The Missing Sloan

By gilllgirl123

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Eden Abbott is in the last year of her internship at seattle Grace hospital, in her head she would finsih thi... More



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By gilllgirl123

Eden woke up in the shephards house in their spare room which was more like her room growing up, she could smell pancakes wofting up the stairs which immediately got her jumping out of bed running down the stairs ready for pancakes her favourite mama style.

"Morning" Eden smiled as she jumped down the stairs taking a seat at the table behind a stack of pancakes.
"Morning sweetie" mama smiled as she turned round with one more pancake for her.
"Mark just called he asked if you could him once your awake" mama told Eden as she took her seat next to Eden.

"Is it alright if I do it now?" Eden asked, knowing the shephards rule of no phones at the table.
"Of course, we both know if you dont do it now mark will only worry" Mama agreed.

Eden propped her phone up in the middle of the table as it rang Mark, she decided to face time him then she would be able to eat her pancakes and he could see she was eating a question she knew would come up.

"Look whose finally awake" mark shouted down the phone smiling to finally see his little sister even if it was on his phone screen.
"Morning Mark" Eden smiled
"Are you having pancakes" mark asked as his eyes widened at the sight of her plate.
Eden didnt answer she just took a big bite of her pancake teasingly.
"Thats not fair" mark moaned.
"We can have pancakes when your here" mama confirmed keeping the peace which it did.

"How are you feeling?" Mark asked concerned.
"Im good" Eden smiled convincingly.
"No mum?" Mark whispered knowing Eden didnt want anyone to know about her hallucinations.
"Mark" mama sneered not wanting to upset or even tempt fate.
"Mama its fine, no no mum" eden agreed as she saw the relief wash over Mark.

"So whats the plans for today"
"While currently just devouring this amazing tower of pancakes" Eden teased.
"Eden" Mama warned her the same tone she uses for her children when shes telling them off.
"We are going to see Kathleen" Mama added as she appeared over Edens shoulder, no one commented as they knew she had to go. It was the agreement she made with Psych when they released her.
"And your dad is coming over for dinner isnt he" Mama added bring the joy back to the conversation.

Eden could  hear talking in the background on marks part and all she could see now was his ear.

"Eden look who just walked past" Mark beamed moving the phone to reveal Rory, Edens face light up and so did Rorys.
"Hey Eden, hows new york?" Rory asked smiling lovingly.
"Its okay" Eden answered she had only got to New york last night so not really been there long.
"Well the hospital isnt the same without you" Rory genuinely said. "I miss you"
"I miss you too"

"Umm excuse me what about your favourite brother" Mark asked as the phone was thrown back into his direction."i miss you too"
"Well, i have the weekend off so i thought i could come join you in new york" Mark suggetsed
"You dont have to do that" Eden told him.
"I want to then i can have mamas famous pancakes" Mark smiled.
"They will be waiting"
"If i dont eat them first" Eden teased.

Mark smiled, she had only been im new york for less than a day he was slowly starting to see his little sister come back the funny kind girl not the one that snapped at everything and hid stuff from him. He hated that he had to commit her into psych that he had to hand her over to doctors he didnt know and just wait for the phone call that he could have her back, those 2 days he didnt sleep he didnt eat he couldnt work as Eden was all he could think about he spent those two days with his phone in his hand pacing outside of psych but all of that was worth it for her to be getting better.

"Well i have patients so does Rory so i will talk to you later. Bye Eden" Mark smiled as Rory shared the screen with him they both waved to Eden as she shouted her goodbye. Then they were gone.

"Come on eat up Kathleen will be here soon"
"Shes coming here i thought we were going to her office?" Eden asked confussed
"No we decided that for your first session doing it here where you feel comfortable i will be in the kitchen if you need but will give you space and Kathleen will be doctor Kathleen shephard not your brothers best friends sister okay?"
"Sounds great thanks mama" Eden smiled.

Eden took the last bite of her pancake savoring the bite then the door opened and in came Kathleen.

"Hellooo" Kathleen called into the house.
"In the kitchen" Mama shouted back as Kathleen stood behind them.
"So are we ready?" She asked pretty matter of fact.
Eden took a deep breath preparing herself for what was about to happen for the conversations that were about to be had, the truths that were going  to come to light but she was ready.
"Yes yes we are well I am ready" Eden surely spoke as she stood up.

"I will stay in here, if you need me I won't be far" Mama said standing up facing Eden who was towering over her she then pulled Eden into a hug to reasure her.
"Im so proud of you for doing this for wanting to get better. You've got this" mama surely spoke as Eden followed Kathleen into the living room and they both took a seat on the sofa.

"Eden do you understand why we made the decision for you to come to new york?" Kathleen asked
"Yes because pysch felt it would be better for me if I left seattle, left the hospital for abit to get better, so we decided on New York, i couldn't stay with dad as he's working, he was going to take the week of but I just felt bad so im staying here where there is always someone about and dad is going to be coming over every evening" Eden explained her knowledge.

"Have you been told the diagonisis that pysch came too?"
"Psychosis that was brought on by grieve" Eden answered.

"The outcome of these sessions will be to give you tools so thay if you ever experience a psychotic episode again you will be able to manage it alot better and ask for the help you need. Okay?"

"Eden can you tell me about the first hallucination, what it was, when it started and where you were?"
"It started the day after my mum had died, i was in the ER, i had spent the day in peds, on an end of life case sadly the little girl died, probably about 5 minutes after she died I got paged to the ER there had been a traumor, a tunnel had collapsed, my patient had minor injuries when she said her name i missed heard it for Charlene Sloan mums name, then i heard mums voice she was talking, commenting on what i was doing, what the patient was saying then i saw her standing opposite me. She started to appear at home at work. She helped me with some patients."

"How did you feel hearing and seeing your mum?"
"At first i felt crazy like something was wrong with me but after a while i started to enjoy having her company getting to spend extra time with her, time I never got to spend as a child."
"How did you feel when the hallucinations stopped?"
"She said that she had to go and i was sad, i didnt want her to leave me. I wasnt ready to lose my mum again, even though the constant talking about mark was irraring i just enjoyed actually being with her"

"Had you never spent time with her just the two of you?" Kathleen asked sort of knowing the answer.
"No, no i didnt not, she as you know had other priorities that were way more important than her own children. Even when Mark left for college mum never wanted to spend time with me she missed her marky to much"

"What is yours and your brothers relationship like?"
"Its pretty good he was all was there for me when i needed him when i was little, he was amazing he played 3 roles big brother, mum and dad"
"Is your relationship still like that?"
"Umm its getting back to there, after mark left for college he promised to come home, that he wouldnt just forget me but thats exactly what happened well you know what i was like, i was so cross with him then mum left and i was cross even more i hid it, as it ate me up inside all the anger. Mark then came to seattle to see addison instead he ended up finding his not so little sister anymore i was cross with him still then i listened to why he didnt come back for me and i understood so we are now getting back to where we were" Eden explained.

"Do you think you could tell mark if you had another psychotic episode?" Kathleen asked
"Umm yes i think i can, I think he would help. I just dont want him to feel guilty"
"Guilty why would he feel guilty?" Kathleen questioned
"That if he didnt ask me more times how I was and stayed with me to make sure i was okay then maybe it wouldnt have got so bad"

"Eden, mark just wants to help you like any big brother does he cares for you, his way of making up for the lost years is to be extra over protective but as long as you feel comfortable to ask him for help. Is there anyone else you could talk to if you had another episode?"

"I can talk to my dad, we talk on the phone on a monday and a Thursday sometimes at the weekend, i know he would come to seattle in a heart beat to help me, i can call any of you shephards, i can talk to mama we talk twice a week too and Rory, my boyfriend, hes amazing, hes so sweet and kind, he is a peds fellow, we always have lunch together and he comes over surprising me with a bouquet of chocolate or a tub of ice cream for us to share he is a saint. I know i could talk any of them"

Kathleen placed her notebook beside her taking Edens hands in her own. "Eden you are doing amazingly well you have told me all i needed without me having to give you a nudge. Your progress in just one session is amazing and i feel we should leave it there but you need to be proud of your self" Kathleen smiled.

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