His Forced Wife ~ [ COMPLET...

SheHatesMee tarafından

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Pushing him away from her, she screamed at him ; " This wedding was an option for you.. But not for me.! You... Daha Fazla

Part 1- The Wedding
Part 2- Reality Strikes
Part 3- The New Day
Part 4 - Determined To Fight
Part 5 - Thank You
Part 6 - The New Home
Part 7- The New Challenges
Part 8 - His Big B
Part 9 - Hero Or Villain?
Part 10 - Vanished
Part 11 - Changes
Part 12 - The Hospital
Part 13 - Brian
Part 14 - He Cares?
Part 15 - Perspective..
Part 16 - What Was That?
Part 17 - First Kiss
Part 18 - Why ?
Part 19 - The Movie Night
Part 20 - The Next Day
Part 21 - The Plan
Part 22 - Birthday Time
Part 23 - Surprise
Part 24 - Revenge?
Part 25 - Deal
Part 26 - Roma Clarke Valentino
Part 27 - Back Home
Part 28 - Wake Up Call
Part 29 - Mistake
Part 30 - The Truth
Part 31 - Decisions
Part 32 - Let's Talk It Out
Part 33 - The Vacation
Part 34 - Truth Or Dare
Part 35 - Legal Custody
Part 36 - Feelings
Part 37 - Single Shot
Part 38 - Sloshed Maya
Part 39 - Bad Decision
Part 40 - Consequences
Part 41 - Reality Check
Part 42 - Face It
Part 43 - Overreacted?
Part 44 - Handcuffed Saga
Part 45 - Rumours
Part 46 - Bad Feelings
Part 47 - Danger Ahead
Part 48 - Soul Sisters ?
Part 49 - SuperHero?
Part 50 - Evil Plan
Part 51 - Reunited After 7 Months
Part 52 - Consequences
Part 53 - Back Home
Part 54 - Proposal
Part 55 - Facing It
Part 56 - Surprise Vacation
Part 57 - Deal Over
Part 59 - Screwed Up
Part 60 - Make Up
Part 61 - Limits
Part 62 - Back Together
Part 63 - Goof Up
Part 64 - Good News
Part 65 - Fault ?
Part 66 - New Experience
Part 67 - Mrs Valentino.!
Part 68 - New Side
Part 69 - Sloshed Again
Part 70 - The Day After
Part 71 - Realisation
Part 72 - Confrontation
Part 73 - Reaction
Part 74 - Being Parents
Part 75 - True Feelings
Part 76 - Trapped
Part 77 - Maya Nicholas Valentino
Part 78 - Punished
Part 79 - New Things
Part 80 - Face Troubles
Part 81 - The Valentinos
Part 82 - Time To Sort Out Things
Part 83 - Amelia's Revenge
Part 84 - Mother's Fury
Part 85 - Realization
Part 86 - I Love You Honey
Part 87 - His Way Of Loving
Part 88 - His Way To Punish
Part 89 - Her Style To Confront
Part 90 - FaceOff
Part 91 - Retaliation
Part 92 - Live With Results
Part 93 - Who's Chris
Part 94 - Her Reasons
Part 95 - Let It Out
Part 96 - Come Clean
Part 97 - The Betrayal
Part 98 - Reunite
Part 99 - Marshalls
Part 100 - All Together
Part 101 - Baby Marshall
Part 102 - Stories

Part 58 - Real Wedding

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SheHatesMee tarafından

Part 58


As the sun rays made their way in the rooms indicating the beginning of the new day. This special morning brought a warm sense of love, joy and peace for the guys who awaited this moment very impatiently. The day which is very special for both the couples. The ones to get up first are the boys who were more than excited ever as they were both all hyped up of the fact that they were about to have a happy marriage with the women with whom they happened to actually fall in love with. It was just 6 in the morning yet the boys could sleep anymore.

They woke up and got out of their respective rooms leaving the sleeping girls as they went to see whether the preparations they wanted are being made or not. As they walked out their rooms after freshening up almost at the same time and as they saw each other, they shared a happy grin understanding each other's current feelings. After that they left the resort in which they were and headed to see the rest of their team whom they had brought along for safety and to help them along.


By the time Gracy woke up, it was 8 and looking around she realized that Roman was nowhere to be found. Dragging herself out of bed, Gracy went to Maya's room only to find her sister still sleeping thinking that she's still asleep because the after effects of her medicines. Seeing that none of the guys were here, it didnt take long for Gracy to understand where the guys must be after all the previous night, Roman kept telling Gracy about all what he and Nicholas planned for the wedding.

Seeing that Maya was still asleep, Gracy also got on the bed and lied next to Maya who was not in deep sleep woke up and said;
" Lemme guess you're also excited about the wedding and you cant sleep because of all the thrill. "

" Well...
Definitely excited for the wedding..!!

What about you..??
I thought you were sleeping because of your meds..

Are you also soo excited that you're unable to sleep anymore..?? "
Gracy said.

To which Maya answered;
" Kind of..
Even I am thrilled..
But I am actually awake because of Nicholas..

He got at around 6..
He kept switching sides till he could no longer stay in bed.

Finally got up and freshened up trying to be as quiet as possible but yet I woke up..!!
And couldnt fall asleep again..

Wanted to call you but I thought you must be sleeping.. "

After that the girls kept talking about their wedding and Maya also used that time to tell Gracy about all the conversation that she and Nick had the previous night, how he expressed his feelings, that he wanted them to be together and also why she agreed to marry him again.

While the girls were still in bed, after some time they heard familiar voice calling both their names.

Gracy was the one who got off the bed and ran to see who was it. As she opened the door, Gracy was pleasantly surprised to see Mike standing there.

" Dada..?? "
Gracy exclaimed.

To which Mike replied with a bright smile and fatherly concern in his voice;
" After all I wouldn't miss the wedding of my daughters for anything in the world..!! "

And with that feeling herself getting emotional, Gracy hugged Mike who stepped inside.

" Gracy
Is that Dad's voice..??
Is he here..?? "
Maya shouted from her room in a questioning tone recognizing that familiar voice.

" Yess..
It's me only..
I'm here..!! "
Mike says as he heads towards as guided by Gracy as Gracy questions him as they enter the room where Maya is;

" But how did you know about the wedding..??
I mean.. We both learnt about it last night only..!! "

" Well Nick and Roman came to meet me separately last week..

Came to tell me that they wanted to get married to you two.. Surprisingly they wanted my permission for that.. I told them that till you two are willing, I dont have any issue.. And then they told me to keep this matter a secret..

And also they wanted my help in planning the details for you two..!!

So here I am

And along with me, I've brought all your wedding clothes and accessories along..!! "
Mike confesses how he knows about the whole marriage thing.

After knowing Mike's truth, Nicholas and Roman kind of understood his pain and point of view as for years he had been blackmailed by Jennifer and forced to hide all his love and feelings for the girls. Hence when the guys decided to marry the girls, telling Mike about the same seemed to be very important as unlike their own father, Mike happened to be a caring father.

Elated with Mike's presence and with the fact that the boys actually thought about this particular detail for them had hyped the girls' feeling even more.

Sensing that the atmosphere is getting more and more emotional with each passing moment, Mike finally controlled himself and said ;
" Okay..
Enough now

C'mon let's get going now else you'll get late for your own wedding..!!

Go head freshen up till then I'll have all your stuff brought here..!! "

Mike says as he helps Maya get on her wheel chair and with that the girls go to their respective washrooms as told.

Mike uses this time to have all the stuff he brought along for his daughters to be kept in their respective rooms for the girls to get ready with the help of Emma, Sofia, Greta and Adele who also help the girls to get ready for the upcoming wedding ceremony while the boys get ready for the same in the resort where Wesley and Bunny had stayed.

As the girls were getting ready, the girls and Mike still communicated with each other by talking loud enough to be able to hear one another.

" But why did Nicholas and Roman make us take the flight at 3 in the morning when all of you rest took the later one..?? "
Maya asked as Adele and Emma helped her with her dress.

To which Gracy also added as Greta and Sofia did her hair and makeup;
" Yaaa.. Exactly..!!
We looked like cartoons at the airport in those sleeping clothes..!! "

To which Mike replied as he sat in the living room in front of the TV as he waited anxiously for the girls to get ready;
" Well because after the fact that Nicholas is married has been revealed, Many people are desperately waiting to know how she is..

Hence to keep you away from unnecessary limelight and for your own protection, Nicholas have you both and Bunny travel earlier to avoid any more drama from the media.!!

Which is why you all travel at such an odd time..!! "

As they all kept communicating like that, time passed quickly and soon enough Gracy stepped out of her all bedecked as one of the most gorgeous bride ever in that white wedding dress with minimal jewelry with her hair loosely done decorated with floral pins. As she walked out of her room in that bridal attire, Mike had his eyes fixed on her as he admired his adopted daughter who right now reminded him of his sister Ameila.

" Dada..
How do I..?? "
Before Gracy could even finish asking her question, Mike replied knowing exactly what she wants to say;

" Beautifull..!!!!!!!!
Just absolutely beautiful..!!! "

As Mike said that he could feel his nose pricking and his eyes tearing up.

Hearing his words, Gracy rushed to him and hugged him understanding his emotions.

" I'm jealous now
Even I wanna a hug..!! "
Maya exclaimed minutes later as she is wheeled out of her room by Emma also dressed as bride.

Mike had made sure that Maya's white wedding gown was very light and not to tight given the delicate situation of her body as he knew that her first wedding dress was beautiful but yet tight and heavy. Maya also had her hair curled beautifully but loosely with floral pins making her as angelic as Gracy.

As Mike watched Maya being wheeled near him, he could no longer hold his tears back and kneeled in front of Maya, placed his hand on her cheek and said;
" The first time you got married, I couldnt stop it because of Jennifer..

I blamed myself for everything bad that happened to you..

That time you were a gorgeous bride but yet you were not happy..!!

And I knew it I could see it
But I couldnt stop you..
I'm sorry for that Maya..

But today..
You're again dressed as a bride..

And you are clearly wearing your happiness on your face as your best glow..!!

You both are...

And I cant exclaim how happy and satisfied that makes me feel right now..!! "

Meanwhile in the nearby resort, the boys even Brian were getting ready, all of them dressed in tuxedos.

All the arrangements are ready and checked by both grooms and Wesley as well. As it was almost past 10, the impatient grooms send Wesley to check on the girls and the rest while they waited for the girls at the aisle.

As Wesley reached the girls' resort along with Brian who wanted to see the girls as well. They witnessed the sweet sentimental moment between the father and daughters. Hence they stood silently and allowed them to live the moment till Mike noticed Wesley and acknowledged his presence as he said;

" Hey...
My girls are ready Wesley..!!
Where are your grooms..?? "

" Also ready and waiting for their brides at the aisle..!! "
Wesley replied as he approached them along with Brian who didnt waste much time to praise both of the girls' bridal looks.

" C'mon..
They are waiting.
We should get going..!! "
Wesley says in a nervous way.

But Brian stops him and gets everyone's attention as he says;
" But Wes..
You didnt give them their gifttt..!!!!!!! "

" Noo..
Let it be..!!!
As it is we're already getting late.. "
Wesley replies in a fast way trying to make everyone ignore this small bit but the girls who heard that bit were already excited.

" You brought us gifts..?? "
Gracy exclaimed in delighted way.

" Then why would you not give it to us..??
C'mon.. Show it..!! "
Maya also add.

At this point Wesley could feel a little flushed ad everyone there looked at him including his own mother. As Wesley finally spoke, everyone listened to him;
" Actually..
I did get something for you both..
But I wasnt very sure that you'll like it or not..

After all I'm still very much just an employee of your husbands..!!

I thought maybe you wont like me gifting you anything."

Wesley said fearing that Maya and Gracy being the daughters of a rich man may not like the idea of a normal worker giving them a small gift for their wedding. After till the time he stayed with Nicholas and Roman at their father's mansion, he was always constantly reminded of the fact that he was just the son of an ordinary butler even though Nicholas and Roman thought of him as equal. And in the past Nilda also never missed an opportunity to humiliate him. Even though Wesley knew that Gracy and Maya weren't like Nilda, still for no reason he was scared that Maya and Gracy may not like his gesture.

" What rubbish..!!

What do you mean by just an employee..???
You're part of the family Wes..!!

You are Nick and Roman's best friend after all..!!! "
Gracy stated shocked by what Wesley said.

To which Maya also added unhappy with Wesley's words;
" Exactly..!!!
You are the boy's best friends and...
And frankly speaking you're not less than a big brother to me..!!

Each time Nicholas and I had a fight in the past, you sided me Wess and you even tried to protect me from his anger and misunderstanding..!!

So dont you ever dare say that you're just an employee again..!! "

Hearing Maya and Gracy's words, Wesley felt overwhelmed and touched while Mike looked at his girls happy that Maya and Gracy were like their mothers.

" By the way..
What did you get for us..!?? "
Maya then asked after some minutes looking like an impatient kid asking for candies.

At which point, Wesley smiles and takes out his present from his pocket and give the girls as he says;
" I hope you will like it..!!

It's the first time that I bought something like that..!!
Didnt really know what to get for you both..

Then with Emma's help, I got you these..!! "

With that Wesley gave Maya and Gracy each the present that he brought for them which was pendants.

Charmed by the presents, the girls wore the pendants immediately and after that they all headed where the ceremony is to take by.

As they reached the aisle where the boys were longingly awaiting their brides. As the girls reached there, the boys saw the brides approaching them dressed as those wedding attires all set to be their wives and get committed to each other for life, the boys could feel themselves being spellbound as they admired the love of their lives.

As the girls went to their guys, they at first noticed all the outstanding arrangements made by the guys for the wedding and along with the wedding alter being beautifully decorated with flowers and the sea view behind only added more to the peaceful and serene feeling.

The wedding was arranged to be a small but beautiful one with the guests mostly being Nicholas' house staff who knew and liked the girls and also the ones who helped with the arrangements.

Soon enough the couples stood near each other and said I Do to each other one at a time sealing the wedding with a kiss.

Nicholas and Maya were the ones who went first and then Roman and Gracy followed them.

After that Nicholas and Maya had a small photo session as Wesley insisted to show his photographic skills and Nicholas supported and held Maya close for the same.

After that Roman and Gracy also had their photo session as they happily posed to capture this precious day and moments.

By the time, the wedding, photo session and lunch was over, the newly wed couples returned to their resort all satisfied and happy that the wedding peacefully took place without any kind of interference.

Everyone was in resting after lunch when Mike said;
" Okay..
Since everything went by great and you guys finally said your I Do.. Now it's time for the other half of the day..

My part of the surprise..!!! "

" Another surprise..?? "
Maya repeated.

" What surprise now.. ?? "
Gracy asked.

" Simple girls..
I know how much you both wanted to have both Christian and Indian wedding when you grow up..!!

So one part's done..
Now the second one is pending..!!!

Rest for some time and then we can start getting ready for the wedding in the evening....!! "
Mike stated as he looked at his excited yet shocked girls.

" Really..???
But did you even ask the bbbb.!!! "
Maya started but Nicholas said answering her question;

" I think you looked very beautiful the time we went to the temple and did that small red powder ritual there on your birthday..

When I went to Mike to tell about the remarriage, he proposed for the Indian wedding and he told me about the some of the rituals which he did with your mother as well.. I thought it was a great idea.. So I happily agreed "

To which Roman also added;
" Same here..
I dont mind getting married to you another time in the same day in a different culture..

It actually sounded like a very exciting idea to me..!! "

Hearing that the girls were definitely excited knowing that their father and husbands were thoughtful enough to think about this topic and even prepare for it. They all rested for few hours while Mike, Wesley and his team along with the resort staff made arrangements for the Indian wedding.

By the time the couples got up, Mike had all the clothes and accessories all prepared and kept in the resort. The girls got ready in the same room while the boys got ready in the next one.

It was already evening by the time everyone and everything was finally ready.

Mike had brought Gracy a bridal red lehenga and matching jewelries and other accessories as she looked absolutely stunning dressed in that attire.

On the other hand , Maya's outfit was much more simple yet beautiful. Mike brought her a light long Anarkali crimson color dress with out accessories knowing that a lehenga can be heavy for her to wear.

The grooms on the other wore the traditional Indian clothes that Mike brought along.

As the time approached, the brides and grooms were taken to the alter which Mike made sure to set near the beach. With the sun going down, the whole view at the alter seemed to be even more beautiful and exotic.

Mike had brought the same priest who had got him and Mridula married years ago to perform his daughters' marriage as well. The priest happens to be the one who also met Maya and Nicholas in the temple on her previous birthday.

The priest started the ceremony and explained the meaning of the same to the boys as he proceeded.

Soon the ceremony was fulfilled completely as the boys filled the girls' hairlines with vermillion and tied the sacred manglasutra around their respective wives' necks.

But for the pheras (when the bride and the groom take the 7 vows keeping the holy fire as the witness, they are called as married. The couple hold hands and take seven rounds around the fire and promise to be with each other for eternity.)

Roman and Gracy had no problem and easily completed the ritual but for the other couple, especially Maya was a little apprehensive given her legs condition while Nicholas on the other hand was quite relaxed on this matter. Once it was their turn for the pheras, he got up from the stool and picked Maya up in his arms and circled around the fire.

While circling around the fire, Maya asked him questioned him about the same to which Nicholas replied with a wink;
" I did my research..
Plus Bunny helped me..

Told me that this is what happens in Bollywood movies and serials when the heroines cant walk during marriages..!!

So I thought to let you feel like one today..!! "

Hearing that Maya couldnt help but express with a smile;
" Bunny and his obsession with movies..!!

I need to do something about that..!! "

When the marriage and all the rituals were finally completed, the sun had also set.

Everyone there spent some time together having a small private party and dinner together along with their own staff.

After both the weddings and a great time together, both the couples were tired and then after dinner everyone retreated to their respective rooms for the rest of the night. Wesley again proposed to keep Brian with him who was very happy and excited about the same as the little one had a great time with him the previous night.


" Wow...
Today has been such a beautiful and memorable day.

Thank you for making it so special..!! "
Gracy said as she walked towards her room along with her husband.

To which Roman replied with a naughty smirk in a husky attractive voice sending chills over Gracy's entire body making her blush;
" O wait for it my dear wife..
The best part is still to come..!! "

As they entered the room, they saw the romantically decorated room for their first night. The bed and surrounding was beautifully decorated with rose petals on the bed, there was a some snacks along with a bottle of champagne and glasses waiting them. Seeing all of that decorations, they both did feel special.

" Wow..
I thought Wes was joking about decorating the rooms
But dude..
He actually did awesome arrangements..!! "
Roman states happily surprised as he didnt really think that with everything happening so fast, Wesley would actually do all this for them as they got inside and saw the room.

Soon Roman picked the champagne, opened it, poured in the glasses and as he held it in front of Gracy as he said;
" Cheers
To us!! "

To which Gracy replied as she took the glass, clinked it and said looking right at Roman;
" Cheers to us!!! "

After drinking that, Gracy says feeling a little hot and also feeling her outfit getting uncomfortable;
" Okay I need to take a bath now..

I love these clothes but now I'm starting to sweat hard in these.. "

Having said that Gracy walked in the washroom as Roman continued drinking the champagne while waiting for his wife to cpme back. But seconds after Gracy went inside the washroom, her playful nature took over her sense and Gracy said in a proposing way;
" Roman.. If you dont mind then, can you help me out of these clothes..

I can't really reach the zip of my blouse..!! "

After that, within 0.01 second, Roman was inside there all set to help Gracy out of the wedding outfit. Indeed he did help her get out her blouse, all of her clothes and jewelries off and as she entered the shower Roman joined her in there after stripping off.

Along with talking a shower together and freshening up, the new couple also had a hot and steamy love making session in there with a lot of kisses and intimacy.

They didn't waste much time in the washroom and soon from the shower they head to the bed and where they continued.

As Roman carried Gracy to their bed, they continued kissing passionately till they were out of breath.

Once they broke the kiss, they looked at each other right in the eyes as they lied naked on the bed.

" Are you okay..?? "
Roman asked Gracy softly to which Gracy replied with a simple yes.

And they continued.

As Gracy lied on her back, Roman was on top. He got in between her, held her legs to softly spread them as he rubbed himself against her as she moaned till she was completely wet.

Roman teased Gracy for some time till he finally did it and thrusted inside her starting slowly at first and then he picked up the pace and kept thrusting as that moment seemed to be one full of love and pure bliss and they could feel themselves becoming one.

They spent the night love drunk as they made love all night long forgetting the rest of the world as they reached their limits many times that night.


Just as the time Roman and Gracy went to their room, Nicholas and Maya also headed towards their own tired with the long day.

With the two weddings scheduled for the day, definitely had Maya excited but it also had her woken out and tired and this was noticed by Nicholas as well.

As they got inside their room which was equally decorated by Wesley with roses, artificial candles accompanied with food, snacks and champagne.

" Wow.
This is soo beautifull..!!!!
And just look at all that food..!!!

I thought that I was full but now I wanna eat again.. "
Maya couldnt help but exclaim on this view in front of her.

To which Nicholas proposed;
" Yaa it is...
And you can also eat it but before that you need to take a bath..!!

The day has been a long and tiring one..!!
And you seem to be completely drained out..!!

I'll take you in the washroom in the jacuzzi to ease out tensions of the day.
Daniel said that it will be good for you..
C'mon lets go..!! "

With that Nicholas didnt give Maya much time to reply, picked her up in his arms from the wheelchair and got in the washroom which was also very much romantically decorated.

" Will you be able to take your clothes off and get in by yourself..

Or should i??? "
Nicholas asked nervously as he made Maya sit the side of the jacuzzi.

To which knowing that she didnt have much choice, Maya said in a nervous yet blushed way;
" I can't move my waist..
I think that I very much will be needing your help for this..!! "

" So you trust me enough to let me do this..?? "
Nicholas said in a way sounding proud on himself.

To which Maya replied in a playful way;
" I literally married you twice today..!!

I must be crazy enough to trust you on this topic..!! "

" Okay!! Let's get done with it them..!! "
Nicholas said all excited and happy with what Maya said.

After that he helped Maya out of her clothes and jewelries and helped her inside the tub. Unnecessary to say that whilst doing the same, both Maya and Nicholas could feel themselves turned on but yet knowing the current situation they also knew they couldnt do much.

Once Maya was in the tub as the soothing effects of the warm water helped to ease the tensions of the long day from her body. Soon she heard Nicholas' playful voice as he said in a teasing way;
" Well even I am tired and need some relaxing time
You think I should join you in there..?? "

Undoubtedly as soon as Nicholas said that Maya's face turned red out of bashfulness but then remembering that Nicholas was willing to fight all of his physical wants to be with her, Maya then decided to play a reverse Uno card on her mischievous husband and she said with a taunting smile adorning her lips;
" Join me in..!! "

Exclaimed Nicholas shocked to the core upon hearing Maya's answer to his joke as he froze where he was standing.

To which Maya added more;
" You're right..

You've done so much today..
Like me even you must be tired..
You're welcome to join me if you want to..!!!

But if you think that you won't be able to control yourself, then it's okay..
I'll be here alone and happily enjoy the moment..!! "

Maya deliberately added the last line only to trouble Nicholas thinking that he wouldn't do that.

It did take Nicholas some time to process all what Maya said but once his mind was clear, he got out of his clothes and hopped in the tub shocking Maya who didnt think that he would actually agree to her proposal.

Noticing at the look on Maya's face, Nicholas understood what Maya was making thinking, hence as he cuddled with Maya from behind, he said;
" I Know...
Seems like today we are both shocking each other..!! "

At this point the couple could almost feel like they have had a perfect date while being in that washroom. Nicholas also opened the nearby champagne bottle and poured for the bottle as they sipped the liquid while sitting in the bathtub together as they had a great time together.

It was needless to say that the couple especially Maya who was in full teasing mood almost can drove her husband crazy while lathering each part of one another and then washing it off. They played with the bubbles and teased each other with the foam.

Showering together gave the couple the opportunity to have their backs scrubbed. As Maya's movements were limited, being in the same tub as Nicholas made it really easier for her to clean as he happily helped Maya. With Nicholas' senses hyped up, he would massage Mayas scalp and play with her hair while shampooing and then wash it off.

Even though they were both naked and were not having any physical erotic experience with each other, but yet they both felt happiness and peace as this was something that they had never experienced before.

At this point that Nicholas felt like he would never want to shower alone after this experience and Maya felt that she could trust Nicholas like she never trusted any other man before. After all she knew what kind of effect she has on Nicholas especially in such a situation, but still the latter was willing to control his desires and made her feel safe lying in his arms in that tub.

" I'm not showering alone ever again..!! "
Nicholas stated as after some time they finally got out of the tub making Maya giggle at his words.

After getting out of the tub, Nicholas helped Maya dry herself and wear her night clothes and then changed himself.

After that they went in their bed and as they were not sleepy after the bath tub session, they happily laid in bed talking and eating the food that was kept in the room for them.


How was this part.?

The weddings are done.
Small ceremonies but happy and peaceful ones.
Everyone is happy.
Roman and Gracy had their first night while Nicholas and Maya are learning to enjoy each other's company.
What was your favorite part of this update.?

What do you think is going to happen..??!

What's your take.?
And many more details you liked or disliked.!?

What do you people think?

Stay safe everyone.

Don't forget to tell me what you think of this and do leave any suggestions.
Thank you all for the heartwhelming response.
I'll see you guys hopefully soon with the next part.

The pics and gifs are from Google.
Credit to their respective owners.


Lots of Love
IG: @thosedamnedthoughts

Do comment and vote, it motivates me as an author. 💗

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