The Missing Sloan

By gilllgirl123

41.3K 692 18

Eden Abbott is in the last year of her internship at seattle Grace hospital, in her head she would finsih thi... More



348 7 1
By gilllgirl123

Eden woke up from falling asleep on the plane, she turned her head to the side to smile at Mark, to him still persauding her to stay but mark wasnt there and she wasnt on the plane she was laying on the ground all she could see was trees and more trees. She then saw a hand, bloody cut up hand lying under the plane, the plane, Eden hadnt even seen that laying on the uncomfortable floor with her was the plane and now there was someone underneath it she sat up, to see if she could see the face but she couldnt then it came to her, the only other person at the back of the plane with her and mark was lexi. Oh no Lexi.

"Lexi, lexi is that you" Eden shouted she saw the hand wave then relax, its Lexi.
"Eden, Eden its me" Lexi shouted back.

"Can you run it down for me" Eden asked lexi to tell her, her injuries then she would know how to treat her as it seemed to only be the two of them for now.

"My legs and my pelvis are crushed And I can't f-feel my other arm, so I'm not sure it's even there anymore. And, uh, my chest feels like it's gonna explode,
so it's probably a massive... hemothorax." Lexie told her as her breathing got worse as she spoke.

"Okay in going find some help, and oxygen the plane has oxygen" Eden decided, she then tried to scoot backwards to get up to get help but she tried to pull her legs back wards she was engulfed in immense pain, she looked down all she could see was her left foot because her right foot was under neath the plane tail the same piece of plane crushing Lexie.
She tried to wiggle her foot but the pain shoot back up her leg, her foot was stuck she couldn't get help she couldnt save them what was she meant to do now.

Then she had a bright idea, "lexi is there anything near you like a stick or rock that you could use to bang agaisnt the plane to get attention" Eden asked Lexie as she started looking around her anything then she found something.

"Ive got a seatbelt from my seat i can use that" Lexie told Eden excited.
"Great find Lexie" Lexie started to bang the seatbelt agaisnt the side of the plane making a loud noise trying to get anyones attention and that she did.

"Lexi lexi you did it look theres MARK" Eden said shouting her brothers name.

There he was running towards his sister and the love of his life, he then saw the blood covering Lexis face he ran towards her then saw Eden clenching her ankle trying to pull her foot out from under the plane and her chocolate brown her covered in blood. Who does he go to who does he comfort, who does he help, he stood there as Meredith and Cristina ran to Lexie's side, his attention darted from Lexie to Eden to Eden to lexie.

Eden could see Mark unsure on what to do or who to help, so she helped.
"Mark" Eden called as Marks attention snapped to her "go to her" she softly said as her brother followed his little sisters instructions and ran to Lexie holding her hand.

Eden watched the three surgeons see to Lexie, she knew that Lexie possibly wouldnt make it out of the forrest. So she needed the help more than herself.

Cristina popped her head around the plane to see Eden still trying to pull her foot out from the plane. "You okay?"
"Im fine help Lexie" Eden demanded as Cristina went back to Lexies side as she told Meredith to go and find Derek.

Mark then pushed Cristinas arm back into its socket.
"Right, 1,2,3 lift" Mark counted as they lifted the plane up and slightly off Lexie, Eden then felt a crushing pain on her ankle, the tail of the plane was now crushing down on her foot and the side of the tail was cutting in her ankle.

"Ow ow ow, STOP" Eden screamed in pain as they slowly dropped the pain back onto Lexie, the new cut on Edens ankle started to pour blood her hand flew onto it pushing pressure but the blood kept coming runing through her fingers.

"Eden you okay?" Mark asked
"Yeah yeah fine stay with Lexie" Eden pushed him off not telling him that his action of trying to save lexie had just made her ankle into a waterfall of blood.

Cristina could tell from the scream that Eden let out, she wasnt fine she was just telling mark that so he could stay with Lexie the love of his life that was slipping through his fingers.

"Love you lex" mark cried to Lexie as Cristina left them to Edens side.

"I need a bandage or a top to stop this bleeding and probably another one for my foot when we pull it out if we pull it out." Eden told Cristina who nodded in agreement running off to get the supplies she needed.

Eden looked up from her hands trying to see if she could see mark but all she could see was his and Lexies hands laced together she was trying to distract herself she couldnt look at the blood splurting out of her fingers it was making her feel queezy, even though she is a surgeon and regularly sees alot of blood in her job but for some reason watching the blood flying out of her hands wasnt a nice sight.
She needed a distraction immediatly.

"Kiddo thats alot of blood" Charlene smiled sitting on the end of plane tail.

Her mums appearance didnt concern of her mental state she was glad for the distraction.
"You dont say" Eden smirked.

"I love you lex, I love you, I love you" Mark repeated over and over, it only meant one thing Lexi, Lexi was gone. She wanted desperately just to get up and run to her brothers side wrapping her arms around him to comfort him but she couldnt because the plane crashed on her foot was stopping her.

"He loves her doesnt he?"
"Yes yes he does" Eden smiled at all mark has gone through for Lexi, to win her love.
"He loved Addison"
"He did love Addison but his love for Lexie well, coming from your disney loving daughter lexi is his true love"

"How did you get yourself in this mess"
"We were on our way to another hospital and the plane crushed"
"Kiddo your heads bleeding" Charlene told her as she noticed that her hair was stuck together with blood.

Eden hadnt even thought about checking herself for any other injuries apart from those that she could see, she then touched her head then looked at her hand which had a new layer of blood on it she was in fact bleeding, more blood.

"Kiddo theres people coming" Charlene pointed to Cristina and Meredith coming out of the trees.

Eden was just about to tell Meredith that Lexie was dead so Mark didnt have to when Meredith saw that her sister had gone, she dropped to the floor crying out in grief for the death off her sister.

"Shes loud isnt she"
"Her sister just died" Eden snapped.

"Right we need to get Edens foot free" Cristina instructed she stood up pulling Meredith up with her, they both looked at mark hoping he would jump up to help his sister but he didnt.

"Mark" Cristina shouted but he didnt respond.
"Leave him" Eden told them as they both walked over to her with a top and belt at the ready to wrap round her foot.

"This will probably hurt like hell" Cristina told her taking up a place at the corner of the tail opposite meredith.
"Thanks for the suger coating" Eden laughed, the tail was then lifted of her foot, the intensity of the pain just grew by 20 times, she quickly pulled her foot out, not wanting to look at the injury.

"Kiddo pretty sure a foot isnt meant to look like that" charlene noted looking at Edens foot which had swollen, so bad that it was probably double the size of both feet stuck together, she had two open fractures, who knows how many broken bones in her foot, many open wounds. Her foot was barely recognisable than a foot as it was all red and bloody.

Cristina quickly wrapped Edens foot in two tops then placed a belt over the open fractures hoping to put them back in their right place inside the foot.

"Thanks" Eden said to Cristina who helped her stand up.

"Kiddo, isnt that Derek he doesnt look good" Charlene stood next to Eden pointing to the figure holding onto the trees as he walked.

"Meredith Look" Eden told Meredith as she too saw Derek walking towards them.

"Meredith, I thought i heard your voice. Thought i was dreaming" Derek spoke as he then collapsed on the floor, the three surgeons ran to help, Eden put pressure on her foot falling to the ground, groaning at her self, she managed to drag her self to Marks side but was unable to help Meredith close dereks wound on his arms with a safety pin.

Eden was amazed by how these modern days surgeons were finding ways to tend to their injuries by using what they could find and making do when in their usually work environment a hospital they would have just had it all next to them. This situation was horrific but she was amazed by the ways they well cristina was adapting what she had been learnt all these years.

"Mark we need to make a fire" Cristina shouted at Mark who just sat there leaning up against the plane holding onto Lexies hands.

"Mark you need to help" Cristina shouted again but Mark was unresponsive.

"I can help" Eden offered shuffaling towards Cristina.
"No no, he needs to help. He cant just stop. Im sorry he lost Lexie but shes Meredith sister shes still helping. He doesnt jusy get to stop" Cristina continued to shout as she got up and walked towards Mark still shouting his name but he didnt once look up to her.

"Mark get up, get up" Cristina shouted.
"Mark" Eden shouted this time noticing that he hadnt once responded to either of them.

Eden gently helped Cristina lay Mark down on the grown so they could see what was going on.
"Please be okay" Eden said to her brother as she held his head stroking his hair.

Cristina ripped his scrub top to reveal a cardic tamponade.
They had to find away to drain it but they didnt  have surgical equipment they needed, they needed to be creative, Eden moved slightly straightening out her leg infront of her when she felt something in her pocket. A PEN.

"Use this'' Eden shouted throwing the pen at Derek.
"Yes this could work, take the ink out and use the tube" Derek told Meredith.

Meredith then started to prepare to drain the pressure.
"Please dont puncture his heart" Eden begged.
"I wont" Meredith told her.

"Is he going to be okay?" Charlene asked concerned that her son was going to join her any time soon.
Eden didnt know what to tell her mum so she just smiled sweetly.

It worked as blood started flying out the tube and Mark started to cough showing he was breathing.

"It worked" Charlene cheered jumping up and down next to Eden.

"Lets move, we need to all be together" Cristina told the group as she helped Meredith pull Mark up, Derek took his weight helping him walk to Arizona, Eden slowly pulled herself up to standing and very very slowly hobbled behind them.

"We need to get a fire started, i have 5 matches" Cristina told them as they all sat down, Derek laid Mark down on the ground as Eden laid his head on her lap so she could be close to him telling him to fight to live.

Their silence was suddenly broken with the loud sound of a helicopter everyone got excited that they were going to be rescued just as they were all losing hope.

"Use the flare" The pilot Jerry shouted as Meredith quickly picked it up pointing at the sky but nothing happened, Derek took it off her but the same happened nothing came out in frustration he threw it against a tree.

The hope had been shattered for all of them. No one was coming for them.

"Should have said it earlier that i loved her" Mark mumbled
"She knew" Eden told him softly.
"She didnt know" Mark slurred.

Marks breathing started to slow even more than it was.
"No Marky you need to fight"

"i need you mark" Eden told him
"No you dont need me, you never needed me" Mark strongly told him.
"Lexi is waiting. You will be okay" Mark continued.

"Sofia is waiting for you and Callie and me we all go home together, Okay?" Eden firmly told
"Okay" mark told her in between his laboured breathing.

As the darkness set in and everyone was trying their hardest to fight the tirdness they were feeling then a light, a blinding light shone on all of them. They were saved.

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