Homestuck imagines {DISCONTIN...

By Stamp_Crab

317K 6.7K 2.9K


Karkat X Reader #1
me and dave's conversation on pesterchum
Sollux X Reader #1
me and daves conversation part. 2
Gamzee X Reader #1
Eridan X Reader #1
Kankri X Reader #1
Kurloz X Reader #1
Cronus X Doll #1
John X Reader #1
Dirk X Reader #1
Dave X Reader #1
Equius X Reader #1
Grub!Kurloz X Reader #2
Jake X Neko!Reader #1
Psiionic X Reader #1
Signless X Reader #1
Tavros X Reader #1
Horuss X Reader #1
Rufioh X Sick!Reader #1
Grand Highblood X Reader #1
Karkat X Reader #2
John X Reader #2
Human!Gamzee X Reader #2
Choose Your Strider
Eridan X Shy!Reader #2
Kankri X Reader #2
Kurloz X Reader #3
Cronus X Readder #2
Gamzee X Reader #3
Karkat X Reader #3
Jake X Reader #2
Psiioniic X Reader #2
Horuss X Reader #2
Karkat X Reader #4
Dave X Reader #2
Jake X Reader #3
Cheater!Sollux X Reader #2
Mituna X Reader #2
Grub!Signless X Highblood!Reader #2
Dualscar X Reader #1
Human!Gamzee X Reader #4
Dave X Mute!Reader #3
Rufioh X Reader #2
Jake X Reader #4
Eridan X Reader #4
Dirk X Reader #2
Sollux X Reader #2
Psiioniic X Reader
Mituna X Reader Pt.1 #3
Mituna X Reader Pt. 2 #3
Equius X Reader
Darkleer X Reader
Dualscar X Reader Pt.1 #2
Mituna X Reader #4
Male!Vriska x Reader
Kankri X Reader
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Darkleer x reader
Male!Kanaya X Reader
Tavros x Reader
Kanaya X Reader
Mituna X Reader #5
Kurloz X Reader
Kankri X Depressed!Reader
Male! Porrim X Reader
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Tavros X Reader
Dave X Reader (Fluff)
Kankri X Reader
Cronus X Reader
Dirk X Angel!Reader
Karkat and I's Pesterlog
Mituna X Reader
John X Reader
GamTav x Grub!Reader
Jake X Reader
ayo ?

Mituna x Reader #1

7.9K 154 245
By Stamp_Crab

You need to hurry and open your locker. You managed to open it in your tired stupor and to your surprise you noticed something fly down and out of it to the floor. You looked down to see what it was.

It seemed to be a birthday card. It was pretty cute, you smiled going down to get a closer look at it.

It was a cute yellow helmet with an all too familiar look to it. You smiled picking up the card, it was clearly hand made too. You stared at it and imagined what the eyes of the troll that wore it looked like. You then remember your locker is open and you'd hate for someone to steal your shit while you're distracted.

You grabbed the few books you needed and looked into your locker for a moment. You had kept a picture of you and your crush Mituna in your locker. You had always been close to him so of course you'd keep his picture. It's also little surprise that you'd fall for him since he was so cheerful and happy.

You shake away those thought and close your locker. You looked down the hall and spotted a familiar gold helmet. You smile as Mituna turns his head spotting you. You slid down onto the floor and look at the card your sure Mituna gave you for a moment.

"WA75 UP ____? D1D Y0U G37 MY C4RD?" Mituna yelled in his happy tone as he sat next to you.

"Yeah I got it 'tuna, I was just about to read it." You replied holding up to card.

Mituna smiled showing his sharp fangs, when wouldn't this guy act cute? You smiled opening the card. You chuckled as you looked at his hand writing and the little doodles he drew in it.

'H4PPY WR1GGL1NG D4Y ____,

1 H0P3 1T5 4 81C7H1NG D4Y F0R YU0

7H3 R4D357 DUD3,


You smiled at the gesture and hug Mituna. He was nice enough to remember and even made you a card. It probably didn't mean anything though since he was nice to everyone when he wasn't in a bad mood. He laughed his crazy laugh and licked your face.

Blush spread across your face, why did he have to do that? He laughed nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. You hated when he was so sweet around you. It just gave you false hopes. You turned your head away and looked at the few other students walk by and give the two of you strange looks,

It wasn't a surprise that a few students were wandering the halls. It was study hall and study hall was just extra time at the beginning of school to let idiots study and finish their homework, and give smartasses time to do extra credit. But the main point of it was to let the late bus kids get time so they won't be late to class. Pretty smart with that in your opinion. You sighed and looked down at Mituna. You hated how his helmet always hid his face. You plucked it off his head and set it down near by. He looked up at you, you grinned and ran your fingers through his soft hair.

"Thanks for the sweet card Mituna." You said causing him to grin.

"GL4D3 Y0U L1K3D 17 817CH, N0W G37 M3 C00K135." You frowned down at him.

"I'm not your bitch 'tuna." You said making him pout.

"F1N3 8U7 1 W4N7 HUG5." He was still pouting, you sighed hugging him.

"H4H4H4H4H4, M1N3. Y0UR M1N3 ____." He called out as he nearly crushed you in a hug.

"M-mituna, you have a girlfriend." You said trying to remind him.

"WH47 4R3 Y0U 74LK1NG 480U7 ____? 4R3 Y0U 74LK1NG 480U7 L47UL4?" He seemed so honest about not knowing what the hell you were referring to.

"Aren't you and Latula matesprits?" You tilted your head to the side seriously confused.

"N0, W3 7R13D 17 F0R 50M3 71M3 8U7 17 D1DN'7 W0RK 0U7 W3LL." He looked down pouting like a little kid.

You couldn't help it, he was too adorable to let him pout like that. You pulled him close to your chest patting his head. You nuzzled your head in his hair and gave him a gentle peck.

"I'm sorry I mentioned it Mituna. She would have been really lucky to stay in that Quadrant with you." You whispered as you blushed.

If Mituna was single it meant you might have a chance with him. But then again, he was into Latula, and even you have to admit you aren't at her level of 'rad'. He probably had a thing for Kurloz too. You push those thoughts aside and focus on the adorable available Mituna in your arms.

"H3Y ____, 7H3R3'5 50M37H1NG 1 W4N73D 70 73LL Y0U." He seemed hesitant as he pulled out of your embrace facing you.

"What is it Mituna?" You asked looking down into his eyes.

"1'M GL4D3 N07 70 83 W17H '7UL4. 7H3R3'5 50M30N3 3L53 1'D L1K3 70 83 W17H." He kept an intense gaze between the two of you.

"Really? Who?" You tried your best not to show your disappointment.

"Y0U." That's all the warning you got before he launched himself at you.

Your lips melded with his in a sloppy harmony. It took a moment for the two of you to really fit to one another. Mituna tasted almost as though he had just put on honey flavored lip balm. His forked tongue started licking over your lips, you pulled back for air and thought for a moment before diving back into him. His tongue ran over your lips again and a whine escaped him. You smiled through the kiss and opened your mouth as he slipped in.

You tried pulling off a fight for dominance but his forked tongue was able to tame you. He explored your mouth as his gloved hands went through your _hair color_ hair. Your hands tangled in his free hair as he pulled you against him. You didn't want it to end, you were able to breathe through your nose so you wouldn't need to break for air. You knew the bell would ring soon so you pulled back.

"WHY'D Y0U PULL 84CK ____?" He whined.

"The bells going to ring soon." You said calmly as you gathered your things and placed Mituna's helmet back on him.

"W3'R3 M4735PR175 N0W R1GH7 ____?" He looked rather adorable with the face he made while asking.

"Of course Mituna. Love you." You said giving him a quick kiss.

"FLU5H3D F0R Y0U." He said with his adorabloodthirsty grin.

The bell rang signaling school was really starting. You gave Mituna another quick kiss and jogged down from the fourth fucking floor to your class. You smiled as you slid into your chair, but it quickly faded as you slid off the side of the chair. You started spazzing for a moment before taking your seat calmly.

*Time Skip, a swarm of bees flys by changing time somehow.*

You had gone through your classes with the occasional friend telling you happy wriggling/birth day to you. Luckily no asshats heard about your birthday/wriggling day so it was an asshat free day. In some of your classes you did however try to make a thank you card for Mituna. Your art skills weren't exactly great like Muelin's but they were somewhat descent.

You took your now finished card at the end of the day and found Mituna. You hurried over glomping(definition: to tackle and hug someone at the same time) him, he got scared for a moment but cooled down seeing it was you.

"H3Y ____, WH47 4R3 Y0U D01NG H3R3?" He asked clearly a bit zoned out.

"I'm here to give my great matesprit this." You cheerfully replied handing Mituna your poorly handmade card.

"W0W 7H4NK5 ____. 17'5 5UCH 4 CU73 C4RD." He said pulling ou into a hug.

He spun you around while you laughed happily. When he stopped he gave you a sweet kiss grinning. You laughed while thinking for a moment. You didn't think the card was completely cute but if Mituna said so, it must be a cute card.


does not belong to me

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