The Return Of A Champion

By UltimateWarrior71

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Following the drama of An African Adventure Of A Warrior, this story follows Lincoln's life after he defeated... More

Chapter 1 A New Year's Resolution
Chapter 2 Tough Times lie ahead
Chapter 3 One More Match Against The Truth
Chapter 4 Rest Period from the drama
Chapter 5 A Break Away From The Ring
Chapter 6 The Final Hurdle before The Long awaited Rematch
Chapter 7 A Long Awaited Dream Becomes A Nightmare
Chapter 8 Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 9 The Big Meeting and The Return Of a Beaten Champion
Chapter 10 A Surprise Invitation
Chapter 11 Meeting The President
Chapter 12 Extended Family Meeting and A Preparation for a journey
Chapter 13 Unexpected Close Encounters
Chapter 14 The Deal With The Devil
Chapter 15 Sparring Practice for Martin
Chapter 16 Preparation For A Long Journey
Chapter 17 Long Way Down
Chapter 18 The Family Is Complete...With One Exception
Chapter 19 No Easy Way Out
Chapter 20 The Return Of A Loud
Chapter 21 The First Day Back
Chapter 22 An Uneasy Alliance
Chapter 24 Hardcore Training-Lynn Jr Style
Chapter 25 Caught In The Act
Chapter 26 A Chance meeting with another warrior
Chapter 27 Disaster Strikes
Chapter 28 Where To From Here?
Chapter 29 Jamming Day
Chapter 30 Getting Down To Business
Chapter 31 A Painful Confession
Chapter 32 Creating Monsters
Chapter 33 A Dangerous Encounter With The World Heavyweight Champion
Chapter 34 A Brother's Promise
Chapter 35 Let's Rock and Roll
Chapter 36 The Dark Side
Chapter 37 Funny Business
Chapter 38 Whose The Best Ever
Chapter 39 A Night To Remember
Chapter 40 Twin Magic
Chapter 41 Burying The Hatchet
Chapter 42 The Sweet Science
Chapter 43 Here We Go
Chapter 44 Emotional Roller Coaster
Chapter 45 Days Of Our Lives
Chapter 46 Children Meet Parents (Revisited)
Chapter 47 A Passionate Performance
Chapter 48 Weighing In: The Overconfident Champion and The focused challenger
Chapter 49 The Ultimate Final Showdown
Chapter 50 Together As One

Chapter 23 The World's Most Awkward Dinner Date

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By UltimateWarrior71

18 July 1987

After a couple of days of hard training and sparring, Lincoln's manager Jimmy Ellis and his trainers Eddie Futch and Teddy Atlas were with Lincoln and Lynn Jr and Lisa as well as Lucy in Lisa's old bunker as they were watching a screen as the film projecter played videos of Heavyweight World Champion Bruno Martin in some of his past fights like for example currently on was Martin's fight with Carl The Truth Williams and Lincoln took all that in as he studied how Martin fights they did a few hours ago watch his first fight with Martin in 1978 and judging on how he fights now it's very clear he'll be fighting a very different beast and on top of that an even more dangerous one. After watching the Williams fight and the tucker fight, Lincoln thought that the one weakness the champion had was that he wasn't used to going the full distance like George Foreman ( and to a lesser extent Sonny Liston before him) the unstoppable beast is always destroying opponents quickly that if a fighter can take him past 1-9 rounds he will be exhausted and more vulnerable to an attack later in the fight but Eddie Futch did remind him of some of Martin's extended wars like the 1980 title fight against Larry Holmes that went the full 15 rounds before Holmes won a very controversial split decision despite the fact he was down 3 times against french born challenger and his most recent battle with Tim Witherspoon who went down but didn't stay down against Martin as Martin would be forced to accept a unanimous decision victory instead of a knockout and of course his first fight with Lincoln himself as he never slowed down in that one, clearly Martin is a big bad monster knock out artist type of fighter but he was different from his predecessors as he was a big bad monster with a gas tank something not many sluggers had before and during his time, so taking to the later rounds and trying to knock him using a combination of frustration and exhaustion won't work, so the team had to figure some other tactics as they continued watching they saw a warning that Lincoln better heade as Martin stalked his opponents with a surgeon's precession and he could cut off a ring on and corner anybody so Lincoln must keep on the move and try to stay out of Martin's punching range as well but at the age of 30 as from tomorrow he'll be 31 it will be a very difficult assignment for him

After 3 hours of watching they exit Lisa's old bunker and

Teddy Atlas: Make sure once that bell rings for the start of the first round that your the first guy to throw a punch and it must be a punch with bad intentions, devastating tenacity and it must immediately make him have doubts in his mind on whether or not he can you beat you again, make him wonder if he still has the tools to slay the ultimate warrior and most importantly on that night make sure to bring The Ultimate Warrior with you as he being there will be key to victory as Martin has only fought Lincoln the man but he never fought Lincoln The Ultimate Warrior before, understand?

Lincoln: Yes Coach and I promise I will bring the warrior with me it's clearly the only chance I have in order to get back my title

Meanwhile with The Heavyweight division here was the slightly changed Top 10 heavyweight rankings of the heavyweight division

Bruno Martin ( Champion)

1 Lincoln Loud
2 Mike Tyson
3 Tim Witherspoon
4 James Bonecrusher Smith
5 Adilson Rodriguez
6 Carl Williams
7 James Buster Douglas
8 Michael Dokes
9 Tyrell Biggs
10 Pinklon Thomas

Tim Witherspoon fought Bernado Mercado and won a unanimous decision against him

Pinklon Thomas fought Greg Page and won a unanimous decision but he then lost to Mike Tyson in a rematch

James Buster Douglas defeated David Bey by knockout in the 6th round before fighting James Bonecrusher Smith and then getting knocked out in the 4th round by Smith

James Bonecrusher Smith fought Tyrell Biggs and knocked him in the 2nd round before fighting James Buster Douglas and then as aforementioned knocked him out in the fourth round to stay relevant in the division and hopefully get a fight against the winner of the Loud/Martin  2 title fight

Meanwhile with Mike Tyson he fought Tony Tubbs and knocked him out in the 8th round before taking on Pinklon Thomas in a rematch of their first fight when the former heavyweight champion Thomas came back and challenged the then new and undisputed world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson and he was stopped there too but in the 7th round

Meanwhile with Michael Dokes he Fought Frank Bruno and knocked him out in the sixth round before fighting Jose Ribalta and then stopping him in on his feet in the eleventh round

Meanwhile with Tony Tucker fought Greg Page and lost a majority decision he then fought Mitch Green and won a split decision

Meanwhile with The Louds they were in their parents room discussing except for Lily who was downstairs with Lincoln on how to approach the dinner date with Lincoln tomorrow nd to complicate things even further, tomorrow is his birthday and the Louds were caught off guard this time and had to plan fast

Lori: So this is how we planned this dinner, me and the other girls take Lincoln to the McDonald's  and we try to give him a good time out there
Rita: It's a good plan and all but why are your father and I not going?
Lisa: Parental units, we are already taking a gamble by going in full ranks as sisters and we asked him to come alone and leave Christina and the kids behind if we add you two to the equation we'll be making the situation even more precarious
Rita: Ok I understand now
Lynn Sr: Me too but why the McDonald's Instead of at the table?, where you would've ate for free
Luan: Sorry dad but Grant told us that they are introducing a new marketing campaign centered around Lincoln starting with introducing a dish named after him from tomorrow and it's not just them many of the businesses around here and other parts of Michigan are doing this as the public see him as the next Joe Louis or something but we will talk to him about eating there in future dad
Luna: Yeah but you guys will have your own chance to hang out with him at a later stage
Lynn Sr: I know that but it's gonna be an awkward situation to be sitting across from the same person you tried to remove from your life 20 years earlier and the last time you saw him was when he saw you get sent to jail, After talking to him and Christina I only now realize how hurt and angry they are especially Lincoln he's clearly not just mad about the bad luck incident, he also angry of how we have been treating him over the last 18 months to two years at least leading up to that incident
Lynn Jr: Now that's a load dad we were treating him great in that time other than a few mistakes and incidents
Luna: Yeah for once I agree with Lynn, we were model sisters to Lincoln before 1967
Lola: Hell yes we were
Luan: I agree too
Lori: Certainly we were
Lynn Sr: Girls, tell me here how do you think he felt about that prank you did on him about promising something to Lola when he didn't
All the Loud sisters: uhh but he wasn't mad he actually laughed it off
Rita: He wasn't hurt or mad to your faces but he really is a great actor even back then as he can hide his feelings very well takes right after my late sister, now he told me what all of you did and he was hurt very hurt that you would put him through all that just to teach him a lesson and it's not the last time were all of you supposedly taught him a lesson was it?

All the Loud sisters shake their heads
Rita: You girls have put him through a lot of physical and emotional and mental abuse but also we aren't that innocent we should've stopped all of you from ostracizing him and not join in it
Luan: I'm sure Lincoln is gonna be reminding us of everything we did to him at the dinner but yet he forgets he gave us shit and made our lives a living hell too
Lynn Jr: Yeah remember he posted a video of all of our embarrassing moments just so that he can some dumb trophy?
Lori: Yeah that's a memory I rather forget
Luan: Or when he purposefully ignored us with those noise be gone earphones
Rita: Yeah guys we get it but let's try to be civil here because bottom line we have done a lot more damage to Lincoln then what he's done to us

Meanwhile with Lincoln downstairs he was watching tv with Lily Christina was out shopping and the kids were playing outside when Ashley and Hannah walked downstairs the 17 year old and 13 year old were looking to take advantage of their mothers and grandparents being in a meeting so that they can watch television but then they saw Lincoln and Lily watching tv and felt disappointed but the two decided to go down anyway as he had the answers to their burning questions, they can only hope his anger is only directed at their mothers, aunts and grandparents and hopefully not at them

Ashley: Hello
Lily: Hey
Lincoln: Hi
Hannah: We would like to talk to you uncle Lincoln please
Ashley: privately
Lily: Alright that's my que to leave I'll see you later big brother
Lincoln: ( To Lily) bye ( To the two girls) Ok what do you want with me?
The two girls sit on the couch
Ashley: Look Uncle... can we call you uncle?
Lincoln: Sure and relax your just their next generation, so I have no issues with you
That response made the two sigh in relief at least he's not extending his long standing grudge to the children of his immediate family but the fact that this man still is angry at their mothers, aunts and grandparents still hurts
Ashley: I got a couple of questions to ask you
Lincoln: Alright go ahead but I got to ask do you know why I am mad at them?
Hannah: Yes we do Aunt Lily told us seven years ago
Lincoln: Alright fine let's here your questions
Ashley: How old were you when all this happened?
Lincoln: I was eleven years old but the abuse was just going to another level as it's been building for at least two years before that incident were they threw me out and forced me into squirrel costume
Ashley: You know who my mom is right?
Lincoln: Yes I think so, it's Lori right?
Ashley: That's right
Hannah: How about me dude you know which sister of yours is my mom?
Lincoln: That's easy, the brunette hair, the high energy attitude and the fact your wearing purple clothes and you just called me dude tells me your Luna's kid
Hannah: Wow that's right
Ashley: As much as I would like to talk to you all day there's one question I want to ask you more than any other and it's kind of personal
Hannah: Me too
Lincoln: I have a feeling I know where this is going but go ahead I'm listening
(Tears threaten to fall as she asks)
Ashley: Do you hate my mom?
Hannah: And do you hate my mom too?
Lincoln expected this question but he couldn't think of an honest answer on one hand he deeply felt hurt and betrayed by them and he once wished as a child that they suffer a slow painful death in jail but now since he's here he has to try to make peace with them and hopefully bury the hatchet So he decided to be honest with the two girls
Lincoln: I won't lie to you there was a few points in my life after I was removed from their care were I wished death upon them and I even had dreams of killing them or hiring someone to do it for me but now I have grown up and since I am back I'll have to try to make amends with them but I don't think I'll ever see them the same way ever again, so no I don't hate them but I'm still angry and I can't love or trust them now
For the girls the answer was bittersweet as although he no longer hates them he still is mad at them and can't trust them but at least they got what they wanted
Ashley: So are you going to go to their dinner they invited you to tomorrow?
Lincoln: Yes I am, I got nothing to lose and besides tomorrow is my birthday I'll be 31 years old, you guys can have the tv I got to go make a phone call to a friend of mine I'll see you later
Ashley and Hannah: Bye

Ashley: That was a chilling discussion but I'm glad he doesn't consider us like our mothers
Hannah: Yeah but hopefully this feud will finally end as we made him open up a little
Ashley: I hope your right

The next day

19 July 1987


After a full day of celebrating his 31st birthday the ten Loud house sisters were sitting at a table in a McDonald's  restaurant and watched the door as people walked through it. They then spotted their white haired brother as  he walked through the door but he wasn't alone as an African American man with an afro walked through immediately after him they soon recognized him as Clyde as they saw both men were wearing sunglasses as they scanned around the restaurant before they spotted the 10 Loud women, Lincoln sighed and Clyde pats his back and shoulder before they both go in the direction where the sisters are sitting and sat the opposite side of the table facing them
Lincoln: I know you all said I should come alone but I just can't trust you so I brought Clyde along for back up ( He then Stares at his sisters and puts his shades on the top of his head) So let's see how long we'll be civil so who's going to talk first?
Lori: Lincoln...we are literally sorry, we've felt awful for everything we did to you and to a lesser extent you too Clyde and we hope you can forgive us

Lincoln: Well that's why we're here Lori ( He sighed and shook his head) and like I said, while I was living in South Africa and later California, Christina took me to therapy and our therapist told us that the longer we hold a grudge the worse it will get
Luan: So does that mean you forgive us?( Luan Smiled before Lincoln shook his head) but...
Lincoln: But nothing Luan, I said I'll give you guys another chance at redemption nothing else ( He frowned and his sisters looked away) So how have you guys been? I mean it's been 20 years
Lucy: We all struggled to find jobs once we left the State Penitentiary and Juvy in 1977 so that we can enroll our younger sisters and our kids as some of us didn't have kids through consensual sex we were raped during our times there in juvy and jail only us who were sent to the orphanage were lucky not to suffer such a fate but then we got fortunate and started finding jobs before long in 1979 Lori and many of the older half left the house and I soon followed a year later and in all that time both inside and outside prison we missed you and wished you would return home

Lincoln: Wow you guys had it hard but I suffered in South Africa the police would harass us and kill people in the street and I did miss you guys too...for a short time and then I found a new family with the other orphanage kids and after that I realized how good it was to be in a home where I didn't get to be blamed for every single thing
Lola: didn't miss us? ( Lola frowned and Lincoln sighed) Lincoln  we are trying to apologize and you're...
Lincoln reached out and began rubbing the top of the 26 year old's head and slightly smiled for Lola his hand was big as it covered the top of her head completely
Lincoln: Calm down Lola, I missed you guys but not as much as you missed me ( The ten sisters frowned and Lincoln sat back with Clyde and they both frowned) but you got to understand my perspective at the time, I know I lied to you but that's no excuse for you all to treat me like crap

The ten sisters frowned and Lana shook her head
Lana: We know and we really feel bad about that

Lincoln: I'm sure you do ( Lincoln and Clyde slightly smiled and shook their heads as they sipped their beers the sisters also took a drink) But this a good start, we are talking without yelling and threatening each other ( He then picked up the menu) So why don't we continue this conversation over dinner? ( His sisters smiled slightly and nodded before picking up the menus in front of them

After talking, laughing, eating, drinking and paying, the eleven siblings as well as Clyde walked out of the restaurant and went their separate ways

Lincoln was driving back with Clyde
Clyde: So what did you think about it?
Lincoln: I don't know they sounded sincere and I kind of feel guilty that they suffered while serving their time
Clyde: Don't be buddy you heard them they said that they deserved every bit of the treatment they got
Lincoln: Yeah we'll see how the coming weeks are gonna go as Christina will be going to her bereaved family on Monday as her father passed away a couple of days ago
Clyde: Yeah but I'll be with ya buddy every step of the way
Lincoln: Thanks man

AN: Done The Heavyweight division is getting tough and what do you think of the conversation between Ashley, Hannah and Lincoln as well Lincoln talking to the loud sisters for the first time in years please leave your thoughts on the chapter I'll see you later and have a wonderful night or day wherever you are bye

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