Atonement [Bakugo Katsuki]

By SlytherinScum

674K 29.3K 11.4K

Kuroyanagi Kimitsuki has always held Heroes in great regard, and has always believed she would never become a... More

🀍 Prologue 🀍
🀍 Information 🀍
🀍 Chapter 1 🀍
🀍 Chapter 2 🀍
🀍 Chapter 3 🀍
🀍 Chapter 4 🀍
🀍 Chapter 5 🀍
🀍 Chapter 6 🀍
🀍 Chapter 7 🀍
🀍 Chapter 8 🀍
🀍 Chapter 9 🀍
🀍 Chapter 10 🀍
🀍 Chapter 11 🀍
🀍 Chapter 12 🀍
🀍 Chapter 13 🀍
🀍 Chapter 14 🀍
🀍 Chapter 15 🀍
🀍 Chapter 16 🀍
🀍 Chapter 17 🀍
🀍 Chapter 18 🀍
🀍 Chapter 19 🀍
🀍 Chapter 20 🀍
🀍 Chapter 21 🀍
🀍 Chapter 22 🀍
🀍 Chapter 23 🀍
🀍 Chapter 24 🀍
🀍 Chapter 25 🀍
🀍 Chapter 26 🀍
🀍 Chapter 27 🀍
🀍 Chapter 28 🀍
🀍 Chapter 29 🀍
🀍 Chapter 30 🀍
🀍 Chapter 31 🀍
🀍 Chapter 32 🀍
🀍 Chapter 33 🀍
🀍 Chapter 34 🀍
🀍 Chapter 35 🀍
🀍 Chapter 36 🀍
🀍 Chapter 37 🀍
🀍 Chapter 38 🀍
🀍 Chapter 39 🀍
🀍 Chapter 40 🀍
🀍 Chapter 41 🀍
🀍 Chapter 42 🀍
🀍 Chapter 43 🀍
🀍 Chapter 44 🀍
🀍 Chapter 45 🀍
🀍 Chapter 46 🀍
🀍 Chapter 47 🀍
🀍 Two Heroes - 1 🀍
🀍 Two Heroes - 2 🀍
🀍 Two Heroes - 3 🀍
🀍 Two Heroes - 5 🀍
🀍 Chapter 48 🀍
🀍 Chapter 49 🀍
🀍 Chapter 50 🀍
🀍 Chapter 51 🀍
🀍 Chapter 52 🀍
🀍 Chapter 53 🀍
🀍 Chapter 54 🀍
🀍 Chapter 55 🀍
🀍 Chapter 56 🀍
🀍 Chapter 57 🀍
🀍 Chapter 58 🀍
🀍 Chapter 59 🀍
🀍 Chapter 60 🀍
🀍 Chapter 61 🀍
🀍 Chapter 62 🀍
🀍 Chapter 63 🀍
🀍 Chapter 64 🀍
🀍 Chapter 65 🀍
🀍 Chapter 66 🀍
🀍 Chapter 67 🀍
🀍 Chapter 68 🀍
🀍 Chapter 69 🀍
🀍 Chapter 70 🀍
🀍 Chapter 71 🀍
🀍 Chapter 72 🀍
🀍 Chapter 73 🀍
🀍 Chapter 74 🀍
🀍 Chapter 75 🀍
🀍 Chapter 76 🀍
🀍 Chapter 77 🀍
🀍 Chapter 78 🀍
🀍 Chapter 79 🀍
🀍 Chapter 80 🀍
🀍 Chapter 81 🀍
🀍 Chapter 82 🀍
🀍 Chapter 83 🀍
🀍 Heroes Rising - 1 🀍
🀍 Heroes Rising - 2 🀍
🀍 Heroes Rising - 3 🀍
🀍 Heroes Rising - 4 🀍
🀍 Chapter 84 🀍
🀍 Chapter 85 🀍
🀍 Chapter 86 🀍
🀍 Chapter 87 🀍
🀍 Chapter 88 🀍
🀍 Chapter 89 🀍
🀍 Chapter 90 🀍
🀍 Chapter 91 🀍
🀍 Chapter 92 🀍
🀍 Chapter 93 🀍
🀍 Chapter 94 🀍
🀍 Chapter 95 🀍
🀍 World Heroes' Mission - 1 🀍
🀍 World Heroes' Mission - 2 🀍
🀍 World Heroes' Mission - 3 🀍
🀍 World Heroes' Mission - 4 🀍
🀍 Chapter 96 🀍
🀍 Chapter 97 🀍
🀍 Chapter 98 🀍
🀍 Chapter 99 🀍
🀍 Chapter 100 🀍
🀍 Chapter 101 🀍
🀍 Chapter 102 🀍
🀍 Chapter 103 🀍
🀍 Chapter 104 🀍
🀍 Chapter 105 🀍
🀍 Chapter 106 🀍

🀍 Two Heroes - 4 🀍

3.7K 179 60
By SlytherinScum

Once they had all made their minds to come along to do something about this, Kimitsuki reached down to fold her kimono upward, tying it above her knees to give way to her legs to move much more freely. She ignored her friends' inquiring looks (and Minoru's salivating mouth) to reach around and pull something out of her Tesaki, pressing on a button on the two objects to reveal that they were small tanto blades. It put an end to Minoru's excitement.

"My Oji-Chan gifted these to me," Kimitsuki informed them, tucking her gloves away in case she needed her flames. "I can't go around without something to help me in difficult times, can I? Don't worry, I will only use these to defend us in case we run into people who wish to use their guns and bullets at us. Come on, let us head to the top floor immediately,"

Melissa led them through the corridor and back to the emergency stairs given that they could not use the elevator unless they wanted to give away their location to the villains. Kimitsuki was the one leading the group as she activated her eyes, followed by Kyoka's Earphones.

"Do you want to wrap my jacket around your waist?" Kyoka asked Kimitsuki as they headed around the corner and Kimitsuki shook her head no in response.

"It's okay, as a Hero, I always wear my safety shorts regardless," Kimitsuki response, looking up to make sure that there wasn't anyone or anything heading their way. "We're currently on the 30th floor," She looked at Melissa. "What floor is the top floor again?"

"The 200th floor," Melissa answered, heaving slightly as everyone turned around to look at her.

"Seriously?" Denki asked, sweat-dropping.

"We have to climb that much?!" Minoru asked, distraught.

"It's better than running into villains," Momo reasoned.

"Yaoyorozo-Chan is correct," Kimitsuki agreed. "This is why Aizawa Sensei always asked us to train our bodies and not rely completely on our Quirks,"

"Melissa-San, do you want me to use my Quirk on you?" Ochaco asked the blonde who was not as quick on her feet as the trained Heroes.

"Thanks, but I'm fine," Melissa replied, taking off her heels and throwing them aside so she could follow them. "Save your power for when we really need it,"

They continued onward, running around the stairs to head upward and upward. Kimitsuki held tightly onto one of her tanto every time they reached a new floor and before long, they had passed forty more floors. Kimitsuki could only hear their own breathing, the ruffling of their formalwear and the clicking of the girls' heels as they continued up and up to –

"The shutter...!"

For the floors above 80th had been sealed off by a shutter. Kimitsuki stopped and stared at it for a moment, trying to see if they needed to break it while the rest of her friends made their way up the stairs to where they were brought to an unwitting stop in their path.

"What should we do?" Shoto asked. "Break it? What do you say, Kuroyanagi?"

"If we do that, then the security system will react," Melissa answered when Kimitsuki looked toward her. "And the villains will notice us,"

"Then can't we just go from here?" Minoru asked as he reached out to open the door that seemed to lead the emergency staircase to the main section of the floor.

"Mineta-Kun! No!"

But it was too late for them. Kimitsuki knew that the villains would be alarmed to their location, and not wanting to be located like sitting ducks, she immediately motioned them all to follow as they rushed down the corridor, knowing that they could no longer take the emergency stairs – it would be most certainly swarmed by the villains or their lackies.

"We need to change our course, throw them off our lead," Kimitsuki told them urgently. "Melissa-San, are you aware of any other way that would lead us upward?"

"There's another emergency staircase like this on the opposite side," Melissa informed her.

"Hurry!" Tenya urged them.

However, they were brought an abrupt stop when the shutter doors started to close from ahead of them, and Kimitsuki glanced behind to see that the same was happening behind them – the villains were trying to restrict into one place so they could be captured.

"The shutters are..." Melissa spoke up.

"The ones behind us are, too!" Momo exclaimed.

"That door!" Kimitsuki pointed out. "Todoroki-Kun, use your Ice – Iida-Kun!"

"Right!" responded the two boys.

Before the shutter door right ahead of them could finish closing itself up, Shoto used his Ice to keep it blocked open and Tenya rushed ahead to jump through the path to quickly break through the double doors that led to the centre of the floor, giving way to the others to follow after him. He had torn his pants below his knees from the force of his Quirk.

"Let's cross inside here!" Tenya instructed.

They had now arrived to the centre of the floor and Kimitsuki noticed that it almost looked like a great conservatory with roads. Everywhere they looked, they found plants and trees of all nature lining the floor. In the centre of the room were waterfalls.

"W-what is this place?" asked Izuku.

"A plant factory," Meliss informed them as they rushed through the floor, hoping to get to the other side quickly. "They research how Quirks influence plants here,"

"The elevator!" Kimitsuki exclaimed, her eyes falling upon it ahead of them. "There's an elevator coming up to here – the villains must've dispatched to take care of us,"

"Let's hide and let them pass us!" Izuku suggested and lead them to the nearest bushes to hide behind while also keeping near the elevator. "Tsuki-Chan..."

"I will see what Quirks they have," Kimitsuki whispered as she parted the leaves to look through them. "And if possible, I'll try to control them... but you must hurry if I give the signal. Let's just hope that they are no longer wearing those masks as the ones below,"

"I wonder if we can use that elevator to get to the top floor?" Denki asked.

"No, only authorised people can operate the elevators," Melissa answered. "And it's made as sturdy as a bomb shelter, so we can't destroy it,"

"Come on, let us use the conveniences of modern civilisation!" Minoru cried, shaking like a leaf amongst the leaves, clutching on several of them.

Just then, the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Kimitsuki adjusted herself, looking closely at them – there were two men, both dressed in the villains' gear. One of them was tall and skinny and had pale yellowish skin. He had a goat-like face with two triangular ears and a flat nose. He also had dark green hair in a mohawk and a goatee.

"The tall man has a Quirk that allows him to enlarge his hands into claws," Kimitsuki whispered to her friends. "His attack would cause displacement... it might even help him in movement as well. If I'm correct, he is also a long-ranged fighter..."

With the man was a shorter individual – he had tanned skin and had much more weight compared to his partner. His eyes were squinted so little that Kimitsuki knew it would be difficult to catch his gaze. He was unremarkable in appearance but his Quirk was different –

"The shorter man has a Beast Form Quirk," Kimitsuki informed others. "His beast form appears to resemble a gorilla... like all beast forms, he is a close-range fighter and has a lot of brute strength,"

"They said the kids were in here," spoke the taller man, Nobu.

"They came into an annoying place," muttered the shorter man, Daigo.

"They're coming!" Ochaco gasped, her hands on her mouth to keep herself from squeaking out in fear as she turned to look at Izuku.

"Quiet," Tenya whispered.

While the rest of her friends were busy praying for the two villains to not notice them, Kimitsuki's hold onto her tanto tightened and her eyes sought out the pairs of the villains, wanting to put them out of their conscious and make it easier for them to get through when –

"I found you, you damn kids!"

Kimitsuki's eyes narrowed quickly – for neither of those men were looking in the direction of the bush behind which they were hiding. Instead, they were looking elsewhere, to her left, and Kimitsuki did not want to imagine who they had caught, if they were civilians –

"Huh? What did you say, you bastard?"

It was Katsuki's voice, and Kimitsuki's eyes widened as she strained to look around toward the direction it had come from. Katsuki was standing there, out in the open, dressed in the clothes that Eijirou had asked her for his measurements, and looked annoyed as well. Next to him was Eijirou, in his own formal clothes, but looking rather sheepish compared to the ash-blond.

"What are you two doing here?" questioned Nobu.

"That's what I want to know," Katsuki retorted.

"Leave this to me, okay?!" Eijirou told the hot-head before looking at the two men. "Um, we got lost... where should we go for the reception?"

"Why did you come all the way to the 80th floor if you got lost?!" Minoru said, biting his nails.

"I can see through you!" Nobu shouted, activating his Quirk, swiping his giant webbed-hand and sending a strong burst of wind toward Katsuki and Eijirou. "Don't lie to me!"

It had not registered to Eijirou what had happened and those in hiding could only gasp but Kimitsuki's eyes had seen it happen, and she had disappeared from the bush before the hand had even lifted into the air. Kimitsuki rushed in front of Katsuki and Eijirou, raising her vibrant violet shield around herself high enough that it defended the two boys, too.

The displaced burst of air was thrown away from the three of them, and before Kimitsuki could go on offensive moves, Shoto had used his own Ice Quirk, capturing the men into the ice formation before they could attack Kimitsuki, Katsuki and Eijirou once again.

"Tsuki-Chan!" "Kimitsuki?"


"Are you okay?" Kimitsuki asked Katsuki and Eijirou quickly, looking them up and down to make sure that they had not been hit by the Quirk. "You are – I'm really grateful,"

When Kimitsuki got to look at them, Katsuki's eyes were narrowed at her, not enough to make her feel that he was bothered by her supposedly rescuing him but enough to make her blush. She looked away from him, feeling subsconscious in her clothes with him around.

"What are you doing here?" Katsuki demanded upon the appearance of the white-haired girl, looking frankly strange in her getup, and so different from her usual uniform or casualwear, but then he saw the Ice structure ahead of her. "That Quirk..."

"Kuroyanagi, we'll stall for time here," Shoto told her, motioning at Katsuki and Eijirou with himself. "You go with others and look for a way to get to the top!"

"Todoroki-Kun!" Izuku exclaimed as Shoto raised the ground beneath them with ice, leading Kimitsuki, Izuku, Tenya, Ochaco, Momo, Kyoka, Melissa, Denki, and Minoru to the ceiling above.

"What about you?" Tenya shouted.

"I'm fine, just go!" Shoto responded.

"Todoroki-San!" Momo called out.

"I'll be right behind you after I clean this up," Shoto assured them.

"Right!" Momo agreed, a bit hesitant.

"You're all here, too?" Eijirou asked. "What's going on, Todoroki?"

"You didn't hear the broadcast?" Shoto asked, and the two of them only looked more confused. "Villains have taken over this tower,"

"Huh?" Eijirou asked.

"What?!" Katsuki demanded.

When the ice tower reached the suspended walkway above, Kimitsuki allowed the rest of her friends to get off first before she got on after them. She retook her place at the front of the group with her eyes but a part of her heart was still tugging behind where Katsuki, Shoto and Eijirou were. She was concerned that more villains may come by and hurt them. But she felt strangely reassured, albeit sweat-dropping at the thought, when the last word she heard was –


Now nine, the group of teenagers reached the end of the walkway and found themselves in the corridor similar to the one below. Tenya had broken through the doors but just like the corridor below, the shutters had closed to keep them locked in.

"This is no good, either?" Tenya asked.

"Hey, what should we do?" cried out Minoru. "We're like mice caught in a bag!"

"Is this as far as we can go?" Denki asked.

"There's always a way up," Kimitsuki told them, not liking the way they were giving up. She looked around for any maintenance vent. "There! Do you see it?"

"Over there!" Izuku agreed. "Melissa, do you see something that looks like a door on the ceiling? Is that the way to the vent?"

"The maintenance room for the sunlight system!" Melissa agreed.

"Wouldn't that have an emergency ladder, Melissa-San?" Kimitsuki asked.

"It's true that there's a manual one," Melissa replied. "But we can only access it from the inside,"

"Even though we got this far..." Ochaco trailed off.

"There's still a possibility," Momo told them as she created a small bomb and threw it at the vent, blasting it open. "If you go outside through the space in the vent, you can use the outside wall to get to the top floor,"

"That's right!" Ochaco agreed. "As long as there's something similar up top –"

"We can get inside!" Melissa finished.

"The vent looks to be quite small," Kimitsuki said, leaning as far as she could against the railing to look at it, much to Izuku's concern. "We'll need someone smaller to get in – that puts out me, Melissa-San, Yaoyorozu-Chan, Iida-Kun... Izu-Chan..." She looked past Kyoka, past Ochaco and her eyes ended upon Minoru, whose eyes widened.

"Huh?" Minoru asked, stepping back in fear and horror. "W-Wait, me?!"

"Please, Mineta-Kun!" Ochaco urged.

"You're the only one who can do it!" Kyoka told him.

"Stupid! Stupid!" Minoru shouted. "Just what floor do you think we're on?!"

"If you save everyone and become distinguished, then they'll interview you," Denki told him, trying to instigate him into action. "And you'll definitely be super popular with the girls!"

"Please!" urged Ochaco and Kyoka, unaware.

"Harem, harem!" Denki told Minoru.

"All right!" Minoru exclaimed. "I just have to go, right?!" He grabbed two balls off of his head and started to climb the wall, heading in the direction of the vent's opening. "Harem, harem, harem! Harem, harem, harem! Harem, harem!"

This was not the kind of behaviour that Kimitsuki liked but she figured they could let it slide this time since Minoru was working on helping them out. She watched quietly as Minoru got into the vent, and few moments later, they saw the ladder descending for them.

Denki, Tenya and Izuku went ahead, followed by Ochaco, Momo, Kyoka, Kimitsuki and Melissa in their dress as they made their way up the ladder.

"Now, now, now, give me some love!" Minoru said, watching them all coming up to the floor. "Just the ladies are fine. Just the ladies,"

"You were amazing, Mineta-Kun," Melissa said as she arrived last, and the Grape Hero looked like he was going to burst. "As expected of a student Hero!"

"Come on, let's get fired up, everyone!" Minoru shouted.

There was no sign of Katsuki, Shoto or Eijirou joining them as they ran down the corridor, and while Kimitsuki could still feel the distant tremors of their fight below, she felt rather suspicious as to why they were not given more hinderances thus far. But still, Kimitsuki made sure to destroy all signs of cameras that could be used to keep an eye on their whereabouts. And it seemed like she was not the only one who was starting to feel it –

"Doesn't it seem like we got lucky?" Denki asked as they raced down the corridor. "All the shutters have been raised since we passed the 100th floor,"

"Could they have lost us?" Ochaco asked. "Kimitsuki-Chan's destroyed all their cameras!"

"That's probably not it," Kyoka admitted.

"They're leading us somewhere, aren't they?" Momo asked.

"Yeah," Izuku replied. "Even so, to get just a little further up... we'll go where they want us to go,"

"There's a good chance they have realised we are Heroes-in-training," Kimitsuki muttered as she rushed along with the others. "They might even be waiting for us there,"

However, their second run-in with the villains came far quicker than they expected.

They were about to cross the 130th floor, which appeared to be a laboratory, when Kimitsuki stopped them by throwing her arm out. Her eyes had noticed movement in the dark and she quietly pointed the little army of security bots on the walkways. Kimitsuki looked around to make sure that there was no human being on the floor, waiting to attack.

"It looks like the enemy has changed from shutting us in to trying to capture us," Tenya said as he peered into the room from next to Kimitsuki.

"Tsuki-Chan was right," Izuku agreed. "I'm sure they realised that we're U.A. students,"

"But in that case, we know what to expect, too!" Momo replied, leaning over to create a large sheet of isolation – large enough to cover all of them but Denki.

"I suppose we can try Plan A," Kimitsuki spoke up. "Kaminari-Kun, it is up to you for now,"

"All right, I'll do my best, too!" Denki exclaimed, pumped up. "I'm counting on you, lida!"

"Right!" Tenya responded, grabbing the blond around his arms and spinning him around before releasing him into the air, allowing him to land between the security bots.

"Take this..." began Denki, his hands upon the ground. "... Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts!"

Momo had thrown the isolation sheet over all of them but Kimitsuki could hear the crackling of electricity as it attacked the security bots. Kimitsuki frowned when the security bots closed themselves down like turtles, defending themselves against the onslaught.

"They defended!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Damn it, then..." Denki cursed, and he increased his output. "... 2-Million Volts!"

"Idiot!" Kyoka shouted. "If you do that..."

Smoke subsided to reveal Denki having short-circuited his head again, "Yay..."

"... then you'll turn dumb," Kyoka finished.

"But thanks to him, the security machines have been stopped," Izuku pointed out as they got out from beneath the isolation sheet to head ahead.

However, their joy was short-lived as the security bots opened themselves yet again and several of them used their restraining wires to capture Denki, who had been sitting on his knees, unable to think or move on his own following the impact on his head.

"Kaminari!" Kyoka exclaimed.

"They're too sturdy..." Minoru added.

"We can't stand around!" Kimitsuki told them as she rushed ahead, her eyes activated as she raised her tanto blades, attacking them faster than the machines could anticipate, destroying the bots with a strike each at just the right moment. "I'm keeping them occupied, Yaoyorozu-Chan, do it!"

"Right, Kuroyanagi-Chan!" Momo replied, beginning to make smoke bombs to throw at the security bots. "We can jam their communications with this while Kuroyanagi-Chan holds them open!"

"Take that!" Ochaco shouted, throwing the smoke bombs.

"And this!" Kyoka added.

"Go!" Melissa exclaimed.

"Mineta-Kun!" Izuku called.

"Give Kaminari back!" shouted Minoru, throwing a barrage of his hair balls to stop the security bots. "He's got a harem waiting! How's that! Man, they won't stop!"

While the smoke was not as thick as the usual, it still impacted Kimitsuki's vision a little as she tried to destroy as many of them as she could, slashing through the wires that were trying to capture her. She glanced over her shoulder briefly, and Tenya nodded.

"Let's go, Midoriya-Kun!" Tenya said. "Kuroyanagi-Kun, get ready!"

"Yeah!" Izuku agreed as he threw off his jacket and activated the Full Gauntlet gifted to him by Melissa that was still around his wrist. "Let's go!"

As the two boys rushed toward the security bots, Kimitsuki quickly moved out of the way for Izuku to get a clear-cut punch at the security bots while she managed to free Denki from his restraints – she didn't have to move any further from there as Tenya extracted both her and the blond out of the endless security bots, taking them away with his extreme speed.

"Jiro-Kun!" Tenya called out, setting Kimitsuki down. "Where are the security machines?!"

"They're coming from the left!" Kyoka answered, having used her Earphone Jack to listen.

"Thank you, Iida-Kun," Kimitsuki said before instructing the others, "Let us go toward the right! We can't engage in a fight with them for too long!"

"Deku-Kun, what's with that arm?" Ochaco asked as they raced down the walkway. "It's amazing!"

"Yeah!" Izuku replied. "Melissa-San, it worked perfectly!"

"You brought it, huh?" Melissa asked, pleased.

"I didn't know how to take it off..." Izuku admitted and Kimitsuki sweat-dropped.

They arrived out into the 137th floor corridor and Kyoka used her Earphone Jack to check on their surroundings, "I hear a lot of security machine wheels coming from the floor below,"

"Any sounds from above?" Kimitsuki inquired.

"No," Kyoka answered. "It's fine,"

"In that case, let us continue," Kimitsuki said.

Just as Kyoka had said, there were no hurdles in their way as the nine of them rushed through the floor. Kimitsuki glanced around and saw that they were in what appeared to be the server room for there were all surrounded by countless buzzing server machines. Before they could cross the floor, however, the door ahead of them opened to reveal hundreds of security bots.

"A trap?!" Tenya asked, still carrying Denki on his back.

"Let's break through, lida-Kun!" Izuku said.

"Wait!" Melissa interjected, stopping them in their path and looking toward the machines around them. "If the servers here are damaged, then it could affect the security system, too,"

"Just how many are there?!" Minoru shouted as more security bots dropped from the ceiling.

"We'll stop the security machines here," Momo said.

"Midoriya-Kun, take Melissa-San and find a different route!" setting down the short-circuited Denki.

"Come with me, Melissa-San!" Izuku said and Melissa nodded quickly.

"Ochaco-San, you come with us, too!" Melissa said to the brunette.

"Huh?" asked Ochaco, taken aback. "But –"

"Go ahead, Uraraka-Chan," Kimitsuki insisted. "We'll take care of these security bots and follow after you. Please stay safe and get to the security room!"

Izuku, Ochaco and Melissa rushed off from there, leaving the rest of them to deal with the hundreds of the security bots. But Kimitsuki was just getting into the fight when Kyoka informed her that there were security bots heading in the direction that Izuku and the two girls had left off to, and Tenya urged the white-haired girl to go after them to help out.

"Be careful!" Kimitsuki told them before turning around and rushing off to the direction where the three of them had headed off to, her heart beating fast.

It was not hard to locate where Izuku, Ochaco and Melissa had gone off to because they had left the doors opened, or well, destroyed by One for All. Kimitsuki raced through the floors and up to find that they had headed out of the 200th floor and to the wind power generation area. She clutched onto blades, finding Izuku and Melissa floating and Ochaco surrounded by security bots – the silver-haired girl rushed forward, attacking those nearest to the brunette.

"Kimitsuki-Chan!" Ochaco exclaimed in relief. "They're everywhere!"

"Please get back, Uraraka-Chan!" Kimitsuki responded, concerned as she continued to jam her blades into the weak spots of the bots. "Be careful!"

"There are too many of them, Kimitsuki-Chan!" Ochaco shouted. "Watch out!"

Before Kimitsuki could turn around to deal with the security bots heading her way from behind, the sound of explosion. She whipped around to see that it was none other than Katsuki, having reached the top with Shoto and Eijirou in tow, looking uninjured.

"Ka-Chan!" Kimitsuki breathed, her eyes focusing on his arm where his sleeve had been torn, and while he seemed alright, it still concerned her about him and – "Todoroki-Kun! Kirishima-Kun!"

"Are you okay, Kuroyanagi?" Shoto asked as he used his Ice to capture the security bots. Kimitsuki nodded quickly in response, getting the chance to blink for once. "Uraraka?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ochaco replied before nodding toward where Izuku and Melissa were. "Deku-Kun and Melissa-San are heading to the top floor right now,"

"Yeah, I saw," Shoto replied. "We're going to stop these guys right here!"

"Don't tell me..." Katsuki spoke as he blasted through the security bots. "... what to do!"

"But you guys are a good team!" Eijirou pointed out.

"As if!" Katsuki shouted.

"Well, it looks like Ka-Chan is okay," Kimitsuki muttered as she rushed forward to help Eijirou out since they were both close-range and could back each other up.

"Thanks, everyon –" Izuku called out but was swiftly cut off as the wind blew him and Melissa away from where they were supposed to be heading safely.

"Deku-Kun!" shouted Ochaco as they flew away from the tower. "Melissa-San!"

"Izu-Chan!" Kimitsuku gasped as she rushed forward to help them out, looping around Shoto's Ice to raise her hands up. "Ka-Chan, redirect the propeller toward Izu-Chan!"

"I don't follow orders, Class Rep!" shouted Katsuki but he still ended up doing it.

Kimitsuki watched as Katsuki blew the propeller around and the moment it was directed toward Izuku and Melissa, Kimitsuki used her Black Flames to cause the hot wind to blow in their direction and that hot wind helped bring Izuku and Melissa back to their course toward the top of the tower. Kimitsuki turned to send a smile at Katsuki, who busied himself with fighting.

"Deku-Kun!" Ochaco shouted. "You're going to hit the wall!"

Izuku seemed to realise it, too, and used his One for All to smash his way through the tower, taking Melissa along, the blonde holding onto him tightly.

"They got into the tower!" Ochaco exclaimed. "Release!"

Kimitsuki had gotten herself busy with fighting against the security bots with Katsuki, Shoto and Eijirou. She was sure that they would be able to put them all out for once and follow after Izuku and Melissa when her purple eyes fell upon the latter two and their demise as a villain seemed to have intercepted their path, throwing Izuku out of the tower.

Izuku was holding onto the edge of the tower, trying to climb back up, but Kimitsuki's eyes had frozen on Melissa, who was a Quirkless individual stuck with a new villain whose Quirk allowed him to turn his forearms into cone-shaped sharp blades.

The villain smacked Melissa away and had barely turned around when he found Kimitsuki on the scene, and their blades clashed against each other loudly.

"Another revolting Hero!" grumbled the villain, Swordkil.

Due to the fact that Kimitsuki's activated Quirk, she knew that Swordkil was going to move his swords around to attack her from above, and she dropped low –

The villain grunted as Kimitsuki kicked him in his stomach, making him stagger backward and she caught him into her Genjutsu – right in time for Izuku to appear over the side, his right arm sparking with One for All and smashed his fist onto the man's face.

Swordkil soared through the air and smashed into the staircase, getting knocked out. Kimitsuki and Izuku rushed toward Melissa, who seemed to have hurt herself.

"Melissa-San, are you alright?" Kimitsuki asked, frowning as she reached for the older female's injured arm. "Let me see – I'll fix it for you right now –"

"I'm fine," Melissa assured them. "It's not too bad,"

"We should wrap it up just in case so you wouldn't get it infected," Kimitsuki insisted, and Izuku offered a handkerchief to her. "I'll tie it for you, okay?"

"Sorry I couldn't protect you..." Izuku apologised, watching Kimitsuki wrap up Melissa's injury.

"You should be saying, 'Thanks,' right?" asked Melissa.

"Yes!" Izuku exclaimed as he stood up. "Let's go and save everyone!"

"Let's go," Kimitsuki told them, nodding at them.


A/N: Surprise update since I was feeling it and I wanted to finish this movie quickly -- I understand that not many readers are enjoying it and I know, it is hard to translate this movie into written work in a fun way. Last chapter to the movie will be update on Thursday. Then, finally, we're off to summer camp. Enjoy.

KimiKatsu coming up next!

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