Why Me || T. Oikawa

By RinkRat0

178K 6.4K 7.2K

Tooru Oikawa appeared perfect on the surface. A pretty face, who was a volleyball star, got along perfectly w... More

Chapter 1: Whats So Special About Him?
Chapter 2: Oikawa Plays Volleyball!?
Chapter 3: Late Night Snack
Chapter 4: This is Who You Really Are F/n L/n
Chapter 5: So That's How it's Gonna Be
Chapter 6: Family
Chapter 7: Unexpected Meetings
Chapter 8: Feelings
Chapter 9: Manager!?
Chapter 10: First Day
Chapter 11: Hang Out
Chapter 12: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Finals)
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17: Careers
Chapter 18: First-Year Manager
Chapter 19: Fukurลdani Academy!?
Chapter 20: Mad Dog
Chapter 21: Beach Vacation (Part 1)
Chapter 22: Beach Vacation (Part 2)
Chapter 23: Sleepovers
Chapter 24: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 1)
Chapter 25: Spring Interhigh-Qualifiers (Part 2)
Chapter 26: Shiritorzawa vs. Karasuno
Chapter 27: Mia Fujisaki
Chapter 28: Divisions
Chapter 29: I'm Sorry...
Chapter 30: Sick Day
Chapter 31: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 32: A Dysfunctional Christmas
Chapter 33: New Years'!
Chapter 34: A Failed Confession
Chapter 36: Shiritorizawa
Chapter 37: Home
Chapter 38: First Date
Chapter 39: Chaos
Chapter 40: The End Is Nearing
Chapter 41: Graduation And Goodbyes

Chapter 35: Finding Y/n

2.8K 112 127
By RinkRat0

No Pov:



   Where are you? 

   I need you. 

   Your everything to me...Please F/n, come back. 

   Oikawa desperately pleads, running around the neighborhood, adrenaline rushing through every inch of his body. Every time he turns a corner, he imagines you standing there, e/c orbs, ready to hear him out. But of course, that never happens. There's only the emptiness of the street. 

   He feels water droplets splash down on his hot skin, warm from aimlessly running around in what seemed to be his own sorrow. Oikawa stops running for a moment, a realization dawning on him. 

   The chance of him finding you by running around at random is extremely unlikely. So he turns around, sprinting in the direction of your home. The rainwater splashing underneath him with each step, a bone-chilling breeze hitting him with force, though he doesn't slow down, not even for a moment. The desperation in his every movement making it so he can't give in. 

   Once he arrives at your apartment, he knocks vigorously on the door. When he's met with silence, he looks behind him to find that your dad's car isn't in the parking lot, telling him that he isn't home. 

   Oikawa steps to the side, peering through the window you never care enough to close, only to find that all the lights are off, indicating that you aren't home either. 

   Oikawa isn't surprised by this. If you were trying to avoid the boy, there was no way you would go home. 

   Panic seeping into him once more, he takes out his phone, pressing on your contact and calling you. 

   Please answer... Oikawa begs to himself, a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. His lips feel dirty and disgusting after having Mia's on them. 

   As his phone rings, he can also hear a faint noise coming from inside your home. It took him a moment to place the sound, but eventually, he realized what it was, hanging up the phone in defeat. 

   As soon as he hangs up, the noise from inside stops as well. 

   Of course, she left her phone at home, Oikawa thinks to himself, placing his in his pocket.

   "Shit, shit, shit," Oikawa growls in a low tone, frustration getting the best of him. He doesn't know what to do, and he has no idea where you are or who you're with. 

   Suddenly, anger and curiosity get the best of him. Running in the direction of the school, he hopes to face the root of the problem. 


   Once Oikawa arrives at the school, he makes a b-line for the outdoor hallway where he and Mia met only an hour ago. 

   He turns the corner, not really expecting to see her. But to Oikawa's surprise, she's still there.  Her foot pressed against the cold exterior of the building as she stares off into the distance. Her purple eyes are as cold as ice. 

   Anger pulses through Oikawa's body, but he keeps himself in check. 

   He doesn't think the girl notices him at first, based on her distant body language. But she does, though she only continues to count the stars in the almost starless night sky. 

   "I'm guessing you couldn't catch her, or you wouldn't be here right now," Mia states, gaze shifting to the brown-haired boy, causing him to jump in surprise. "She was always a fast runner, even able to keep up with the track stars," Mia continues, glancing back at the night sky, her arms crossed over her chest. Her tone isn't hostile like usual. The best way to describe it would be lifeless or distant. 

   The lack of defensiveness in her tone confusing Oikawa, but he doesn't waver. "You said you and L/n used to be friends, so why would you hurt her? What did she ever do to you?" Oikawa asks, demanding answers from the black-haired girl. 

   Mia looks him dead in the eyes, no remorse evident in her expression. "She did absolutely nothing to me," She responds, her eyes void of any emotion. 

   A shiver runs up Oikawa's spine due to the coldness of her words. Part of him was hoping Mia did what she did for a reason, but no. "W-Why?" Oikawa stutters, conflicted by the girl's tone. "L/n is a kind person. Why would you take away the sport she loved the most and then destroy the relationships she worked so hard to form?" Oikawa questions, desperate for a rational answer. His eyes narrow as he looks at the girl, trying to find any sense of human emotion in the darkness of her orbs.   

   Mia pushes herself off the wall, positioning her body square to Oikawa, letting him know that she's not playing around anymore and is meaning every word that flows from her mouth. 

   "It's because she's kind. I hurt her because of her kindness," Mia answers, the cold expression never leaving her face. 

   All of Oikawa's effort and motivation to understand the situation crumbles in front of him. 

   "What?" Oikawa asks, a distressed expression playing on his features. 

   Mia looks down for a moment, sighing. "I would think you out of all people would understand. Haven't you felt like pushing her away because you're scared of needing her?" Mia asks, some traces of sadness flickering in her eyes. "Or at the very least, felt like you had to keep her at arm's length?"     

   Oikawa feels as though the wind has been knocked out of him, the weight of Mia's words causing a small part of the boy to crumble. 

   He's scared...Scared that she's right. 

   Every time Oikawa's near you, he feels waves of emotion crashing down on him. The desire to tell you his true feelings, eating away at him. Even so, he holds back, afraid of getting too close, afraid of needing you, afraid of becoming addicted to your touch and your sweet words...afraid of you.   

   Mia sighs once more, watching the conflicting emotions drown Oikawa. "Let me paint a picture for you," Mia begins, turning back to the sky, admiring the few shimmering lights up above. "People like me and you, leach off of people like her. Desperate for the shining light that radiates from them. When that light reaches us, touches our fragile hearts, we open up. We feel things we don't want to feel and are too scared to...But we need to feel those emotions. As a result of that, we crave more, whether we like it or not. Encasing them in our darkness, we fear the possibility of them shining for someone else...Eventually, we snuff out all they have to offer, to leave them as nothing more than a shell," Mia preaches, her voice serious as she's now watching the small raindrops fall from the sky. 

   Oikawa looks at the girl in disbelief, so many different and confusing emotions eating away at his heart. Gulping, Oikawa opens his mouth, afraid of the answer Mia will give him for the next question. "What do you mean 'we' and 'people like you and me'?" Oikawa asks, fear evident in his voice. 

   Mia turns her head to him once more, eyes back to being lifeless. "You and I are the same. Afraid of the things N/n can make us feel. Afraid of having to see her light touch another," Mia explains. Her words like a sharp knife piercing Oikawa's skin.    

   He feels the tips of his finger grow numb, his legs threatening to buckle underneath him. "No... We're nothing alike," Oikawa subconsciously spits out, even though his heart sings to a different tune. 

   Mia approaches him, standing only a few feet away. "Believe what you want. I couldn't care less," She states, hostility making its way back to her voice and features. 

   She walks past Oikawa, leaving him alone to dwell on her words. 

   Oikawa doesn't want to think right now. He doesn't want to look past the surface, even though deep down, he knows he has to. All he wants at this moment in time is you. For him to hold you in his arms, and he wants you to run your fingers through his hair, assuring him that everything will be okay.

   Oikawa's back hits the wall of the school building. He moves down along the rough surface until his butt (if you can call it that) hits the floor. Curling up in a tight ball, tears flow freely down his cheeks. His breathing unsteady as he holds himself, imaging that your arms are around him and not his.      

   The boy hears footsteps approaching him. They were soft, but he didn't care because he knows they aren't yours. 

   When the footsteps stop in front of him, he doesn't look up, though his ears are met with a familiar monotone voice. 

   "Oikawa-senpai, why are you crying?" The first-year volleyball club manager asks, confused by Oikawa's actions. 

   There's a long pause before she speaks again. 

   "Please don't cry. L/n-senpai would be sad if she saw you crying," Kimiko states in an attempt to comfort the boy. 


   When Kimiko found Oikawa with tears streaming down his face, he told her about what happened. Reluctantly, Kimiko told him you were going to confess, and before you left her classroom, a group of his fangirls approached you. And that they informed you about a fight between Yahaba and Kyotani. The situation then made perfect sense to Oikawa. 

   Once that concluded, Kimiko and Oikawa got the third-years together, telling them what happened. Oikawa got punched in the stomach and head-butted in the face by Iwaizumi. Ami had to pry him off of the poor boy. 

   Everyone went looking for you that night, but you were nowhere to be found, striking fear in your group. 

   Oikawa watched your door for the next few days, never seeing you enter. He would approach your dad if he could, assuming he knows where you are, but the man's never home. 

   After, three days you never showed up to school. Now the entire volleyball team knows about the situation and is panicking. Oikawa hasn't gotten a good night's sleep for days, tossing and turning as his mind wanders to you, hoping you're okay. 

   Eventually, the volleyball team decided that they needed to look for you once more. Everyone split up to search the city in hopes of running into you, knowing that there's nothing more that they could do. 

   Currently, Oikawa and Ami have teamed up to look for you. Oikawa was extremely surprised when Ami requested that she search with him. 

   Oikawa and her walk along the streets, a tense silence falling over them. 

   After a while, Ami speaks up. "I'm sure you know how fragile F/n-chan is, even though she tries so hard to hide it," Ami states, looking up at the brown-haired boy next to her. 

   Oikawa looks down, meeting the girl's gaze. "I'm aware," He responds. 

   Silence falls over the two once more, causing an unbearable amount of tension. 

   Ami breaks it once again, saying something that makes Oikawa's heart yearn. "You know, she decided that she liked you back in the summer. It was when we all went to the beach house together," The blonde admits in a serious tone, looking at Oikawa with a glint of pity in her ocean blue eyes.  

   Oikawa's heart skips a beat when he hears this. But that momentary happiness is quickly followed by sorrow. 

   Ami sighs at the boy's reaction, knowing she's doing a shitty job at trying to cheer him up. And what she has to say isn't going to make him feel much better. "You know no one blames you for what happened, right?"

   Oikawa doesn't answer, lips forming a frown. 

   "Everyone's just frustrated right now. Trust me when I say I know how manipulative Mia is. This isn't your fault," Ami says, really trying to help the boy. She's sick of seeing him so glum, like a raincloud is hanging over his head.   

   "Do you think Fujisaki was right?" Oikawa asks, stopping in his tracks, gaze glued to the ground. 

   Ami stops walking as well, slightly in front of the boy. She doesn't turn around to face him but gazes up at the cloudy sky, shoving her hands in her coat pockets. "I don't think you and Mia are the same," Ami starts, knowing exactly what he was referring to. "That said, I do think you're alike." Oikawa flinches at this but allows Ami to continue. "You both hide behind facades in hopes of protecting your hearts. Mia hides behind a cold and distant mask, keeping people at arm's length. And you, a perfect face with a perfect life, acting like you've got it all together... I believe you both found the same comfort in F/n. But other than that, you're two completely different people," Ami finishes, turning around to see the look on Oikawa's face. His eyes are wide, as the rest of his face remains neutral.    

    Oikawa couldn't deny the words coming from Ami's mouth, realizing that she knows a lot more about him than he thought.  

   "Then again, I wouldn't really know. Even though I've known you as long as Hajime, I know very little about you," Ami states, gazing back at the sky. 

   Oikawa shoves his hands in his pockets, walking forward, so he's standing next to the blonde. He shifts his brown orbs to the sky as well, wondering if your somewhere else doing the same thing. 

   "I'm glad Iwaizumi has you. Don't take offense to this, but I never thought of you as a thoughtful person," Oikawa says, almost in his usual tone. 

   Ami turns to him and holds up a peace sign while sticking out her tongue. "That's because I'm the comic relief of our group!" She proudly exclaims, causing Oikawa to let out a little chuckle. 

   The two of them continue walking, looking around for you. Though, this time, there's no tension. 

   After a while, Ami asks a question that has been eating away at both her and Oikawa's minds. "Hey, Oikawa, do you think Mia really hates F/n?"

   "I don't know," Is all Oikawa says. 

   The duo continues walking until a realization hits Ami. "Karasuno..."She whispers to herself. 

   Oikawa turns to her, having not heard what she said. "Huh?"

   "Karasuno. F/n's cousin goes to Karasuno. She might be with him!" 

   Oikawa's eyes widen, unable to believe that he didn't think of that earlier. It's a good chance that you're with Kageyama right now.


   Ami and Oikawa ended up calling everyone back to Ami's house, telling them that you might be at Karasuno. 

   Subsequently, the entirety of the Aboa Josai volleyball team and Ami made their way to Karasuno High School. They dressed in their sports clothes, so they're not recognized as students from a different school.

   When they arrive at the gym doors to Karasuno, it's late, and everyone's cleaning up the gym and taking down nets. 

   Sugawara passes by the door, freezing when he finds the Seijoh team huffing as they try to catch their breath from running all the way here.  

   "W-What are you guys doing here?" Sugawara asks in surprise, catching the attention of the rest of his team. 

   They walk over to the door, shocked by the scene in front of them, unable to speak. 

   "Were we supposed to have a practice game with Seijoh today or something?" Hinata asks no one in particular, his eyes glued to the people in front of him.  

   Tsukishima rolls his eyes at the boy's stupidity. "No, you idiot. Why would everyone be surprised if we were?" The salt shaker asks in an annoyed tone. 

   "H-Hey, I'm not an idiot," Hinata defends himself, fists clenched to the side and face scrunched up. 

   "Sure," Is all Tsukishima responds with, causing them to argue. 

   Amongst all the noise, Oikawa mutters something while still attempting to catch his breath. "L/n..." Oikawa whispers in a quiet tone. 

   Even so, Kageyama's ears pick up the sound of your name. His head turns to Oikawa as if he's encouraging him to continue. 

   Once Oikawa's caught his breath, he speaks once more, entering the gym along with everyone else. Iwaizumi shuts the door behind him, knowing this could go south quickly. 

   "Do you know where L/n is?" Oikawa asks, trying to keep his voice from sounding desperate. 

   Kageyama's eyes widen, anger rushing through him. "What are you talking about? She's supposed to be with you," He growls, doing his best not to raise his voice at the older boy. 

   Oikawa feels his heart drop, and the same goes for the rest of the team. They were so sure you were with him. 

   Worry strikes everyone in the room, some even starting to feel sick. If you're not with either team, then where could you be? 

   "What exactly happened?" Kageyama asks, every nerve in his body on fire. Worry for you clouding the boy's mind.  

   Everyone stays quiet for a moment, but eventually, everyone involved told Karasuno what happened. When Oikawa told his part of the story, he had to keep his voice quieter than usual, afraid of it breaking. 

   Once Karasuno was properly informed of the situation, they stay frozen in shock, unable to move a muscle. 

   While Kageyama was listening, his body shook in rage, the boy's protectiveness over his cousin bubbling up to the surface. 

   Eventually, Kageyama can't take it anymore and loses it.  

   He grabs Oikawa by the collar of his shirt, slamming him against the metal doors to the gym, for once standing up to his upperclassman. 

   Oikawa doesn't flinch. He merely stays still, taking the boy's rage. 

   Making eye contact, Oikawa can see Kageyama's blue eyes clouded with anger and worry. 

   "You were supposed to protect her!" Kageyama yells in the brown-haired boy's face.

   Daichi immediately takes a step forward. "Kageyama!" He shouts in a threatening tone, about to scold the boy for being so rude to Seijoh's ex-captain. 

   "I know," Oikawa responds, remorse in his voice, looking Kageyama dead in the eyes. 

   Everyone goes quiet, watching the scene in front of them closely, ready to act if needs be. 

   Kageyama's anger is pushed to the edge. Though, he can't say he's that pissed at his upperclassman. It's more like the situation is too much for him to bear and he's just taking it out on the brown-haired boy.

   In a blind rage, Kageyama raises his fist in the air, punching Oikawa across the face. Oikawa's head jerks to the side due to the power of the impact. A small amount of blood drips from his lip, causing everyone in the room to gasp. 

   Oikawa doesn't do anything in retaliation. He just looks to the floor, thinking, I deserved that.      

   A wave of instant regret zips through Kageyama, realizing that Oikawa is just as upset about the situation as he. 

   Daichi and Ennoshita forcefully grab Kageyama, pulling him away from Oikawa.   

   "That's enough!" Daichi yells, fed up with Kageyama's actions. Kageyama looks at his fist in shock, unable to believe that he just punched Oikawa in the face, the person he used to look up to the most. 

   The Seijoh third-years rush to Oikawa's side. Ami takes out a kleenex, pressing it against Oikawa's busted lip. The brown-haired boy then takes it from her grasp.  

   Within seconds the tension in the gym becomes unbearable. 

   After a few moments of silence, Kimiko speaks up. "Please stop. Think of how upset L/n-senpai would be if she saw this," Kimiko says, her voice cracking as her small body shakes. 

   Everyones' eyes widen at the girl's words, relaxing their bodies as guilt overcomes them. 

   "She's right. Our top priority should be finding L/n, not fighting with each other," Sugawara agrees, imagining a frown playing on your lips as you watch them argue. 

   "Where could she be?" Kindiachi asks no one in particular. 

   The gym's silent for a moment. That is until Hinata speaks up, an idea coming to him. "What about Fukurōdani? She could be with Bokuto or Akaashi," The now glum ball of sunshine speculates. 

   "Don't be a dumbass. She wouldn't go all the way to Tokyo for something like this," Kageyama states, though the more he thinks about it, the more it makes sense. 

   "Well, we don't have any other leads, so it's worth a shot. Plus, she would have had enough time to get there by now," Tsukishima says, slightly worried about you.  

   Hinata nods, grabbing his phone. Everyone sits in a circle as Hinata calls up Bokuto, putting him on speaker. 

   When the boy picks up the phone, Oikawa holds his breath. 

   "Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto greets Hinata from the other line.

   "Hi, Bokuto!" Hinata responds in a cheery tone.

   "Why are you calling, Chibi-chan?" Bokuto questions, still happy that the boy called. 

   "Oh, well, something happened, and we can't find F/n. Is she with you?" Hinata asks, his hands getting sweaty. 

   There's silence on the other line for about 20 seconds, leaving everyone nervous. 

   "YOU LOST F/N-CHAN!?" Bokuto yells loudly, panic in his voice. 

   Everyone in the gym sighs, knowing that he's being genuine and doesn't know where she is. 

   F/n-chan isn't some dog, Ami thinks to herself, sweating at Bokuto's response. 

   "AKAASHI, HAVE YOU SEEN F/N!?" Bokuto yells to Akaashi how just entered the Fukurōdani locker rooms. 

   He looks at Bokuto with an eyebrow raised. "What? Of course, I haven't," He states in his usual tone. 

   Everyone back at Karasuno sighs in defeat, worried that you're not safe. 

   Tsukishima takes the phone from Hinata, causing Hinata to try to take it back and failing miserably. 

   "Thank you for the help, Bokuto," He says in a monotone voice, hanging up on the guy before he could answer. 

    Eventually, everyone went home, unable to sleep that night because of how worried they were.


   When Kageyama gets home, he makes a b-line for his room, grabbing his phone and calling your dad. 

   He sits on his bed in anticipation, waiting for his uncle to answer his phone. 

   After a few seconds of ringing, he answers. 

   "Hello?" Your father greets Kageyama from the other line. 

   Kageyama's eyes widen at his voice, not expecting him to pick up. "U-Um, hey... Do you know where F/n is?" He spits out, cutting to the chase. 

   Your dad chuckles from the other line, knowing that the boy was worried about you. The man then starts explaining where you are and why.  

   Kageyama's eyes widen at the response. That was the last place he would have expected you to go. At the same time, a wave of relief hits the boy, glad that you didn't get kidnapped or anything like that. 

   Sighing, Kageyama ends the conversation. He decides not to inform anyone at Seijoh about your whereabouts, knowing it would only cause issues. 


   A week went by, and you still haven't shown up to school. At this point, everyone's panicked, wondering if you're hurt.

   Oikawa sighs as he walks along the streets all by himself. He just bought a bunch of milk-bread to drown his sorrows. When he asked your teachers about where you are, they refused to answer. The boy made sure to pester them every day, not leaving a single stone unturned. 

   He kept running places through his head, places you might visit or stay at, but he comes up dry every time. If only he could run into your dad, or better yet, you. 

   Taking a shortcut through the shopping center, he turns the corner as he carries two full bags of milk-bread.

   Suddenly he feels a familiar presence. One that he's grown to cherish. 

   Looking up, he drops the bags that were in his hands. The sight of you causing relief to wash over him. 

   That is until he sees what you're wearing and until he sees three other boys accompanying you. They're making you laugh, smile. The sight causes a pang in Oikawa's heart, feeling a piece of himself break. 

   Those are the last people he ever wanted to see you with. 

   When you notice him, you freeze in your tracks. You look at the brown-haired boy with a pained and angry expression.

   Why? Oikawa asks himself. 

   Why did it have to be them?


Hi everyone! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love all of you and hope to see you in the next one!

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