AnaisSeverson tarafından

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A completely fictitious, made-up story set in an authentic version of 1991, where 21 year old student Sam is... Daha Fazla

1991 part 1
1991 part 2
1991 part 3
1991 Part 4*
1991 part 5
1991 part 6
1991 Part 7
1991 Part 8
1991 Part 9*
1991 Part 10
1991 Part 11
1991 Part 12
1991 Part 13
1991 Part 14
1991 Part 15
1991 Part 16*
1991 Part 17*
1991 Part 18*
1991 Part 19
1991 Part 20
1991 Part 21
1991 Part 22
1991 Part 23
1991 Part 24
1991 Part 25
1991 Part 26
1991 Part 27
1991 Part 28
1991 Part 29
1991 Part 30
1991 Part 31
1991 Part 32
1991 Part 33
1991 Part 34
1991 Part 35
1991 Part 36
1991 Part 37
1991 Part 39
1991 Part 40
1991 Part 41
1991 Part 42
1991 Part 43
1991 Part 44
1991 Part 45
1991 Part 46
1991 Part 47
1991 Part 48
1991 Part 49
1991 Part 50*

1991 Part 38

756 26 10
AnaisSeverson tarafından

Outside the bathroom the venue is virtually empty. A few small groups hang around, huddled in corners drinking, a few regulars are still propping up the bar. No one seems to notice Eddie Vedder walk out of the ladies bathroom, with me following behind.

Eddie's fingers link securely with mine as he leads me across the floor towards the backstage door. A guy standing at the entrance nods his head as we approach and pushes the door open wide to let us through. Every couple of seconds Eddie twists his head to look back at me, as though he's checking I'm still there. He smiles, his biggest megawatt grin that shows almost all his teeth and his dimple. His perfect cheeks are flushed pink and he's squeezing my hand like he doesn't plan on ever letting go.

"There she is!" Chris announces as we enter a large room filled with people, sitting around drinking and laughing. He smiles at me and winks. "Told ya," he mouths.

"Sammy!" Jeff bounds over and gives me a hug. Even then Eddie doesn't let go of my hand. God I've missed Jeff's bear hugs.

"Nice to see you Jeff," I tell him looking up, taking in this month's arrangement of facial hair and hat. Small goatee surrounding soul patch I note. I hate his hat.

"You too, sweet pea," he says and kisses my head, "d'you want a drink?" he asks, waving his beer in front of me.

"We're gonna go..." Eddie interrupts before I can answer. He doesn't explain further just shoots Jeff a knowing look.

"Ahhh...of course...don't blame you," Jeff grins at me and I feel my cheeks burn yet again.

"We have a date, a date date," Eddie explains looking adorably pleased with himself.

"We do?"

"Yes, we do," Eddie says then leans in and whispers in my ear, "because if I don't get you out of here in the next five minutes things could get embarrassing." He kisses me just below my ear which causes my knees to feel like they're about to give way from under me. It's the first time I've felt his lips on me in six months.

"I'm just gonna let Mike know we're leaving," he calls as he heads off to the back to find him, leaving me slightly dazed.

"Praise baby Jesus and all his carpenter friends! Thank fucking fuck!" Kev is raising his palms to the heavens in some kind of hallelujah pose, "everything is right in the universe once more." I roll my eyes at him. He's sitting on a sofa in the corner with Stone. I make my way over, clearing a way through the cloud of smoke that surrounds them.

"Samantha," Stone nods primly.

"Stoneward," I nod back.

"You're looking well," Stone says appreciatively.

"As are you," I reply, smirking slightly.

"Does this mean we can address one another in public again?" Stone enquires formally, exhaling a plume of smoke. Good question, I think. I guess so, I mean Eddie's here and so is Kirst and they 'smooched'.

"I don't see why not," I shrug.

"Excellent, in that case..." Stone unfolds his long legs, stands up and gives me a cuddle.

"I missed you Scrunch," I mumble into his t-shirt, inhaling him. 

"Missed you too, Scout," he whispers back. I look up at him with my eyebrows raised.


"Yeah, Scout," he confirms primly, "as in Girl Scout, dip-shit."

"Uh, yeah, I got that," I snort, "you're such a dick."

"You're a dick."

"No, you're a dick."

"You are."

"You're a bigger dick."

"Which is better than being a tiny dick."

"You're both dicks," Kirst interrupts with a sigh and pulls me out from Stone's embrace and leads me away from the others to a quiet corner.

I look into her face and her expression makes me nervous.

"You ok Kirst?" I ask cautiously, not sure where this is headed.

She looks at her hands, wringing her fingers together. I place my hand on her arm to comfort her.

"Are we ok?" she says, her voice a little wobbly.

"Of course, we're ok," I soothe, "what did you think?"

"I dunno, it's just a bit weird seeing you here with Eddie after I, you know, kissed him."

I smile at Kirst's nervous face.

"Trust me K, it's absolutely fine, honestly", I smile meaning it, "It really is fine, in a weird way it gets me off the hook a little, if I'm honest".

Kirst lets out a breath that she's obviously been holding in and grins.

"Oh, thank fuck for that," she laughs, "does that mean we can start trashing people now?" Kirst's eyes light up with a devilish glint. I'm not sure what she's talking about, trashing people isn't one of our usual activities but I humor her and nod.

"Good because that fucking Beth is doing my fucking head in!" she hisses. I look around the room but I can't see Beth anywhere. 

"But she's not here?" I remark, confused that even in her absence she can annoy K so much. Kirst just looks at me and raises her eyebrows so high I swear they disappear into her hairline.

"Oh, she's still here, trust me." 

I'm confused. I scan the room but I can't see Beth. I can see Kev and Stone in the corner, and Mike talking to Eddie, and Dave looking really fucking morose and definitely wasted sitting on his own, and that nice guy from earlier, what was his name? Layne! That's it, Layne talking to Beck and Chris and, who's missing? I look at Kirst, my brow furrowed. 



"Who's Jerr...Oh!" The penny finally drops. That's who's missing.

"She disappeared with Jerry before we even got back here, they went for a 'smoke'." Kirst says, using her fingers to air quote. Well that explains Dave's morose face. 

"Poor Dave," I start to say, "ow!" Kirst punches me on the arm. 

"Poor Dave?! Are you on crack Sam?" Kirst hisses. "Dave's the one who has caused all this drama!"

She has a point but I still feel a little sorry for him. As I'm looking across at Dave I suddenly feel a warm hand slide around my waist.

"Ready?" Eddie asks.



We leave through a backdoor, rather than walk all the way through the venue to the front entrance. It's so warm outside we have nothing else with us, no jackets or coats or any extraneous items, just ourselves. I love the freedom the warmer weather brings. The exit opens onto a quiet backstreet, lit by a couple of street lamps. There's no traffic, no people, no sound, just us. As the door swings closed the silence and peace is overwhelming. Like shutting a door on the whole world. Eddie wraps my hand in his. It's warm, as always.

"Which way?" I say quietly. Eddie shrugs his shoulders. 

"Does it matter?" he smiles. I shake my head and point to the left. He nods and we start walking together, slowly, our feet in sync. 

"Where are we going?" I ask quietly, looking at him out of the corner of my eye. He breathes in deeply.

"On a date, a date date right?" he grins, dimple and all. I can't help but smile back.

"Anything particular in mind?" 

"Not a clue," he laughs, "you?"



I think about it for a second.

"Not really."

"Me neither."

We stroll along in silence. The air is sweet, balmy even. I think about how it feels to walk next to this man, to have him hold my hand in his, to have him all to myself. A feeling of immense gratitude washes over me. I may be the luckiest person alive. The thought stops me in the middle of the street.

"Eddie?" I say softly turning to face him. 

"You ok?" he asks.

"Come here please." 

Eddie turns towards me. I reach out, grab his t-shirt and pull him closer, stepping forward into his space. I slide my arm around his back to press myself up against him and reach up with my other hand I cradle his face.  

"What are you doing?" he chuckles softly.

"I'm kissing you," I breathe looking up into his eyes, " be serious and close your eyes."

I wait for him to close his eyes, he's still smirking slightly. Eventually he does as he's told and rests his hands on my hips. For a second I let my eyes roam over his perfect face and brush his cheek lightly with my thumb. My eyes drop to his mouth, his expressive cupid's bow lips. My breath hitches as I tilt my head slightly and slowly lean in to press my lips softly against his, as I do I feel his hands reach around my back to pull me closer. I hold the kiss and count for exactly ten seconds in my head, before gently breaking away. 

"Thanks," I whisper, pulling back. 

"For what?" he asks, slowly opening his eyes. 

"For coming back for me," I whisper and add, "ten seconds definitely isn't long enough."

Eddie smiles slightly as his blue eyed gaze falls to my mouth, his dark eyelashes fluttering. He slides his hand purposefully to my the back of my neck, pulls me into him and closes his lips around mine. Slowly, rhythmically his tongue takes possession of mine, his increasing ardour engulfing my senses. His quickening breath, soft moans and pressure as he pushes against my body with his lights a fire in me that burns from my abdomen to my thighs. His embrace overpowers me completely as he envelopes me completely. Standing in the middle of the deserted street, I lose all track of time. My hands grip his lower back and I feel him straining against me. 

"Eddie?" I murmur breathlessly, a coil tightening inside me with every touch.

"Mmmm?" he mumbles, kissing the corner of my mouth and trailing a line of butterfly kisses down my neck.

"Did you just?" I sigh.

"Sorry, reflex," he murmurs and I feel his mouth smile against the skin on my neck.

"Again?" I giggle.


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