Second Chances // Chase Ellio...

By elliottxblaney

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"Just close your eyes and reach for the moment before it slips by. Here is your second chance - take it and f... More

one more day
fast women
probably wouldn't be this way
the long way
the stars
the one you need
heart's going out of its mind
just a kiss
good lord
more hearts than mine
make em wanna change
whatever brings you back
write a book
beautiful lies
mine would be you
if i had only known
put me in my place
a guy with a girl
on a night like this
like jesus does
tin man
end of the world
i need you
i'll still love you
second chance

i don't remember me before you

811 14 0
By elliottxblaney



I woke up to the January sun peaking through the blinds into our bedroom. I shifted slightly in the bed and wrapped my arm around Caroline's waist, pulling her closer to my chest. I laid there with her for a little while longer before I got out of bed to make breakfast, giving Caroline time to sleep in.

It's a big day in our house with the new store opening in Dahlonega today. We've been busy all week, going back and forth between Dawsonville and Dahlonega to make sure that everything is ready for the grand opening. Haley and Jackson have been staying in Dahlonega with Jackson's parents so they can be there to help as well.

It's been so cool to see everything that goes into getting the store ready to open. Caroline has worked her ass off and I'm so proud of her.

Caroline and Chief officially moved in with me after we got back from our trips to Hawaii and Australia. The adjustment has been a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. I love having them here with me and making a new normal for the three of us.

The thought of proposing to Caroline hasn't been diminished, it's only been strengthened since she's moved in. I want to spend every waking minute with her by my side for the rest of my life.

I went and bought her ring last week so now I just need to ask for her parent's blessing and then I have to actually ask Caroline, hopefully she'll say yes.

"Good morning," I heard a sweet voice say from behind me.

I turned around and smiled when I saw Caroline standing there in one of my t-shirts.

"There's my girl," I said, walking over to Caroline and pressing a kiss to her temple.

"Did you make all this?" Caroline asked, looking at the food that sat on the counter.

"Yes ma'am," I cheesed. "A big breakfast for a big day."

"That's so sweet," Caroline smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my lips. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I smiled. "Now let's eat!"

Caroline and I both fixed ourselves plates full of the food I had prepared. I sat my plate down on the table and got Chief's bowl and put some eggs in there for him.

"There ya go bud," I said, leaning down and placing his bowl back on the floor.

"Babe, this is delicious," Caroline said, stuffing her mouth.

"I'm glad you like it," I said, sitting down across from her at the small table that sits in the nook of the kitchen.

We sat there in a comfortable silence for a while, both of us eating our breakfast.

"Are you nervous for today?" I asked Caroline, picking up my coffee cup.

"I think I'm more nervous for today than I was when we opened the store in Atlanta."

"Cause you're opening your new store in your hometown?"

"Yeah, it's just a lot more pressure to do good and to be successful."

"Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You and Haley chased your dreams and look where it's gotten you. You're already successful no matter what."

"I love you," Caroline smiled.

"I love you too."


"You ready?" I asked when I pulled the car into the parking lot behind the store.

"Yeah," Caroline breathed, "let's do this."

We got out of the car and everyone was standing there - Haley and Jackson, Caroline's family, my parents, Haley and Jackson's families, Ryan, Gianna, William, Erin, Bubba, Amanda, and two older people that I didn't recognize.

Caroline and I went and said hello to everyone and were talking to our friends when Caroline tapped me on the arm.

"Let me introduce you," Caroline whispered, motioning over to the two older people.

Caroline took my hand and led me over to where they were standing.

"Steve, Katherine, this is Chase. Chase, this is Steve and Katherine, Spencer's parents."

"It's so nice to meet you," I said shaking their hands.

"It's nice to meet you as well, son." Steve said.

"We've heard so much about you," Katherine added.

"I hope it's all been good things," I laughed.

We stood there talking with Steve and Katherine for a few minutes before Caroline's parents joined us. We excused ourselves and headed over to talk to my parents.

"I'm sorry if it's weird that they're here. They were at our first opening and they've been a huge part of my life so I wanted them to celebrate with us," she explained as we walked over to our parents.

"Babe, I don't mind. I think it's nice that you still include them in your life." Caroline smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

Caroline and I talked with my parents for a while and then Caroline stepped away to talk to Haley.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Caroline said. All the conversations died down and everyone turned their attention to Caroline and Haley.

"We just wanted to say thank you all for being here. Your love and support means the world to us and we couldn't do any of this without you," Haley said.

"We wanted to show you all the store before anyone else gets here so that's why we've gathered here so early today. So, if you all will follow us, we'll take you around to the front," Caroline added.

I walked over to Caroline and intertwined our fingers together as we walked to the front of the store, everyone following behind us.

When we got to the front, Haley gave the keys to Caroline and she unlocked the door.

"Welcome to Magnolia Boutique," the girls smiled.

Everyone walked in behind Caroline and Haley and let out sounds of adoration as they looked around at the main area of the store.

"You guys have done such a great job with this place," Caroline's mom said, hugging the girls.

"Thank you, momma," Caroline smiled.

"I'd like to give a little speech if that's okay," Haley spoke up.

"Oh, here we go," Caroline laughed. Haley stuck her tongue out and rolled her eyes at Caroline who stood next to her.

"I just wanted to personally say thank you to my incredible husband and my parents who always give me unconditional love and support. When I told my parents that this is what Caroline and I wanted to do with our lives, they never once tried to steer me in a different direction. They've always believed in me and for that I'm thankful. And my handsome husband, he's always been my biggest fan since the moment I met him. And to my beautiful best friend, Caroline. She's been my girl since the beginning and I'm so blessed to be able to do this with her every day. She inspires me every day. I can't imagine doing this with anything else. I love you, C."

Haley winked at Caroline and everyone started clapping.

"I guess it's my turn to give a speech now," Caroline laughed as the clapping died down. "To our friends, thank you for being here and for taking time out of your busy schedules to spend this special day with us. To Steve and Katherine, y'all have been a big part of my life for such a long time and your love and support for me has never wavered. I love y'all so much. To Bill and Cindy, I've only known you for a few months but it feels like I've known you my entire life. Thank you for always making me feel welcome and accepting me into your family. I appreciate you and love you both so much. To Jackson, thanks for putting up with me for all these years and for always sharing Haley with me. To Charlie and Charlotte, you both have been the best siblings that I could've ever asked for. Thank you for always supporting me and my wild dreams. Savannah and Ben, you are the best sister and brother-in-law ever. You've both been a part of my life for as long as I can remember that it feels like you've been here since I was born. Thank you for your constant support. To Ella and Elijah, I love you both so much and am so thankful that I get to be your aunt. To Mom and Dad, there's not enough words in the English language to describe the amount of love and appreciation I have for you both. You both have always encouraged me to chase my dreams ever since I was a little girl and for that, I'll always be thankful. This store wouldn't be a thing if it wasn't for your constant support and encouragement. I love you both." Caroline paused and smiled, looking at Haley. "To Haley, my best friend for life. I remember when we were younger and dreamed up this little boutique that we wanted to open one day. I don't think those little girls could've ever dreamed what it would actually become. Our dream became our reality. There's no one else I would rather do any of this with. You are my best friend and one of the most loyal people that I know. There is no one else like you on this planet. I love you dearly."

Caroline paused again as a stray tear fell down her cheek.

"When Haley and I opened the first store in Atlanta, we always talked about opening a location here in Dahlonega. We never had the funding to buy a piece of property though until about a year ago after we had been saving up for years. My late husband knew about our dream and always told me that we would open a store here in Dahlonega. As much as I wanted to believe him, there were days where it was hard to imagine it. Last May, I received an envelope that contained a check from Spencer. He had saved up a substantial amount of money for us to put towards this store. He always believed in me and in my dreams. I'd like to think that he's standing here with us today, smiling that bright smile of his and cheering us on," Caroline looked up towards the ceiling, putting her right hand over heart. "I love you."

Caroline wiped her tears away and turned to look at me, reaching her hand out for me. I took her hand and smiled at her.

"Last but most certainly not least, William Clyde. You have believed in me from the moment we met. You constantly encourage me and push me to the best version of myself that I can be. You are my biggest fan and always support my crazy dreams. I am so lucky to love you and to be loved by you. Forever and always," Caroline leaned in and pressed a kiss to my cheek as everyone clapped.

"Now," Caroline said, clearing her throat, "who's ready to officially open this store?"


The store opening was a success. People were constantly coming in and out of the store, never leaving it empty or slow. I loved watching Caroline do what she loves and watching her interact with the customers put a smile on my face.

Jackson and I stayed around to help the girls with whatever they needed while everyone else left about an hour ago and went to go do their own things.

At least that's what the girls think.

"Well, I'd say that that was a successful first day," Haley said as the four of us walked out of the store. Caroline locked the door behind us and took a few steps back to look at the store.

"You okay?" I asked, coming up next to her.

"Just extra thankful today," she smiled. I took her hand and we walked back to the parking lot behind the store.

"So we have a surprise for y'all," Jackson smirked.

"What kind of surprise?" Haley asked.

"Just get in the car and you'll see," I said, opening the passenger door for Caroline and Jackson opened the back door for Haley.

"Y'all are being suspicious," Caroline said hesitantly.

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if we told you what was going on would it?" I smirked.

Caroline rolled her eyes at me as I closed her door and Jackson and I ran around to the other side of the car. I started the car and made the five minute drive to Caroline's parents' house.

"What are we doing here?" Caroline asked. "I thought we were just going straight home."

Jackson and I ignored all of Caroline and Haley's questions as I parked the car in the empty driveway. Jackson and I got out of the car and opened the doors for the girls and led them to the front door.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled when I opened the door.

Caroline and Haley gasped, throwing their hands over their mouths.

"You guys," Caroline pouted. "This is so precious."

"Thank you," Haley added.

When everyone left the store, they all came here to help set up for the dinner and party that Jackson and I had put together for Caroline and Haley.

"Y'all did this," Caroline and Haley asked, turning to look at us.

"Yeah," we admitted.

"Thank you!" they yelled, giving each of us a hug.

We stood around talking with everyone for a few minutes and then we made our way to the big table that Caroline's mom, my mom, and Haley's mom decorated.

Caroline and I sat next to each other in the middle with Haley and Jackson across from us, everyone else filled in around us. All of the food was sitting in the middle of the table ready to be passed around and eaten.

"Jackson and I would like to make some toasts before we begin eating," I said standing up, grabbing my glass of wine from the table.

"To Caroline," I said turning to my right and smiling down at my beautiful girlfriend. "I am so proud of you and of everything that you've accomplished. I love you. To Caroline!" I raised my glass in the air.

"To Caroline!" everyone yelled, raising their glasses and taking a sip of their drinks. I sat back down and clinked glasses with Caroline and kissed her cheek.

"To Haley," Jackson said, turning to his right and smiling down at Haley. "You are the light of my life and I am so unbelievably proud of you. I love you. To Haley!" Jackson raised his glass in the air.

"To Haley!" we all yelled, raising our glasses before taking another sip of our drinks.

"Let's eat!" Elijah yelled, causing everyone to burst into a fit of laughter.

We all ate the wonderful dinner that all the moms had prepared and talked about the store, racing, what everyone has been up to, and of course, everyone wanted to see pictures from mine and Caroline's trips to Hawaii and Australia.

Once we were done eating, the ladies cleaned up the kitchen while us guys went to the basement to play darts and drink some beer. You know, manly things.

"Now's your chance to ask Caroline's parents," Ryan whispered as we grabbed some beers from the fridge.

"I was planning on it but I've got to get her mom away from the kitchen somehow without it looking suspicious to Caroline," I whispered back.

"Well, you can't leave this house tonight without asking them."

"Yes sir," I saluted, jokingly.

Two hours later, the kitchen was clean and our game of darts was done. Everyone was slowly starting to leave and Caroline was sitting in the living room playing with Elijah and Ella so I used this opportunity to go and talk to them. I had never been more nervous in my entire life than I am right now.

"Mr. and Mrs. Johnson?" I said as I slowly walked into the kitchen where they were.

"Hey!" Caroline's mom smiled when she saw me standing there. "What can we do for you?"

"I'd like to talk to y'all about something if you're not busy."

"Of course, sit down," Caroline's dad pulled out the chair next to him at the tiny table in the nook of the kitchen.

"Well, first of all, I want you both to know how much I love your daughter. She has changed my life in more ways than one and I can't imagine my life without her. So I was wondering if I have your blessing to ask Caroline to marry me and to spend the rest of her life with me."

Caroline's parents looked at each other and then back at me with smiles on their faces.

"Of course you have our blessing, son," Mr. Johnson smiled at me.

"I guess while we have you here, we just want to say thank you for loving our daughter so well. It makes us so happy to see her happy and in love again. You brought the light back into her eyes, so, thank you," Mrs. Johnson said, a few tears falling down her cheeks.

"She's a special girl. It's hard not to love her. And I promise I'll love her for the rest of my life."

"We know you will, son."

We all got up from the table and started walking back out towards the living room where Caroline was when Mr. Johnson stopped me.

"And Chase, call us Mark and Laura," Mark laughed.

"I can do that," I chuckled.

When we got to the living room, Caroline smiled up at me. We sat and talked with Caroline's family for a while before she said she was tired and ready to go home. We said bye to her parents, Charlie and his family, and Charlotte and her family and then made the 25 minute drive back to Dawsonville.

"This has been the best day," Caroline breathed once we had laid down in our bed.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your day," I kissed her temple.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

@carolinejohnson: From playing dress-up with our mom's and sister's (sorry @charlotteanderson 😬) clothes to dreaming of opening our own store to, now, having two locations of @magnoliaboutique and a successful online store. I don't think we could have ever imagined that our dream would become our reality. @halesroberts, you are the best business partner and best friend that I could ever ask for. I love getting to work with my best friend every day. You always push me to be the best boss and owner that I can be. Here's to a successful grand opening of our Dahlonega location and to many more years of being business partners and best friends 😘

Liked by halesroberts, chaseelliott9 and 15,968 others

@halesroberts: 😭 I love you C! Wouldn't want to run a business with anyone else!
@chaseelliott9: I am so proud of you sweetheart! I love you ❤️

@chaseelliott9: My girl opened a second location for @magnoliaboutique today. @carolinejohnson I am so proud of you! All of your hard work and night of no sleep has all led to today. You and @halesroberts have provided a place where women can come in and feel safe, seen, and beautiful. You have inspired so many people, including me. I love you boss lady!

Liked by carolinejohsnon, ryanblaney10 and 45,201 others

@erinblaney: Congratulations @carolinejohnson and @halesroberts! Today was so much fun!
@carolinejohson: Thank you for always supporting me baby! I love you forever 🥰


This is the second to last chapter of Second Chances 😭

I have loved every minute of writing this story.

I'll write a sappy note whenever I upload the last chapter which should be sometime this week so be on the lookout!

Thank you for reading!

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