Why Me || T. Oikawa

By RinkRat0

178K 6.4K 7.2K

Tooru Oikawa appeared perfect on the surface. A pretty face, who was a volleyball star, got along perfectly w... More

Chapter 1: Whats So Special About Him?
Chapter 2: Oikawa Plays Volleyball!?
Chapter 3: Late Night Snack
Chapter 4: This is Who You Really Are F/n L/n
Chapter 5: So That's How it's Gonna Be
Chapter 6: Family
Chapter 7: Unexpected Meetings
Chapter 8: Feelings
Chapter 9: Manager!?
Chapter 10: First Day
Chapter 11: Hang Out
Chapter 12: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Finals)
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17: Careers
Chapter 18: First-Year Manager
Chapter 19: Fukurลdani Academy!?
Chapter 20: Mad Dog
Chapter 21: Beach Vacation (Part 1)
Chapter 22: Beach Vacation (Part 2)
Chapter 23: Sleepovers
Chapter 24: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 1)
Chapter 25: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 2)
Chapter 26: Shiritorzawa vs. Karasuno
Chapter 27: Mia Fujisaki
Chapter 28: Divisions
Chapter 29: I'm Sorry...
Chapter 30: Sick Day
Chapter 31: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 32: A Dysfunctional Christmas
Chapter 33: New Years'!
Chapter 34: A Failed Confession
Chapter 35: Finding Y/n
Chapter 36: Shiritorizawa
Chapter 37: Home
Chapter 38: First Date
Chapter 40: The End Is Nearing
Chapter 41: Graduation And Goodbyes

Chapter 39: Chaos

2.8K 112 172
By RinkRat0


   "Sooo~, how'd it go~?"

   You look at your three friends in annoyance. They had hung around your apartment for hours, waiting for you to get home. The worst thing is, your father got home and made them all hot chocolate.

   "What are you still doing here?" You growl, clenching your fists, watching them as they drink their hot cocoa, sitting around the table with your father.

   "We want to know how your date went. Is that so wrong?" Makki asks, grinning at you.

   Your eyebrow twitches at their actions. "It's 11 p.m., couldn't you have just waited until tomorrow?" You question through your teeth.

   Ami takes a loud sip of her drink, then places it down on the table, looking at you with a serious expression. "No. The suspense would have killed me," Ami states, causing you to sigh.

   You turn to your dad, saying, "Why did you feed them? You know when you feed animals, they don't leave."

   "So cold," Matsukawa remarks, acting offended.

   Your father glances at you with a blank expression. "They were hungry and cold. They're also very nice kids," He states, causing you to facepalm.

   Ami takes a good look at you, realizing that your hair and clothes are wet. "Wow, F/n-chan, you look like a mess."

   "Thanks, you don't look much better," You retort, rolling your eyes at your friend.

   Ami places a hand over her heart, an offended expression making its way to her features. "That's the meanest thing you've ever said to me," She whines, wiping away a fake tear.

   "I hate you."

   "I love you too," Ami responds, doing a complete one-eighty.

   Makki and Matsukawa chuckle at your actions.

   "So, you gonna tell us how it went?" Matsukawa asks, taking another sip of his drink.

   A small smile plays on your lips as you think back to what happened, blush lightly dusting your cheeks. "It went well. Tooru and I are together now," You say, leaving out the details.

   Ami squeals, jumping to her feet and engulfing you in a tight hug. "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU BESTIE!!" She yells in your ear, though you're far too exhausted to resist.

   Makki chuckles, getting up from his seat, and dusts himself off. "Well, I think it's about time we head home now. I'm happy for you, L/n," He says, giving you a warm smile.

   "Yeah, please leave now," You say, still being squeezed by your blonde friend.

   The two boys sweat at your harshness. Matsukawa gets up as well, about to pry Ami off of you, but your father stops them.

   "I have an idea. Why don't you kids spend the night? I wouldn't want you walking all the way home at this time of night," Your father offers, causing you to look at him in disbelief.

   "HUH!? Are you insane!? Now they're never going to leave!" You yell, baffled by your father's offer.

   "Of course, sir. That would be wonderful," Matsukawa responds, a shit-eating gin resting on his lips.

   "YAYYY!!! SLEEPOVER!!!!" Ami screams, letting go of you and skipping towards the boys.

   Kill me, You think to yourself, letting out an exhausted and defeated sigh.


   After you took your shower (because you were covered in dirty lake water,) you gave Makki and Matsukawa blankets so they can sleep on the couch.

   Currently, you and Ami are hanging out on your bed in your sleepwear. The two of you just finished setting up her bedroll on the floor.

   "Soooo~, did you and Oikawa do anything exciting?" Ami asks with a mischievous grin.

   You put your phone down, looking towards your friend. "I pushed him in a lake, and we got into a water fight... We also might have kissed..." You answer, whispering the last part.

   Ami's eyes widen as she shoots up, jumping on your bed. "OH MY GOD!!! THAT'S AMAZING. WHAT WAS IT LIKE!!?? WAS IT YOUR FIRST KISS!? WAS IT ANY GOOD!!?" She shouts out, bombarding you with questions.

   You blush, looking to the side. "It was good, and yeah, that was my first kiss," You respond in a quiet tone.

   You look back to your friend to see her crying, causing you to grow concerned.

   "Why are you crying!?"

   "Y-You've grown up s-so fast!!" Ami cries out, causing you to sigh at her stupidity.

   "Ami, I'm older than you," You state as the girl flops down on the bed, giving you a big hug.

   You roll your eyes, accepting her affection and not pushing her away like normal.

   To the girl's surprise, you hug her back. Though, this only causes Ami to cry even harder.

   Eventually, the two of you went to sleep. Much to Ami's displeasure, you forced her to sleep on the bedroll on the floor. The blonde wanted to sleep in the bed with you, but you threatened to kill her if she did, so the girl gave in.


   The alarm on your phone goes off, indicating that it's time for you to get up. With a tired groan, you reach over to the table next to the bed, turning it off.

   You yawn, flipping your body over to the other side, still not completely awake. But when you notice the feeling of an arm around you, you open your eyes. You're met with Ami sleeping in your bed beside you.

   Out of shock and slight anger, you shove the girl off the bed, listening to the sound of her body hitting the floor.

   "Ack!!" She sounds, being thrown out of her sound slumber. "What was that for!?" She yells, looking up at you.

   "What the hell do your mean, 'What was that for'? Why were you in my bed!?" You question, glaring down at the girl.

   Ami huffs at the harshness in your tone. "I thought we had something special!" She dramatically cries out.

   Your eyebrow twitches at her words. "I will hit you over the head with a bat," You threaten, angry that you had to wake up in such an unpleasant way.

   Ami springs to her feet, grabbing her school uniform from her bag. "Come on, F/n-chan, let's get ready for school, then wake up the boys!" She exclaims.

   You sigh at her sudden personality change but listen to her.

   Once the two of you are dressed, you make your way to the living room to wake up Makki and Matsukawa. Though, when you get there, you're met with a very entertaining sight.

   Makki has his arms and legs wrapped around Matsukawa. And Matsukawa has his arms around the strawberry blonde's waist, holding him tightly.

   You and Ami stand at the doorway, doing your best not to laugh. You cover your mouth with your hand, breathing unsteady.

   Ami, on the other hand, slowly pulls her phone out of her bag. She brings it up, snapping a picture of the two boys.

   You look at her in disbelief. "Ami, what the hell? You can't just take a picture of them. That's just wrong. Send it to me," You whisper harshly, causing Ami to snicker.

   "Ok, I will," She whispers back, tapping on the screen of her phone.

   You pick your phone out of your bag, waiting for Ami to send it to you.

   Your phone vibrates, indicating that the image was sent. But the thing is, Matsukawa and Makki's phones went off at the same time.

   You look up in curiosity, gazing at the blonde next to you. The girl has a mortified expression on her face.

   Then the realization hits you.

   "Ami...you didn't?" You whisper.

   Ami gazes over at you, nodding. "I accidentally sent it to the group chat," She admits.

   You go to scold her but realize the boys are stirring in their sleep. The sound of their phones probably woke them up.

   You quickly close the door to the living room, dragging Ami to the kitchen with you and closing that door as well.

   With hesitation, you open the group chat.

Sejioh Hoes ✌️✨💕💅

(Contact names are from Y/n's POV)

Dumb Bitch (Ami)

Big Bro😼 (Iwaizumi)

Ami, where are you and what's going on? 




I knew it.

Bestie😌 (Kunimi) 


Onion Head 

I- Is there something going on there or...


I didn't see that coming, but I support them 👍 









Kyotani Left Sejioh Hoes ✌️✨💕💅

Everyone Minus you, Ami, Makki, and Matsukawa


   You facepalm, watching the conversation with an astonished expression. "Ami-," You begin but are interrupted by voices coming from the other room. 


   "I CAN'T CONTROL WHAT MY MOUTH DOES!!!" Makki yells in response, causing you and Ami to start wheezing. 




   "FINE, NO HOMO!!" 


   "Well...maybe a little..." 



   You and Ami are laughing so hard you can't breathe. At some point, you both fell to the floor because of how hard you were laughing. 

   But you stop abruptly when you hear nothing but silence. 

   Suddenly, you hear the boys yell from the living room once more. "AMI, WHAT THE FUCK!!!" They both yell at the same time, causing Ami to go pale and you to start laughing again. 

   Ami looks at you with a horrified expression, begging you to save her, though you continue laughing hysterically. 

   Soon Matsukawa and Makki enter the kitchen, chasing Ami around.

   You try to get them to calm down and stop yelling because you don't want to wake your father, but it's no use. They continue screaming at each other. 

   Then the only person that can make the situation worse shows up, banging on your front door, yelling, "F/N, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE. OPEN THE DOOR!!!" 

   You jump at the sound of your neighbor/boyfriend's voice. "Oh shit," You say to yourself, sweating. 

   "Nevermind!! The window's open!!" He yells, causing your eyes to widen. 

   "WHO THE FUCK LEFT THE WINDOW OPEN!!!" You yell at the three idiots.          

   "Ami!" The two boys answer. 

   You glare at the girl who's now standing on your table, trying to get away from Makki and Matsukawa. 

   As you attempt to kill her as well, you feel a pair of hands on your shoulders, pulling you backward.

   You look behind you to see an offended Oikawa gazing into your eyes.

   "F/n, why didn't you invite me?" The boy whines, choosing to ignore the screaming coming from the three others. 

   "What are you talking about? I didn't even invite them," You state. 

   For a while, you're stuck trying to reassure your boyfriend, who you know is just whining for attention, and Ami, Makki, and Matsukawa are running all over hell and back, screaming at the top of their lungs. 

   When you're dad finally wakes up (only heaven knows how he slept through all of this), he looks out over a sea of chaotic children. 

   "So, is this what kids are into these days?" He asks himself as he goes to make breakfast, completely unbothered by the situation.  

   Eventually, you look up at the clock, realizing that first period just started. "SHIT, GUYS, WE'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!" You yell out, causing everyone to go silent, gazing up at the clock. 

   "CRAP!!" They all scream at the same time. 

   And with that, you're all on your way to school, running with all the might you have. 


   You and the others got to school a half-hour late and explaining why to your teachers was nothing short of comedy gold. 

   Currently, it's time for lunch. You, Ami, and Oikawa are all on your way to the roof, or so you thought. 

   When Oikawa, who's leading the way, didn't turn at the staircase that leads to the roof, you raise an eyebrow at him, saying, "Yo, Tooru, where are we going?" You ask, causing Ami to snicker to herself, which confuses you. 

   "We're eating in the courtyard today," Oikawa answers, looking back at you with a scheming grin. 

   You question his intentions but ultimately let it go. "Yeah, okay," You respond, continuing to follow along. 

   When the three of you arrived at the courtyard, you met up with your friends. 

   You had never been to the courtyard before, so it surprised you to find out that plenty of students spend their lunch there. Scanning the area, you find benches scattered around, along with a big cherry blossom tree in the middle. 

   The only unpleasant things you spot are the three fangirls that assisted Mia with trying to ruin your relationship with Oikawa, and Mia herself, sitting off in a corner on her own.  

   You stare at the black-haired girl for quite some time, causing her to look up from her food, noticing you. She doesn't glare as you expected, only gazes back down. 

   Ami notices you staring off in Mia's direction, nudging you with her elbow to zone you back into the conversation. 

   "I swear I'm not gay!! We just woke up like that!!" Makki defends, trying to explain the situation to Iwaizumi.

   You sweat, coming in at the wrong time of that conversation. 

   Oikawa clears his throat, getting everyone's attention. "I'm going to do it now, so shut up," He announces.

   "Do what?" You question.

   Oikawa places his index finger over your lips, saying, "You'll see." 

   After that, he gets up on the table that's located next to your group, causing your eyes to widen. 

   Ami, Makki, and Matsukawa try to hold back tears as Iwaizumi has an amused expression. 

   "Everyone, I have an announcement to make!!!" The boy yells out, causing all of his adoring fans to swarm the area. 

   Soon you realize what he's about to do. "He isn't," You spit out in disbelief, face growing pale. 

   "He 100% is," Iwaizumi responds, holding back a chuckle. 

   "Hell no!! Get your flat ass down here right the fuck now!!!" You scream as Ami grabs you, holding you back so you can't interrupt the boy. 

   "ME AND F/N L/N ARE DATING!!!!" He yells at the top of his lungs, causing the entire courtyard to go silent. 

   You freeze, face dark red out of embarrassment, mouth wide open. 

   All the fangirls turn to you at the same time, furry taking over their bodies. All at once, they charged you, having to be held back by the boys in the area. 

   You look at Oikawa with an angry expression, causing him to smile down at you. 

   Amidst all the chaos, Mia got up from her seat. Going to walk back into the building, she hears the three fangirls that she schemed with before talking, causing her to stop in her tracks. 

   "We have to find a way to break them up. Oikawa deserves so much better," One girl says. 

   Mia looks over to the girls, speaking up. "Get over yourselves. You'll find no satisfaction in ruining their relationship. And it's not like you could in the first place." 

   The girls glance at Mia with anger written all over their features. "Who the hell are you to say that, Fujisaki? We totally could," Another exclaims, standing up, so she's toe to toe with the black-haired girl. The others quickly follow behind. 

   A shadow falls over Mia's purple orbs. "Ok, let's say, hypothetically, you three were able to break them up. Do you really believe Oikawa would get with one of you?... Cuz if you do, your delusional. N/n is special. Your basic asses could never compare to her. Oikawa chose her for a reason. Saying you'll attempt to get in between their relationship goes to show how little you know and care about Oikawa," Mia preaches, looking them in the eyes, hostility in her gaze. Her purple eyes are so intense that the girls are afraid they might melt. 

   Gulping, their little ring leader says, "A-Are you asking for me to slap you again? Because I will, and I know you're scared of that." 

   The girl's words cause Mia to snicker, looking up her nose at them. "Ha, me, scared of you? That's adorable," She begins, shifting her head down in a serious and intimidating manner. "Do you really think I've never been hit before?" Mia asks, waiting for an answer from the girls, but all they do is stand there, dumbfounded. 

   With that, Mia turns around, leaving the courtyard. Though she notices someone's gaze on her as she walks, choosing to ignore it. 


   Oikawa's walking home on his own tonight. Not because you were mad at him (well, that too), but because Ami forced you into having a sleepover at her house. 

   The brown-haired boy watches the evening sky closely, smiling as your kiss under the stars enters his thoughts. He presses his middle and index fingers over his lips, recalling the sensation he felt. 

   Though, the boy's pleasant thoughts come to an abrupt stop as he hears three different sets of footsteps approaching him at a rapid rate. 


   Oikawa turns around, being met with three of his fangirls, but not just any fangirls. They're the ones that helped Mia that day. 

   Oikawa frowns as he looks at them. 

   "Here, Oikawa-san. I made you some cookies!" One of them exclaims in an innocent tone. 

   Another girl pushes her out of the way. "And I made you a bento! You can keep the box," She says with a smile. 

   The ring leader of their little group pulls both of them behind her. "Don't pay any attention to them. I made you heart-shaped chocolates!" She smiles, holding out a little bag. The others hold out their gifts as well. 

   When the girls realize Oikawa isn't accepting them, they look up to find a shadow falling over his eyes. 

   "A week and a half ago, all of you tried to turn F/n against me," Oikawa states, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking at the girls with a bitter expression. 

   They all stand up straight, retracting their presents. "It was all Fujisaki's plan. We didn't know she was going to kiss you, we swear!" The girl with the bento exclaims. 

   Oikawa looks at her with cold eyes, causing all the girls to shiver. Never had they seen this side of him. The perfect image they created in their heads slowly began to crumble. 

   "What you did was wrong," Oikawa speaks, looking between all of them. 

   The girl with chocolates balls her hands into fists. "Why are you acting so cold to us!? This isn't like you at all, Oikawa-san! L/n-san really has changed you. Why aren't you upset with Fujisaki, huh!?" She yells out, speaking for all the girls. 

   Oikawa looks at them with a sense of distaste. "I'm acting like this because you tried to hurt F/n, and you slapped Mia after things didn't go your way," Oikawa begins causing the girls to grow pale. "And you don't know me at all, so stop pretending like you do. I also never said I wasn't upset with Fujisaki, but unlike you, I can see where she's coming from," Oikawa finishes, watching the destroyed looks on his fan's faces. 

   With that, he turns around, continuing to walk home. The fangirls don't try to follow him. They just stand there in shock. 

  Little did they know, two boys are standing behind a nearby building, listening in on the conversation.

   "Looks like Oikawa finally stood up to his fangirls," Matsukawa states with a smile. 

   "Yeah, we can thank L/n for that. She really is one of the best things that have ever happened to him," Iwaizumi responds, walking out from behind the building. Matsukawa quickly follows. 

   As far as Oikawa goes, he finds himself lost in thought as he walks home, unable to shake the words Mia said to the group of girls. 

   Fujisaki, you never hated F/n. You felt betrayed when she started moving forward, so you hurt her before she could hurt you. F/n's injury just might have damaged you as much as it damaged her, Oikawa thinks to himself, gazing up at the now slightly clouded sky. 


   It's been three weeks now since you and Oikawa started dating. Oikawa still hasn't told you about what happened with the fangirls or what he heard Mia say, and he plans to keep it that way. You've been so happy lately, and he doesn't want to ruin that. 

   Currently, your entire group is walking the mall. 

   "AMI!! GIVE ME BACK MY STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM!!!" You scream, chasing after your friend. 

   Ami snickers at your reaction. "No! I'm helping you break your addiction!" She yells back, running around the food court. 

   "They're literal children," Makki comments, sweating at your actions. 

   The boys laugh, watching as Ami almost knocks over a stroller. And with that, Makki and Matsukawa chase after the two of you, thinking things have gotten a bit out of hand, and they don't feel like being kicked out of the mall again. 

   Oikawa and Iwaizumi watch as this happens, astonished expressions. This is until Iwaizumi turns to Oikawa.    

   "You know, we graduate in a few weeks. You should tell her soon," Iwaizumi states, crossing his arms as he looks at Oikawa. 

   The brown-haired boy's smile disappears as a frown takes its place. 

   "I know, I just wish it could have lasted longer. It seems like just yesterday when we first met." 


Hi everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thank you so so much for 20k reads!!!! I love all of you, and I'll see you in the next one. 

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