The Missing Sloan

By gilllgirl123

41.3K 692 18

Eden Abbott is in the last year of her internship at seattle Grace hospital, in her head she would finsih thi... More



285 6 0
By gilllgirl123

Mark had just been given the news that Callie and his unborn child had been in a serious accident, he was runing to the ambulance  bay when he saw Eden standing around waiting he didnt knew what he was running too  but he knew he needed her, without any words spoken Mark reached out and grabbed Eden by the wrist dragging her behind him, she she didnt even fight she didnt protest because she too had heard the news, knowing Mark would need her she waited for him.

"What the hell happened?" Mark shouted as he and Eden walked into the ambulance bay.
"Car vs truck" Owen told him, Eden knew the short asnwer wasnt what mark wanted.
"Is anyone hurt, the baby?" Mark paniced
"We dont know yet" Derek softly told him.

"Why the hell do you not know someone get me a trauma gown" Mark demanded
"Mark this is your family you cant" Eden gently told mark.
"I cant sit this one out this is callie this is my family my kid"
"Mark" Eden softly spoke placing her hand on his shoudler trying to clam him just a little but it didnt work, he just shock her off.
"Screw you screw all of you" Mark yelled pulling away from Eden.

"Look at me sloan, look at me, maybe i dont understand whatyou two have but she is your family and the best way you can help them is let us do our job" webber forcefully told Mark

"Im in the room." Mark demanded.

"Multiple blunt trauma protocol." Owen instructed everyone as the ambulance stopped infront of them, everyone jumped into action including Eden
"Let's go." Webber instructed

"Tachycardic and hypotensive en route. Obvious head and chest injuries." Arizona told them as she opened the amublance doors with blood on her face, it didnt look good.

"Callie?" Everyone shouted as they took her geurney.

"Callie, we've got you, you hear me?" Bailey told her.

"What the hell happened out there?" Mark demanded from Arizona
"She went hrough the windshield." Arizona told him watching callie being wheeled into the ER

"No seatbelt?Airbag?" Mark questioned firmly.
"She took it off" Arizona cried as all three of them walked into the ER to find Callie.

Eden stayed with Mark she knew he needed someone by his side to make sure he didnt say or do something stupid and to comfort him that is his best friend and mother of his unborn baby.

Callie was in worse shape than they originally thought so she was taken striaght up to the OR.

"I asked her to marry me, and a truck came out of nowhere." Arizona said as the lift doors shut.

"Eden go to the OR. I need someone i trust to be in there" Mark instructed Eden as she ran to the OR floor following her brothers instruction.

Eden ran into the scrub room where she would now be assisting Derek so the two of them together walked into the OR and stood next to Callie's head when Eden noticed soemthing, soemthing she really hoped her eyes were lying to her but they werent callie was moving, she was waking up.

"Wait, wait, stop. Her anesthesia's too light." Eden shouted as the anesthesiologist shot to his chair to his palce to fix it.
Everyone was stressed this was one of their own.

"Take a breath. Everybody, I mean it.
Stop what you're doing and every one of you take a breath and center yourself. There's no room for rushing here. We rush, we make a mistake. So, everybody, take a breath." The chief instructed his people as they all did as he said.

"Someone needs to keep an eye on Mark." Derek told them the room looking at lexi who looked at Jackson for approval he then looked at Eden and nodded knowing she should be the ome to go.

"Doctor Abbott Eyes on Sloan." Webber instructed Eden as she nooded and ran off to find her brother.

"Did Dr. Sloan come by here?" Eden asked a nurse that she ran pass who pointed to the stair well where Mark was sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands so terrified

"She's my best friend. She's my best friend." Mark cried as Eden sat next to him and pulled him close allowing him to vent and share his worries for his best friend and child all she did was listen, Mark didnt need her advice just for her to listen so thats what she did.
Mark then got paged to the ICU, the two of them ran as fast as they could and they were met with many worrisome faces, Addisom had come to deliver the baby, Callie deserved the best and thats what they had got the best. Eden left Mark and Arizona to talk to addison but she waited near by so that if he needed her she was there.

"Hey hows she doing?" Rory asked wrapping his arms around Eden, she had spent the whole day caring for mark she was glad for someone to be taking care of her.
"Its not good" Eden sighed watching her brother screaming and shouting at Arizona.

"Your nothing" Eden heard Mark shouting at Arizona she stepped forward yo jump in before things got worse but Rory pulled her back.
"Let him"

"Hey, Eden" Addison smiled she came over to Eden and Rory.
"Hey Addison''

"This is my Fiance Rory"
"Ahh yes i heard about you all good things" Addison laughed.
"Eden I am taking Callie back into the OR. Mark might needed you" Addison told Eden as she ran after Callies gaureny that was being pushed into surgery, Eden stood there and watched Mark sprint after her worry painted across his face.
Eden looked up at Rory to say sorry that she needed to go but she was interupted.

"Go, be with Mark but if you need me call me okay" Rory told Eden as she ran after Mark to find him worringly sitting in the gallery with his eyes glued to the operating table, to Callie he didnt even look up when Eden sat down.

"We're losing her." Those words ripped through the gallery, Mark and Arizona jumped up to standing so that they were practically leaning on the glass wanting to get closer but the glass was stopping them.
Eden placed her hand on her brothers shoulder trying to give him some form of comfort she looked over her shoulder to see Arizona wearing the same look as Mark but she didnt have anyone to comfort her so she placed her hand on Arizonas, Arizona looked up and smiled thankfully at Eden.

"Richard, you have one minute to get her heart back or I'm taking the baby out" Addison shouted

Callies heart didnt come back and addison started to prepare to deliver the baby.

"Baby out" the three watching in the gallery heard those words and ran down to the OR jumping into help.
Mark and Arizona stood by side watching but Eden jumped striaght in by Rorys side with the baby.

"Eden, Rory Is she breathing?" Mark questioned hoping so much the answer would be a good one but going by the fact neither them answered he wasnt hopeful.

"Her color's bad. Stimulate and suction
and get some access." Rory told Eden

"Come on, baby." Eden mumbled wanting this baby to survive so much for a good outcome.
"There it is." Rory shouted as relief seeped through his words.

"Torres is coming back." Chief hunt shouted as everyone relaxed.

"I'm getting no chest rise with the bagging." Eden whispered to Rory not wanting worry Mark and Arizona even more than they already had.

"We should intubate." Rory instructed Eden as she started intubate the couple of minutes old baby, her neice.
"Tube's in. Starting ventilation." Eden told Rory as both of their eyes were glued to the babies vitals machine.

"I have a heart beat" Rory cheered about the baby as he looked at her fiance to see the relief wash over her face the worse was over.

"Right lets get her up to the NICU" Rory instructed as the nurses started to push the small baby up to the nicu.

"Eden" Mark called as Eden stayed behind to see what her brother wanted "can you stay with the baby then give me and update when you can" mark asked Eden as she nodded and follwed her baby neice out of the OR.

"She's small but so strong. Shes got the sloan strength and the sloan nose. Shes going to be amazing Mark" Eden told Mark down the phone as he didnt want his daughter to be alone.

"Thank you Eden. Im so glad shes okay"
"Mark shes perfect" eden told the new dad as she smiled adoringly at the small baby who was fast asleep.

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