Destiny {Harry Styles Fanfic}

By victoria_tomlinson6

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Daniella Forester is 18 years old and can't wait to go to a 2013, One Direction concert and Meet and Greet wi... More

Destiny {Harry Styles Fanfic}
Chapter 1: Holy Pizza
Chapter 2: New York and Shopping
Chapter 3: The Interview
Chapter 4: 'A La Carte'
Chapter 5: 1D In New York City
Chapter 6: Taxi!
Chapter 7: We Meet Again
Chapter 8: Teen Gossip
Chapter 9: Let's Plan For A Birthday
Chapter 11: T or D?
Chapter 12: It's Confirmed
Chapter 13: Fading
Chapter 14: I Promise You
Chapter 15: Management
Chapter 16: You Mean People!
Chapter 17: She's Mine
Chapter 18: RUN!
Chapter 19: Anna, You're Dead
Chapter 20: That Cold Winter Night
Chapter 21: Birthday Wishes
Chapter 22: This Won't End Well
Chapter 23: Things Are About To Get Ugly
Chapter 24: She's Coming

Chapter 10: Happy Birthday, Ella.

988 10 4
By victoria_tomlinson6

Daniella's P.O.V:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANI! YOU'RE 19!" Anna screamed jumping on me as I actually realized that I was 19 years old today.

"Oh my god! I am 19 years old, I feel so old." I joked as I sat up, Anna giving me a birthday hug.

I heard a knocking on my door, and I got up looking back at Anna and wiggling my eyebrows up and down, assuming it was going to be Harry.

"Who's there?" I joked opening the door and falling into Harry's arms.

"Happy birthday!" He pulled me back holding my shoulders and kissing me on the nose.

"Thanks, it feels good to be 19." I laughed bringing him into our room.

We all sat down on the couch and chair, and talked about the day, Harry telling me to be back at our room by 5:00. He also told me to dress up and look nice, in which he said 'well, you don't need to try'.

Hmm... maybe this is going somewhere.

"What should I wear?" I asked.

"Um, something nice." He said smirking. Something was definitely up.

"Okay, well, whatever we're doing together, I know I'll enjoy because I'm with you." I said giving Harry a huge hug.

"Daniiiii, remember. We're going our for luuuunch." Anna said pulling me up off the couch, Harry following.

"I'll let you two be. See you later, Ella." Harry said kissing my cheek and leaving our room.

"Let's get this party day started, sista!" Anna squealed jumping around and running in and out of the bathroom.

I went into my bathroom, and used the toilet and brushed my teeth. I took a soothing shower, then got out and put my hair up in a towel.

I walked to the closet and picked out my navy shorts and a white, navy, orange and red floral top and my white toms. I straightened my long brown hair and pulled the front part back and stuck a bobby pin in it.

"Let's go and have a great birthday." I said grabbing my shades and pulling Anna out of my room.



The elevator opened and we stepped onto the black marble floor. Walking towards plate glass doors, I stood in my tracks and overlooked it.

New York City.

"Come on, Dani." Anna said waving her hand as the door was half open.

I slowly walked out the door and a burst of warm air made my hair fly in every direction.

I looked to my right and saw the Statue of Liberty.

I looked to my left and saw every skyscraper, building and Central Park.

If I looked down, I could see yellow little taxis, looking just like ants gathering food. They were everywhere and the people, they looked like little bugs.

The view just couldn't of gotten any better, considering I was on the Empire State Building.

Walking around, getting different views, I only thought about tonight.

Where was Harry taking me? Like, is it a party? I only really want a dinner and maybe a movie or something. I don't need a decked out party or anything. I really don't need that, but, it's Harry Styles who I'm with, he can do anything he wants. So, knowing him, he'll probably rent the whole Central Park.

I noticed there was a small metal binocular set right beside me so I pulled out 50 cents from my wallet and stuck it in the slot. I pressed my forehead against the metal and focused it so it was looking over the harbor and out at lady liberty.

I felt a light buzzing coming from my back pocket of my shorts, so I took it out and saw that it was my mom. (A/N: I call my mom Mumsy so I just wanted to make that her nickname :P )

"Mumsy!" I squealed into the phone, having not talked to my mom since I left London.

"Hi hun! Happy 19th birthday, sweetie!" It was obviously on speaker phone because I heard my dads voice speak with her.

"Thanks guys, guess where I am?" I smiled.

"I don't know, where?" They both questioned, never actually guessing.

"I'm overlooking New York City on the Empire State Building." I said walking some more, the wind dying down.

"That's so nice, darling. How's your birthday going?" My dad asked me.

"It's going awesome, I'm spending the day with Anna and then I'm going out with Harry. He's taking me somewhere, he says its a surprise." I beamed, thinking about it and what he'd have in store.

"Who's Harry?" Oh, dear god. I never even told them about Harry. Tah, wow.

"Umm... he's Harry Styles. He's in the band One Direction. I met him two months ago, but I saw him again here in New York and- and I've been with him a lot and I really like him, mom and dad. He's really nice and such a gentleman." I said all in one breath.

I heard a cough, and some rustling.

"Aren't you going to see them in concert in about a mon- oh, hunny! He's cuuuute!" It started off with my dad, then I heard my mom in the background talking from the computer set, obviously.

"I know though! He's the sweetest guy ever."

I talked with my parents for another 15 minutes until Anna came along and told me we had to go back down.

"Okay, I have to go guys, I'm so glad you called." I said walking into the elevator, along with 2 other girls.

"Love you, and stay safe tonight." I just rolled my eyes.

"I know, I know. Love you too." I heard the line go dead and just as I was about to put my phone in my pocket, I felt another buzz. I looked at it and it said, 'Harry

"Oh hey Harry!" The other two girls in the elevator looked at me funny. I just looked away and answered Harry's question about food.

"Okay, I love you too. Bye babe." I said putting my phone in my back pocket, and looked up to see the two girls staring at me like I had two heads.

"Who was that?" The blonde haired girl asked.

"Excuse me?" I said furrowing my eyebrows. Who asks a random person who they were on the phone with? Show some respect.

"You said Harry. Aren't you Daniella Forester? Oh my god, and your Anna Daniels! You both know One Direction!" The other red haired girl said.

"Um, yeah? Why?" I responded, kind of confused.

"Aren't you two dating them?!" We just shook our heads eager to get away from these crazed directioners.


"Yes, we do." The elevator doors opened and me and Anna both scurried away from those girls.

"Okay... that was really strange, but, it's time for our lunch daaaate." She sang running across the street and into T.G.I.F.

"For how many?" The boy behind the stand asked and I put up two fingers and she brought us to a table in the back.

"Ah, this is really nice. Are you glad that I booked your birthday in New York? Hmmm?" Anna said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, I am really glad. This is the best birthday ever so far. Plus, Harry is taking me out somewhere and I have no idea!" She gave a little laugh and smirked.

"What?" I asked, thinking that maybe she knows about it.

"Nothing." She replied then a waiter came over and took out drink orders. Before we knew it, my Mountain Dew and Anna's water was right in front of us.

About 5 minutes later, he came back and I ordered a huge pepperoni pizza and Anna ordered a Caesar salad.

"Everything seems to be good with you and Niall right?" She widened her eyes and nodded vigorously while sipping her water. Niall asked Anna out two days ago, and everything's going perfect.

"Yes! I am so lucky to have him. He's unbelievable. I really love him."

"Same with me and Harry. It's just so unbelievable to think that they chose us. We were booked to go meet them! Oh my god, wouldn't it be fun to go and be around the boys and the other girls don't even know it?" We both laughed our heads off, until our meals came.

We dug right into our food, taking sips of our drinks in between, and finally finished with a little bit left.

"That was a huge pizza!" I said to the waiter, as he just nodded and walked away.


Hours later, at 5:00, me and Anna were riding the elevator up to our room to get ready for this 'mysterious' event Harry was taking me to.

I unlocked the door to our room, and set our bags down, then walked further into the room and gasped.

There on my bed, lay the most beautiful, strapless light pink dress I've ever seen, and a note on top of it.


Happy Birthday, babe.

I know your favorite color is mint green, but you look most beautiful in light pink.

I'll be at your room at about 6:25.

Love, Harry

"Awwww! Anna!" Anna came right by my side and read the note.

"Awwww! This is going to be the best birthday ever! Now, let's get you started!" We both squealed and got right to work.

Anna went and turned on my curler, she laid out the makeup I was going to be wearing, and she brought my dress to the bathroom and hung it up.

"Here, put on this robe." She handed me my mint green robe, so I slipped it on and sat down in a chair as she began to apply my makeup.

She started off with concealer, then foundation, blush, a line of eyeliner on the top, she curled my lashes, then mascara.

Next, she curled my hair so I had perfect curls falling down my back, and just left it like that.

By now, it was 6:15, so I slipped on my gorgeous dress and it fit perfectly. Boy, does Harry know me so well.

I put on my light pink heels, the same color as the band on the dress covering the tummy, and examined myself in the mirror.

I really looked beautiful.

Everything was coordinating and my makeup and hair was perfect.

"You look so beautiful, Daniella. Happy birthday." Anna said giving me a hug and then giving me a little box.

I opened it and inside was a ring and in the inside of it, 'Friends Forever' was engraved on it.

"Oh Anna," I looked up at her and smiled, "it's so beautiful. Thank you." I went over to her and gave her a hug, when I heard a knocking on the door.

"Coming!" I said rushing over in my high heels.

I opened the door and there stood Harry in black suit, holding a bouquet of red roses.

"Happy birthday, Ella." I wrapped my arms around his neck and just stayed there for about two minutes. I wish I could of stayed in that position forever.

Harry handed me the flowers and I gladly took them and said 'thank you'.

"Ready?" He said taking my hand.

"Yes, sir." I looked up at him then said 'bye' to Anna and we left.

We got into the elevator and I leaned up against the wall.

"So, were dressed up, where are we going?" I said trying to get him to tell me.

"You'll see in 30 minutes."


After being driven around in a horse and buggy through Central Park, we got back into his limo and drove about 5 minutes to downtown manhattan, and stopped in front of a stone building.

"What in the world is this?" I asked looking over at Harry, who had a grin on his face.

"You'll see, come on." We were escorted out of the limo and we walked up the stone steps and into the building.

Right when we opened the double doors, I saw so many people, I could hardly even count.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone chorused and I just stood there with my mouth open and a huge smile plastered on my face.

"Harry, did you plan this?" I said looking to my left.

He nodded and I just couldn't contain my happiness. Harry planned this whole thing for me, took up his night, and his last few days to make this happen. Plus, everyone here took their time to come out to my birthday party. Half of them don't even know me!

I walked to my right, to go grab a drink, but I was turned around to see Anna.

"Anna! Oh my god, you look gorgeous!" She was wearing a tight, blue strapless dress with one shoulder and little diamonds as a belt. Her hair had tight curls and her makeup was right on.

"Look who's talkin?!" Anna said winking at me, then Niall came right up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Happy birthday, Daniella. 19, eh?" I nodded and looked around for Harry. I saw him over by Zayn holding a cracker, and then stuffing it into his mouth. I giggled and then said that I was going to get a drink.

"I'll have a sprite please." I said to the guy behind the bar and then he gave me my drink so I walked around and meeted a lot of new people. So far, I've met Ed Sheeran, Eleanor Calder and a bunch of the boys friends and girlfriends. Even some of my other friends back in London were here.

"Hey babe, I want you to meet someone." Harry said bringing me through a bunch of people dancing and brought me to the one and only, Cher Lloyd.

"Hi!" I said as she gave me a huge hug.

"Oh my god, I have been waiting to meet you! Happy birthday! Harry has told me so many amazing things about you." I glanced over at Harry and he just shrugged and plastered a grin on his face.

"Well, he is known for that, ain't that right Hazzie bear." I cooed messing up his hair, as Cher just laughed.

In my peripheral vision, I could see a girl with poofy brown hair walking over to me, with Liam. I knew her, that's Danielle Peazer.

"Hi Daniella. I'm Danielle." Danielle laughed, at the similarity of our names.

"Hi Danielle. It's really nice to meet you, I think you're so gorgeous." I smiled and she smiled back.

"You are the one talking, that's a beautiful dress and I just love your long hair."

"Well, Harry can take credit for my dress." I laughed and Liam and Danielle both did as well. Having another conversation with just me and Danielle, we talked about the boys and a lot of other things and I mean, we have a lot in common.

Just as I was about to leave after 20 minutes, another person I didn't know came up to me and said 'happy birthday' and introduced themselves.

I would have to get used to this.


Later on, after having eaten so much food and dancing a lot, me and Harry were up on the stage in front of the DJ, and Harry was saying happy birthday to me and then everyone else chorused into singing it to me.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Daniella... happy birthday to you!" Everyone whistled and screamed then we got off the stage and a slow song came on.

"Come here, let's dance." Harry said pulling my waist and holding into it while I put mine on his shoulders.

"Can I ask you something, Ella." He said looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, you know you can ask me anything." I said while I swayed my hips to the slow beat.

"Well, I really love you Daniella, and I would really like to become closer to you," he started saying and I was just looking at him intently with a smile on my face, "I'm really thankful to have you in my life, and I'm glad I saw you again because if I didn't, I wouldn't have gotten the chance to be with you like this." I nodded telling him to keep going.

"So, will you be my girlfriend, Ella?" I just could not get the smile off my face.

"I would love too, Hazzie bear." I leaned to give him a kiss, and when I did, I felt his hand linger around my side and around my back.

He pulled away and we just stared into each others eyes.

"You know, I really love you." Harry said, while the song switched to a faster more upbeat song.

"I love you too."

The music started to play louder and better songs came on, so I jumped around and enjoyed the rest of my night.


"I cannot even say thank you enough, Harry. This was an amazing night. I just wish it didn't have to end." It downed my mood to think this night was over. It was 3 in the morning and all of us were like zombies.

"Why don't you just come up to my room?" Harry said leaning against my hotel room door and no, Harry is not drunk.

"Are you sure?" I said yawning.

"I'm so sure." With that, I walked into the elevator and went up one floor and walked right into the boys room. You could probably say apartment.

"I'm over here." Harry said bringing me to his room.

"I forgot my clothes."

"Here, you can have some of mine. Now that your my girlfriend, you'll have to get used to this." He smiled cheekily while throwing an oversized shirt at me and walked into the bathroom. I slipped off my dress and pulled the shirt over my head, indulging his strong scent of vanilla and peppermint. I ran my fingers through my hair and walked over to Harry's bed and climbed under the covers.

It kinda felt weird, but it also felt nice.

I heard the door open and the flick of the light. The rustling of the covers and Harry's warm body, made my body shiver and send tingles up my spine.

"Goodnight, Hazzie bear."

I felt Harry turn over and wrap his hands around my waist.

"Happy birthday, Ella." He whispered into my ear, before I fell asleep thinking over my day.

Best birthday ever, in which I shared it with the best people ever.


A/N: AWWW! now they're dating! who loves Darry?

*raise hand here*

okay, please please pleeeease comment and vote on this.

also, why don't u tell your friends? :)


fan, vote and comment!

I love you all my little duckies!


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