Each Other's End Game 2 (Hiso...

By _S_Writes

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"Where were you when I needed you years ago Hisoka! It's too late." In the quaint walls of his mansion, ther... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chaptee 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
87 + 88

Chapter 2

249 15 9
By _S_Writes

With weeks passing by, Hisoka had to tighten his control and security over the entire city he now runs because his impulsive friend Grimmjow got poisoned.

Sitting with the remaining of his gang, Hisoka mindlessly scrolled through his phone as they waited for the toxicology report. Although being at the top was what he always strived for, it all came with unnecessary responsibilities. Since the city was always constantly under siege from other warlords because of his illegal doings, he had to put a stop to all attacks. No law enforcement. Him. Ever since law enforcement got facial recognitions of all six men 4 years ago, they naturally tried to take them down like law abiding citizens. Obviously failing miserably. It was futile to mess in Hisoka's realm, hence they gave up and let a murderous man take over the area.

Despite being a shady guy, the city seemed to have chosen him to freely rule the city. Of course there were people that hated the fact that their entire city was ruled by the mafia, but with Hisoka, safety was everywhere. Everyone was too scared to be executed by his men to commit any crime in the city.

No one comes in his city without the Joker's knowledge either. Although they all assumed Hisoka offered them a safer and better city, it was all far from the truth. Hisoka only cared about himself and his friends. The only reason why the red haired has such tight security is to ensure no one that poses a threat to his empire snuck in the city.

However, now that everyone sees Hisoka as their leader, he has to deal with everyone's silly problems. Problems like poisoning. Grimmjow was either poisoned specifically or something in the city is contaminated. According to the doctor in charge, Grimmjow is not the first person to be displaying symptoms of nausea, fever, coughing of blood, fatigue and partial tissue damage to the lungs. The only conclusions were that a certain food group was poisoned or their water source. He will have his men deal with finding out the source and solution.

''How bothersome.'' Hisoka tiredly mumbled while letting out a deep sigh.

He wasn't entirely worried about the issue or Grimmjow. Hisoka knew Grimmjow would recover swiftly and that the issue wasn't anything too insane he couldn't handle. But if he could, he would prefer not to deal with anything.

''Ya'll heard about the high school reunion happening this weekend?" Hidan casually blurted out aloud to the others. It was as clear as day light that no one was worried about Grimmjow or the situation - depicting how prone they all are to problems fixing itself.

Peeling his eyes off the hospital magazine, Sebastian replied, ''Why would we want to attend something so menial? Besides everyone there would either distance themselves from us out of fear or suck up to us now that they know who we are.'' All said with such superiority.

Rolling his eyes, ''Don't act like we have nothing better to do! We barely do anything with our lives now that we have people working for us.'' Hidan beamed back in response.

''It would be nice to go just to see what has become of people so we can judge and make fun out of them.'' Illumi casually stated. Oh, how their power and wealth made them so shallow and mean.

Smugly smiling, Sebastian went back to reading his magazine before replying, ''Don't be so terrible Illumi. It is not polite to show off.''

''Not that I care, but at this point it's not showing off. Our presence and name speaks for itself. Although I do miss the old days when we were unknown.'' Uta joined the conversation.

''Oh Satan, why does it seem we have aged 50 years! We are only in our late twenties. That's it! We are going back to high school!'' Hidan yelled somewhat frustrated.

''It's called maturing Hidan.'' Sebastien deadpanned.

'' 'Xcuse me, may you please guide me to the 9th floor?" A polite childish voice asked The Joker that was far too disengaged with all voices because of the mindless phone scrolling.

No one really paid attention to the child because they all developed a terrible habit of ignoring the existence of everyone but themselves.

Suddenly all conversations, doctors and nurses that were walking around came to a fearful halt after they had witnessed a child disrespect Hisoka by snatching his phone out of his hands and throw it on the floor.

''Oi what the fuck did you just do!'' Hidan yelled, becoming all defensive over his leader.

''Hey don't swear at or around me! I am just a kid!'' The girl cutely yelled back.

''And I am talking to you. Don't you know it's rude to ignore people mister!'' She directed her sentence back onto Hisoka that just sat there partially shell shocked.

''Red hair and golden hazel eyes? Looks like you have a fangirl Morow.'' Illumi stated the obvious.

Upon hearing that, the little girl pouted while she crossed her arms with much annoyance smeared over her face. ''Me copying him? My hair and eyes are all natural! I was born like this okay! I don't even know who all of you are. Stop acting like celebrities.''

Gasping and growing more fearful of what would happen to child, a nearby nurse intervened.

''H-hey d-don't disturb them, I'll h-help - '' The lady tried to speak to her but by the raise of Hisoka's hand she stopped and backed away.

Leaning forward from his seat, Hisoka stared into the child's eyes ever so deeply.

''Bold and rude.'' The Joker stated smoothly to himself with distance and curiosity woven into his words.

Remaining silent, the young girl held Hisoka's intense gaze without melting into a pool of fear.

''Not easily intimidated.'' He lowly murmured another observation.

''Why do you look like this?'' Hisoka commented with distance only increasing in his voice.

''H-hey you are being mean. I don't care what you say! My mother says my hair and eyes are rare and beautiful! And my mama doesn't ever lie!''

The child's hair was open, straight and came up to her shoulders. There was an elegant pin that kept her bangs away from her face, but it shaped her side fringe. She wasn't dressed girly, void of anypink dresses or floral attire. A white jersey that seemed expensive had the word 'Boss Baby' and a crown imprinted over it in black material glitter. Black jeans and white Adidas sneakers.

''You enjoy music? " Hisoka oddly questioned after seeing an airpod and headset shoved in her jeans pocket.

Unfolding her arms, the child seemed to partially grow less aggro as she took her airpod player out to show him proudly like she was the coolest kid around. How innocent.

"I love music! But my mummy says I'm too young for a phone so she got me this! And she also says phones make people anti social, lazy and dumb! So I guess I did you a favour mister!" The kid looked at Hisoka's phone laying on the floor.

What happened next took all of his friends off guard. For the first time in a long time. They saw Hisoka lightly smirk in amusement. His eyes seemed warm and partially filled with light.

"But I do apologize if I broke it, I know some people cannot afford a new one. Don't worry I'll tell my mother to get you a new one!" Her personality and tone changed completely into a much gentler but regretful one.

"Mother told me to not develop her bad habits. She doesn't let anyone walk over her by taking matters into her own hands and acts asser - Mm what's that word she uses..." The girl grew quiet and lost in thought. Tapping her chin to try and remember the word.

" Assertive. " Hisoka helped her.

" Ah yes! That's the one! Assertive." She snapped her fingers.

Picking up his phone to analyse it for any damage, Hisoka's subtle smirk remained. ''It's not broken. Even if it was, I can afford to get another one little girl. " He surprisingly responded. Still leaving his friends flabbergasted by this interaction.

Hisoka doesn't really interact with anyone anymore. Only on lucky days will he even talk to his friends, but this child. This commoner and stranger got the Joker to say more than two words.

Maybe he was intrigued because it's the first time someone, yet alone a child came up to the Joker and disrepected him so casually without any fear or intimidation. Or maybe Hisoka enjoyed the fact that this girl didn't know who she was talking too. A breath of fresh air was nice for a change. Or maybe, he was trying to fill a void he wouldn't acknowledge existed.

"Mmm, mummy taught me to never flash your wealth in front of people because it makes them jealous and it creates enemies." She replied.

Slipping his phone in his pocket, Hisoka leaned more forward into the child's face and narrowed his alluring eyes in hopes to install fear in her.

"Are you going to become an enemy of mine, or hate on me because I'm wealthy? Wish to see me poor?" Hisoka lowly questioned her with that Joker humor he kept locked up for years.

"N-no! Why would I want you to be poor or fight with you! I mean in general, mom says not everyone wants to see others be happy or succ-" She fumbled again.


"Yes succ-ee-d in life! I'm just giving you advice mister! " The little child pouted again and looked away from annoyance, but more of embarrassment she wished to not show.

Leaning back into his chair Hisoka huffed in amusement. "You speak big for a little girl. You always listen to your mother?"

"Yes! Why wouldn't I? My mummy is smart!" The child defended.

"Is she now?" Hisoka stated to himself more than questioned. The others picked up the change in Hisoka's undertone. That statement reminded their leader of something, and they knew exactly what it was.

"If your mother is so smart why didn't she teach you to never speak to strangers?" Illumi butted in.

Averting her gaze to the expressionless guy, she replied. "She did teach me that, but I can't help it if I need someone to press the number 9 in the elevator. I'm too short genius." The girl sarcastically answered.

"Oh rude lil snot aren't you kid." Hidan slid off his chair and crouched down to her level with a blade dangling off his finger tips to try and intimidate the girl.

"Hidan stop. She's merely a child." Sabastian tiredly ordered.

"Who is your mother child?" Uta asked.

"Just like your friend said, you guys are strangers. I am not telling you anything!"

"Technically, you did tell us some traits about your mother. Smart. Rude. Bossy. Assertive and probably has a temper." Hisoka teased, causing her cheeks to stain red.

"Will you help me or not jerk!" She cutely yelled.

"Jerk? I thought no cuss words should be uttered in front of you?" Hisoka arched his left eyebrow humorously.

"Jerk isn't a cuss word mister! That word only describes what someone is."

"So does the word bitch." Hidan sniggered through his comment - causing everyone to smirk.

Truth be told, they were feeling a lot better and like their old selves after seeing Hisoka act partially himself again.

"You got such a foul mouth!" The kid frowned at the deranged man.

"You think I got a foul mouth, heh I should take you to meet Grimmjow. That bastard will put me to shame."

"Agh, you are so bad, never mind. I'll take a chair to climb on and sort myself out. " The little girl commented before walking away.

Not long after they saw her dragging a chair.

"Did she just steal a patients chair from someone's ward?" Hidan asked.

"Some morals her mother taught her." Illumi interjected.

Smirking partially more at the child's delinquent behavior and determination, Hisoka got up and walked towards the girl. Gripping onto the chair to bring it to a halt, the Joker peered down at her.

"Nineth floor you say?"

Pouting and crossing her arms with pride swelling in her chest, she sharply looked away.

"Yes or no?"

With a grunt, "Yes." She forcefully answered.

Walking towards the elevator, Hisoka stopped dead in his tracks when he felt something in his hand. It was hers. How foolishly innocent and trusting.

"What? Mother always makes me hold hands with her so no one will steal me away." She said in utter ignorance.

"I'm not your mother but a stranger."

"Well, at least you will know if someone steals me because you won't feel my hand in yours anymore."

Huffing sharply in amusement, "What makes you think I'll care if someone takes you? You aren't anyone important to me. "

"Everyone has a heart mister." A sentence that made Hisoka grow quiet and distant again.

'A heart? Tsk..'

Ignoring the physical contact that felt oddly comfortable and familiar, Hisoka walked to the elevator and pressed the number 9 button before stepping back out.

"Thank you mister!" The little girl smiled warmly while waving until the elevator doors closed.

Staring at the metallic door thoughtfully for the longest of seconds, Hisoka walked back.

"Are the entry reports for this week done yet?" Hisoka asked Sabastian with a smoothly urgent undertone he tried to hide.

"No, not yet. Why? Are you worried about someone of threat to you?"

"Call A for me. My phone is actually broken." Hisoka confessed.

"W-wait why? Isn't that's.." Hidan cautiously trailed off, afraid to even mention that name in front of Hisoka.

"The man that you assigned to follow Y/n everywhere." Illumi bravely added on. Leaving everyone to sit in uncomfortable eerie silence.

"She isn't a fan girl that attempted to look like me. The similar personality. The interests. The appearance. There is only one girl that I know of with red hair and golden eyes - the baby at the airport I saw 6 years ago. My daughter."

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