Boy From The Woods

By IgnatiousTheWarlock

17.7K 663 63

Arthur Pendragon has always trusted his father's opinion of sorcery. He has witnessed, first hand, the atroci... More

Everything Takes Time
A Diverging Border
The Well Worn Way
I Don't Hurt You
A Familiar Face
The Letter
Merlin Remembering
What Was Stolen
I Do Hurt You
The Poison
The Demonstration
Back To The Woods
Merlin And The Witch
The Most Deadly Dagger
I'll See You Again

Victim Of A Victim

675 26 5
By IgnatiousTheWarlock

The prince tentatively knocked on the door of the physicians chambers.

"Enter," a voice called from inside.

It was a subdued sight. Gaius stood at his desk mixing a colored vile while Morgana and Gwen huddled around the cot. Toby was as still as death itself. If Arthur wasn't aware of his condition, he would have assumed the man to be dead.

"How is he?" he asked softly.

Morgana only shook her head, continuing to hold a cloth to his forehead. 

"There has been no change. His pulse grows weaker by the hour."

"No change?"

"No change, Arthur."

"He's going to die?"

"I'm afraid so," Gaius answered, empathetically.

Arthur sank into a chair next to Toby's cot, never looking away from the broken servant. "Surely... surely if he's still alive there's still hope!"

Gaius sighed. "In theory, but in honesty... no. There is no hope."

"If only I had been able to get him out of the room. Maybe if I had been more convincing-"

"Well there's no point," Morgana interrupted.

He refused to look at the girl who was practically his sister, instead choosing to bury his face in his palms.

"But, then maybe there is a point," she admitted. "It wouldn't matter whether or not you removed Toby from the room or been able to de-escalate the situation. All the blame lies with me. It was me who insisted we go after the boy in the first place."

"We went after Toby?" Arthur asked confused.

"No," she said biting her lip. "It was I who insisted we go after Merlin in the first place."

Arthur took a moment to digest her words. "You... you regret taking him in? It was an act of compassion, Morgana. It's a reflection of your kind nature."

She rose from her seat. "But Toby's death will be the result of my actions!"

Arthur stood to match her. "You would have rather left Merlin in the woods? Alone and scared! He would have been taken back by those awful men."

"Maybe..." She closed her eyes. "Maybe that's where he's supposed to be. Maybe that's the safest place for him. For all of us."

"You sound just like my father! Merlin doesn't deserve to rot in that hell hole. I've seen more of his memories, his life there is horrific!"

"What's horrifying is what he's done to Toby!"

"It was an accident!"

"Arthur why are you defending him?! I thought this might be something we would agree on. I thought we would be able to share concerns about Merlin. You seemed wary enough of him when you first met. Why are you, now, so eager to defend his character?"

"I-" Arthur was at a loss to explain it himself. "I don't know... there's just something... the way he spoke..."

"He's barley said a word since he got here."

Arthur shook his head. "No, you're wrong. He's excited by everything... the moon, the flowers, the sky... his words couldn't be malicious. It just isn't possible."

"Nice words can hide bitter intentions," Morgana answered.

"Not Merlin's words. No, I refuse to believe that!" He surprised himself with how firmly he spoke. "He's a victim of circumstance. It's not his fault he can't control it. It's not his fault."

"You call Merlin a victim?" She looked to the still man on the bed. "What about Toby?"

Arthur frowned. "It's not so simple. Toby had good intentions. Merlin had good intentions too." He walked over to her and put a comforting arm around her. "I'm sorry Morgana. I understand where you're coming from completely, but I can't just abandon Merlin. I promised him he would be okay."

"What about us Arthur? How are we going to be okay?"

"What do you mean?"

She pulled away from him and gave him a grave look. "You didn't see what we saw. You didn't see the... the..." She had to pause, struggling to find the words. "When he threw you back... it was with such force, Arthur... I was so scared, there was a moment... I thought you were dead. I was so scared, Arthur... I was terrified- I was terrified of Merlin."

Arthur didn't have any response to the fear present in Morgana's eyes. He wished he could fix it. He wished he could say something to them that would provide comfort. He shuddered to think how it must of looked. Now he knew the severity of the situation, he remembered the loud crack he had heard before falling into unconsciousness. Had that been his head crashing into Toby's?

"It's hard not to wish... we never found him that night."

Arthur turned suddenly and headed for the door. 

"Arthur, where are you going?" Morgana called after him. 

"You might be willing to give up on Merlin, but I'm not."


"Merlin!" Arthur hissed when he reached the cell. The boy hadn't moved since the last time he saw him. His vacant eyes darted wildly and his body twitched unpredictably. Arthur sighed as he held onto the cold bars. Had he expected anything different? "You're going to be okay." He sank to the floor and rested his side between two bars. "People don't see who you are. Morgana doesn't understand. I thought she would, I thought she did, but she doesn't. She wants to forget we ever found you. Maybe that would be easier..." He turned to look into the cell. "Why'd you do it, Merlin? I mean, I know why you did it... you were scared... I know. You don't seem to have the best control. I just don't know why terrible things have to happen. It feels foolish to wonder about that. Without suffering there can be no happiness, but... why should you have to suffer this much? And why do I feel so... you're just different. Somehow I know I've got to protect you..." The prince tensed when he heard footsteps approaching from the entrance to the dungeons. He shuffled back into the shadows.

Gailyn walked confidently down the hall, brandishing the keys to Merlin's cell. He opened the lock and approached the frail form. 

"Arisan," he whispered. 

Immediately the life came back into Merlin's eyes. He sat up, gasping for air. The moment he saw Gailyn he began to sob uncontrollably. 

Gailyn struck the boy across the face. "That is enough! We've got a tight schedule on our hands. You've already wasted enough of our time!"

"I- I'm sorry..."

"Thank you for apologizing," he said affectionately. 

Arthur cringed, horrified with the ease with which Gailyn could manipulate the tone of his voice.

"Here." Merlin was offered a plate of food. "I've brought you something to eat." Merlin didn't take it. "Don't test me, Merlin. You know perfectly well refusing to eat is not an effective form of protest. The only person to suffer is you." Merlin snatched the bread in frustration. Gailyn smiled and took a seat next to him on the rough bed. "Now, the reason I wanted to speak to you is because the Camelot king has requested a demonstration."

"Of me?"

"That's correct. How special! You should feel honored."

Merlin winced. "No. You should feel honored."


"I don't want to kill anyone."

"Don't worry, Merlin. The king has provided some expendable men. Criminals who have been sentenced to death."

His eyes widened. "No! Not anyone else!"

Gailyn feigned pity. "Oh, it's okay. These people deserve it."

"The only person who deserves to die is me."

"You stop that this instant! You have a duty, to use your gift for good. For your king."

"But I've never done anything good in my life. I try to do good, but people still end up hurt and Arthur still ends up dead!"

"All the more reason to come back with us. I can protect you, Merlin. By protecting you, I'm also protecting those around you."

"You're right," he said quietly.

"I know." He pulled the boy into a hug. "But in order for me to protect you, we have to do what King Cenred wishes. Do you think you can do that?"

Arthur saw Merlin's head move up and down even though it was buried in Gailyn's chest.

"Thank you, Merlin. What did I ever do to deserve you?"

Arthur fidgeted in his spot, debating if he should reveal himself. Did Merlin think he was dead? Did Merlin think he killed him?

"Merlin, there is one thing I want you to practice before the demonstration." He chuckled. "Do you remember? You didn't quite perfect it before you decided to run away from me."

Merlin seemed to understand. He removed his shirt, revealing the thin scars that decorated his chest. 

"Can you make them go away?"

Merlin nodded. He closed his eyes and held his hand out in front of him. After a few intense seconds of concentration, his hand began to glow with golden energy. 

"Keep it up, Merlin. You're doing beautifully."

He brought his hand to his chest and brushed the marks that lined his torso. Arthur could see the gold blazing through his eyelids. When he removed his hand, and the glow dimmed to a faint light, the cuts were completely gone.

"Wonderful. Just wonderful."

Merlin slid his shirt back over his head.

"I'm going to have you do that tomorrow."

Merlin nodded. 

"You've grown so strong, Merlin. Never forget how proud I am of you," he said in a silky voice, running a delicate hand through Merlin's dark hair. "You're worth everything to me. I'll see you in the morning." He reached out and covered Merlin's eyes with his hand. "Andgit stow adreogan ànoaga..." he muttered. Merlin slumped back into a senseless world.

Arthur stayed hidden as Gailyn left the cell and sauntered out of the dungeons. He struggled to remain quiet as his footsteps faded down the hall. It was disgusting the way he treated Merlin. Arthur wanted to drive a sword through his gut. The cunning in his voice, the care in his eyes, all just a manipulative trick. Any love or affection he had for Merlin was feigned. The only thing he truly loved about the boy was his power. 

"Sick bastard," Arthur muttered under his breath as he stood from his hunched position. He stared at Merlin on the bed, wincing with every twitch of his body. It was in that moment he made a decision. Merlin was good. Merlin's intentions were good and that's all that mattered to Arthur. If Merlin intended to be good, his freedom would allow him to be so. He didn't deserve to be trapped in a life of lies and manipulation. Merlin didn't deserve to be turned into a monster.

He found himself thinking back to the dying servant lying in Gaius' chambers. Wait... he thought. He stood suddenly, almost banging his head against the bars. 

"Merlin! You can heal him! You can heal Toby!"

Merlin couldn't respond, but Arthur continued to shout. 

"Merlin! You can heal, you can heal!!! It's brilliant!! You're going to heal Toby!" He made his way swiftly down the hall. How was he going to get Merlin out of Gailyn's hands, away from the enchantment? Did Toby have enough time?

Arthur gritted his teeth in determination. He would make time. 

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