Why Me || T. Oikawa

By RinkRat0

179K 6.5K 7.2K

Tooru Oikawa appeared perfect on the surface. A pretty face, who was a volleyball star, got along perfectly w... More

Chapter 1: Whats So Special About Him?
Chapter 2: Oikawa Plays Volleyball!?
Chapter 3: Late Night Snack
Chapter 4: This is Who You Really Are F/n L/n
Chapter 5: So That's How it's Gonna Be
Chapter 6: Family
Chapter 7: Unexpected Meetings
Chapter 8: Feelings
Chapter 9: Manager!?
Chapter 10: First Day
Chapter 11: Hang Out
Chapter 12: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Finals)
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17: Careers
Chapter 18: First-Year Manager
Chapter 19: Fukurลdani Academy!?
Chapter 20: Mad Dog
Chapter 21: Beach Vacation (Part 1)
Chapter 22: Beach Vacation (Part 2)
Chapter 23: Sleepovers
Chapter 24: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 1)
Chapter 25: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 2)
Chapter 26: Shiritorzawa vs. Karasuno
Chapter 27: Mia Fujisaki
Chapter 28: Divisions
Chapter 29: I'm Sorry...
Chapter 30: Sick Day
Chapter 31: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 32: A Dysfunctional Christmas
Chapter 33: New Years'!
Chapter 34: A Failed Confession
Chapter 35: Finding Y/n
Chapter 36: Shiritorizawa
Chapter 37: Home
Chapter 38: First Date
Chapter 39: Chaos
Chapter 40: The End Is Nearing

Chapter 41: Graduation And Goodbyes

2.7K 98 137
By RinkRat0



   "I- I can't believe you're graduating today!" Kindaichi says, crying his little heart out as you and the other third-years look at him with tired expressions. He's been saying the same thing for 10 minutes now, and none of you can get him to stop crying. 

   "Calm down, dude," Kunimi mumbles under his breath, shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning up against the windows.  

   Students walk up and down the staircase that you and everyone are conversing on, distressed looks on their faces. Some even turn around and take a different route through the school, causing you to let out a long and embarrassed sigh. 

   Kindaichi turns to Kunimi. "I c-can't! They're leaving, and w-we're never g-gonna see them again!" He yells, snot running down his nose.

   "Chill. You're still going to see us, just not every day," You state, and Ami nods, trying to cheer the boy up. 

   Kindaichi turns to you, eyes shining. "S-So you'll visit?" 

   "Obviously. You'd probably curl up and die if we didn't," You speak, crossing your arms. 

   Everyone sweats at your response, though they're glad you successfully calmed him down, even if you are harsh. 

   "T-Thank you, L-L/n-senpai," Kindiachi stutters, no longer crying but now blushing profusely. 

   Makki stands next to you, whispering, "Imagine what he'll be like at our funerals." 

   You shiver at the thought. "For personal reasons, I hope I die first," You say, breaking out in a cold sweat, trying to get the image out of your head. 

   On another note, Oikawa's been pouting in the corner for a while because you won't give him any attention, and you can feel his gaze on you, causing you to roll your eyes. 

   "Quit pouting and come say goodbye to the underclassman," Iwaizumi orders, glaring over at his friend. 

   A shiver runs up Oikawa's spine. He walks up to everyone with his head down and mutters quick, "Bye."

   You pick up your hand, slapping the boy across the back. Oikawa jumps at the contact and the sting it leaves. Rubbing his back, he looks at you with a pouty face. Though, you don't care enough to look at him. 

   "I'm glad you're finally leaving," Kyotani growls, causing the boys to get angry. 

   "Hey, Kyotani, you can't just say that. It's rude," Yahaba lectures, causing Kyotani to roll his eyes.


   You smirk at the angry boy, placing a hand on your hip. "It's okay, Kyotani. I know you'll miss us so much that you won't be able to sleep at night," You state, kinda sounding like Oikawa, which makes you cringe.

   Oikawa's eyes brighten up at your words, nodding his head.

   "Like hell," Kyotani says, turning around and walking off. But just as he disappears from your view, you can see his fists clench up.

   You watch his actions with a small smile. It's easy to tell that he'll miss you guys.

   "Well, we should get to the ceremony now. We'll see you around," Matsukawa says, waving to the underclassmen as he leads the way to the auditorium.

   You and the other third-years follow, recalling memories as you walk through the long hallways.


   When you get up on stage to receive your diploma, you look out over a sea of your classmen. It's been a long year for everyone, especially you and the volleyball club, but you can't help but think it was worth it. All the laughs, cries, yelling, counted for something, made you into the person you are now. Even though you spent most of your high school days at Fukurōdani Academy, it feels like this is where you made your best memories. It makes you sad that it's time to leave but excited at the same time. 

   You take a tight grasp on your diploma, bowing and walking off stage. Memories flow through you as you look at all the people you've met over the years. 

   All the way from Oikawa to Mia, you're grateful. 

   As the ceremony concludes, so does your childhood. 

    Walking out of the building, you and the others stare at the school, recalling the year you spent together.

   "I can't believe it's over," Ami says, tears filling her eyes. 

   You rarely see her actually getting emotional about something without trying to be dramatic. 

   Getting up on your tippy-toes, you put your arm around the back of her neck, pulling her down to your level. "At least we don't have to go through the hell of math class anymore. And it's not like we're never coming back," You state, trying to comfort your best friend. 

   "You're right, but it's still never gonna be the same," Ami sniffles, rubbing her nose with her sleeve.  

   Iwaizumi sighs, stepping in front of his girlfriend and wiping her tears away with his overcoat. "Of course, it's never gonna be the same, but we have to move forward," He preaches, patting Ami on the head.  

   The blonde practically tackles her boyfriend, sobbing in his chest. You and the others sweat as you watch the scene in front of you. 

   Makki, trying to calm the girl down, saying the worst possible thing. "Think of the positives. You'll never have to see Oikawa's stupid face ever again!" Makki blurts, instantly regretting his words once he sees you flinch. 

   "Dude," Matsukawa whispers harshly, elbowing his friend. 

   Makki turns to you with wide eyes. "I'm sorry, L/n. I didn't mean that," He says with a worried expression.  

   You look up at him with a closed-eyed smile. "Don't worry about it, Makki. It's fine," You state calmly.  

   Shit, she's upset, everyone thinks at the same time, breaking out in a cold sweat. 

   "Well, in honor of us being amazing and sexy people, we should all get something to eat!!" Ami exclaims, jumping out of Iwaizumi's arms with a huge smile on her face. 

   As you go to say yes, Oikawa interrupts you.  

   "You can go ahead, F/n, and I already have plans," Oikawa states, causing you to look up at him with confusion. 

   "We do?" You ask as he puts his arm around you.

   "Oh, ok. Well, don't have too much fun without us!" Ami yells out, skipping towards the front gates. The others follow her, shooting the two of you quick waves. 

   When they're out of your sight, you look up at your boyfriend with an eyebrow raise. "Where are we going?"

   "You'll see," Oikawa states, smirking down at you and dragging you away from the front gate.


   "Middle!" Oikawa yells, indicating the position where he'll be hitting from. 

   You set the ball at minus tempo to the boy. He swings at the ball at the perfect moment, causing it to smash down on the other side of the court. 

   "YEAH!!" You both yell, jumping up and give each other a high ten.  

   "Let's do it again!" You exclaim with a bright smile.

   Oikawa grins at you, glad you're enjoying your time with him. "Right!" He yells out, running back to the ten-foot line, this time approaching from right side. 

   He throws his arms back, jumping at his full power. You wait until he's almost at the peak of his jump to set the ball. 

   You touch it with all ten of your fingers, pushing it up into the air. The ball stops in front of Oikawa's hand, slamming it down once more. 

   Oikawa pushes his fist in the air, letting out a victory cry. You giggle, impressed with your sets. 

   The brown-haired boy turns to you with a smile on his face. "We should clean up before someone finds us here," Oikawa states. 

   You nod in agreement, helping the boy take down the net and put the balls back in the carts. 

   Once you're done cleaning, the two of you leave the gym. 

   "I have to go to the store to get ready for the graduation dinner tonight," Oikawa informs you as you make your way down the stairs. 

"Cool, I'm going to Kimiko's house anyways," You say, starting to walk in a different direction as the boy, waving to him. 

   "See you tonight, Shorty!" 

   "See ya, Flatty!" 

   And with that, you and Oikawa part ways. Third-years aren't supposed to still be on campus, so you had to sneak around the back of the school.    

   When you get about a block away, you turn the corner to a street with houses on both sides of you. But when you look up, you're met with quite an unpleasant surprise. 

   Your black-haired ex-best friend stands in front of you with wide eyes. She didn't expect to see you here either. 

   The girl quickly looks away from you, trying to walk past your figure, but you move in front of her path so she can't get by. "What are you still doing out here?" You ask, noticing that she's still in her school uniform. 

   "That's none of your concern," Mia states, glaring at you. 

   You look at the girl with a soft expression, guessing why she hasn't gone home yet. 

   Mia fiddles with her sleeves, a habit she's had since she was young. "What are you doing here?" She asks, hostility in her tone. 

   "That's none of your concern," You state, turning her words around on her. 

   "Tch," The girl sounds, trying to get past you once more. 

   This time you let her, but when she's next to you, you open your mouth. "The sunset's supposed to be really pretty today," You state, looking at the girl next to you with little expression. 

   Mia freezes, eyes widening at your words. She meets your gaze, all previous hostility leaving her. 

   "I know you like watching them," You continue, a small smile playing on your lips. "I guess I'll see you around," You finish, beginning to walk forward once more.

   Before your out of earshot, Mia yells to you. "You don't owe me a goodbye! You know that, right?!" She calls out, still facing away from you, her fists clenched. 

   "I said see you around, not goodbye," You state, turning around to face the girl's back. 

   "Same difference," Mia mutters harshly. 

   You gaze at the girl's figure, thinking it's more fragile than you remember. "Not really. Goodbye means I'll never see you again, but I'll miss you. And see you around, means until next time," You inform the girl in a soft and gentle tone, afraid of breaking her.  

   You can't see it, but a single tear runs down Mia's cheek as her eyes grow wide. "I hate you..." Mia states, causing you to turn back around, continuing your journey to Kimiko's house. 

   That's always been your way of saying sorry. 

   "I know," You respond as you walk off into the distance. 

   "I was going to watch it anyway," Mia mutters to herself, though you're long gone by now. 


One Week Later:

   "OH MY GOD!!! WHAT IF SHE GOT IN A TERRIBLE CAR ACCIDENT!!!!" Ami screams, shaking her boyfriend back and forth. 

   Makki, Matsukawa, Iwaizumi, and Ami are all at the airport, ready to see Oikawa off. His plane leaves in 15 minutes, and you're still not here. Everyone's freaking out because you won't answer your phone. Well, Ami's doing most of the panicking. 

   "Ami, try to calm down. I'm sure she's fine," Makki assures her, trying to give Iwaizumi a break from her wrath. 

   "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. SHE NEVER LEAVES ME ON DELIVERED!!!!" The girl yells, repeatedly punching Makki in the chest.  

   I'm sure she does it all the time, The boys think. Though, they're too scared to say it out loud. 

   She probably doesn't want to see me... Damn, I guess some part of me was hoping she'd give me a reason to stay, Oikawa thinks to himself, looking out the window, watching as planes fly off to different destinations. 

   Iwaizumi pats his friend on the back, saying, "She'll be here." 

   As Oikawa goes to say something in return, Ami's phone goes off. The blonde goes quiet as she looks at it, calming down. "Oh, never mind. F/n-chan just got here," Ami chuckles, rubbing the back of her neck. 

   Everyone takes a breath of relief, and soon you can be seen sprinting in the group's direction.

   When you get to everyone, you grab Oikawa by the shoulders, completely out of breath, but you huff out words anyway. 

   Please tell me to stay. I don't want to live without you. 

   "Tooru...you're going...to do great," You begin, taking in a shaky breath, holding back tears as you look the boy directly in the eyes, causing Oikawa to freeze. "The promise...you made me, I haven't...forgotten about it. You're going...to beat Wakatoshi...one day. So work hard, and...keep your word," You huff out, letting the boy go and taking a step back. 

   Everyone looks at you in surprise but stays silent, shocked by your words. 

   Oikawa looks at your bright smile with sad eyes. That's not what I wanted to hear, but it's what I needed to hear. I can't believe I almost forgot...you're not selfish enough to ask me to stay. 

   Oikawa gives you a sad smile, saying, "Thank you for this past year. I'm glad I got to spend it with you." 

   "Me too," You say, begging yourself to keep smiling and not break down in tears. 

   As Oikawa goes to say something else, a lady's voice booms through the intercoms. "Last call for boarding flight 211," She informs, turning off the intercom system. 

   Oikawa looks up at the loudspeakers. "Well, that's me," He says, picking up his carry-on. He looks at you one last time, a spark of hope still burning in the depths of his heart. But with what you say next, it goes out for good. 

   "Goodbye, Tooru."

   If a heart breaking made a sound, the entire country would be holding their ears right about now. 

   "Goodbye, F/n."


   Don't let him see you cry. 

   If you do, he won't leave. 

   Don't hold him back. 

   As Oikawa turns around, he tells himself not to look back. Because if he does, he won't be able to leave. The boy walks forward, welcoming the future. 

   As soon as Oikawa turns around, you fall to your knees, covering your mouth with both of your hands. You know if Oikawa hears your sobs, he won't leave. 

   "F/n," Ami calls out your name, falling to the ground next to you, holding you in her arms. 

   Tears run freely down your cheeks as you find it impossible to tear your gaze away from Oikawa's retreating figure. Your hand muffles the sound of your pained sobs. 

   Soon, all of your friends kneel to the ground next to you, trying to ease your pain. 

   Eventually, Oikawa walks through a door, and that's it. It's over. He's gone, and you can't do anything about it. 

   If only Oikawa turned around, heard you cry, saw behind your joyful facade, he'd still be here with you, holding your warm body in his arms, but no. He didn't, and that's a fact that can never be changed. 


   That night, Oikawa gazed out of the plane's widow, thoughts of you clouding his mind. It terrifies him to know that eventually, you'll turn into nothing but a memory. Nothing more than his high school girlfriend. 

   Back at New Year, his wish was for you to fall in love with him. Now, he hopes that wish never came true, realizing how selfish it was of him to ask for so much, knowing that he would be leaving you with nothing more than a broken heart. 

   "Hey," A woman around Oikawa's age sitting next to him calls out, causing him to turn to meet her gaze. 

   "Yes," Oikawa answers, looking into her shiny black eyes, taking note of her beauty, but knowing she could never compare to you. 

   She pushes a button on her chair, leaning it forward. "I noticed you've been staring out that window ever since we left. Is everything okay?" The woman asks, eyes filled with genuine concern. 

   Suprise fills the boy, not expecting a total stranger to care about his wellbeing. "I'm okay, thank you for the concern," Oikawa says, giving her his signature fake smile. 

   The woman looks at him with an unimpressed expression. She sits up all the way, showing Oikawa that she doesn't plan on going back to sleep anytime soon. "You can drop the facade. It's obvious that you're not okay." 

   Oikawa's eyes grow wide at the woman's words. She doesn't know him, but yet she was able to see through him so easily. You're the only person that been able to do that up till now. 

   "I left behind someone I care a lot about," Oikawa admits, relieved to talk about it with someone. 

   A spark of interest goes off in the beautiful woman's eyes, turning her gaze to the window. "Same here," She begins, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm finally going back to see my family after studying abroad for three years in Japan. Whenever I missed them, I looked at the stars and imagined them looking at them too," She finishes, trying to comfort Oikawa. 

   Oikawa looks out the window again, imagining you sitting at the lake, gazing up at the stars as well. "I like that. It's comforting," Oikawa states, turning to the woman and giving her a real smile. "My name's Tooru Oikawa, by the way."

   "Camila Arias," The woman introduces herself, leaning her seat back down and going back into a sleeping position. "Try not to stay up too long, Tooru, or you'll hate yourself the in the morning," she says, going back to sleep. 

   "I won't," Oikawa responds with a smile. 


   That night, you couldn't get any sleep. Eventually, you gave up on both sleep and crying your heart out. 

   You put on Oikawa's hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, waving Yua (the strawberry plushie) bye, and leaving your apartment. 

   You weren't sure where you were going, but you found yourself, on the neighborhood trail, then a narrow dirt trail, and finally off the trail and into the trees. 

   You continue walking until your feet reach two huge rocks. Gazing out at the glistening water, you scan the area, eyes eventually finding their way to the stars.  

   Back at New Year's, your wish was for Oikawa to be happy. You hope he chose the path that will grant him just that. 

   Tears fall from your eyes once more, turning your gaze back to the beautifully clear and sparkling water. 

   I understand why you loved this place so much. It's beautiful here and so peaceful. I loved it too, still do...but it doesn't glow like it did when you were here.

   You take a seat on your rock, gazing at the vacant one next to you. 

   You can't hold it in anymore. You let out loud, pained sobs, letting your emotions drown you completely. 

   A cold breeze runs through the trees and hits you like a train, but you don't care. All you care about is Oikawa and the fact that your relationship ended as quickly as it started. It was only a year, yet it felt like a lifetime of joy and happiness.  

   Only one regret lingers in your mind. 

   I wish I got the chance to tell him that I'm in love with him.   

The End



























































Nah, I'm just messing with you. There will be an epilogue. I love all of you and will see you in the next and final chapter. 

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