Izuku: Principal's Kid

By IceQueenXXI

17.4K 425 193

( Don't own anything unless I say I do, like PLOT) What will Nezu do if he find's a baby swaddled in blankets... More

Principal Teacher Combo?
Hold up, what? (Lightly Edited)
New People and a friend? (Partly Rewritten)
Exposing ones self
The Park
Training and Friends
Two holders
Entrance Exam (lightly edited and fixed)
After the Half First Day
First Official Day
Quirk List
A time unto itself. (Lightly edited)
Just Before the Sports Festival

First Day

805 23 14
By IceQueenXXI

The sun had barely even risen before our little multi-quirked hero wannabe sprang up at her alarm before slamming it off. Filling the room with silence beside the chirping of birds outside. What gets her attention however is the smell of the plant based sausages packed with protein wafting through her room. Bolting out of bed, she rushes to the kitchen to her dad standing on the specially made platform for the tall counters. A little apron covers the his tiny work suite for his job as the school's principal. Grinning his seemingly forever grin as his eyes look over to see the multiarmed Izuku bolting and sliding into the room for breakfast.

"Ah! Good Morning Little Mouse! I knew this would get you out of bed for your first day. Did you manage to get that little project done before school started?" the white bare-mouse turns back to the frying pan to flip the sausage.

Grinning at her dad, Izuku reaches up to stretch and loosen her muscles for the morning ahead of her. In a sleepy but cheery voice she answers him. "Ah! I did! I got everything posted along the walls to show the first years where to go. Seeing as you 'forgot' to leave the map of the school out that shows how to get their classes".

The small rodent grins even wider if that was even possible as he laughs. "Well I'm sorry doing such a thing like that would be utterly amusing to see them run around like headless chickens!"

Groaning a bit at her father's antics, Izuku grabs a plate from a near by cabinet and piles up a sausage mc muffin. Only just noticing the pile of cooked eggs to the side. The rest of her home based morning goes off without a hitch.

Arriving at the school before any student should. Izuku sets about checking all the papers with words and arrows, leading students off to where their classes are. She made sure they were color coded so no one got lost.

Arriving in her classroom of 1A and looking up at the clock, she notices the clock reading nearly eight. Almost time for students to arrive, an idea comes to mind. Moving to the white board she writes down a list of things that will be happening for the morning homeroom for that day. Hoping she knows her uncle Aizawa enough [which she probably does]. Things on the list include.

Short Free Time
Physical Exam
*List of probable exercises Note: Out of Order*
Looking Over Homeroom Expectations
Next Class

Looking at the things written on the board, she grins. Happy with her work, however the feeling is short lived as the door to 1A slides open to reveal a tall blue haired boy with an immaculately perfected school uniform. The Boy known as Iida smiles at the unexpected student in the room.

"Ah! N- I mean Izuku-san! It is a surprise and a pleasure to find you here so early!" walking up to her his smile becomes ever parent. One of his arms making a chopping motion as he speaks.

Grinning back and setting the marker down she looks up at him "It is a pleasure to see you too Iida-san! Although I do arrive here at basically the crack of dawn".

He nods and looks to the small piece of paper showing where his seats would be in each class. "That's understadable, knowing about your parent and all. Though I am assuming you wrote that all down on the board to help students prepare or did our teacher write that down?"

She chuckles softly "Hah! Nope, I love Uncle Zawa. But he is not an anytime person, preferring to sleep in his sleeping bag all day" noticing his card she goes over to her own seat to help him locate his own. "Other students should be arriving soon and we don't want to make a bad example for them by standing around yeah?"

Appearing a little startled, Iida speed walks to his own chair chopping his arm along the way "Yes, yes! You are right! It would be terrible to set a bad example! Especially on the first day!"

Izuku can't help but chuckle a little at his over dramatics. Her attention is ripped from Iida when a figure steps into the door frame. A slender yet built body stands there for a few moments, his hair that of half white and half red. A scar over his red side, an eyes of different colors lurk behind the hair. Iida tries to greet him, but only getting a annoyed grunt in response.

It's not long until another figure stands in the door way, this time a tall slender woman with raven black hair pulled up into a ponytail stands in the door way. Iida to speak to her, seems they know each other.

Closing her eyes, Izuku takes this time of students coming in to meditate.

The only thing to draw her out of her meditative state is what could be considered a shouting match. "You should put your feet down! It is disrespectful to our senior classmates and the makers of these desks!"

Opening her eyes, a head of ashy blond hair greets her eyes. "Yeah!? And Who are you!?"

Iida clears his throat "Maybe we started on the wrong foot. My name is Tenya Iida, I am from Soimaie Aca-".

Iida is cut off by a bark of a laugh "Oh! So you're a damn elitetist! Did they shove that stick up your ass or were your born with it!?"

Izuku cuts off Iida's response with a laugh "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You two are just being amusing, not to mention you are like water and oil for each other. Won't ever mix!"

Bakugo laughs and tilts his head back to look at the greenette with a grin. "An which one am I greenie!?"

Izuku grins "Why the oil of course" her smirk is smug, knowing she has the proper response.

He laughs again "You know me so well Greenie!"

She snickers "Of course I do! I spent almost a year training with you and the others to know you well enough of how to be on your good side".

His grin turns to a scowl but it doesn't have any real heat behind it "Well just make sure you don't manipulate me. Cuz I will know".

"Sure thing Ruby" he lifts his head again to glare at the board. Seeing as Iida has gone back to his seat. Although dispute all her quirks, Izuku knows very well that her words are her best weapon, her dad taught her that.

The movement at the door catches her eyes, Uraraka stands at the door but what really gets her attention is the sight of yellow on the floor. Standing up and morphing all four of her hand nubs into mouths, she shouts over everyone else. "Attention everyone! Homeroom teacher has arrived, sit down and stop talking please!" Everyone looks startled, quickly taking their seats, even Ochaco. It took five seconds for everyone to be quiet and another ten to get to their seats.

What looks like a massive yellow caterpillar sits up before a zipper slides down and reveals a sleepy scruffy man, pulling up a juice bag he sucks it all up. "Five seconds to get quiet, not bad but you can still be better. Thanks for getting their attention Izuku" nodding she sits down and changes her mouths into nubs. Unzipping further he pulls out a gym uniform "My name is Mr. Aizawa, and I'm your homeroom teacher, I know it's kind of-" he notices the board. "Of course. Anyway put these on and get to the field for a physical exam, and don't waist time".

Seeing the panicked looks of the other students, probably about location of the lockers and where to go, Izuku take is upon herself on leading everyone to the designated location.

Nothing exciting happens during the transition between class and field.

Mr. Aizawa sighs softly once all the students have arrived. "Alright, Izuku. You of course got first in the Practical exam" sighing he pinches the bridge of nose for a moment. "What was your score in the ball throw in junior high Izuku?"

    Izu grins and steps forward as she stretches her multitude of arms "If I remember correctly almost 100 meters Aizawa-sensei".

  He sighs ... "without your quirks?"

  "Of course! Now then! Unless you changed it, throw the ball from the circle and anything goes as long as I don't leave it. Yes?" As she speaks she moves into the circle, opening her hand for the ball which is tossed to her.

  "Yep, you can use your quirk too".

  She smirks. "Good to know" holding the ball in one hand air begins to flow as with concentration Izu keeps the ball in the middle of the arrow head of the first air arrow. As she moves her arms as if to pull the string of a bo back. Taking a kneeling ground herself, Izu moves the other arms so the Air Arrows for those arms combine with the one holding the ball "Special Move! Combined Arrow!" The Air Arrow has grown as the ball spins quicker and quicker, creating a annoying sound. "Fire!" Releasing the metaphorical string knocks her back a little as the arrow and the ball shoot forward, moving fast enough to nearly break the sound barrier.

  She watches as it soars, the class gaping at the dual quirk display. After a few moments the machine beeps. '1,020 Meters'.

   "Whatever your maximum is now, it could easily be double in the future. Remember there's always room for improvement!"

     A rather cute girl of pink hair and skin speaks up "We get to use our quirks! This looks like fun!"

    A dark aura quickly emanates from Aizawa. Izuku on the other hand feels her blood run cold. "EEP! Scary Zawa Mode!" The greenette quickly begins to run away from the teacher and towards the other students, making sure to hide behind the taller Mezo Shoji and peeking out from behind the tall boy.

    The rest of the students get a looks a nervousness as they peer from the greenette's reaction to their now menacing teacher. "Fun You Say! Alright then! Let's raise the stakes!! Whoever comes last in the physical exam will immediately be expelled!"

  The brunette going by Ochaco Uraraka speaks up "But that's not fair! We just got here!"

      His gaze snaps to look straight at her "Fair!? Do you think that it's fair that a child is ripped from their family because of their quirk is fair? The natural disasters that destroys homes and kill others is fair? Or what about the villain attacks that happen to the businesses and people on a nearly daily basis is far!?" The brunette looks to be on the verge of tears, she shakes her head no.

   "Life is an never will be fair! Some of you already know this! This is UA! We are gonna run you through the ringer and push you past and beyond your limits over and over! ... Plus Ultra. That way you'll have some chance of surviving in this unforgiving world!" His demeanor begins to dial down as he takes a couple breaths to steady himself "Onto the first exam... 50 meter dash... Tsuyu Asui and Tenya Iida, you're going first".

     The two in question get to the starting line. 'GO!'  Iida finishes the quickest at 3.04 seconds while Tsuyu gets 5.58 seconds.

    Izuku moves away from Shoji to congratulate Iida with a high-five, activating her very own quirk for a moment to copy a small portion of his quirk. Enough to create a gentle throbbing on the back of their heads.

   The rest of the times for all the students are the same.
   Next is Bakugo against Little Nezu. 

    Bakugo barks out a laugh with a feral grin "Greenie! Did you do what I think you did!?"

   With a smirk and a shrug, Izu gets onto the starting position. "GO!" 
    Izu managed to clip a small bit of Iida's quirk. With quick activation her calfs bulge and two mufflers extend from each of them.   But Izu is top heavy with the extra arms and her decently sized chest. All she could do is flail as she pushed herself along. Only getting a full second slower than Bakugo in the end of his 4.13 seconds. But she couldn't keep her footing at the end and falls and slides along the ground.

   Some of the students wince as the greenette skids a few inches. Sitting up, a smeared steak of dirtied blood is visible down her face. Touching her lip and to look at the blood. She wipes it away with a sniff while standing up.

   "Not bad Greenie! Still not as fast as me!" He laughs while making his way back to the group.

   Meanwhile Izu reaches into her pocket dim to pull out some tissues to wipe up and stuff her nose to stop the blood. The students hear her mumble "Note to self: only temp copy a quirk when necessary". They begin to mutter to themselves about her possible quirk or quirks.

       Whilst the second event is grip strength, her friend Mezo Shoji gets a 540 KG grip. 

   Meanwhile her own grip is at a solid 500 kg. "Hah! I'm still behind you in that category huh Shoji-kun?"
     He seems the smile under his mask and nod.

    A boy with short black hair and strange elbows looks at both duplo-arm users and explains excitedly. "500 and 540 kg! What are you two!? Gorillas or Octopie!?"

   A very short boy with purple balls for hair he looks to first Shoji "Octopie?" His eyes turn to Izu and his gaze feels slimy, making a shiver run down her spine. "Sexy".

    At this feeling, Izu steps shuffles behind Shoji again, Mezo takes the initiative. One of his nubs form a mouth "Please don't, she's like a sister to me".
    The purple headed boy shrugs and walks away.
  Looking to the greenette and turning the morphed arm to her, he speaks "I don't think that deterred him".

   She shakes her head as they watch him go "I don't think so either".

      All the events beyond that except for the long distance run and flexibility go to cannon. The long distance had Izu falling out along the top individuals. While in flexiblity she falls in second place behind the pink haired girl.

    In the ball throwing exam, Izu can't help but notice the red haired boy with the hardening quirk it seems light up with red electricity. Her eyes widen in recognition of it. She'll have to keep an eye on him.

     At the end, the results of the Physical exam show up. Over all Izu didn't do too bad, falling into fifth place. Meanwhile the purple headed boy fell into to his knees and in tears. "I never got to touch a girls chest!" A few other other perverted comments spew from his mouth and all the girls including Izu looks at him with disgust.

    Dispute his comments, Aizawa looks to them all. "The expulsion was a logical ruse to get you all to do your best, I lied. We're done here, get changed and go get your syllabus".

    The purple headed boy cries out in relief. While the tall raven haired girl from earlier speaks up "Well of course it was a lie, it didn't take that much to figure out".

   Izu laughs a little "Well then... you uh, obviously don't know Sensei enough. It wasn't a lie, he expelled his whole call last year and half the year before. I should know, I was here for it".

    The other girl hits her palm with realization "That makes your comment on his scary mode make so much more sense! Though what do you mean you were here for it?"

     The other green haired girl in the group speaks up "I'd like to know that too Kero".

    All the other students are looking at the greenette in question. "A-Ah.. well you were all gonna learn sooner or later. But I live on campus, my father is Principal Nezu!"

   'Nezu!?' They all shout.

  "Yeah! I'm adopted!" She shrugs with a grin while ignoring the looks "Anyway! Come on everyone! We need to get changed and get to the other classes for what they're about n stuff!"

    Back in the female locker room.

  The girls seemed to have to be abnormally quiet, Asui is the first to speak up as they change clothes. Stepping up to the fellow greenette, she brings the question forward. "Um... I sure I speak for the rest of the girls when I ask, what would you like us to call you? Considering Aizawa-sensei call you by your first name and all Kero. An what was that about copying a quirk from earlier?"

Stopping for a moment before sliding the white sleeveless shirt for the school uniform over her shoulders, Izu looks to the fellow greenette for a moment before passing her gaze over all the other girls who are looking at them.
"I shouldn't be surprised, that was going to come up sooner or later" with a shrug she slides the button up shirt over her shoulders. "Call me Izuku if you're comfortable, or find me a nickname. The only reason I ask this is because my father doesn't have a last name and subsequently neither do I. Having Nezu tacked on as a last name is just for paperwork".

They expected her to continue onto her next question but she just continues getting dressed.

Asui speaks up again "What about the copying thing?"

The pink girl jumps into the conversation "Yeah, I'm quite curious about that too! An it looked like you had Iida's quirk for a hot second there!"

Izuku stops again and looks at everyone "r-right, well I'll explain that when we get back into class. I'm sure the boys have that same question, saves me from repeating myself".

The others nod in understanding.

Back in class, with everyone looking over their syllables and the next teacher that would be explaining about what they teach hasn't arrived yet. Izuku takes the chance to answer questions.

Stepping up to the podium, Izu whistles loudly to get their attention. "Hello! Sorry for that being loud, but I figured people had questions considering the girls had some. To start off, please call me Izuku or find a nickname, Nezu is my father's name and it's just tacked on for paperwork. So, questions?"

Some hands go up, Izu points Iida. He stands "I am confused Izuku-san, it looked like you had my quirk for a moment in the fifty meter dash. Can you explain?" Seeming to forget what she told him at the entrance exam.

Izu smiles "yeah I can. What you all have seen me do is not my natural born quirk. These arms, originally Shoji's quirk" lifting her arms, she deactivated the mutation quirk and the extra arms are quickly absorbed back into her skin and strengthen her bones more. Without the extra arms, more of her skin shows, almost to showing the edge of her bra.

"My born quirk is called Perma-Gopy. I can permanently copy a quirk. Though I found out I can temporarily copy a quirk, but it caused a nose bleed. That's what that was about, any other questions?"

A blond boy's hand goes up, she points. "So if you can permanently copy a quirk, how many have you have copied?"

Her eyes brighten and so does her smile "Excellent question! I currently have five copied. I had six but I expelled that quirk to deal with the Zero pointer in the exams. It allowed me to turn my hair into quills".

    She explains animatedly what her original quirk can do. Skipping the parts about taking and giving however, that could end badly.

    The school day continued when teacher came in with a syllabus for their class. The first one was for English with Present Mic, followed by others.

At the end of half day, Izuku skipped over to Mezo and Fumikage. "Hey guys! Sorry I haven't talk to you two all day. I um... also have a question" her expression went from smiley to nervous very quickly. Ruby didn't stay long, only sending a goodbye wave to the trio.

Fumikage looks to Mezo for a moment a shared look of concern, Fumikage steps up to the proverbial plate. "Yes Izuku? What appears to be weighing your shoulders?"

     Izuku takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Are you two okay with me using your quirks? It occurred to me that as a hero. Your quirk helps you stand out among the people. A-An while Kuria is lovely to have and very helpful. She's always sleeping, so she isn't used a lot" at the mention of the shadow, it peaks over Izuku's shoulder.

"Hm? ... was I called?" the avian shadow yawns. Dark Shadow appears from Fumikage and the two move away and begin to quietly interact.

"An I don't plan to disperse her. That would be like killing a friend. An Mezo-san, I have your quirk active a lot and I would be willing to disperse it. What I'm trying to say is; are you both okay that I use your quirks like you use your own?". She presses her fingers together nervously.

Fumikage smiles softly at their long time friend. "I am alright with your use of a copy of my quirk. An the times we have hung around each other. It appears that our shadows enjoy conversing" he glances over the two.

Mezo forms a mouth on one of his nubs. "I am not bothered by you using my quirk. In fact it is ... nice in a way to relate to someone in such a way".

Both boys are surprised by a sudden wet sniff. Focusing on Izuku they see her with watery tears "I l-love you guys, you're my best friends!" Pushing forward, the greenette hugs the two boys.

Fumikage laughs softly and returns the hug while Mezo freezes up for a moment before hugging as well.

Mezo speaks up "it's your time of the month again isn't it, Izuku?" They get a quiet affirmation from from them greenette, the two chuckle softly. "You are always sappy at this time of month. If you need hugs in between classes, don't be afraid to ask one of us. Probably me though, given Fumikage's edgy side".

He seems to chuckle as Fumikage tries to deny it by looking away. "As much as I deny it. I am not a fan of pda. But I will give you a hug if you need it so".

Izuku sniffs a little and hugs the two boys a little tighter for a moment before letting go an taking a step back "Thank you guys so much for being friends with me".

Fumikage smiles "It is us who should thank you. Is two were the only ones in that school with crazy mutation quirks. No one wanted to be put friends, but you stepped in and stood up for us and become our friend when no one else would".

Izu tears again and hugs the two boys.

To sum up, sudden intense mood swings suck.


{WordCount: 3,990}

(Well there's the first day! I plan on tossing a chapter to an earlier part of the story as well to include a certain character. But other than that, USJ is almost here! Excited!

So who do we wanna ship Izuku with? All options from 1-A, 1-B, and Hatsume are on the table. Mineta is the only exception. He is off the table. So are the teachers.

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