Stargazer - Segregation

By JanaKaschubowski

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When the world lies in shambles as a war draws closer and closer, when humanity must grasp for every grain of... More

Chapter One - Stargazer
Chapter Two - Horizon
Chapter Three - Gemini
Chapter Four - Telescope
Chapter Five - Odaisys
Chapter Six - Anon
Chapter Seven - New Recruits
Chapter Eight - Fluctuate
Chapter Nine - Changing Minds
Chapter Eleven - Forgotten World
Chapter Twelve - Antares and Mars
Chapter Thirteen - Small Steps
Chapter Fourteen - World Laws
Chapter Fifteen - Simulation
Chapter Sixteen - Ksitron
Chapter Seventeen - Jack Ketch Fair
Chapter Eighteen - History
Chapter Nineteen - Birthday Party
Chapter Twenty - Lies Among Them
Chapter Twenty-One - Message
Chapter Twenty-Two - Prevaricate
Chapter Twenty-Three - Nadir
Chapter Twenty-Four - Shielding Madness
Chapter Twenty-Five - Shallow
Chapter Twenty-Six - Mistrust
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Behind Curtains
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Last Stand
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Stardust
Chapter Thirty - True Horizon

Chapter Ten - Teamwork Plans

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By JanaKaschubowski

Wylie and Riley, yet again, watch them from behind the door. "Yeah, Riley, let's go back before they see us."

"Shouldn't we go back to work?"

"What do you mean? It just started to get interesting!"

"No, I'm staying. Work for me, please. Bye!" says Riley and waves her right hand to Wylie's face—her eyes still focus on the pilots.

"Wait. What? No!" He grabs and drags her over the floor and to the other side.

"No! I wanted to watch!" her voice seems too pitiful as he drags her away. "So long, my friends," she wipes away a fake tear as she passes the open door.

"What the hell was that?" asks Henry watching Wylie dragging her away. He looks at Michael, both frowning at each other.

"I take back my words. They are both very weird," says Michael as his head moves left and right.

"Yes, they are."

Galina seats herself onto the dining table, holding a big bag of ice on her forehead. She closes her eyes as Suhana talks to her nonstop.

"Please, Suhana," she sighs heavily. "Could you like, be quiet for a moment. Today wasn't the best day."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she looks down and lowers her tone. "I guess it wasn't. You have to train all day."

"Yes, especially if someone beats you up. But, it feels good knowing you will be useful someday. Makes up for it," Galina smiles worryingly.

Suhana looks at her—she knows what Galina means by these words.

Both are from different relations.

While Suhana always praised getting good grades, she didn't even work for and loved everyone. She was still the one standing in front of the rest, the most important person.

But now Galina seems to have taken her place. She's the one everyone takes care of now. Meanwhile, Suhana has to clean the floors, toilets, and rooms. However, she's happy for her because They always mistreated Galina.

Galina's parents were believing.

They lived by these rules the day in and out. As soon as they found out that Galina is a lesbian, she got beaten up a lot. They thought they could beat her way of love out of her body.

Even in school, she wasn't the most famous person. The people constantly bullied her, but she never gave up. She was the one who stood up, no matter what happened, always.

But Suhana can't do that.

She always hides behind someone or leaves the work done by people. Maybe that is why they get along so well.

They are entirely different and yet make the perfect match.

Her parents still live in Nios; they accepted the way her daughter loves.

"Yeah, I can see that. But don't forget that I need you the most!" Suhana winks at her.

"Of course, you do," her face forms a smile.

Suhana's face gets closer to Galina, she stares into her deep blue eyes with her hazel color—her hand brushes through the golden hair, putting a smile on Galina's face. They come closer to each other, with their lips almost touching.

"Hey, you two sweethearts, may I place my round butt on this nice seat next to you?" Darryl interrupts their almost kiss by moving his bottom around.

They nod, uncomfortably and he starts eating his lovely and warm vegetable soup that smells like a fresh garden.

"You two are cute together," he adds with a mouthful.

Suhana looks at him with a surprised look. "Why do you say that?"

"Because I like how you embrace your ways. Like, in my opinion, everyone should accept how others love someone. It's their choice, not ours, you know."

"Yeah, that is true," says Galina. "But there is absolutely nothing that could separate me from her!"

"You're so cute, Galina!" Suhana smiles at her. "And you're with Mayumi in a relationship? I saw you two kissing the other day," she adds.

"Yes, that's correct," he says. "Out of all pilots, we are the only ones in a relationship, as long as we don't count in Logan and his weird relationship with the captain."

"What do you mean by that?" her eyes shorten.

He laughs. "It's just a joke, don't take it too seriously."

"So that is how everyone is like in here? Making jokes all the time?" asks Galina.

"Sometimes, yeah," he looks at them. "It's important never to forget how to smile," his mouth form a bright, contagious smile. "You can save the world with a smile!"

Both look at him, astonished. "Really?" they ask coordinated.

"No," he laughs. "I wish we could though the world would be better."

Wylie and Riley once again have to do the night shift. It's the third one in a row. In their comfortable pajamas, the twins sit in front of the holographic monitors and look at stuff that doesn't belong to work.

"You know what I really want to do?" she asks with slight tiredness in her voice.

"No, what is it?" he asks with the same tiredness in his voice.

"I would love to go on a trip. I mean, there are still places that Antares doesn't care about, so why not."

"You do realize that Jason would never, ever permit this kind of thing, right?" he looks at her with the same realization look that they usually have when both get the same Idea.

"Unless," she puts her index finger up.

"Unless it's for the teamwork, he won't dare to say no, I think. And we two need to go because we need to take care of the teams!" he adds with the same gesture and determination.

Both smile at each other, thinking the same. They rush upstairs immediately. The twins knock on Jason's office door; he usually stays up until past twelve, now it is half-past eleven.

"Why are you guys here. At this hour?" he asks with a slight annoyance in his voice.

Wylie looks at him with a happy face. "We wanted to ask if we could go on an adventure!"

Riley continues. And we, Wylie and I, are going to be part of this as the overseer!"

"I don't think that is possible," he answers, looking away.

"But Jason, look, there are so many places that Antares still has no idea they exist, so why not? And if we can find a place where friendships are going to be made—" she says with a smile.

Jason sighs. He looks at them as Wylie begs him, and Riley is off into her daydream. "Okay, fine. If you can find a safe place, then I might consider it. By tomorrow I want some suggestions."

In sync, they answer. "Rodger!" and head back to the bridge.

He looks at his family picture with a smile. Suddenly his mood drops as his eyes meet the little girl. His daughter, the only one he ever had. He remembers the accident, the one where he killed her.

His hands grab the alcohol bottle. He pours it into his jar and drinks it in one go.

Jason always drinks alcohol whenever he wants to forget; nobody knows about this habit. Besides, nobody should know because he is the captain after all and needs to have a cool head. If they might turn their back against him if they would know, then Stargazer would no longer be, but Jason doesn't intend to let it come to this. He's always telling himself to be careful.

Meanwhile, Wylie and Riley are searching like crazy for a place to go. They shouldn't be too far away from the base. Anything could happen, and they need to make sure to come home if something was to happen.

They look for places where no civilization lived for several years, at least not a lot.

Theoretically, they could change into Antares uniform and go wherever they want to, but they would need to fit into everything, and they don't want to do that.

Wylie comes up with a few ideas about certain caves. Especially in Europe since it is very near to Africa, where they are at. The only big cave in Europe has Postojna in Slovakia. But then again, there might be something better.

The next day they interrupt the training to deliver their teamwork structure plans. Wylie brings in a whiteboard in the opposite direction to know what's going on yet.

"Attention everyone!" he says in a teaching voice. "We present."

They roll the whiteboard around so that everyone can see the black writing on it.

"Teamworkbuildingstructureplans by Wylie and Riley!" they present together while clapping hands.

Michael shares suspicious looks with Henry. "Okay? And what exactly is that?" asks Henry.

"As you may know," says Wylie. "You need to work together, like really good. So we thought about something to make that happen, to make you all be terrific teammates."

"And then we thought," adds Riley. "How do we do that?" she looks at Wylie, who answers with a shrug.

"I don't know," he continues to shrug. "How do we do that, my lovely Riley?"

"Great question, my fellow familiar. It's simple, we will go on a trip!" she raises her voice at the last sentence and swings her clenched fist up in the air, and then opens it to show her pointing finger up the sky.

"On a trip?" Michael's eyes open widely.

"Like now? Isn't it dangerous?" adds Henry with the same expression.

Riley lowers her hand and looks at him. "Yes, but also no. If you have a place where specific people do not care to look at, we are safe. Also, we talked to Jason, and he said, yes, we can."

"And where are we going?" adds Darryl the question.

"We are going to," says Wylie. "Drum roll, please."

A suspense silence is passing by. No one is looking amused at all—their arms are showing their annoyance to them.

"Postojna in Slovakia!" They both cheer in accord.

"What is a Postojna?" asks Galina suspiciously.

"Glad you are asking, Galina," he says.

"It's a cave to bring nature and humans together. We can explore them with teamwork," Riley adds into the conversation. "Also, we are going to split into two groups. One is coming with me to the castle, the other one with Wylie into the cave."

"Since we don't have much time, we are only able to explore one thing each. I hope that it's okay with you," states Wylie. "So, we will be going tomorrow morning. Means that you have to tell us where you want to go to before that," he adds.

"And that's it for today. See you tomorrow!" cheers Riley.

They walk away and leave the pilots with questions. They aren't sure what just happened.

"So what exactly is happening?" asks Henry, still not understanding a thing.

"Well," says Logan. "I guess we are going on a vacation for a day."

"Are we even able to? I mean, I thought we have to do training and not much time left," says Michael in disbelief.

"Yes, but if Jason said we could go, then there is no need in questioning that decision."

Darryl raises an eyebrow to Mayumi—they want to say something but can't. Logan is now a part of the group. Why would they risk the relationship that they just built? Not worth it, she thinks and shakes her head to Darryl.

On to the next morning, Wylie and Riley get ready for their trip today. They are incredibly excited over it and pack as many things as possible: Water, food, and even some clothes for an exploration like gloves, trekking trousers, and a nice hat that would keep them warm if the temperature drops inside the cave.

The rest comes by one by one, first Logan, then Darryl and Mayumi, followed by Galina, Henry, and Michael as the last one. As they would have guessed, no one has packed anything.

"Guys, do you expect us to do your work?" her tone raises in anger.

"Well," says Henry. "I thought you would, yeah. I mean, you went away and didn't tell us what we need."

"Are you dumb, or are you dumb?" she continues to stay in an angry tone.

Henry looks back at her with the same look. "I'm none of them."

"Yes, yes, you are," her head seems above his's.

"Okay, stop it, guys, don't start another argument over something stupid. Anyways, who is even going with who?" he looks around.

"We were talking about it yesterday, and we decided that Henry, Michael, and I are going with Riley into the castle. The rest is coming with you. If you don't mind, that is," says Logan.

"No, it's perfectly fine," he answers.

Riley gets lost in the thought of Michael going with her. What a great day!

"So how are we going to travel?" asks Galina.

"We are going to squeeze inside my Horizon!" Darryl smiles.

"Isn't there like space for just two or three people?"

"We shall see," he walks as if he would dance to some funky music.

Together, they all walk with their packed backpacks to the machine room. Still, as noisy as ever, not a single whisper heard.

The three look up one more time to their machines; they can't believe they will be piloting these monstrosities someday. Darryl is the first to step inside the cockpit—he changed into his pilot suit; otherwise, the machine wouldn't start. As expected, everyone else looks around; there is absolutely nothing to see aside from the seat and the controls.

Nalani and Teresa walk past the cold hallway. They giggle around and have some fun after a good day. They keep thinking about their trip as it comes closer and closer.

"I can't wait for tomorrow! It's going to be so exciting."

"Yes, me too, Teresa. I bet the boys can't wait too."

They open the door; everyone else seems to be already inside the tavern. Frank Sinatra plays in the background today, Santino's favorite music, which makes the atmosphere too relaxed.

"Hey guys," says Nalani as she walks in.

Santino talks with the Barkeeper. Both have a family they come home to. Every day they exchange their stories from their homes.

Wang and Rory play some billiards. As always, Wang seems to win, and because Rory can't stand to lose, he insists on a rematch.

"Are you all excited for tomorrow?" adds Teresa.

"No, not really," Rory pushes the ball to the side with a sigh.

Wang looks at him with a smile, chalking his racket. "Guess you've lost again."

Rory throws his racket away into the corner. "Fuck this game," he growls and takes a drink that waited for him at the bar. "Why should I be excited over something like this?" and looks deeply into the white fluid.

"Because we are all going together, like a family," says Wang raising his sarcastic tone over the last note.

"Funny you say that because I don't see us as a family," replies Rory with a disrespectful tone in his voice.

Nalani looks at him with firm eyes. "Take it or leave it, now we have to work together. You can stay at home if you want."

"Yeah, sure, I wish. But the old man said I have to go, so yeah."

"You call Alphonse old? Aren't you almost the same age?" Nalani laughs.

"What? No, I'm not!" says Rory with a mad undertone. "But you know what? I'll go now. See you all later – Family!" he raises his eyebrows.

"What in the world is wrong with this guy?"

"Don't mind him, folks," the bartender says. "He doesn't have many friends."

Nalani chuckles. "Yes, if I was like that, I wouldn't have any friends either," she scoffs at him.

"No, Nalani. He's just lonely and maybe needs some friends," adds Teresa.

Wang closes his book and bursts out in tears of laughter, so much that his chair makes him fall backward. Santino sighs as he drops down. "Can someone help me, please?" he presses out his words.

Nalani laughs at him and points her finger. Teresa exhales and walks to him. She leans a bit down and grabs his arm to pull him up. "Thanks," he says, brushing away some dirt from his trousers.

"Don't worry," she smiles at him.

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