to be concerned my Queen. Your purity is safe if that's what you're worried about. There are ways to give...pleasure as you put it with it still being intact," he purred. After all, some girls on the Isle now preferred that way. Some nonsense about not wanting a baby.

Audrey paused for a moment. Was such a thing truly possible? Everything she'd been taught...whatever she'd been thinking went out the window as a shudder of pleasure shot up her spine at Freddy's touch. "Show me," she purred.

"Gladly," Freddy purred back as his fingers trailed lower. Audrey waited in anticipation, her nails slowly trailing down his back. She couldn't help but gasp softly as she felt his fingers inside her.

"Oh Gods..." she whispered, shuddering at the feeling.

"You like that your highness?" Freddy purred into her ear, one hand continuing to stroke while the other began to fondle her chest. "I told you, we can enjoy ourselves while keeping your purity intact."

A small whimper was the only sound to come from Audrey, escaping her lips without permission, and she felt her body arch toward his touch.

"I can go faster, or harder," Freddy purred. "Just say the word your highness."

"Why...didn't you start that way?" Audrey asked, the whimper audible in her voice.

Freddy shook his head. "I may be labeled as evil by the other Auradonians but I'm also your ally. A touch like this can be...shall we say uncomfortably at first. While the pain of my enemies is rather enjoyable, it's not in my interest for you to be in pain."

Audrey nodded before a wave of pleasure went over her body once more and she let out another whimper.

"God, you truly are pure," Freddy purred. "Tell me, your highness, did you do anything with a boy before met or was it just for show?"

"It—I—I was taught not to—." Audrey whimpered as she arched her body toward his touch.

Freddy smirked. "And since when does a Queen listen to what others tell them? But no matter. I rather enjoy being your first. I've never been with someone this pure before."

"Then change that! Faster! Harder!" Audrey said, trying to command him despite her breathy voice.

"As your highness commands," Freddy purred and increased the tempo and pressure of his hand that was busy down below, all the while still fondling her chest and occasionally nibbling or full on biting her neck or collarbone.

"Ah!" Audrey cried in pleasure, her eyes closing as her body automatically moved with him. It was pure animalistic tendencies now as her hands moved up to tug at Freddy's hair.

Freddy smirked. "You like that your highness?" He growled and went a little faster than he had been previously, all the while moving his lips down to Audrey's chest.

"Don't stop!" Audrey demanded, pulling his head back up from her chest to meet her lips in a rough kiss. She may have bitten his lip without realizing it.

"As my Queen commands," Freddy whispered as they broke before kissing her back.

The VK look suits her, it's hard to believe she's actually from Boreadon, he thought.

"I'll do something for you afterwards," Audrey purred, pulling Freddy from his thoughts. "Surely there must be something? A Queen is generous to those who please her."

Audrey realized her offer probably wasn't as tempting as she wanted it to be since her voice was so breathless but she hoped she made her point by nipping and trailing kisses down Freddy's neck.

"The only thing I wish is to destroy those witches who thought they ruled the Isle. You deserve first shot at Mal my Queen but give me Uma," Freddy growled as he increased the speed and resumed kissing Audrey's chest. He still remembered the two kicks to the groin the little sea hag had given him after Mal had used him as a dragon's chew toy. Lifting his head back up, he added "or Hook. Destroying either one of Mal's lackeys and pleasing you are all I need."

"They're all yours. Do with them as you wish," Audrey promised.

"Thank you my Queen," Freddy purred in Audrey's ear. "Such a gracious ruler is exactly what this land deserves."

Audrey smirked. Now this was the kind of devotion a Queen deserved!

"Now then...let's make your bliss complete shall we?" Freddy purred, nipping her ear as he sped up even more, causing Audrey to scream in pleasure.

She had never known such pleasure. "Oh...oh...don't stop!" She exclaimed, her back arching as shock went up and down her body. She had never had a sensation such as this and yet...she loved it. Ben was too golden, Chad too boring...this? This was wicked and she liked it!

"Yes, yes, yes!" She panted, arching desperately into Freddy's body and touch.

Freddy chuckled, all the while continuing to increase the speed and pressure while trailing kisses and nibbling or biting Audrey's neck. What felt like hours but what was more likely seconds later, Audrey laid in the bed, a panting, whimpering, trembling mess; slumping against Freddy's chest and gasping as the pleasure faded slowly.

"" she panted.

"I'm glad you enjoyed that your highness," Freddy said as they rested on the bed. "I have to say, I never expected anyone from Boreadon to react like that."

"Let's just say I'm leaning more toward my wicked side now," Audrey told him, smirking up at him. "I must say I hope that was not a one time thing."

Freddy smirked. "Of course not your highness. As long as it pleases you, it's whenever you want it."

After all, Freddy was not going to just turn down pleasure when it came so willingly into his midst.

"It pleases me very much. Give me a minute to revere and we could have some more fun?" Audrey smirked.

"Gladly," Freddy said, a slight purr to his voice. Audrey smirked once more and moved closer so she could nip and kiss the skin of Freddy's chest, teasingly tracing it with her fingers.

Freddy chuckled but he couldn't help the slight rivers that ran down his skin at Audrey's touch. "Don't tell me you're ready for another round already your highness?"

"The better question is...are you?" Audrey purred up at him.

Freddy smirked before pulling her to him, kissing her roughly and possessively.

"Ravish me," Audrey muttered as she kissed him back, tugging his hair.

"As my Queen commands," Freddy muttered, nibbling at her collarbone. This girl just kept shocking him, first the sleeping curse at the lake and now this? He had to admit as well, her screams of bliss at his hand...well that was something he relished to hear again...knowing he had made a Boreadon girl do was delicious and she was wanting more.

Audrey was already trying to arch toward him, too consumed with wanting the pleasure he gave her to care about how it made her look. Freddy smirked and lowered one of his hands down to provide that pleasure while the other hand caressed her chest.

"I want to hear you scream," he purred.

"Oh...oh...oh!" Audrey exclaimed as Freddy increased the speed and pressure, not even trying to go slow this time. "Yes!" She cried frantically, wrapping her legs around him, her skin slipping on the leather of his pants.

Freddy smirked as he felt her legs around him. "Those can be removed if it makes it easer to hold on," he purred. "Whatever my Queen desires."

"It's only fair don't you think? You removed everything I was wearing but you are still partly covered," Audrey purred back.

"Well then, would you like to do the honors your highness? I'd hate to deny you a moment of pleasure for that."

Audrey smirked and attacked the jean zipper with an eagerness that surprised even her, shoving them to the floor and revealing all of Freddy.

"My my," Audrey said with a smirk. "Someone's ...bigger than I expected."

She didn't know exactly what prompted here but her fingers lightly brushed what some of the other cheerleaders would call a man's second brain. Freddy couldn't help the shudders that ran up his spine, he hadn't expected her to do that.

"I aim to please," he said, trying to hide the breathlessness in his voice.

"Oh?" Audrey purred, smirking slightly as she heard the breathlessness in his voice. "But who's pleasing you? You've done so well for me...a Queen rewards those who please her. Let me show you how pleased I am."

"Go right ahead darling," Freddy said, unable to hide the breathlessness in his voice this time. As he said, it had been a while...

"Do you like that?" Audrey growled playfully. "I'll admit I'm new to this...but I'm a fast learner. And I'd say that someone seems to like my attention."

Gods, I still can't believe she's a Boreadon girl! She acts so much like a girl from the Isle now that she's wicked but there's still no denying how pure she is, Freddy thought as both of them started to pant and pulling each other closer as the pace increased, as if it was suddenly a competition as to who could pleasure the other out more. Nothing else seemed to matter, just pleasuring the other one Moree and enjoying the whimpers and gasps that they would emit unwillingly, as signs of their pleasure.

"If this is what being evil is, I should have traded in years ago!" Audrey gasped.

"Forgive me for saying so but I'm glad you waited," Freddy purred. "Those Boreadon boys could hardly dream to pleasure you in such a way."

"You're right, no one's ever done this!" Audrey gasped as she continued her ministrations on him, wanting him to tremble the way she was. "Fred!"

Freddy couldn't help the gasp he let out...okay maybe he was more of a whimper of pleasure. Despite being from the Isle, he had never had a girl, no woman please him like this. He always did the pleasing. Most of the girls he spent time with were simpletons who just laid there whimpering. Not Audrey though...not his queen. She may have been a beginner, true, but she was actively trying to keep up with him.

"Oh I think someone likes what I'm doing," Audrey purred, smirking slightly. "Is your Queen pleasing you Fred?"

"Yes!" Freddy couldn't help but gasp.

Audrey smirked. "Oh I'm sorry Fred, I didn't hear you," she growled playfully.

"Yes! You are!" Freddy exclaimed, growling a bit and sped up his ministrations on her for a bit of revenge. Audrey smiled but couldn't help the whimper of pleasure that slipped out as Freddy increased his pace.

"You like that?"

"Keep going like this and I'm never letting you stop! How did I ever think Chad was enough?!"

"Don't blame yourself, you were so used to the Boreadon Boys but now that you've had an Isle man... you'll never be the same."

Audrey groaned in pleasure and Freddy smirked. Hey knew they should probably move soon but he was in no rush to stop her pleasured cries. Plus she seemed to be in no hurry to move either, judging by the constant pleasure she was giving him.

"You are pushing my restraint your highness," he growled playfully. "I personally don't care but I know you Boreadon girls place great importance on your purity. As much as I enjoy the pleasure you're giving me, any more and I can't be held responsible for what I do."

"So are you saying you want me to stop?" Audrey teased.

"Not at all but you tempt me any further and you won't be pure anymore. Unless that no longer matters to you?" Freddy growled playfully, nibbling on Audrey's ear.

Audrey paused, thinking about it. Was it still important to her? I mean, it was important to remain pure but...after this, how could she look at Chad or any guy from Auradon again? None of them would compare to the pure bliss and pleasure Freddy had granted her.

"Whatever happens I believe I told you to ravish me," Audrey purred.

"As you command my Queen, but remember I gave you the choice," Freddy told her.

"After this, how could any Auradon boy compare? Once I am Queen, you can rule by my side," Audrey said. Ben had had the chance to make her his Queen and refused. So she was moving on.

"Hmm, in that case, let's change things up a bit," Freddy growled slightly, shifting a bit and pulling her up so that their hands drop. "I'm warning you, I won't be that gentle," he purred as they finally connected.

Audrey wanted to respond that she didn't care about gentle but all thoughts were shoved out of her body as the feeling of pleasure retook her.

"You're mine now," Freddy growled as he pulled her in for a rough kiss as he started to move. Not enough so that he hurt her but it wasn't exactly gentle either.

Audrey returned the kiss, being just as rough as he was. "As long as you know that you're mine," she growled back. "A Queen doesn't share."

Freddy chuckled and rolled them over as both of them began to cry out in pleasure, not caring if Charming or anyone heard. Meanwhile, downstairs, Chad had worn himself out trying to break down the door and was sitting by it; kneeling down with one hand on the handle.

"...Audrey?" He asked hearing the cries of pleasure. It seemed like that was enough to finally snap the fog from his mind but all Chad cared about was the fact that he was still in the closet. The closet that seemed to be getting smaller with every minute. Moving so that his back was against one of the walls, Chad brought his knees up and rested his elbows on them; his hands pressed firmly on his ears as if to block out the pleasured cries of Audrey and Freddy.

"" Chad whimpered, his phone and last chance for freedom resting on the table outside the closet. He could only hope Audrey would let him out soon. If their friendship had meant anything to her...he could only pray.

"Lavender's green dilly dilly...lavender's blue...." He sang softly under his breath as he rocked slightly, his mother's lullaby a comfort whenever an episode came about. But he...he couldn't remember the rest of the words. It'd been so long since he heard it.

I want my...I want my maman...Chad thought as he continued to try to block out the noise above him and block out the slowly closing walls around him.

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