Amour - Fred Weasley

De robinbuckleyasf

248K 4.8K 6.9K

*** Arabella is a transfer student from Beauxbatons after she pulled a dangerous prank that got her expelled... Mais

authors note
The Sorting
the test
Old Books and Campfires
Truth or Dare
March 13th
Last day
The Triwizard Tournament
Swedish Short-snout
The First Snow
Mermen and Magnolias
Conquering the Curses
Summer with the Order
Lonesome Town
Dumbledores Army
First Year in the Job
The Wedding
The Beginning of the End


2.7K 61 46
De robinbuckleyasf

"Kill him, kill the traitor Toussaint," the cold voice said

"Yes my lord"

"And once she's done with him, she's gonna kill the entire Weasley bloodline. Including you, his filthy companion" He said

My hands were bound against constraints, my eyes tearing up at the sight of Fred. His body limp on the ground from the curses.

"Keep your eyes open deary, we want you to see this. See the life drain." A wicked voice added, a blood-chilling laugh following the sentence.

"Don't you fucking touch him! If you lay a hand on him ill murder you." I screamed as loud as possible

"Darling we told you to leave this filthy blood traitor, and yet you can't seem to listen, can you? Fine, you want a fight, we'll have a fight. Lestrange, undo the ties." Toussaint said

"Of course my dear," Lestrange said

"Well now let's fight. Get up. Now." Toussaint said, my heart beating out of my chest.

" Crucio!"

"Avada Kedarva!"

Flashes erupted from the scene, the two bodies flying back. One unconscious, and one deceased.

"Bella! Bella, are you alright?"

"Wake her up Bell!"

My body ached, my head was pounding, and my forehead was covered in sweat. The two girls stood above me as my heartbeat slowed. No one moved.

"Bloody hell, are you alright?" Katie asked

"Yes, just a nightmare," I said

"I hope so, must've been a bad one too. You were mumbling and shaking." Angelina said

"Yeah, it was definitely not a nice one," I said before standing to get dressed.

"What was it about?" Katie asked

"Can't remember, just that it was terrible." I lied, no one other than the order knew about my mum's real whereabouts. Let alone that Voldemort was seriously returning. I quickly walked into the bathroom, reciting the dream in my head.

"I er- have to talk to Trelawney about my divination test from a few days ago. I'll meet you at breakfast?" I asked, grabbing my divination book off of my nightstand.

"Um, yeah okay," Katie said, worried.

I walked out of the dorm, reciting the dream still. Tears forming in my eyes as I remembered Fred's lifeless body, my mum, and the flash of green. Looking to my feet as I walked I suddenly dropped the book as I ran into someone.

"Woah there Dupont, going someone?" Cormac asked as I looked up at him.

"Yes actually, Im late," I said

"There are no classes until later today?" Cormac said

"I took an extra individual study with Trelawney, Im late so if you'll please excuse me," I said once again

"Wait, erm- I wanted to ask you something." He said

"It can wait until after quidditch practice tonight yeah? Alright, see you later." I said, hurrying out of the busy common room, trying to remember every last detail.

As I approached the astronomy tower I pushed open the trapdoor to Trelawney's classroom. My nose suddenly being filled with the scent of vanilla and oranges, Trewlaneys favorite tea.

"Oh hello, one of my favorite shining stars! We don't have class yet?" Trelawney asked

"Oh no, no. I erm - had a dream and I was wondering if you could maybe help me decipher it? As you know, my mum is now on er- his side." I said, emphasizing his.

"Yes dear, I heard from the headmaster," Trelawney said

"Well, I had a dream with her in it last night," I said

"Just her? Could be fears about her coming back possibly?" Trelawney pondered

"No, not just her. He was there, and um, someone by the name of Lestrange? Oh and my boy- ex-boyfriend Fred Weasley." I said, catching myself at the ex.

"Ex? Oh, dear. I'm so sorry. Lestrange, yes, Bellatrix? Or her husband?" Trelawney asked

"It was a woman, with curly untamed hair, a wild smile, and a blood-chilling laugh," I said

"That is the one, Bellatrix was, well is, a highly impressive witch. Why did you and Fred break up, if you don't mind me asking?" Trelawney asked

"If I'm telling the truth, I wanted to protect him, from my mum, and well other things I guess as well." I said

"There are two possibilities, the first more likely than the latter. It could be your fears, as you know, Fred getting hurt, your mum, and you-know-who." She said

"And the latter?" I asked

"My dear, you've always been an impressive student in my courses. A very talented seer indeed."

"Thank you, but what does that have to do with my dreams?" I asked

"They may not be dreams child. They may be visions. Visions of your future, preparing you for it. Possibly, a warning." She said

"How do I stop that?" I asked

"The visions will never stop if it is indeed visions, I have them quite often as well. Mostly harmless, take last night, for example, I saw a hamster and a wheel, I was going to buy one this holiday. If you are talking about the vision itself, you must do what you feel is right. What will get you away from it." She advised.

"Thank you, I will see you after lunch," I said, walking out.

"Oh and my dear? Do come and see me if you ever need to talk, not just about dreams but about life. I have a lot of experience, and have seen a lot of loss in my time." She said, and with a nod, I was walking down the steps of the astronomy tower.


"Hey Dupont, didn't see you at breakfast earlier or lunch?" Cormac said from behind me as I walked up the stairs to divination.

"Since when are you in 7th-year divination? You are in 6th year are you not?" I asked, the boy getting on my nerves.

"I am a 6th year but got moved up because I was advanced in all my classes this year." He said

"Interesting, I did that in my 4th year. Well, if you'll excuse me I should probably take my seat." I said, motioning to my table next to Katie and Angelinas.

"Do you mind if I join you? I don't know many 7th years," he said, with a smirk on his face.

"Fine," I said with a fake smile, walking towards my table. The rest of the class shuffled in, Fred and George sitting at the table behind us. Trelawney passed around stacks of cards to each group.

"Now my children, these are muggle cards that I have decided to do a miniature section on, they are called Tarot Cards. Through asking questions and prompts the cards will see your future, and answer your deepest desires. Treat them with care and consult your guides, we will do an example with er- Arabella!" Trelawney said, walking over to join Cormac and I.

"Do you need to ask the question out loud Professor?" I asked

"No, just feel it, and focus on what you are searching for." She replied

"What should I do about Fred?" I thought to myself

I pulled two cards, one with cups spread all around it and one with a man holding two swords. Both perfectly upright sitting in front of us.

"Ahhh the ten of cups and the two of swords. Very interesting my dear." She said

"What does it mean professor?" Cormac asked

"Well, if I am assuming correctly what your question was my dear, it is quite clear. The ten of cups symbolizes happiness, fulfillment, and harmony- especially in relationships." Trelawney started, her eyes darting to Fred for a moment before switching to Cormac.

"That's good," Cormac said, a smile on his face.

"The two of swords is more gloomy in this case though. It represents a crossroads, most likely when in relationships you have a choice to make. Possibly to go back to someone, or to stay away. Either way, one path leads to destruction and one that happiness the ten of cups brings. It is your job to find it." Trelawney said, the class silent.

"Carry on now students!" Trelawney said, pushing away from our table and dancing around the class through the cluster of tables.

The class went on and we all pulled just about every card thinking of different scenarios and questions. The Lovers, The high priestess, 5 of swords, The devil, practically everything.

"Erm- professor, what does this card mean?" I asked

"Oh dear," She said, looking at the card on the table.

"Quite possibly the only bad card in the whole deck," She said

"What were you thinking of? What was the question?" She asked

"My future with erm- the dream," I said

"I am very sorry dear, that is the tower." She said

"What does it mean professor?" Cormac asked, confused as to what we were talking about.

"Destruction, confusion, and unwanted truth," Trelawney said, a glum look on her face.

"Professor?" I asked before she quickly stood, a cheesy smile across her face.

"Class dismissed!" Trelawney said, cheerfully.

We walked back down to our common room, all the classes for the day over with. The quidditch team getting into uniform and preparing for practice.

"Cormac was all over you today! You are so lucky to have so many guys wanting you Bella!" Katie said

"Oh Katie, you have just as many boys, you're just too dim-witted to notice" Angelina teased

"Oh shut it, Johnson!" She said

"Well, boys or no boys we still have quidditch. The three most important people can't be late!" I joked

"Why will Harry be late?" Katie joked

"You are quite the peach Bell, lets go before Ms. captain over here makes us work," Angelina said, linking her arms with Katie.

"I would never! But today we are doing drills" I said, the girls groaning.

We walked down to the pitch, the team and the substitute players ready to workout. The team was loud and excited, ready for the first practice.

"Alright everyone, we're going to split into our respective groups and get to work. Katie and Angelina will be taking all the chasers for aim practice, George will take one of you guys to work with the chasers" I said pointing to the substitutes, " Fred will take the rest to work on aim and strength. Harry, I trust you know what to do yes?" I asked the boy.

"Alright, and Cormac you will work with myself and the other substitutes to work on blocking. Sound good? If you need any water feel free, and I'll be around every once in a while to check up on you all!" I said, grabbing a few younger players and going to the opposite end.

McGonagall and I started a program where the younger players who want to play in the future can work with us during practice and learn, that way they are ready to play their next years.

"Alright so you're going to want to hold it like this," I said, changing the 1st year's grip on the quaffle.

"And throw" I advised, watching the girl hurdle the quaffle into the post.

"I made it!" She squealed as the quaffle soared through the hoop.

"Good job, keep practicing, 'll be back," I said

I flew off, checking on each group before letting everyone know that after 2 hot hours that practice was over. I dismissed the younger kids and pulled the team aside.

"Alright, well as you can probably tell I'm no Oliver Wood, but don't expect me to go easy on any of you. I still expect us to win, and let me leave this school a legacy. Our first match is against Slytherin. It'll be a hard game but I have faith." I said

"We got this Dupont, dont worry." Cormac said

"Im not but thank you" I said quickly before letting everyone pack up.

"Hey Bella, can I ask you something?" Cormac asked as I grabbed my broom.

"Sure, what's up?" I said

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get a butterbeer with me sometime?" He asked

"Like a date?" I asked

"Yes, erm- I know you are no longer with Weasley and so I was thinking maybe you wanted to?" He asked

"We just broke up," I said

"I know but you don't seem too upset," He said

"Just because I did not fall into your arms or anyone's arms for that matter does not mean I am over him just yet Mclaggen.

"Well, you always seem to want me so I just figured we make it official." He said, crossing his arms.

"Want you?" I said my voice growing louder, the rest of the team looking at this point.

"Yes, it's quite a clear darling." He said

"I am not your darling, and I don't want you in any sense. Now Mclaggen I'm sure as you've been here through 6 of my 7 years I thought you would know how I fight," I said before being interrupted.

"I don't know Dupont, I like a challenge and you seem like a perfect one. Don't tell me the mommy issues are making you act out." He said, scoffing.

"Mclaggen, I would shut your fucking mouth before you get replaced with a little 2nd year," I said

"You can't fuck a second-year Dupont, I know you want me so stop making this such a big deal." He whispered in my ear, his hands on my shoulders. The team jumped up, about to step in. Pulling my hand back I punched him square in the nose. His nose started to bleed, and he swung back to punch me back.

"Get off our pitch Mclaggen," Fred said, Cormacs fist in his hand.

"Your girlfriend is a slut, Weasley." He said

"Not a slut, and not my girlfriend. If you don't get off this pitch in the next 3 seconds your nose won't be the only broken bone in your body." Fred said

"Alright fine, just wait till your girl is in my dorm room with me. Then she won't seem like the little innocent girl anymore." Cormac said, red rising in Fred's neck as he stood in front of me.

"That's it," Fred said through his teeth, before anyone could process what happened Cormac was beneath Fred. Fred's fists hitting Mclaggens face, punch after punch.

"Fred stop!"

"Stop your going to murder him!"

"Weasleys stop!" everyone shouted before Fred eased up. Cormac sent one swift punch to Fred's face before pushing him off.

"Mr. Weasley, Mr. Mclaggen! What is the meaning of this?" Umbridge said, running onto the pitch with McGonagall and Dumbledore.

"He beat me up, Professor! And she punched me in the face!" Cormac said

"He was calling Arabella foul things, defamation of character headmaster," Fred said, his face bleeding on his robes.

"Detention Mr. Mclaggen" McGonagall said, grabbing the boy and dragging him to the castle.

"Ahem? Weasley, Dupont?" Umbridge said once the other teachers were gone.

"We don't tolerate violence at this institution. Detention both of you tonight. The rest of you off to your dorms mhm" Umbridge said

"You didn't have to do that Freddie," I said once everyone else left.

"Arabella, Im sorry. Im sorry for stepping over a line, just please let me talk to you." Fred begged

"Fred, you did nothing wrong, it's just complicated," I said, walking away.

"Wait," Fred said, grabbing my wrist

"What" I snapped

"I love you, and I always have." He said, letting my wrist go.

"I love you too, I'm sorry I have to go," I said, thinking of the dream. If I didn't stay away, he would turn into that lifeless corpse. I would rather put myself through torture being without Fred, than seeing him like that.

"I'll see you in detention?" He shouted after me

I walked back up to the castle, checking my wristwatch before deciding to go to Umbridge's early.

"Maybe ill be done before Fred even gets here," I mumbled to myself.

I walked into her office, greeting her with a fake corny smile. I sat at one of two desks, the quill placed neatly in front. She didn't say anything before the door opened again to show George.

"Geo-"I started before he interrupted

"Fred Weasley, reporting for detention Professor." He said, shooting me a warning glare.

"Now, you two better get writing before the ink dries." Umbridge joked

" You will write 'Violence isn't the answer'" She said, before walking to the door.

"Where are you off to professor?" George asked

"I have to monitor halls, you two don't get all my attention," She said before leaving with a giggle. The door shut and George immediately turned to me.

"Arabella, its me George." He said

"What? I thought it was Fred!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh shut it. He wanted me to try and talk to you about why you broke up. I know it's stupid and you don't have to I just wanted to make sure you are okay." He said

"Im fine George just needed space," I said

"No you don't, you've 'needed space' before and you just shut people out for a few days but by the end of it, you're all over everyone again. What's wrong?" He asked

"It has to do with my mum," I said

"Bella we are going to be fine. The order will be on the hunt for her and the other death eaters. You can relax." He reassured

"George, I'm having dreams- well nightmares," I said

"About her?"

"About Fred, well and her, but her erm- killing Fred," I said, pausing before the last part.

"Bella, I can assure you. That won't happen." He said

"George, it's not just him. It happened to you, Ron, Gin, even your parents." I said, tears forming.

"Arabella Dupont, look at me. It'll be fine. Now give me your hand." George said looking to the door.

"Flagrate Pellise," George said, red scribble appearing on my hands. It looked like blood, it looked almost real.

"What is it?" I asked

"Writing spell, just in case if she asks when we see her in the halls." He said pulling out the map.

"Which should be in about 3 minutes if we leave now." He said, writing on his own hand.

We quickly stood and walked out of the room, rubbing our hands in the lookout for our professor. She walked past us, almost forgetting we had detention. She quickly walked over to a group of third years and handed out 3 more detentions. We were no longer an issue, well for the night.

"Are you gonna tell Fred about what I said?" I asked

"Not if you don't want me to, Ill tell him Umbridge kept close watch all night." he said with a chuckle.

"Thank you, I'm going to talk to him truly, I just keep catching him at the wrong times. It was really amazing of him to stand up for me, really, I just don't want to watch him get hurt." I said, entering the Gryffindor common room.

"I know, but remember they're only dreams." George said

"That's the thing, they arent. They're real, like life like." I said, flopping on the couch in the mostly empty common room.

"Well, is it every night?" He asked

"Dunno, its just happened the last few. It happened before, a while ago. Then it stopped once I got here, and then all of a sudden flares back up?" I said

"Well if you ever need help sleeping Percy used to use these sleeping charms of Fred and I, knocks you out cold right where you are." He suggested

"Thank you Georgie, I really do appreciate the help." I said

"Of course, and remember i'm always here." he said before nodding and walking up the stairs.

Getting into bed and closing my eyes, i fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. My mind slowly dozing off into sleep.

"You do realize this all could've been avoided dear? If you would've just listened to me" My mums cold voice snarled

"I would never join you" I snapped at her

"Well, if you won't listen to reason, we will have to force your destiny." She said

"Destiny?" I asked

"Yes, destiny dear. You were born a pure soul, maybe not pureblood, but pure indeed. Pure morals. You will carry on the Toussaint name as the strongest family in the wizarding world" She said

"I am not a Toussaint. I am no daughter of yours." I said

"Oh but you are, you have the Toussaint genes, Toussaint look, and the ideals of a perfect Toussaint girl." She said, caressing my face with a hand.

She placed her wand to my forearm, the tip pressing into my arm. With a slight twist and press, my arm burst into searing pain.


We were in the same place as before, a sort of forest. Hundreds of people here, watching the fight.

The air was cold but polluted. It was dusty as if a million ceramic vases had been shattered. I had cuts on my forehead- the dream was more vivid this time. Much more vivid. 

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