Despite everything together a...

By ladymonterosa

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SEQUEL OF LOVE OR POWER? THIS IS THE REAL QUESTION. We had stayed in Greendale with the Spellman family who j... More



23 3 0
By ladymonterosa


Pov Zelda

After trying to comfort Ambrose in the best possible way from his grief over the loss of his best friend I started wandering around the Academy, Archie was really very brave in sacrificing himself for the sake of the person he loved so intensely.

Seeing my nephew so pained literally broke my heart, I would have stayed there with him to console him but Ambrose asked me to leave him alone with his friend because he wanted to greet him and thank him properly.

On the street I met Sabrina who was walking lost in her thoughts, I stopped her and greeted her. "Hi Sabrina, how are you?"

She replied a bit tired "Well aunt, you?"

I replied that everything was going well enough but that I felt a little touched by the latest events in particular the death of Ambrose's young friend, she shared my thoughts.

She sensed an agitation in my niece as she kept fidgeting nervously with a necklace she had on her neck that I hadn't noticed before. Maybe I hadn't noticed it before her because she didn't have it probably will have been given to her by someone.

Studying the pendant carefully, I noticed that she had a family crest belonging to a house I knew very well.

So with curiosity I asked her "Sabrina is there something you want to tell me?"

Confused she asked me "What are you talking about?"

Pointing to her necklace, I said to her, "I mean the necklace you are wearing given to me by Mr. Scratch, when did you mean to tell me that he asked you to marry you?"

She embarrassedly started muttering something like "Very soon aunt ... only when I had something else on her mind then she asked me a little while ago."

I smiled in front of that scene, there is really nothing to do my niece will never change on certain things.

Then she felt compelled to say something from the bottom of my heart "Sabrina I'm really sorry for never trying to contact you while you were away, I'm afraid it was my stubbornness that stopped me. Relationship that once was."

Looking at me with wet eyes from some tears she said "I too am sorry Aunt Zelda for leaving like this without giving you any opportunity to argue and I also ask your forgiveness for the fact that I have never been interested in the academy in the way I you wished. And I hope so too that we could go back to what they used to be very soon. "

"Oh Sabrina! I forgive you for a long time and then I too was wrong to demand such a strong commitment from a girl in the height of her adolescence, at that moment the only thing you had to think about was your life, love, ai your friends, at school ... and not at boring coven meetings. "

Sabrina added "I too Aunt Zee have forgiven you for a long time, I could never hate you you are like a mother I never had no one could ever replace you in my heart."

In front of that declaration I too was moved and I said "You too Sabrina are like a daughter and I could never and I say never regret the choice of having you with us years ago".

We joined in a very strong embrace, my heart longed to never leave that girl I once held in my arms when she was little but I knew that sooner or later I had to.

As we hugged, I noticed that she was wearing the bracelet I gave her when she was little and surprised I asked her "Do you still have that bracelet? I thought you had lost or forgotten it for a long time ..."

Dissolving our embrace she said to me "How could I have lost or, worse still, forget an object so important to me? You know aunt I've worn it every single day since I left Greendale and believing that my departure was final every time I I looked, it reminded me of home, it reminded me of you. "

Playing with the bracelet that once belonged to my mother, she added "A memory so important to me that I will never forget. Aunt, be sure."

Our moment was then interrupted by someone from the family who made her the entrance of her "Sabrina, I wanted to tell you that Josh ..."

In a mock surprised tone I asked "Sabrina why didn't you tell me that Bartzabel is your friend?"

They both look at me slightly with their mouths wide open and I added before leaving there "And anyway I wanted to warn you that there will be a party tonight to celebrate the victory and that you are invited over to Klaus."


Pov Sabrina

The party improvised by the Academy boys turned out to be really very funny, during the small party I was able to clarify with my friends. I'm so happy that things are finally okay with my loved ones, now the only thing left for me to do is go back to hell and abdicate the throne.

Once I have handed the crown to Lilith I will finally be free to live my life with Nick who is smiling at me from across the room right now. Even though I will most likely come and live here in Greendale again it does not mean that I will leave hell altogether, because that is my home anyway.

Over the years I have learned to love that place that had hosted me all that time and I have also learned another fundamental thing that it was my father who made that place horrible.

Thanks to Heaven, now he is gone and now we can all live more serene, me, Lilith, Klaus, Goffredo and Rebecca too. It took me some time to get her peace of mind towards her but in the end if my brother loves her too I have to.

I was awakened from my thoughts by Roz's cheerful voice inviting me to go dance with them and before I could refuse he dragged me onto the dance floor.

Although I knew I should have stopped at that moment it just couldn't, the music was too inviting to ignore it, I moved to the rhythm of the music and I couldn't stop for a second.

After spending several hours dancing with them he again felt that damned feeling of being almost on the verge of suffocating. It was as if all of a sudden my body had been deprived of oxygen, when he managed to catch my breath he felt like I was on the ground.

Then he heard Harvey ask me "Frost are you okay?"

I said yes but he understood that Rosalind hadn't bought it, she knew I was very sick. I have to get out of here, I have to go back to hell before everyone finds out about my illness I ran to another room under everyone's astonished gaze.

Entering the room I began to cough relentlessly my heart almost skipped a beat when I saw blood stains on the cloth handkerchief. It is not the first time that it has already happened before the party we gave the party had happened, something makes me think that it is not a good sign for me.

I feel so bad it almost makes me want this to end soon and definitively, I know it's a bad thing to want but I don't see any other avenues at this time in my life.

My thoughts were entirely dedicated to my family, my friends and Nicholas, how sorry I am for all of them now that we are all finally back together most likely we will have to break up again and permanently this time.

The door was suddenly opened by Klaus who asked me "Sabrina where were you? We were all looking for you and ...."

When my cousin looked at me all his cheerfulness di lui came to an end he immediately ran to my rescue asking me what had happened and I briefly explained what had happened. Klaus stated "We have to go back to court immediately only Gaius could help you heal you, now I'm going to tell your family."

I stopped my cousin grabbing him by the arm just when he was about to get up in a hoarse voice I begged him "Please Klaus don't say anything to them I don't want to ruin this party with my discomfort."

Understanding my request, he helped me to rearrange myself better and helped me to get up, I'm so weak that I can even stand up, luckily my cousin is there because otherwise I would find myself on the floor by now.

We left that door and crossed the room under the curious gaze of everyone, who knows what they will be thinking now I hope nothing inconvenient. On our way we were stopped by the entire Spellman family who asked us where we were headed when we told them we were returning to hell. I saw panic on their faces.

Probably like the strong fear that he will never return as in the past so he felt compelled to reassure them by saying "Don't worry I'll be back soon!"

Ambrose jokingly "Of course you will return because if not this time I will come to take you cousin by force, understood?"

With a faint smile I exclaimed "Okay Ambrose!"

When he sensed that a new respiratory crisis is coming I signaled to Klaus that it was time to go, he nodded and managed to make that brief discussion come to an end.

When we got into the corridor, the worst happened.

I'm sick, very sick ... I've never felt so much pain in my life. The pain I feel right now is indescribable, my whole chest aches as if someone had stabbed me hard right in the center.

The breath tends to fail me very often this feeling is really unpleasant I feel like suffocating, my vision is all out of focus and I lack the strength to continue further, while Klaus continued to whisper words of encouragement to me with the intent of not making me lose my hopes.

With a desperate tone I exclaimed "Klaus is not there. I'm so sorry!"

Drying my tears caused by the physical discomfort I am feeling right now he said to me "But yes, you will do it, and do you know why?"

I denied with my head and he replied "Because you are a tough girl Sabrina, in your life you have never let yourself be overwhelmed by anything or anyone so it won't happen now."

I wish with all my heart that Klaus' words would prove to be true in the future ...

I thank my lucky stars that he is here with me with this little motivational speech he raised my mood a little but not enough to not make me think that this time it is a different situation.

I have a strange feeling that the situation is really serious, I don't know if this time I will manage like the other times. I've already defeated death in the past but will I really be able to defeat it one last time?

I don't really know how to give myself an answer.

Klaus sensing that there is no physically beyond stopped when he was about to take me in his arms di lui I fell prey to a new respiratory crisis.


Pov Zelda

"Admit it that you are happy that Sabrina is back here with us sister!" said Hilda.

She replied "Of course I am, finally I would add!" only now having her back here with me have I realized how much I really missed my niece.

Having her di lei here filled me with joy and good mood like never before, because of my newfound happiness di lei I also made the decision to let go of that little insult from my sister, of not telling me anything about her encounters with our niece .

But there is something that doesn't quite fit me when Sabrina and Klaus came to say hello, she looked dull and her complexion di lei was as pale as she was terminally ill.

Yet I do not know that she was seriously injured in the little battle that took place today here at the academy, however the image of Sabrina clinging to Klaus as if it were her last chance di lei in her life di lei I just ca n ' t get her out of my way. head.

I have a strange feeling that my niece is hiding something really important from me again but I just can't figure out what it could be.

Then he heard Hilda ask me "Zelda is everything okay? You seem absent ..."

I replied "It's okay Hildy except Sabrina is keeping something secret from me, I can feel it! I just don't know what, that girl will make me lose my mind at one time or another!"

In an exasperated tone my sister encourages me to drop my suspicions and enjoy the event, shortly afterwards Rosalind arrived with a jacket in her hand telling us that it was Sabrina's di lei and that she had forgotten it around. When she asked us where we could find it to give it back to her, I told her that I would think about it without giving her any possibility of explanation, I took her jacket di lei from her hands di lei and walked over to my niece .

I would not have missed the opportunity to see my niece not even dead, too long I have been forced not to see her.

I think I can get to her in time since she and her cousin di lei haven't been gone long when I joined them I froze on the spot.

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