The Freedom I Wanted {Dream S...

By The_Smiling_Paradox

91.9K 3.1K 1.8K

Tommyinnit, a boy who lived in Dream Smp. He had been exiled by his best friend Tubbo. He lived in exile with... More

I. Phoenix Drop
II. A New Family
III. A House
IV. The Party
V. Guard Training
VI. The Shadows
VII. Twilight Forest
VIII. Strangers
IX. At Our Gates
X. An Accident With Malachi
XI. Phoenix Alliance
XII. The War
XIII. Dream Smp
XIV. The Afterlife And A Visitor From Home
XV. Brother
XVI. Back Home
XVIII. Family
XIX. A Night Talk
XX. Cats? In Scaleswind
XXI. The Wind at Sea
XXII. The Other Side Of The Story
XXIII. Ranboo's Worry
XXIV. New Enemies And Friends
XXV. Clementine And Missing Brothers
XXVI. The Lost Family And A Request
XXVII. Ranboo's Research Begins
XXVIII. A Wedding
{Act 2}
I. Meeting The Family
II. Looking For An Old Friend
III. The Travel Begins
IV. The Darkness Will Make Us Run Out Of Time
V. The Unspoken Truth
VI. The Female Astronaut
VII. Building Begins
VIII. The Choice
IX. The Pain Hits Like A Train
X. His Sacrifice
XI. He Has Done WHAT?!
XII. One Is Never Enough
XIII. Clementine & Shroud
XIV. Tubbo's Discovery
XV. Oh Fuck-
XVI. The Watchers Ruin Lives
XVII. Nighttime Visitors
XVIII. Promises
XIX. The Odison Family & Henry
XX. Mysteries
XXI. Stories
XXII. The Dreams Will Turn To Nightmares
XXIII. One More Night
XXIV. To Hermitcraft
XXV. Worry
XXVI. The Ghost Stroking His Hair
XXVII. November 16th
XXVIII. In O'Khasis
XXIX. End Of The Travel In O'Khasis
XXX. Looking For A Wolf
XXXI. The Wolf
XXXII. More Tragedy
XXXIII. The Nether
XXXIV. Plans And Past
Author's Note
Rewrite Out Now

XVII. The World Outside Phoenix Drop

2K 65 33
By The_Smiling_Paradox

Tommy glanced at the ruins of Phoenix Drop from the gate around the settlement. The night was getting colder and the wind was strong, but he didn't mind.

He had come back to Phoenix Drop two weeks ago. Zoey hadn't returned from the other dimension yet. Either had the other returned from wherever they disappeared over 14 years ago.

The bandits had been roaming around the gates during nights. Tommy really hated them and had shot a few with a bow last night.

The night was dark, but Tommy's eyes worked in the dark way more better than before. He was able to see clearly, his powers made that possible, but no one else knew that.

He turned around as he heard someone's footsteps inside the walls. He noticed Alexis walking towards the walls.

"Hey," Tommy called out and startled the female.

"Oh my Irene! You scared me!" She whined in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," Tommy apologized quickly.

"Oh, no, no, don't worry about it," Alexis smiled shyly.

"Is your shift starting?" Tommy inquired and glanced at the moon's position.

"Not yet. I just decided to come a bit earlier," Alexis shook her head. "We haven't really gotten a chance to talk, so I wanted to see if you wanted to talk a bit," She admitted shyly.

"Oh, we can talk!" Tommy smiled.

"You were in Phoenix Drop 14 years ago, I was baby back then," Alexis hummed.

"I remember. When I arrived, mum told me 'bout you being under some sort of curse and that Lucinda was taking care of you," Tommy spoke smiling.

"I don't really remember you, or anyone else," Alexis admitted sadly.

"You were an energetic kid once you were cured. I remember watching you play with Levin, Malachi and Kyle that day," Tommy smiled nostalgically as he remembered the good old days.

"My parents spoke a lot about Lady Aphmau, and her sons," Alexis explained. "They had many good stories," She sighed.

"Hey, do you remember Brian..?" Tommy asked suddenly, but carefully.

"Brian.? My older brother..?" Alexis inquire quietly.

"Yeah.." Tommy nodded slowly.

"Not exactly, but a bit. My parents stopped talking about him every time I asked. I heard that he betrayed the whole village and let in the enemies.." Alexis spoke quietly.

"Do you miss him, or are you just disappointed of him being your brother..?" Tommy asked carefully.

"I'm just disappointed, I guess.." Alexis mumbled.

"Well, I have two biological brothers at my old home... Techno and Wilbur.. Me and Wilbur started a nation together and Wilbur blew it up before forcing our father to kill him.. After that my adopted brother, who was also my best friend, exiled me. After I returned there from Phoenix Drop, I went to team up with Techno. He blew up the nation my best friend had rebuild after Wilbur blew it up.." Tommy spoke quietly with a sad tone.

"I-I'm sorry to hear that..!" Alexis whispered, she sounded terrified.

"No, don't worry 'bout it," Tommy hummed quickly. "Let's talk 'bout something nicer, shall we?" He continued.

"Yeah," Alexis smiled shyly.

Tommy opened his eyes and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 2pm. He yawned and sat up before standing up and heading downstairs.

He lived in the same house as his younger brothers. It was the old Lord's house, as Aphmau had it called when she had been the Lord of Phoenix Drop.

He made his way downstairs and saw Levin sitting on the couch. He looked stressed.

"Morning! What're you doin'?" Tommy inquired as he sat down next to him.

"We need more materials from the New Meteli, but Logan and Malachi already went to Bright Port just an hour ago and won't be back in a while!" Levin muttered.

"New Meteli? Where is it?" Tommy tilted his head.

"The opposite direction from Bright Port," Levin sighed biting his lower lip.

"What'd you think, could I go there?" Tommy asked curiously.

Levin turned to look at him, "Would you do that?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah," Tommy hummed. "I don't mind doing a trip," He mentioned.

"Well, if you want to, you just have to travel to New Meteli by boat and talk to Lord Cadenza and she'll give you the materials. Then you just come back here," Levin explained.

"I can do that if you give me a boat, otherwise I have to swim," Tommy smirked making Levin laugh.

"Yeah, there's a boat by the docs. You can take it and head to the New Meteli. There's a map somewhere in those boxes," Levin pointed at the boxes behind them.

"Alright," Tommy nodded. He walked to the boxed and started going through them.

"Do you know how to drive a boat?" Levin asked.

"Maybe," Tommy grinned. "I can at least try," He shrugged.

"I'll trust you with one of our two boats, please don't crash it," Levin grinned.

"I try not to," Tommy sighed.

Tommy sat on the boat, or rather a small ship, and started heading to the right direction. He had no idea how the trip was going to go, but at least he got a chance to go explore the world outside of Phoenix Drop.

The cold ocean wind hit his face as the boat flew through the waves. It was an amazing feeling. Now he understood why Aphmau loved traveling so much.

The boat, ship, was nothing like the small boxes they used in the Dream Smp. This boat was an actual boat, but nothing like the huge ship Lady Katelyn had arrived in 14 years ago.

The nature looked so peaceful and he saw many animals that didn't exist in the Dream Smp. Maybe he could finally get a moth and name it Clementine.

After traveling for Irene-knows-how-long, he finally made it to the docs of a village, New Meteli.

He got up from the boat and was faced with a black haired male with cyan eyes. He looked like a guard.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for the Lord," Tommy started politically.

"What's your business here? I've never seen you before," The guard didn't trust him.

"I'm from Phoenix Drop, I was sent to get some materials," Tommy explained.

"You aren't Malachi," The guard answered coldly.

"What's going on here?" A female with orange hair and trash-bin-looking grey armor asked walking to the scene.

"This young man wants to meet you. He says he's picking up the materials for Phoenix Drop," The guard spoke.

The female turned to look at the blonde. She looked a bit surprised. The blonde looked familiar, but she wasn't able to put her finger on it.

"Hey Cadenza! I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Tommy, Aphmau's son," Tommy smiled. He still recognized the female.

"Tommy?!" Cadenza exclaimed. She recognized the boy and ran to him wrapping her arms around him.

"Lord Cadenza, do you know him?" The guard asked. He didn't know if the boy was trustworthy.

"Yes Zack! This is Tommy! Lady Aphmau's oldest son!" Cadenza exclaimed. "You still have the armor I made for you!" She squeaked excitedly as she examined the boy's clothing.

"You did a really good job. I love it!" Tommy smiled.

"You're back in Phoenix Drop?" Cadenza asked.

"Yeah, I returned a few weeks ago. Levin sent me here to get the materials because Malachi and Logan went to Bright Port," Tommy explained.

"It's so great to see you! Can I show you around my village?" Cadenza exclaimed.

"Sure, I haven't ever before been outside of Phoenix Drop so it wouldn't be bad to see other villages," Tommy admitted.

"This is my head guard, Zack. Zack, this is Tommy from Phoenix Drop," Cadenza introduced him to the guard.

"Nice to meet you," Zack greeted him.

"You too," Tommy nodded.

"Come, I have so much to show you!" Cadenza exclaimed. She was so excited to have some old friends visit her after 14 years. Especially since the visitor was Aphmau's son.

Tommy thanked Cadenza once more before jumping into the boat. He had gotten a tour and all the materials and now he was starting to head back to Phoenix Drop.

The air was growing colder and the sun was slowly setting. The ocean mirrored the sun beautifully and Tommy had to stop for a while just to look at the perfect scene.

"I definitely don't regret coming to Phoenix Drop!" He whispered out loud and smiled.

Suddenly a brown moth with black spots landed out his boat. He stared at it with wide sparkling eyes.

He slowly put his finger next to the moth and it moved on his finger. He pulled it closer and it didn't fly away. His smile grew bigger as he looked at the moth.

"I'll keep you and name you Clementine!" He decided.

The moth didn't seem to be scared. It seemed happy with him and didn't try to fly away. Maybe it would stay with him.

He arrived to Phoenix Drop after a long travel. The moon was already on the sky and the whole village was quiet.

Tommy took the boxes and took them out of the boat to the docs before sneaking into the village. Clementine followed him to the house, but stayed outside.

Tommy quietly climbed upstairs. He noticed that both of his brother were already sleeping. He sat on his bed and noticed that Clementine was outside the window. He smiled for her once more before felling asleep.

The moths passed by quickly. Tommy grew closer to the villagers and visited a few villages outside from Phoenix Drop. Clementine was still following him everywhere, which made him really happy.

He had spent a lot of time with Levin and Malachi and helped them a lot with everything. Zoey still hadn't returned, which was disappointing because Tommy missed her.

The bandits kept still roaming around the walls. Tommy hated seeing them around the old buildings. They kept stealing stuff and managed to sometimes sneak inside the walls.

Tommy had also heard that O'Khasis had lost the high priest Zane, but they were still a threat. However, currently there wasn't a reason for them to just wipe out Phoenix Drop, so they were temporarily safe.

Tommy kept writing letters for Tubbo, even though he didn't send them anywhere. He just like doing it and it reminded him of the good old days.

He hadn't heard anything about Dream Smp after coming to Phoenix Drop. Sometimes he still missed Tubbo, Wilbur, Techno and some others, but tried to ignore it. He didn't want to go back. He belonged to Phoenix Drop, not to the Dream Smp.

He sometimes kept having dreams about Sly. Just a simple dream that is just a replay of the conversation they had before Tommy was relieved from the dead.

Aphmau still hadn't come back with everyone who disappeared. Dante went to the original gate everyday to wait for them, but they hadn't returned yet. Tommy missed her and everyone else. He really hoped they would come back soon.

Words: 1850

(It's been a while, but I'm back! Okay, I was gone from this story for less than a week :D)

(I try to post a new character in a few days!)

(ALSO TO MAKE CLEAR! I'M NOT SHIPPING TOMMY AND ALEXIS IF SOMEONE THOUGHT IT LOOKED LIKE IT! Tommy sees Alexis as a little sister figure or something like that +Alexis had a crush on Yip like in the original story!)

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