Abnormal: Bonnie Bennett [DIS...

By TVlover_stories

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Everybody knows the name Elena Gilbert. But what about her sister? Toni Gilbert is Elena's older sister by a... More

Chapter 1: Pilot
Chapter 2: Night of the Comet
Chapter 3: Friday Night Bites
Chapter 4: Family Ties
Chapter 5: You're Undead To Me
Chapter 6: Lost Girls
Chapter 7: Haunted
Chapter 8: 162 Candles
Chapter 10: The Turning Point
Chapter 11: Bloodlines
Chapter 12: Unpleasantville
Chapter 13: Children of the Damned
Chapter 14: Fool Me Once
Chapter 15: A Few Good Men
Chapter 16: There Goes The Neighbourhood

Chapter 9 - History Repeating

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By TVlover_stories

Toni's POV

I woke up, excited for the day ahead of me, being spent with Bonnie, away from all the drama. I got ready and looked at my phone, reading all of the messages I had received.

Damon 🧛‍♂️
Plan went perfectly. You're a good actor.

I sighed, feeling a slight pinch of guilt towards the female vampire's death, but it needed to happen. Even without me, Damon would've ended up killing Lexi.

Matt 🏈
You asked me to update you on the Vicki situation. She still hasn't called, texted or visited.

I felt bad for Matt. He didn't need this and he feels as though his family is unreliable.

Bonnie 😘❤
I'm so sorry, but can we take a rain check? I don't think right now is the best time to go off the grid.

I sighed, knowing that in my gut, she was right. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. I was looking forward to just spending time alone together.

Yeah, that's fine. See you around.


I just finished driving to school and I parked my car before getting out. I saw my sister and Caroline getting off of the school bus. I offered to drive them, but Elena said she wanted to go with Caroline, so I just drove myself. Since Bonnie cancelled the other day, I hadn't talked to her, which wasn't surprising since I was more watching from the sidelines in mine, Elena's, Bonnie's and Caroline's friendship. I had gotten more confident since Elizabeth had invaded my thoughts.

"Why are you so pissed at her anyway?" I heard Elena ask Caroline as I walked towards them.

"She's a thief, that's why," Caroline stated, I didn't bother to ask who they were talking about, but I still listened in.

"I gave her my necklace and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle," Caroline continued. At that moment I knew they were talking about Bonnie. Damon had told me about what happened when Caroline asked Bonnie for the necklace. He also told me the things he called her, making me punch him in the face before ignoring him for two days. Even though Caroline could be a bitch sometimes, she was still my friend and a person with feelings.

"All right, I tried. I'm officially out of it," Elena stated, trying to not get on Caroline's bad side.

"Good. Your turn. Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?" Caroline asked Elena and I knew she hadn't. A couple of times I found her crying, clearly in love with the boy. Each time that happened, I'd hug her, letting her cry on my shoulder, take the good ice cream out of the freezer, put a good movie in, that isn't about love and we would cuddle up with a big blanket in pyjamas, and watch the movie, eating the ice cream. If she wanted to, I would listen to her rant about her live life or whatever was bothering her (it was usually about Stefan) and give her advice.

"He's avoiding me," Elena stated, referring to Caroline's question. I gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Why?" Caroline asked. I nodded along to her, not knowing why Stefan was actually avoiding her. It was probably something to do with Lexi dying or something like that.

"It's complicated," Elena answered, including as little information as possible. The bell rang and Elena went inside the school. I saw Matt walking out, heading to Caroline so I followed soon after Elena. Matt told me over the phone what I missed the night of the bar. Apparently, Caroline got super drunk so Matt took her home, because she was sad and extremely drunk. She didn't want to be left alone, so Matt (being the nice person that he is) climbed into bed with her (not in the way you're thinking of) fully clothed.

I went to my normal boring class, and completely ignored the teacher and work. I just started sketching in my notebook, trying to memorise the different symbols and pictures Elizabeth had told me about. All the while, asking Elizabeth, mentally, if I was getting them right.


At lunch, I didn't join my friends. Instead, I sat on a table alone, writing down everything Elizabeth was telling me in my head. It was a lot of stuff, all about vampire history. Since I had learnt most of the stuff she wanted to teach me, I asked her about vampires. I wrote down everything about the history, including how the first vampires were created and everything about them.

Jeremy came up to my table and sat down. I immediately closed my notebook and looked at Jeremy.

"Hey. What's up?" I greeted him.

"Hey. I need to go talk to the new history teacher soon, he wanted to see me," Jeremy stated. I looked at him, confused.

"Did you do anything bad to him?" I asked him.

"No, I didn't. I don't think so, anyway. I was heading there, but then I saw you...alone," Jeremy explained.

"Well, go see the history teacher. Maybe he's talking about how good your grades are getting?" I suggested to him.

"I will. I just need to ask you something," Jeremy stated.

"Shoot," I told him.

"Are you okay? You're sitting alone, no where near Elena or Bonnie or Caroline."

"I'm fine, Jer. I just wanted to be alone." He nodded in understanding, before going to Alaric Saltzman's classroom.

"Alaric know
s," Elizabeth commented, mentally.

"About what?" I asked, silently, confused.

"About the supernatural. You don't need to worry about him though," Elizabeth told me. I nodded my head in understanding and continued writing the facts Elizabeth taught me.


When I got out of school, I saw Elena and Stefan talking. I smiled slightly, knowing that Elena would finally be happy again. Then, my face fell when I saw Elena looking upset. They were still talking, but then they just looked at eachother. I gave them some privacy, going to my car and driving home.

When I got home, I went into my room, locking the door. I closed the curtains and the blinds. I dimmed my bedroom light and changed into a loose top and a pair of workout leggins. I sat, crossed legged on the floor, hands on my knees. My hair was in a low ponytail and I was slowly breathing in and out. I closed my eyes, clearing my mind. I was sitting peacefully and eventually, Elizabeth came to me, helping me train in my peaceful state.


I eventually woke up. I changed into a comfortable outfit and opened the curtain and blinds, turning the light back on and waking myself up by splashing cold water on my face.

I headed downstairs, knowing Jeremy was at the grill with Aunt Jenna, doing something or other. He told me that Mr Saltzman was just asking him if he wanted extra-credit basically. I like Alaric, considering I had a class with him today, and I actually paid attention. History had always been what interested me most. It was just fascinating learning about how people lived before us, how they survived and how they impacted the world. Even though we mustn't speak I'll of the dead, our old history teacher sucked and it ruined the subject for me, knowing we had a terrible teacher. Apparently, he had a shit-list of all the students who he hated. Alaric told Jeremy that it was basically dedicated to him, but there was a few pages for me, considering I constantly ignored him and talked back.

When I went downstairs, Elena opened the door and Stefan was there. I was confused, but then I saw Bonnie and thought that it had to do with Emily Bennett. Damon had told me all about Bonnie's ancestor and how she's linked to the necklace. Stefan and Elena were talking, but I ignored them and walked over to Bonnie.

"Hey," I greeted. She smiled.

"Hey," she greeted back. I smiled at her, before walking into the kitchen and grabbing a cup. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a huge bottle of lemonade, before pouring some into the cup. I put the lemonade bottle away, and sipped at the cup in my hands. Elena shut the door, walking outside with Stefan. Bonnie came over to me with a smile, which I gladly returned. I decided to break my plan of coming out, since Elena never seemed to be alone or not busy anymore. I was going to come out to Bonnie then Caroline.

"So, I've got something I need to tell you. I haven't told Caroline or Elena yet, so you can't tell them," I told her. She looked concerned.

"Of course," she promised. I took a deep breath in, then out, before looking at her.

"I'm a lesbian. I've known for a while, but when my parents died, no one needed to know that," I told her and she looked shocked before she smiled brightly.

"That's great! I was waiting to tell you this, but since you just came out to me...might aswell. I'm bisexual," Bonnie told me, and I smiled brightly, knowing there was, after all, a chance that we could date.

"That's amazing!" I told her and we bothe hugged eachother, smiles plastered onto our faces.


Caroline came round later on, and I was helping her and Elena set the table. Apparently, after Bonnie kept having wierd dreams about Emily Bennett, she got scared and Elena wanted her to be safe, so she was staying at our house. I didn't mind, not even a little bit. Bonnie and Caroline gave a look to eachother and it was a little awkward. Elena glared at Caroline, raising an eyebrow towards Bonnie, meaning that she should talk to Bonnie.

"I'm sorry. There, I said it. If you want the ugly-ass necklace, you can keep it. It's yours," Caroline apologised and I smiled at her, knowing she became the bigger person in this scenario. Bonnie paused for a second.

"Will you hate me, if I tell you I threw it away?" Bonnie asked.

"You threw it away?" Caroline repeated, clearly a little pissed.

"I know it sounds crazy, but the necklace was giving me nightmares. I had to get rid of it," Bonnie admitted and I smiled at her. Deep down, I knew that Bonnie couldn't get rid of it. Mainly because Elizabeth told me.

"You could've just given it back to me," Caroline stated. I nodded slightly, agreeing with her.

"Why? So you could give it back to Damon?" Elena questioned, though she knew the answer was yes.

"Screw Damon. Are we doing manicures, or what? Who has their kit?" Caroline inquired. I smiled and left the room, knowing that they'd probably want to spend some time alone. Before I left, I quickly circled back, wanting to come out to Elena. When Caroline came, I told her I was a lesbian and she was completely supportive.

"Can I borrow you for a sec, Elena?" I asked her and she nodded following me out of the room. I closed the door behind me and faced her.

"What did you need?" Elena asked me and I took a small breath, not as worried as before.

"I'm a lesbian," I stated and she lit up before hugging me and telling me she lived me no matter what and that she was completely supportive. I went upstairs, giving the three their time alone, before going upstairs and going to bed early.

Bonnie's POV

I couldn't describe how elated I was after hearing that Toni was a lesbian. It gave me a shot at the life I wanted with her. There was now hope for me and her in the future. I didn't know if she liked me as more than a friend, but at that moment, it was a problem for another day.

"Mine's in my bag," I told Caroline after she asked us if we had our manicure kits. Elena had left the room to talk to Toni and I knew Toni was telling her the big news. Elena came back in the room and Caroline stopped walking towards my bag and faced her.

"Did Toni tell you?" Caroline questioned and I faced her too.

"Yeah, she did. She's a lesbian. It's amazing! Especially for Bonnie," Elena stated, making me stare at her, faking confusion.

"Oh yeah. You two would make the best couple!" Caroline commented, excited.

"Can we please just drop the subject? Toni probably doesn't even like me," I told them and they stayed silent. Caroline then went towards my bag again and began opening it.


Toni's POV

This time was different. I woke up in a familiar woods, knowing that this was the woods in Mystic Falls, not the one I usually was in. Elizabeth was standing there in her usual attire.

"What are we doing?" I asked her, curious. Then another figure appeared behind Elizabeth, sparking my curiosity. She was wearing very old-fashioned clothing and a hat. She had some resemblance to Bonnie, making me realise who this was.

"This is Emily Bennett. She needs to talk to both of us about something," Elizabeth stated. And I gulped, suddenly extremely nervous.

I woke up with a gasp, shivering but sweating all at the same time. Emily Bennett gave us some news of which we were not aware of. Apparently, Damon knew this, meaning we didn't know whether to continue to help him reunite with his true love, or stop. Either way, he'd probably open the tomb and Elizabeth was thinking about our new strategy. I knew what would happen tonight and I was going to have to prevent it. After what Emily was planning, Damon would try to kill Bonnie, meaning I would have to reveal myself.

"That's the right thing to do," Elizabeth told me, listening to my thoughts. I smiled, knowing that she believed it was the right thing, and I trusted her judgement. The two people who died because of Damon's plans (that I was involved in) were going to die, with or without my help. Elizabeth only told me to help because Damon was trying to be reunited with Katherine, and I couldn't blame him for that. Elizabeth had told me everything about herself when she was alive, and I could understand why she wanted to help.

There was screaming coming from Elena's room, and I knew what was happening but I still rushed towards them. I joined Elena and Caroline, banging on the bathroom door, which joint Elena's and Jeremy's rooms. The girls shouted sentences at her, whilst I shouted her name repeatedly. The lights started playing around and I stood back. Elena ran to the hallway, trying to get in using another door. Suddenly everything stopped at the bathroom door opened. I stood straight, knowing what was happening. It wasn't Bonnie anymore. Even though she may look, smell and sound like it, it wasn't Bonnie. Emily had taken over her body. She was crying and I left the room, waiting by the front door.

Emily in Bonnie's body came down the stairs and out the door. I looked at her as she slammed the door shut.

"Toni," she greeted.

"Emily," I greeted back, leaning against a wall.

"I can't let him have it. I must destroy it," Emily stated. Little did she know, the tomb could be opened without the crystal, which I knew thanks to Elizabeth.

"I get it. Even though Damon would get Katherine back, it's not worth it," I stated, standing up straight.

"You made the right call," she stated, heading towards the woods, me following behind her. I closed my eyes, taking a deap breath before appearing a little away from Fell's Church in the woods. I smiled slightly, proud that it worked.

We were making our way through the woods, when I sensed a vampire. I hid behind a tree.

"Hello, Emily," Damon greeted. He couldn't see me from where he was standing. I closed me eyes, concentrated and then opened them again before stepping out from behind the tree. No one looked at me, so I guessed it worked. I was now invisible.

"You look different," Damon commented, sarcastically.

"I won't let you do it," Emily stated, talking about opening the tomb.

"We had a deal," Damon reminded her. The deal that he made with Emily was that she protected Katherine and Damon would protect her family.

"Things are different now. I need to protect my family," Emily explained, vaguely.

"I protected your family. You owe me," Damon reminded her.

"I know. I'm sorry," Emily apologised.

"You're about to be a lot more than that," Damon commented, rushing towards Emily, but she just used her magic to send Damon back, flying into a tree, impaling him with a branch. Damon was coughing and groaning. I walked behind Emily, still invisible. I needed to make sure that Bonnie would be safe after all of this. I felt bad for Damon, but I was still going to help him open the tomb, I was just only going to let Katherine out, no one else.

Emily was holding a big stick, doing something or other to do with the spell. Stefan came and helped Damon off the tree's branch.

"Stefan," Emily stated, making him turn his attention to her.

"Hello, Emily," Stefan greeted, facing her.

"These people don't deserve this. They should never have to know such evil," Emily explained, not knowing that Stefan only just found out about Katherine still being alive, but stuck in the tomb.

"What do you mean evil?" Stefan questioned.

"Emily, I swear to God I'll make you regret this," Damon threatened, only just getting up from the ground.

"I won't let you unleash them into this world," Emily told the brother.

"Them? What part of the story did you leave out then?" Stefan inquired, looking at his older brother.

"What does it matter?" Damon questioned back, groaning still.

"Emily, tell me what you did," Stefan demanded.

"To save her, I had to save them," Emily told him.

"You saved everyone in the church?" Stefan asked her, shocked.

"With one, comes all," Emily stated.

"I don't care about them. I just want Katherine," Damon admitted, telling the truth.

"I knew I shouldn't have believed a word out of your mouth. This isn't about love, is it? This is about revenge, " Stefan told his brother, staring into his eyes, only a few steps apart.

"The two aren't mutually exclusive," Damon stated. I blocked out the rest of the conversation, just waiting to protect Bonnie after Emily did the spell.

After a while, Emily lit a fire around herself, starting the spell. Elena came running, stopped by Stefan. I stood just outside the fire, waiting, still invisible. She chucked the necklace up in the air, making it explode, therfore destroying it.

Damon looked at Bonnie with a murderous look in his eye, as the fire went down and Emily stopped possessing my crush. There was tons of smoke, and I prepared myself to stop Damon from killing Bonnie. Damon ran towards her, biting into her neck, making her scream. Without even thinking twice about it, I threw Damon away from Bonnie, not getting anywhere near him. I became visible again. Everyone looked at me, in shock. Bonnie fainted from the blood loss and Damon stood back up.

"I'm sorry. I was going to help you bring back Katherine, not revenge-thirsty vampires," I told Damon. I walked towards Bonnie, kneeling down by her side. I took in a deap breathe, and put my hand on her arm. I focused my energy onto her. The wound on her neck slowly disappeared into nothing. I stood back up. They all looked at me in confusion and shocked. I just looked at them.

"What?" I asked them, pretending that everything I just did was a completely normal thing to do. Me and Elena left with Bonnie, and I knew that I was going to owe them an explanation.

"I don't understand. He attacked me and his face was like-" Bonnie began, crying. She eventually woke up and it looked like that what I was, wasn't going to be the only explanation.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?" Elena asked Bonnie, concerned for her friend. I got in the car, knowing that me being there wasn't making a difference. Stefan came up to them, saying something or other, but I didn't listen. My thoughts were running on overdrive. How will I explain this to them? Will they hate me? How will I help Damon? Should I help Damon? All of these thoughts, and more, were on a constant loop, replaying in my head.

Bonnie got into the passenger seat, tears still streaming down her beautiful face. I slowly pit my hand on her shoulder, in comfort. Elena and Stefan talked for a little while about...I don't know. Elena looked sad as Stefan walked away.


Elena explained all about vampires to Bonnie I'm her bedroom as I sat on the floor. They were bothe crying, upset. I didn't listen to what they were saying. They hugged, comforting eachother. The doorbell rang, and I got up to get the door. Going downstairs, I could see Jenna going towards the door, so I just sat on the stairs. She opened the door. There stood, Logan Fell. He was different though. I sensed his aura, and he was definitely a vampire.

"Hello, Jenna," Logan greeted.

"Logan," Jenna greeted back.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Logan asked her. He smiled at her.

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